What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Early this morning, arriving home from work, contemplated calling a priest because the driver side mirror was possessed. Kept moving up and down, side to side non-stop. Eventually stopped it by using the manual adjusting switch.


Jul 24, 2012
Also, out of curiosity, under the trans, what are the two rubber caps...I may have a leak, not 100% sure though.

Do you mean up near the front of the bellhousing where it meets the engine? If so, those cover access to two oil pan bolts. Those bolts go up into the rear crankshaft cover plate. I think it is like that so you could remove the oil pan without removing the transmission.

Maybe check your cooler lines for leakage.
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Slapped a mattress and box spring up on top of it to bring them to my mother-in-law. I didn't have my cross bars in the truck like I should but they made it to her house and no damage to the Voy.20171203_152023.jpg


Jul 24, 2012
#2 & #4 ignition coil, rear washer fluid pump.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Looking at parts for it. Thinking tuneup is next to try and rid myself of random misfire at idle. So small and random that computer don't notice and doesn't get caught by misfire counter but I notice it greatly.


Dec 2, 2011
Do you mean up near the front of the bellhousing where it meets the engine? If so, those cover access to two oil pan bolts. Those bolts go up into the rear crankshaft cover plate. I think it is like that so you could remove the oil pan without removing the transmission.

Maybe check your cooler lines for leakage.

Thanks...but I found the problem. Operator error, I underfilled.

And Saturday I put on my SMAXX front endlinks. Got one of the drivers side nuts undone but had to cut off the other one because I started rounding out the hex. Yes, the drivers side was original.


Dec 4, 2011
Started rotating tires on the truck over lunch. Will finish after work. Pretty cool that I can work on small maintenance stuff like this in the work parking lot since I can't do anything at the townhouse lot.

I found out that my upper ball joint on the passenger side has a torn boot, and the passenger side output shaft seal is leaking. Well great. It has 175k miles so I can't be too surprised about that seal, but the timing is pretty bad on it. Now the ball joint really ticks me off because that only has around 35k miles on it. The part has a lifetime warranty but I still have to take the whole arm off, send it in, wait for the replacement, then get an alignment afterward. Well, I think I can use Advance Auto for the warranty swap. I'm hoping I can get a new one from there, swap the parts, then give them back the bad one and get my money back. Pretty sure they did that for me with a bad TRE years ago. Still annoying.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Have been noticing a clanky rattle when I drive over rough pavement, over the last week or so, so decided to slide underneath and poke around. Didn't take long to find it, the driver's side end link has gone to the GMT graveyard. So a set of those will be ordered to go along with my annual December maintenance. :thumbsup:
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Nov 18, 2011
I moved my license plate back to its normal home cause my led strip on the relo died. Figured it was easy enough to just put 194s back and leave it there until I put the swings back on the bumper
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Jun 13, 2014
I got to test the awd system today! Around here we had snow squalls all day and the roads turned to wet ice about 4 this afternoon. The drive home was exciting. It was the first time in three years that I had one of my Bravadas with working awd. Not my favorite system but still nice when it works. ~BOB
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Have been noticing a clanky rattle when I drive over rough pavement, over the last week or so, so decided to slide underneath and poke around. Didn't take long to find it, the driver's side end link has gone to the GMT graveyard. So a set of those will be ordered to go along with my annual December maintenance. :thumbsup:

Decided to revisit this for kicks and giggles. One thing I forgot to check while under the truck, was the tightness of the nuts holding the link in place. Lower nut was maybe finger tight at best. Broke out the torque wrench and took it to 114 ft-lbs, nice and tight, and most of all QUIET!!! :biggrin:
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Dec 2, 2011
Broke out the torque wrench and took it to 114 ft-lbs, nice and tight, and most of all QUIET!!! :biggrin:

114?? The new SMAXX ones I just put on say 65 ft lbs.


