What did you do to your GMT today?

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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Whatever happened to :pictures: or it never happened.
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May 20, 2016
North Texas
For some reason my phone won't load my pics rt side up. Grrrr.


May 20, 2016
North Texas
@Stryker11 Gravity is a mofo. Next time try your phone the other way around it works for me. If not I'd be editing and resizing like a mofo myself.
It's rt side up in my phone tho. Usually when that happens the pics n my gallery are upside down as well. Weird


Dec 4, 2011
They don't like getting hit on rocks.
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Nov 18, 2011
reverse camera ordered


Dec 2, 2011
Listened to the water pump bearings do the dance of death.


Nov 18, 2011
I'm iffy about those, but now you can do HIDs without being one of those jerks HIDs in halogen reflector housings.

I did not think those were projectors? Not a real halo fan myself, but they are better than some of the ones out there for sure.

I figured out my rattle since the last wheeling trip. No more exhaust heat shield by the muffler now. With the body lift I do not think it was really needed anyway.


Dec 4, 2011
They have projectors in the low beams. Not sure if H1 or H3, I think H1.


Nov 18, 2011
Which lights are those? I have a set of chrome dual halo lights in the garage, but they are not projectors


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Not mine, but met up with Carlos today on the AFB to throw his XUV up on the lift for some wrenching. :biggrin:


Decided to tackle this heifer... Which turned out to not be related to his overheating issue. Such a pain in the ass to get too, we ended up having to rotate the alternator forward about an inch to get to the top bolt. :mad:


After getting that back together and filling the radiator, we did an oil change.


On the way home, it started pouring, and I found out the hard way that my AC still has that refrigerant leak somewhere. All I got was hot air coming out!! :hissyfit:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Not mine, but met up with Carlos today on the AFB to throw his XUV up on the lift for some wrenching. :biggrin:


Decided to tackle this heifer... Which turned out to not be related to his overheating issue. Such a pain in the ass to get too, we ended up having to rotate the alternator forward about an inch to get to the top bolt. :mad:


After getting that back together and filling the radiator, we did an oil change.


On the way home, it started pouring, and I found out the hard way that my AC still has that refrigerant leak somewhere. All I got was hot air coming out!! :hissyfit:
I miss working in that shop on MacDill. I built many trucks in that shop and fixed up a bunch of other cars.
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Dec 2, 2011

Left home about 8.30 for the trek down to Sparky's place to put the lift on my truck. Got there at 10 and we got it off the ground about 10.30.

Pic before for reference.



What a bastard that was, the front fought us almost every step of the way. Drivers side, we ended up running to Harbor Freight and getting a ball joint puller, which made life easier, but the yoke didn't want to give up the shock without a fight...finally got it done.



The passengers side was a completely different story. Puller didn't work, heat, PB, swearing...nothing we threw at it helped. Last resort, cut the endlink off, go to auto parts store and but a new one, oh, and some more sawzall blades. Finally, got the front done and on the ground...oh, look at the time, fire up the grill and have something for ....dinner.

After we ate, got the back in the air and 40 minutes later, the rears were done.

Discovered the UCA bushes have had the dick, so I'll be changing them in the next couple of weeks and flipping the arms. I think Sparky was surprised at how "clean" my truck was underneath compared to Rusty. They're both the same age.

Got home at 9.40 last night (that's how much time the fronts for their upgrade), very long day, but worth it.



I'm not getting new tyres for the time being as these ones are still fine. When they wear out, I'll be upsizing.

Say nothing about the running boards, I have a 9 year old and a wife...they can't get in it without them and we take my truck pretty much everywhere.

Big thanks to Sparky for the lift and work...thanks mate!
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Jan 25, 2016
Louisburg, KS

Left home about 8.30 for the trek down to Sparky's place to put the lift on my truck. Got there at 10 and we got it off the ground about 10.30.

Pic before for reference.



What a bastard that was, the front fought us almost every step of the way. Drivers side, we ended up running to Harbor Freight and getting a ball joint puller, which made life easier, but the yoke didn't want to give up the shock without a fight...finally got it done.



The passengers side was a completely different story. Puller didn't work, heat, PB, swearing...nothing we threw at it helped. Last resort, cut the endlink off, go to auto parts store and but a new one, oh, and some more sawzall blades. Finally, got the front done and on the ground...oh, look at the time, fire up the grill and have something for ....dinner.

After we ate, got the back in the air and 40 minutes later, the rears were done.

Discovered the UCA bushes have had the dick, so I'll be changing them in the next couple of weeks and flipping the arms. I think Sparky was surprised at how "clean" my truck was underneath compared to Rusty. They're both the same age.

Got home at 9.40 last night (that's how much the fronts for their upgrade), very long day, but worth it.



I'm not getting new tyres for the time being as these ones are still fine. When they wear out, I'll be upsizing.

Say nothing about the running boards, I have a 9 year old and a wife...they can't get in it without them and we take my truck pretty much everywhere.

Big thanks to Sparky for the lift and work...thanks mate!

Nice looking TB!...liking the Lift as well :yes:

I would like to Lift mine and add bigger Tires too but would also need to get some Running Boards/Nerf Bars as my family has trouble getting in & out as is.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Replaced the CPAS. Had thrown codes for it multiple times before so going on with catching up on maintenence/replacing bad parts, I replaced it.


Forgot to get a pic of the business end of the new one but here it is installed.


Overall I'm surprised with how easy of a job it was. Took around 30 minutes or so.

Just a few more things and maintenence will be done. Trans, rear diff, and rear brakes.


