What are you doing today?

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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
You'll be amazed at what can happen when all they have to do is "Re-Play The Hard Parts" enough times to "Get It".... and as far as MOTIVATION goes... NOTHING worked better for both of my Children than having "The Mysterious Friday Surprise Box" to place all of the Small Goodies they mentioned wanting from time to time inside... with the promise that if they Finish their work and Don't Fudge on their Efforts...They would BOTH get a chance at reaching into "The Friday Surprise Treasure Chest" to pick out One or Two Precious Things. These items can be anything from Video Games to Special Chunky Candy Bars and so forth.... Just use your imagination.

I forgot to mention that when my Daughter graduated from High School, she left with a 4.8 GPA due mostly to having taken advanced College Prep Courses from 9 -12th Grades. From there she went to University of South Florida on multiple academic scholarships and was accepted in their Honors College Program for Bio-Medicine. From there, she was accepted into the Columbia College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri. She performed all her Post Grad work and achieved her PhD and DVM back in 2013. She has been Practicing Veterinary Medicine and Large Animal Surgery ever since. :>)

I mention all of this because the ONLY contribution I can claim regarding her successes in school(s) and in life ...was to encourage her at every turn and then to get completely out of her way... and perhaps... that during the early days when there were some Struggles and Disappointments... the Idea for the "Friday Surprise" may really have played a good; albeit small part in how well things have worked out for both of my children. :>)
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today, moving stuff from the old trailer to the new one and picking up a few more items to complete the setup. Taking it on its maiden voyage (for us) to our son's place in North Bay tomorrow for the weekend.


Jan 15, 2012
Took the JGC for it's new MICHELIN DEFENDER LTX M/S tires( thanks @TollKeeper/others for the input) my tire guy told me to wait till the 7th as a $70 rebate is coming so I rode back home with the Goodyears singing all the way....did I mention how I hate those tires?


Apr 29, 2016
Pulled the tag axle pivot bearings out of the coach bus because the seals are leaking. Found the spanner socket I needed was $800 so I decided to make something quick out of some stuff I had around. I have $3 in it for the key stock I bought. I was in a hurry so it is quite ugly but it worked and I got the one side back together. Now I have to do the other side


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Good time to upgrade to disc brakes! Love disc brakes on our trucks.


Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
Poking away at a charity job for my niece. She was quoted $1500 for one ball joint/control arm and drum brakes. 2005 Taurus. I don't like Fords, this hasn't changed my mind. I've finished both joints and arms, spent a while after work today beating the drums into submission. Good times. 20201006_164447.jpg20201006_164437.jpg


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Doing some shooting over the next couple days while I leave my poor wife at home with the kids. She had the pleasure of taking Big Blue in for an alignment..... again.

So..... the factory caster and camber settings in the little AAM 9.25 front axle are fast and loose. Had outside tire feathering in short order. Paid the 120 bucks and had it set different. All good, hell, it steered straight and the feathering was almost eliminated.

Last December we had her in for the stupid drag link recall. The big adjustment nuts can loosen. Well mine were fine but the fix was for them to adjust your caster, camber and so on, then weld the nuts.

Almost a year of driving I had enough of the pull to the right and found the passenger side tire heavily feathered. FFS!! So another 120 bucks spent. Hopefully back to normal.
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Original poster
Dec 12, 2011

Getting a serious itch to pick up a 2005 4.2 motor and build it up. Unsure of what I can do to it in terms of stronger rods or different pistons.

May leave it stock, but the creative side of me would want to build the bottom end as strong as I could in case I ever put some boost to it.

Also use a head from an 06.

This would eventually go into my 02 which is running fine right now. I much prefer to take my time on projects like this, need something for the winter, a perfect slow-pace project.


Dec 4, 2011
Doing the work thing and trying hard to not drown.


Nov 18, 2011
Pretty-ing up a work product for delivery and hopefully a nice check from weeks of side work taking all my time. Oh...working the day job and hanging w two of the kiddos as well.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided I need an extra day off from the grind, so came to the beach to chill, unplug, and decompress. Plenty of people out here, but not as crowded as it would be on the weekend.

