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Dec 2, 2011
Researching CBD Oil vs salve/cream for my various aches and pains. I'm leaning towards the oil (taken orally) because I'd have to use a lot of the salve/cream between my hands, back, neck and hips.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Researching CBD Oil vs salve/cream for my various aches and pains. I'm leaning towards the oil (taken orally) because I'd have to use a lot of the salve/cream between my hands, back, neck and hips.
I will warn you of one thing.. I work in an industry where any and all drugs are strictly prohibited. We had 2 employees, 1 that was using CBD oil, the other was using a CBD salve, for various pain problems. I had to fire both of them because CBD oils, and salves, still have THC in them, its just a greatly diminished amount. Most have 0.04%, others have more. But its still enough to pop hot on a drug screen for DOT or FMCSA.

I wish I could use them, I am in CONSTANT pain. But because of the industry I am in, its the normal stuff, aspirins and tylenol for me.


Dec 2, 2011
I will warn you of one thing.. I work in an industry where any and all drugs are strictly prohibited. We had 2 employees, 1 that was using CBD oil, the other was using a CBD salve, for various pain problems. I had to fire both of them because CBD oils, and salves, still have THC in them, its just a greatly diminished amount. Most have 0.04%, others have more. But its still enough to pop hot on a drug screen for DOT or FMCSA.

I wish I could use them, I am in CONSTANT pain. But because of the industry I am in, its the normal stuff, aspirins and tylenol for me.

I know the in's and out's mate...I'm a research idiot. There's actually one or two companies that have lab tested 0% THC in their products. I also work for the government but will now be going a different route and getting the medical card.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
In the middle of installing the new garage door. This house was built not to standard sizes. I missed the height measurement a bit. Instead of 7', it's more like 6' 8.5". The top panel hit the ceiling so had to cut it. These new doors are flimsy, made of tin and insulation foam, and they're not even completely filled with foam. I'll have to reuse the old tracks except the lower ones that rusted because of this ultra low ceiling. I'll have to get some angle iron to solidify that top panel now that it doesn't have a cap :frown: .

For lunch though, I'm smoking some sausages that I bought a while ago that will expire today. It was a big Costco package so will have some for a while and will share some with a buddy.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got a few much needed days off. Lately we are drowning in work. I am a solid month behind where I need to be. Oh well.

I drained the fuel tank on the quad and refilled with fresh trated fuel. It started instantly and hopefully will clean up so I don't have to drop the carb.

It got an oil change, transmission, rear diff and coolant flush. She's all greased up and just need to finish burping the coolant.

I had taken the tire in for a patch and found the leak is a small crack in the sidewall and they were not able to patch. I tossed in a can of sealant and hopefully it will do its job. New tires are not in this years budget.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Finally enjoying my promotion 6 months late and at a different location. Have impressed the socks off the right people there so all is good. Getting rather worn with the increased physical labor but loving it. Muscle pain is muscle growth and you'll never grow in life without some pain. Gonna give it a month or two but might decide to stay at this new location instead of transferring back in a few months as the plans were. I'm liking the drastic change in pace so far. Really gave me a new lease on a job with this company, was 100% burnt out at the other location with the nonsense and promotion delay.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Sounds like a number of us are having work take its toll on us this week. Last couple weeks of the fiscal year here, so lots of last minute data requests, as well as prep for the coming year has people not thinking straight.

Last month my boss told her counterpart in another office, that I'd be happy to train whoever they were hiring to replace their data person when they hired a replacement, without asking me first. :Banghead: I hate it when she does that, so now the expectation is set. I sent them a bunch of corporate resources, you know the way it's supposed to be done with new hires, and thought that would be the end of it. NOPE!! Got an email on Friday that their new data person starts Tuesday and they want to setup training :duh: Never mind the fact that this is THE worst possible time to make such a request, and I don't have the time or energy to spare. They'll just have to make due with doing it the right way, and not the easy way.

In other news, a couple days ago, I started noticing my hot water was looking cloudy coming out of the faucet. :confused: Filled a glass and stared at it, and after a minute was able to see there were millions of super fine bubbles that eventually floated to the surface and disappeared. WTH? Cold water line was fine. Did some Googling, and decided to flush my water heater this morning. Had never done that, or thought about it. Was a little shocked to see it's recommended to do that once a year. Whoops

There was some sediment that came out, but not a ton. After refilling the tank and letting it reheat, there was no change. More digging, and stumbled on the anode rod. Replace every 4-5 years? Well I've been here 3 and never done it, so maybe that's overdue? Popped the cap off to look, and the original insulation was removed, so I know it's been done at least once before. So maybe later this afternoon I'll run and pick one up, since they're not expensive.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Had the driveway resealed by a neighbour that does this for a living and wouldn't take any money, not even for the materials. He was just happy that we let his wife and kids use our pool when the city's pools were closed and allowed the kids to burn off some energy. Very nice and will help protect protect our asphalt driveway from all the crap we keep dropping on it like oil and such. It's an older type you don't see anymore that has a lot of gravel content.

