Hello everyone
Replaced all of the Brake pads today on the TB...

Last week on the way to work they started squealing on me

. Discovered the fronts were down to the wear indicator and with me hate hearing noisey brakes I took a pair of pliers an bent the tang knowing I would be digging into it very soon. So that's what I did...

The rear pads had some life left in them but went ahead and replaced them anyway. The front pads was shot...

Everything went pretty smoothly expect for one of the drivers side rear slid pins that was semi seized but was able to remove it and lube/grease it up.
Tomorrow I plan to Bleed/Flush the entire Brake system.
What I found odd about the whole process was the instructions with the front brake pads. It stated to torque the bolts to 42-46 Ft-lb...

My Chilton Manual and the PDF's that
@Mooseman posted both states to torque the front bolts to 31 Ft-lb and the rear bolts to 23 Ft-lb so that's what I did.
Hopefully there wasn't a revised torque procedure for the front caliper bolts...if so someone please chime in and let me know so I can fix it.
Thanks and have a great weekend everyone!