Dec 4, 2011
I never use torque spec on those, I just cranked on them until they shut up.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Replaced the encoder motor in the Saab's slip/bang system (AWD) and the air filter. All in -3c (26f) weather.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Plugs and wires on Silverado. Forgot to clean throttle body until after test drive and didn't feel like messing with it while hot since it has a coolant passage in it. Will get it Tuesday on my off day.

Slight miss at idle is better from what I can tell but still there. Oh well.
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Ordered front wheel bearing hubs for my brother-in-laws tbss. He had me swing by his job last night to test drive it cause he had no idea where the drive train noise was coming from. This past summer we had his tranny rebuilt as well as the transfer case and swapped in a new diconnect so he was a little on edge to say the least.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Was going to do this next week sometime, but decided to go ahead and change my oil and replace my end links when I got home from the beach. 3 of the link nuts came off fairly easily with no fuss. The upper passenger side one wasn't having any of it. All of my impact sockets are deep well, so had issues reaching the top one.

Ended up having to undo the bottom nut, rotating the sway bar up and forward with the wheel off, getting a wrench on it, and then smacking a block of wood with my hammer until it broke free. I was not amused, but finally got it out. Boots were ripped, and grease was everywhere, so time for them to go.


Picked up a mini grease gun from HF on the way in, so greased up the Moogs (little bit too much but better than not enough) By then the engine had cooled enough to get the oil filter off. Realized it's WAY easier to twist the filter off from the passenger side wheel well, and NOT get hot oil running down the arm. May be worth it to remove the rim moving forward, since the impact makes quick work of lug nuts. :yes:

By this point, I ran out of daylight, and the mosquitoes were starting to pull up to the dinner table. So I'll finish things off in the morning.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Left work and went across town and put a battery in the Trailblazer after it left mom stranded. First time it's been changed since we got it 5 years ago so I feel like we were pretty lucky lol. Manufactured date on the old one was 12/10, not bad.
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Jul 6, 2014
Last night actually, I swapped a new throttle body into the escalade.

Background on the problem, for about a year the truck has had a random reduced engine power engagement. Could never make sense of it. Finally I hooked up the tech 2 and got a code for a TAC fault. Now reading the code description would make you think that the problem was in the throttle module. Online search shows 3 different parts. The module, throttle body, or pedal sensor. Rather than throwing parts at it I dug further. The tech 2 has this nice snapshot freeze/failure record function that allows you to view ecm failure records when certain codes are set. So I looked at the data for the code that set. Pedal position 22%. Indicated pedal position 22%. Desired throttle position 22%. Indicated throttle blade position 15%. :wowfaint: Holy cow if I had to guess I would say there was a problem with the position sensor on the throttle body. Quick search revealed that there was in fact some issues with that era throttle body that caused the symptoms I have. In particular the fact that it set mostly after rain or when it was humid out. She has put about 60 miles on it and so far so good. Seems a little more responsive and the shifts seem better but I am going to attribute that to the battery being disconnected for half an hour.

Now if I can fix all the damn oil leaks and the fact it sound like its missing three cylinders when it is cold we should have a solid running truck just in time for it to launch a rod through the block. Truck is pretty much rust free so it is worth fixing to me. If the frame was nasty I wouldn't bother but it is clean for 215k and an 03.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Purchased a battery last night and installed just a few minutes ago. Wifey came out to a dead battery when she tried starting the Voy after work last night. After a jump she made it home. I went picked up the battery thinking I'd switch it out but it was just to damn cold for that b.s.
This morning went out and sure enough dead battery. I got geared up and tackled that itch head on.:2thumbsup: All is right in the Voy and my wife's world once again.:biggrin:


Jul 6, 2014
Last night actually, I swapped a new throttle body into the escalade.