Other than that, just chillin', shopping for a fall deal on a travel trailer.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
stumbled on the anode rod. Replace every 4-5 years? Well I've been here 3 and never done it, so maybe that's overdue? Popped the cap off to look, and the original insulation was removed, so I know it's been done at least once before. So maybe later this afternoon I'll run and pick one up, since they're not expensive.

So... This happened... :hissyfit: Turns out the anode rod has never been swapped, the insulation just didn't cover the whole head like I had seen in some videos. Gave it a spritz of PB blaster before heading out to pick up a cheater bar, but that wasn't gonna work since the insulation sucked it all up. Gonna have to get a new breaker bar, will go with a 1/2" and hope that doesn't break off too.




Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I dunno if you should take it out at all. If the plug itself breaks in the tank, you'd be hooped and on the hook for a new tank. It's a hollow kind of plug so if the anode is completely gone, it'll leave a hole there.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I'm guessing I'm gonna be on the hook for a new tank either way. If that anode is completely gone like I'm starting to think, there's probably a good bit of rust in there already. (it drained pretty slowly with the inlet shut off and interior faucet left open) Part of what I was thinking, was getting the old one out, and drop a boroscope in there to check the condition of the inside. The inlet valve should be replaced too, it leaks pretty badly anywhere between wide open and completely shut, still drips a bit when in the completely shut state as well which is why the bucket is up there. :mad:

Been comparing prices of new tanks, not really wanting to spend that kinda money right now, but what can you do... Besides have a few drinks, cuz it's the weekend :Lager Louts:


Jan 15, 2012
Never known anyone to change an anode rod. Average tank life seems to be about 10 years so the original rod is usually good for the life of the tank. I suppose water quality would impact those things though.
Hey!..Your new tank will give you one less thing to worry about for a while...:2thumbsup:

FYI I've had good luck finding deals on new tanks on CL. Usually scratch and dent stuff that doesn't impact the operation.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Blckshdw... The Problem we're fighting against down here in Florida is that there is just Way TOO much natural Calcium Carbonate dissolved into our underground Fresh Water Aquifer.

Thanks to my laziness being the reason for so many Water Heaters coming and going from the two homes I've owned over the decades, ALL have eventually suffered and died from the collection of Calcium Carbonate clogging up their innards... BY THE TON.

My Fall Back "My Dog Ate My Home Work..." sort of excuse is that without opening the Drain Petcock AND every Tap and Spigot in the house... the Drain Water would come out TOO SLOWLY to make any real difference.

My Response...? Drop the Mike...and My Wallet and get the BIGGEST Water Tank that will possibly fit into the corner of the Garage and Use it until Ice Water pours out of the Shower-Head.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Which reminds me, I should flush mine with a bit of bleach and replace the special anode I have for well water. The hot water has been smelling a bit of sulphur lately. I think the anode is made of magnesium.

So spent the day on the road, driving 3 hours one way, to look at a travel trailer. This time was worth the drive. It's in mint condition, well taken care of, minimal travel and was stored indoors each winter. It's a 2016 Coachmen freedom Express 248RBS. It's a little bigger and more expensive than what I was looking for but this one is as perfect for us. And that outside kitchen is awesome! Inside space is excellent and the bathroom is as big as an apartment's, big enough to fit my carcass.


Not seen in the pics is the sofa to the right of the dinette, which was actually a deciding factor in getting this specific one instead of the other model I had been looking for. Perfect couples trailer. It does tip the scales at 5300# dry. Fully loaded has a max of 7500#, which would be right with the Avalanche. And the walls are made of Azdel, basically recycled plastic, so no rotting plywood. And the weight distributing hitch is included as well as all accessories since he's getting out of RV'ing.

So gave him a deposit after agreeing on the price. Plan is to go back on Thur to pay the rest and bring it home. Since it's a 3 season trailer, planning on taking a trip up to North Bay with it on Thankgiving weekend (ours is on Oct. 12) to visit our son's family.


Nov 18, 2011
Still buttoning up some work. It never seems to let up, but stopped in for a visit.

When it comes to water heaters...we don't even attempt to diagnose or fix any over 3 years old. The lime in our water table is vicious on them and they are so cheap we just toss n replace. With 30-some rentals it does not pay for the time to mess with them. We typically get 7 years out of them though. You can feel the weight of the lime build-up when removing them though. Old prolly weigh double what new ones do and we have over a dozen 2nd story units...Makes for tons of run.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Good luck on the water heater! Most I have seen was 10 years before leaking. Replaced 3 over the past 6 years out here. The one place has no water softener and it was so full of scale that it barely drained. It was 3 or 4 years old and ruated through. Half on warranty. The other 2 were about ten years old and just rusted through. Sucks but its the way of the road.

