For the last day or so, been getting a faint odd whiff of odor in my kitchen, and couldn't track it down. Woke up this morning and could smell it from the bedroom, so I got a little concerned. Back in the kitchen, sniffing around, but couldn't pin point it cuz it wasn't strong/constant. Figured screw it, we're deep cleaning the whole damn kitchen today! It wasn't until I hand washed a container and poured the wash water directly into the drain that I got a stronger whiff. Ran some hot water down the drain for a bit, and problem solved.
Started some laundry, and had an idea for another mini project. In a rush to get the yard mowed ahead of an afternoon storm, I ran my knee into a thick branch, and ripped my pants open.
Since I have that handheld sewing machine, why not use that as a nice test run before trying to fix my canopy top.
It was really simple to use, but the tricky part was terminating the seam with a knot. Had to re-read the steps in the instructions a few times before it made sense. Here's the before and after, we'll see how long it holds up, and if I need to make 2 passes, if it comes undone after getting stressed somehow.

Been on the couch ever since doing some research and window shopping. Starting to run out of storage space on my media server, so was looking at some NAS setups. But for anything with enough bays, it gets really pricey even before you buy the drives, so got looking at those rack servers again. Might as well upgrade the whole setup, as well as get some RAID redundancy as a bonus. Also looking at TVs. Last night, the picture went out on the 55" in my bedroom. Had to drag out the old 32", and it was pretty annoying since the setup was a good 25 feet away from my bed.

So now the question is, do I get something smaller for the bedroom, or get something larger for the living room, and rotate the living room TV into the bedroom?
Decisions, decisions.
Started some laundry, and had an idea for another mini project. In a rush to get the yard mowed ahead of an afternoon storm, I ran my knee into a thick branch, and ripped my pants open.

Been on the couch ever since doing some research and window shopping. Starting to run out of storage space on my media server, so was looking at some NAS setups. But for anything with enough bays, it gets really pricey even before you buy the drives, so got looking at those rack servers again. Might as well upgrade the whole setup, as well as get some RAID redundancy as a bonus. Also looking at TVs. Last night, the picture went out on the 55" in my bedroom. Had to drag out the old 32", and it was pretty annoying since the setup was a good 25 feet away from my bed.

So now the question is, do I get something smaller for the bedroom, or get something larger for the living room, and rotate the living room TV into the bedroom?