LONG day!! Around 9am, headed to the garage for some thermostat lovin. Mine's probably been stuck open for months, but due to the warm FL weather and mostly rush hour traffic of my commutes, the temps were over 190 whenever I looked at the Scangauge. BUT, when the weather cooled off a bit in October, started noticing the dash needle a little to the left, and below the 190 mark.
First off, how do you have the bottom section of a 5 gallon drum under your truck, pull the radiator hose and STILL make a giant mess? Easy, don't take off the radiator cap first, pull the hose gently and position the tub in THAT spot. Then remember the radiator cap, unscrew it, and watch as the coolant spews all over the place.
OK fine, tossed a towel down, figured I'd work on the alternator while everything drained. Why did it take me damn near 2 hours to get that alternator tipped forward. Even worse that I've done this before on another 360, so it shouldn't be that hard. That AC hose going into the condenser was RIGHT where that bottom bolt was. Ended up losing one of my 15mm sockets and a short extension, fell onto the AC compressor, couldn't be easily reached. Couldn't get a grip on it, then knocked it out of sight, and couldn't find it. Good thing for duplicate sockets!
Got the alternator tilted forward, and got to work on the T-stat bolts. Somehow the top bolt was directly behind the radiator hose. Didn't remember that from last time.

Got under the hose, cranked up and was able to see over the UCA with one eye, and get it free... Yep, stuck wide open. One pleasant surprise I found, didn't notice this the last time either, on the old one, there are these little green rubber seals on the bolts. I moved those over to the new T-stat, and it held the bolts in place, making it 100x easier to get it bolted in without a spotter.
Got that in, hoses attached, and filled the radiator. Double checked everything was snug, and fired up the truck. Let it idle for about 10 minutes, and hit 198 degrees and stayed there. Thought the SGII should have gone into open loop at that point, but considering sitting in traffic the last few times I barely got over 180, I assumed all was good.
While putting the front bolts into the alternator bracket, the socket slipped off both the bolt head AND the ratchet, falling into the fan shroud

Naturally I couldn't find it... Spun the fan by hand, could hear it rubbing and sliding. Got out my tiny camera, stuck it up inside the fan shroud from the bottom, still couldn't find it. Took a chance, and cranked over the engine real quick, and then back off. *Clack clack clack* Went for another look, still no dice. Cranked and cut the engine again... *Clack clack clack clack* but this time the socket fell to the ground under the oil pan... Better for it to have battle scars, than my knuckles...
With all that finished, decided to try to fix my rattling grille. Pulled that off, and all of the clips were pretty loose except for the ones for the crossbar. Put some duct tape on the back sides of those, and some foam tape to fill in the gap along the top by the hood latch. Seems to be good for now.
Went for a quick drive around the block, and noticed an odd beeping sound. Also my steering wheel radio control buttons no longer working. Got back home, and pulled the PAC unit from the dash, the little LED was cycling through it's colors. Tried to go into programming mode to re-assign all the buttons, but nope, won't take.

Have been seriously considering getting an Android HU this weekend, but the big hold up was if it was going to be compatible with this steering wheel control adapter. Well if this thing pulled an HVAC actuator move, and died from the battery getting disconnected, that may not be an issue anymore... Got some more troubleshooting to do over the next couple days.