Today was quite the adventure. Ever since I bought the house, I've absolutely hated the garden window off the kitchen. Here's an old pic from 2017 post hurricane Irma. Today I had a window company come by and pitch me on replacing it.
So the rep shows up, and gives me the spiel, shows me some videos from hurricane Michael in 2018, where some of the houses in the panhandle that survived, had their windows, and showed how well they held up. He whips out his kits and gadgets, and does a demo of how different types of glass reflect heat, finishing by also testing my sliding glass door, which didn't insulate for shit, but I knew that already. Previous owner replaced all the windows, but used your run of the mill hardware store deals, slapping tint on the windows that face west.
We get to the important part, what's the cost? Long story, still long, he quoted me $2500 for the 1 window, but also $16K if I decided to do the whole house. Not really an option right now, trying to pay off the solar panels first. He says he may be able to get me a discount, with some sort of home show program, so he calls his sales manager and puts him on speaker. They go back and forth for a bit, and the manager drops it down to $1900 and $13K. Hey great, appreciate that but I don't make financial decisions on the spot. Told them both that I'd review the info and get back to them.
Then things go sideways. Sales manager pushes to close me today, which was expected, but it's HOW he tried to do it that was bizarre. He tried to pitch the idea of cramming for a test, and asked if it was better to cram for 2 weeks, vs the night before to get the info in your head as close to test time as possible. So I told him I always did much better on exams when I studied over time and actually learned the content, rather than trying to cram. Figured that would be the end of that line of questioning, but he stuck with it for 20 minutes. Sales rep sitting on my love seat was visibly uncomfortable, and I was getting irritated. This wasn't helping, and dude was gonna blow the sale at this rate. I cut him off, told him my mind was made up, and I wasn't making any decisions today. He finally let it go and got off the phone.
The rep apologized a lot, and tried to smooth things over before he left. The window was good, lots of good features, backed with a 30 year warranty on the window itself and the framing, at a price point I felt comfortable with. Gonna do some research on the company and see what else I can dig up first then we'll see.
On the lighter side, my pressure cooker/air fryer arrived, I threw some wings and fries in it. Ran the air fryer for 30 minutes and they were done. The hype is real, usually takes me twice that amount of time for frozen wings in the oven by themselves. Definitely a good investment. Will be making slow cooked chicken tacos tomorrow, since my sister and niece should be visiting.