Background on the problem, for about a year the truck has had a random reduced engine power engagement. Could never make sense of it. Finally I hooked up the tech 2 and got a code for a TAC fault. Now reading the code description would make you think that the problem was in the throttle module. Online search shows 3 different parts. The module, throttle body, or pedal sensor. Rather than throwing parts at it I dug further. The tech 2 has this nice snapshot freeze/failure record function that allows you to view ecm failure records when certain codes are set. So I looked at the data for the code that set. Pedal position 22%. Indicated pedal position 22%. Desired throttle position 22%. Indicated throttle blade position 15%. :wowfaint: Holy cow if I had to guess I would say there was a problem with the position sensor on the throttle body. Quick search revealed that there was in fact some issues with that era throttle body that caused the symptoms I have. In particular the fact that it set mostly after rain or when it was humid out. She has put about 60 miles on it and so far so good. Seems a little more responsive and the shifts seem better but I am going to attribute that to the battery being disconnected for half an hour.

Now if I can fix all the damn oil leaks and the fact it sound like its missing three cylinders when it is cold we should have a solid running truck just in time for it to launch a rod through the block. Truck is pretty much rust free so it is worth fixing to me. If the frame was nasty I wouldn't bother but it is clean for 215k and an 03.
She remote started it this morning. Idles for 5 seconds nearly dies. Struggles back to idle then repeat. As soon as I start fixing something it never fails to slap me in the face. And people wonder why I don't bother anymore.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
This will be a combination of what I did today, what I did to my EXT, and pic whoring. :cool:

So... got up bright and early, yanked the subs out and pulled the truck into the back yard. Put a sheet of plywood down and a tarp on top of that.


Today's goal was to take as much of this as I could...

And fit it in here... (kinda wished that plywood was wider, but it worked out fine... Having an XUV would have been quite useful)

Didn't quite get all of it, had this much left on the floor, as well as a bin full of random junk still there. This doesn't include the stuff on the crappy deck, or 2nd patio area.

Most of the cargo area was full, the area over the 2nd row seats had minimal stuff. Wanted to leave room for things shifting and falling, so they didn't find their way to the floor behind me, or in the door gaps of the 2nd row.

Pulled the truck back around front so I could lock up, thought the suspension would have sagged a bit more, but glad to see that it wasn't phased too much.

Pulled into an unloading spot at the scrap yard, and a guy grabbed a flatbed cart as I started opening the back. As soon as he saw the pile back there, he froze in place like :eek: :tongue: Waved to the forklift driver who brought a bin over. They were surprised I was willing to put that much inside my truck (that's what the tarp was for...)

Of course, unloading always goes quicker than loading does, and it was nice to have an extra pair of hands. After all was said and done, had a pretty nice haul which comes just in time cuz I need to fill up on gas this weekend. :thumbsup:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
She was not happy starting in -25c this morning. Really slow cranking but start she did. Really bad power steering morning sickness which eventually stopped once warmed up. Any colder I think I'll need to use the booster pack which I carry around all the time.


Nov 19, 2017
Mooseman, time to get a JC Whitney stick on battery heater and dipstick oil warmer! Brrrrrr!!!!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Vacuumed interior
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Sep 1, 2017
Neosho, WI
Changed out the 5 year old battery and made a additional New Years resolution to get off my butt and replace the element that heats it up.

This sub zero stuff is getting nuts....


Mar 31, 2017
I got new tires mounted on new wheels today, I didn't put them on yet because it's been too cold to install the spacers, lift, shocks and struts. That's a soon as this weather warms up project.


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Mar 30, 2016
I have officially bolted on my newly tuned PCM and waiting for my thermal fan clutch to arrive! My Envoy is now "Hot Rodded"!:lock_it:View attachment 82701View attachment 82702

Tell me all about it! What's the difference between the stock and tuned PCM
Finally decide to plasti-dip my rims also applying in 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Personally I think it makes the truck look so much better, tires look a little more aggressive as well. Still not done yet.

View attachment 82529
View attachment 82528

You have to tell me about those GM badges of excellence!!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tell me all about it! What's the difference between the stock and tuned PCM

You have to tell me about those GM badges of excellence!!

If you don't know about tuned PCM s, you need to read more!

Those are also known as GM chicklets. Out platform never got them from the factory.
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