There's a family that's setup near me, that didn't cover up their stuff when heading to the water. Any seasoned beach goer knows that's an open invitation for birds. This time was no different, but they didn't get into anything good before the people came back.


It's a bit windy, which feels great with the high 80s heat, but umbrellas are getting knocked over when not anchored properly. Had to get up and catch one that was headed my way a little while ago. Still got a some cat like reflexes at this age :tongue:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
What am I doing today??

It's ALIVE! 2003 Envoy PCM & BCM with Passlock sensor hooked up on the kitchen table!

Got an OBD splitter with 2 ELM adapters. One ELM is paired with the phone shooting the video. That phone has OBD Fusion running in the background and generating a lot of class 2 traffic which is seen on the 2nd phone that is in the picture.

The 2nd ELM is paired with the phone seen in the video. That phone is running a serial terminal app and recording all traffic to log file.

Simulated power status is Key in ACCessory position. The Passlock sensor is there just to prevent Passlock Diagnostic Trouble Codes from being stored during this test.

All components were pulled from the same 2003 Envoy.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not much for Thanksgiving. Cooking a turkey roll on the smoker along with ham and mashed. Just us, our son and his GF though because of Covid. That's why I'm just smoking a roll instead of a whole turkey.

While that's cooking, I'll be cleaning up some more in the garage in preparation to bring in my sled to do it's head gasket and recondition the head as it's leaking from the valves. Yesterday I had put some weatherstripping in between the new door's sections as I could see light through them. That's what you get when you buy cheap garage doors.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO

Ended up having to take half the day off from work. The pain in my jaw from my son knocking what I thought was my crown loose... Turned out to be a cracked tooth at the root, a complete abscess, and required the tooth to be extracted. Pain is a lot more bearable today (Vicodin for the win!).

Edit: So they are putting a added drug into the numbing needle. Epinephrine? And this sent me into a complete and utter panic attack. First of my life that I can remember. Was not an experience I ever want to go thru again.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided I'm gonna be productive today. Got up bright and early to wash the EXT while my driveway still had shade before the sun got too high. Using a pressure washer was probably one of the best moves I made, so much easier and faster to get the job done. :thumbsup: Decided to try a new wheel cleaning process. Put some full strength simple green in a spray bottle, and sprayed the rims with it. Let that sit while I washed the rest of the truck, then hit them with the drill brush. Didn't get 100% of the grime off in some of the really tight areas around the edge of the rim, but the grime and brake dust came off like melted butter. Also used some of that on the bottom of the front doors, where some stuff had gotten flung up from the tires and didn't want to come off. Made pretty short work of that too. Vacuumed out the interior, and wiped down the insides of the doors and tailgate. That's good enough for today. May wipe down the interior and do the glass tomorrow.

Noticed some ant mounds in the yard yesterday when I mowed the weeds, so mixed up some pesticide in my garden sprayer and hit the perimeter of the house. Figured while I had it out, refilled with some herbicide, hit the pavers in the back, and sidewalks in the front to take care of little stuff trying to grow in the cracks.

Tinkered with my HF pole saw a bit. It leaks oil when it's not being used, so took it apart to try and figure out what's going on there. Nothing obvious. Thinking maybe the rubber vent piece on the tank that allows air in is the culprit. When the saw is hung up, that's the only opening that's got oil on it. Not sure where to go from there. :undecided: Put it back together, will figure that out another time.

Gotta get the house cleaned up, since I have an old friend stopping by later. We had a bet on the Bears/Bucs game last week, and I lost, so I owe him pizza. Gonna have a few drinks, hang out, and catch up since we haven't done that in years. Will try to squeeze in some running around, and do some TV window shopping. That should cover my productivity quota for the weekend.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Lots going on lately. My wife has her surgery booked for the 4th, which means we have been working hard to finish some projects. Got more fence put up and I have to get my garden plot tilled up. Lots of crap hauled to the dump etc.