Moose, nice trailer!!

Not much going on with me. Lots of work and my wife is home schooling the girls. Well distance learning is more accurate. Had enough of the public system and need to get them caught up on their science and math. They are about two grades behind where they should be in math. Finding out that all this inclusion and such has put all kids onto the lowest common denominator. You only get help if you are behind. My poor kids are having a rough go realizing that you have to actually work for a good mark and the status quo is not acceptable.


Nov 18, 2011
Working again. Hoping to knock a bunch out early today and catch a break before going to cub scout meeting with the son tonight


Jan 15, 2012
Go the new carb, lines and filters installed in the blower and it runs like a champ now. I'll use up what fuel I have then go out to Ravenna and get the 90 octane non ethanol stuff.
Is that Ravenna, Ohio ?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Should be a nice day today. I'm winterizing the old trailer since it's unlikely we'll be using it again and will be ready to go to my son's place. Have to get rid of it as I'm running out of room to park stuff. LOL!

Might start on cutting down a tree that's in the area where the new garage is going.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So the water heater is back to "normal" for what that's worth. Yesterday, as a test I shut off the power to it for most of the day and let it trickle drain, to see if the cooler water had the same bubbling effect. Also turned down the t-stat a bit. After refilling the water was bubble free, but had a slight yellow tint to it. Rust? Ran the washing machine with old truck towels, and that seemed to do the trick clearing things up. Didn't like the new adjustment to get the temperature balance with my faucets, so this morning turned the t-stat back up. Water stayed clear so... :confused: But as slow as it drained, I know the clock is ticking. Will start squirreling away some pennies for a new heater.

Also this morning, hit up the hardware store for a few things. That inlet valve is begging to be replaced, as the seals are leaking. Now when it's wide open which was good before, it's leaking slowly now. Picked up one of those Sharkbite ball valves with the hose already attached, and the accessories to get that going, plus a torch. Get home, and the hose is about 2" short. :Banghead: So that's gonna have to go back, I'll get the regular valve, and just have to desolder both sides of the valve to reuse everything else. Hoping it's just as simple as heat the joint, and pull, so no type of additional persuasion is needed and I don't have to call in reinforcements.

After work, decided to take advantage of the overcast skies and mow the yard. Nice breeze and the temps have dipped into the upper 80s, so it wasn't miserable. Got bold and decided to raise the cutting deck and go through some brush in the deep corner behind the boat hulls. :duh: At the last minute I see what looks like a shirt or something, but didn't stop. Mistake. Of course it wrapped itself around both blades. So back to the shed, halfway up the ramp so I could pull the cutting deck off to cut it away. I think it took me longer to remove and reinstall the deck, than it did to get the blades clear. Dunno why I struggle with that thing so much.

Have dropped a few pounds over the past couple of weeks. Haven't been buying sweets, although I REALLY want to. So rewarded myself with a bacon cheeseburger for dinner, balanced out with a strawberry smoothie. :cool:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you had to "Get Physical" when you were attempting to unwind the Fitting and perhaps 'Pounded" with anything on the Top of the HWH... Some Mild Steel Rust and micro-flakes of Calcium Carbonate could have dislodged like a Cloud of Particles floating down and into the Filled Tank, staying in suspension long enough afterwards to outflow and appear in the Tap Water and Tub Water soon after your initial work was done.

FWIW... Unless you can completely replace the Hot & Cold 3/4" Copper Feed Line from the very Top of the Old Water Heater to the Cold Water In Line and the Hot Water Out Line... it will be necessary to evacuate the WH 2nd Time AND open ALL Spigots and Faucets in the House to move enough Water out of the areas where you will be Soldering.

Otherwise... The Residual Water will draw off so much of the Heat from either the MAPP Gas Fuel or the Propane "Blue Flame" to achieve properly Soldered Connection.

In some cases where time was of the essence and completely draining the Tank was impractical, I often resorted to using long strips of non-shedding cloth poked down inside of the Tank Pipe Feeds with a Long Screw Driver enough times to Soak up the Water (Soak, Squeeze Out ...and Repeat) and evacuate the water in the Piping low enough to avoid boiling it into Steam that would always remove the stable heat and interfere with my efforts to achieve Leak Proof Soldering. This Technique works like a charm.


May 2, 2017
I guess I'm lucky - 15 years on the HWH - hoping it will last forever :laugh:

I changed the power steering pressure hose on the old Lumina. Was tough going - access is limited to the rack fitting. It appears you're supposed to drop the engine cradle - that makes the job expensive. I managed to extract it without doing that. The replacement Mexican hose was not bent properly on the hard lines so I had to remove and install it partially three times to bend the fitting to the exact right angles:Banghead:

Later I found a heater hose with a pinhole leak. After 22 years of use I guess that's not surprising. I installed a bypass hose to get it back on the road since I didn't have the proper replacement. I won't need heat till the end of the year anyway.