May 23, 2016
Reno, Nevada
Thanks to this site I installed a cabin air filter. I was also able to get rid of the funky odor out of the vents.:2thumbsup:
First I sprayed a ton of Lysol to kill the odor. So far so good.

Cut the slot with a razor blade.

The filters of choice due to the possibility of onslaught of pollen. And hopefully it will help with smoke in case of a bad fire season.

I was able to find a door at a local wrecking yard.

now my air is nice and clean smelling. no odor.:wooot:

sorry the pics are low quality. I had to reduce them greatly W/photobucket.
The auto resize for the originals still took up the whole screen.


Dec 2, 2011
@Matt not sure of the year of your truck but my buddy and I had similar problems with my 2002. Took us 11 hours just for the fronts. Then the CV shaft on the passenger side fell out to make matters better so I had that replaced for good measures.

Oh, the memories. :smile:

It's an 02 as well.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Got 'er towed for the first time under my ownership.

I noticed a metallic hissing sound Sunday evening after pulling hills that afternoon with the a/c on.
As soon as I got home I took a peek and found that the a/c compressor was the result of the noise, so I ordered a new bearing.
Today the hissing was louder, so I arranged to borrow a loaner GMT from a friend for the rest of the week.

On my way home from work tonight there was a big wreck and my normally 30 minute commute took over an hour.
By the time I got home, smoke was pouring out of the grille like something out of a movie.

My dad is coming with a trailer and we're going to take it to my friend's house to get torn down.

Moral of the story: No, you cannot drive just one more day on a bad a/c compressor clutch bearing. Park it and wait.
Hopefully this didn't just turn into needing a whole new compressor and accessories...


May 23, 2016
Reno, Nevada
gpking that sucks. hopefully you won't need a new compressor(pricey), although if it was smoking it might be wise to replace it. amazon has acdelco branded one for $350. The reviews say acdelco outsourced them to a Japanese company.

Mine really kills my power when it's on like taking half the motor out. hopefully mine is not going the same way.


Jul 9, 2013
Lebanon, Ohio
gpking that sucks. hopefully you won't need a new compressor(pricey), although if it was smoking it might be wise to replace it. amazon has acdelco branded one for $350. The reviews say acdelco outsourced them to a Japanese company.

Mine really kills my power when it's on like taking half the motor out. hopefully mine is not going the same way.

Mine kills the motor too, is that leading up to compressor?


Jul 9, 2013
Lebanon, Ohio
Some power loss is normal. I think mine a little on the excessive side but still might be normal.
With my dad's 03 liberty, you barely notice it's on. Hardly effects it at all.

Ya mine seems to be a little more than normal but I guess as long as the air is cold we're good haha


Mine does it too. From what I've red it's normal for it to take some power away. I normally drive with the windows dropped...free AC and no reduced engine power. :smile:

Except when it is in the mid to upper 90s with a ton of humidity here in ohio


Dec 5, 2011
Got a new windshield installed today.

Also bought a 5/8" drill bit to install the Panhard Bar Drop mod from ErikSS. Ace hardware $5.00 off coupon came in handy!
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
gpking that sucks. hopefully you won't need a new compressor(priceThe reviews say acdelco outsourced them to a Japanese company.
Sounds about right, mine has JAPAN on it.

I finally had a chance to start tearing the front end apart. Why is the a/c compressor in the most impossible space to access?

I took the whole front facade off along with the fan, which took an air chisel to get the nut loose. I lost quite a bit of coolant in the process, but now I have a good 8" of clearance in front of the compressor.
The good news is the compressor spins freely, the pulley on the other hand, not so much.
It seems the bearing turned mostly to dust and it's just a mess in there.
I'll probably end up buying a whole new pulley because I honestly am not sure if the snap ring is going to survive being pulled out...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Do you know where to get a clutch and bearing set? Some have looked and couldn't find any, even on fleabay.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Do you know where to get a clutch and bearing set? Some have looked and couldn't find any, even on fleabay.
Does not exist.
You can search far and wide, no OE or aftermarket clutch exists for our Sanden TRSA12. You can't even find remans.
I didn't check sizes of other clutch kits on the market to see if they would fit, but nothing out there "officially" fits.
Thanks to a tip from steveO and a few phonecalls on my lunch break, I found some guys at Radiator Depot in Florida who will rebuild the clutch, but I found it simpler to just rebuild mine myself.
My snap ring and the clutch itself were (unbelievably) salvageable, just my bearing was toast, so I replaced it with this:
(Note: there is a different one for 05+)

That being said, today I got my bearing in the mail and got right to work.
The snap ring was an SOB to get out. I broke one set of snap ring pliers and it was still a struggle as a two-man job.
The bearing was missing about half its balls and metal chunks were falling out. It was done. No wonder it was smoking.

It took about 15 minutes to tap the old bearing out because it just fell apart. The new bearing didn't go in any quicker, but patience is key.

Everything went back together very smoothly (it helps to have two people) and I just drove for 15 minutes and didn't have an issue. All of my pulleys are quiet and my a/c blows nice and cold.
If you're sickened by the idea of replacing $300+ worth of a/c components plus labor, all because of a cheap bearing, I would highly recommend this DIY job.
It probably took me 8 hours in total thanks to a few mishaps. Still worth it in my book.

I also installed my tuned PCM I just got back from Lime-Swap. Jeremy was really helpful and turnaround was quick. Just some slight tweaks really wakes up our powertrain.
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Dec 4, 2011
That's basically what I did, except my clutch ended up being toast also. I bought a cheap used compressor from a scrap yard, stole its pulley and clutch, and put the new bearing in it. I think I paid 50 or 70 for the compressor. Still far better than a whole new compressor and redoing the whole AC!
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