I've noticed quite a bit of water in my driver's side tail light, and was finally annoyed enough to do something about it.
After dumping the water out, I blew compressed air to dry it out as much as possible. On closer inspection, I could see that water was getting in through the top bulb opening, and trickling down everywhere else. All the dirt was accumulating in the bottom reflector bowl.

Looked at the circuit board, figuring I just needed a new gasket, but strangely enough, the gasket looked perfectly fine, just like the other 2. Then I looked at the tail light housing and saw the problem.

I have no idea when or how the hell this even happened.
Pulled out an old tube of RTV, and slathered a bunch in that top area, shaped it a bit, and set that aside to dry. In the meantime, got curious about my rear bumper cover. It has a sag on the passenger side under the tail light from getting hit (twice

) My guess was, some mount or support was bent, and if I bent it back, that would fix the gap and sag issue. After fighting with the lower push pins, finally got the cover off, and got a look. As I suspected, one of the mounts was bent down some.
Got a scrap block of wood, and my hammer. Couple of taps, and everything was high and tight. Put the bumper cover back on and...

It didn't change a damn thing!! Same sag, same gap. So the problem is with the cover itself, guess that's one more reason to change to the LT version once I get some practice with the paint gun