I worked on my quad the other day.... started it up and it died.. after I realized I had the fuel shut off. Isdue now is the needle valve would not seat and she is puking fuel. I tear the carb down and find the needle was worn and sitting on the seat cockeyed. So I got a kit on order to fix that up.


Jan 15, 2012
Tinkered with my HF pole saw a bit. It leaks oil when it's not being used, so took it apart to try and figure out what's going on there. Nothing obvious. Thinking maybe the rubber vent piece on the tank that allows air in is the culprit. When the saw is hung up, that's the only opening that's got oil on it. Not sure where to go from there. :undecided: Put it back together, will figure that out another time.
My son had a Stihl pole saw and that leaked oil too, some of my cheaper chain saws do that also. Might just be the nature of the beast that they just keep wicking oil even in storage due to their design.
I sometimes dump the chain oil back into the container when I'm not going to use the tool for a while since it's pretty easy to do and saves the mess.
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Jan 26, 2013
Tinkered with my HF pole saw a bit. It leaks oil when it's not being used, so took it apart to try and figure out what's going on there. Nothing obvious. Thinking maybe the rubber vent piece on the tank that allows air in is the culprit. When the saw is hung up, that's the only opening that's got oil on it. Not sure where to go from there. :undecided: Put it back together, will figure that out another time.

My echo chain saw likes to drip the excess out after use also. I place the saw on an old cooking tray that has about 1/2" lip running on all four sides so any oil that leaks out does not either go on the floor or shelf. Without measuring it it is about a 16" x 24" aluminum (no rusting, even without oiling). It is nice not having an oil stain on the floor this way.


Dec 4, 2011
Doing the work thing. Installing a new dryer duct tonight hopefully. Old run is too long and is full of lint to the point it does not allow for proper drying.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Off work early today as my wife has a doctors appointment. Going to play some soccer with the kids then start tilling my garden plot.

The ground isn't frozen yet so hopefully I can get this done quick. We have not been above freezing for the last week and the forecast says its doubtful we will see much plus temperatures to come.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Work, and recover from the Front End Rebuild


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
It's been a couple weeks since I was crawling underneath the TB to do the fuel pump and my knee still is a little angry. Getting old is neat.
Neat? Not the word I would use LOL


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today was a struggle, and I am TIRED!! About 10am, my work laptop dies. Acted like it shut off, but the light on the power button was still on. :confused: Tried the usual hardware tricks, but no dice. Fine, call tech support, and they have me repeat everything I just did, but I know it's procedure. They look up my computer's info, it's still under warranty so next step, call Dell. They say it will take about 15 minutes to get them on the line, I had the option to wait on the line or get a call back. Option 2 please... Told them I wasn't in the office, to call my cell.

30 minutes later, and nothing. Check work email on personal laptop, and I've got a bunch of voicemail notifications. Dude was calling my office number. :dunce: I was heading into the office anyway to get a loaner. Start setting up the loaner, and call the guy back, now he's at lunch... Fine, have him call me back. 30 minutes later and he says he'll try calling Dell again. This time I stay on hold, 20 minutes later he comes back and says they want to replace the motherboard. I left the laptop at work, so hopefully the part comes and they can replace it while I'm on vacation in a couple more days. By the time I got home with the loaner, it was already after 3pm, so the whole day was pretty much gone. Thankfully no one's hair caught on fire, that I needed to put out. Fingers crossed the same happens tomorrow.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today is wrap up day with the saab, then pack up the trailer and head home. Real test for the Avalanche since it will be loaded with the Saab's diffs and other parts as well as the wheels and tires in the trailer, which is heavier than our old one. Figure I'll be close to towing limit of 7700#.

Oh, I also found out it has the 14 bolt diff along with the 4.10 gears :2thumbsup:


Jan 15, 2012
[QUOTE="Mooseman, post: 607967, member: 6163"
Oh, I also found out it has the 14 bolt diff along with the 4.10 gears :2thumbsup:
I have the 14 bolt 4:10's in my motorhome and plow truck, and yes...:2thumbsup::2thumbsup:
"don't know why it quoted this way"
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