Apr 29, 2016
Hoping to finish up the engine swap in the Acadia today. I had it running Tuesday and it would run for a while and then misfire a bunch and then clear up. Hoping it is just a flaky coil. I’ll have to watch the misfire count and see which is the culprit.

My daughter has been sick so I’ve been home the last two days with her. My wife and I are splitting stay at home shifts today so I should wrap it up this afternoon.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Last year, I had bought a used steel building to use as a garage. It came with the original instructions and building plans. Still working on getting the concrete pad done by a contractor. Went to the city to get a permit and they rejected the original plans because they were certified under the old building code. The last building code is dated 2012 however the plans were drawn in 2013 but were certified to the old code? I'm trying to get in contact with the steel building company to get a new set of plans. I have a feeling it's gonna be an uphill fight.

Otherwise, today I will prep the Saab for towing the new travel trailer home tomorrow. Will need tools to adjust the weight distributing hitch to the Saab. About a 3 hour drive.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last night, had the guys over to watch the fights, and a number of sports games. Gotta love having multiple streaming devices :cool: Had some wings, drinks and sweets over the course of the night, lots of laughs and good entertainment.

This morning was pretty productive. After the guys left last night, decided to crack the garage door open, toss the hose just underneath the opening and start draining the water heater. My brain couldn't stop spinning its wheels on what was causing the weird bubble issue, that came back a couple days ago. Since it changed with the temperature setting, I assume the heating elements had buildup on them.

So I took everyone's advice. Easiest way to not have to troubleshoot and work on a problem, is to get rid of it entirely lol. Picked up a new one this morning. Chickened out on replacing the inlet valve. It does stop leaking/dripping after a few minutes, so I'll fight that one another day.


As the tank filled, checked the thermostat settings, and they were the same as the old one. Purged the air, and fired it up. Cleaned up the workbench, and had hot water in about 30 minutes. Had a shower and had to noticeably adjust the temperature balance to the cooler side. :biggrin: That's all my productivity for the day. Finished off the leftover wings from last night, had a slice of cheesecake, now settling in to watch some football and probably take a nap. :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Received from Florida the special lower door brackets that I needed to finish the garage door install. Was able to hook up the opener and do some final adjustments. The ceiling is so low that the door rubs on the opener's track.

Received a new foam mattress for the new trailer. Much better than the one it came with (as always with RV's). The included "instructions" in perfect Engrish, were pretty funny. Fixed a missing screw on a shower door roller and put a battery cut-off switch.

Hand this to the responsible one.
Please remove from packaging within 72 hours of receipt to make sure your mattress can grow to its full potential.

Your mattress has been under a lot of pressure recently and may lash out if not unwrapped carefully, please give him/her some space. Please allow up to 72 hours for your mattress to decompress but feel free to use it in the meantime

Also, please be sensitive if your mattress has an odor after being set free. Being sealed in plastic on a long trip can make anyone a little fragrant. So no harsh words about the smell for a few hours. You wouldn't want to offend your new best friend

That calming sensation that's just washed over you? That's probably the green tea extract we infuse into all of our foam. It's just one of several natural materials we use to eliminate the bad and put your mind at ease.




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Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Re; Post # 15,781 ...


If you want to have access to the personalized "Actual Black Board Instructions" using exercises in Mathematics that run from Pre-K all the way up to Differential and Integral Calculus and YOU as a parent want to steer and tailor these Videos for each of your Children based upon their unique learning stumbling blocks and obtain useful, repeatable intellectual remedies... Try using ... The Khan Academy Training as a Completely FREE and available Learning Source on YouTube.

I've always been a terribly slow learner and since I was "Helpless to Help" my son back in the 1980s -1990s with his issues about Math, I stumbled onto The Khan Academy Short, Downloadable Videos for him to use during his High School Years vs. his difficulties with Algebra I, II and later with his College Level Trigonometry. He managed to Graduate from High School with a 3.4 Average and received a 'Bright Futures Scholarship' from the State of Florida.

I would defy ANYONE to find a Better Way to Learn Mathematics, Physics and The Sciences. Here is the Main Link... and some example videos for understanding Middle School Math Basic Algebra Problems:

Mathematical Orders of Operation: PEMDAS

"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"

Introduction to Basic Algebra: "Expressions, Variable and Equations"

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Thanks MRRRSM! Any info to look at to help my kids learn is invaluable. It has been a steep curve thus far. They were not used to having to try and actually apply themselves.

I just finished some days off that were chalked full of yard work and building. We added another box stall to our little barn and fixed up another storage shed. Got a million other things now to do before the snow flies. As I type this, the ambient is now -2c.
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