Had the urge to Seafoam my engine, hadn't done it in a few years. Sometimes when I've done it, nice smoke show. Other times when I've done it, whole lotta nothin. This time, happened to have my cell phone USB cam, so pulled the spark plug out of cylinder 2 for a peek. (honestly, I have no idea if this is good/bad/in the middle)
Had mom be my assistant and hold the RPMs steady, while I sprayed through the intake. No preliminary smoke during, and no smoke after the soaking period. So much for that...
Got a new microphone for the head unit, so tested that out, and ran it up into the overhead console replacing the old one. Also got a new camera for it, the backup cam I had before looks terrible with the larger screen. Needed to get something with higher resolution. New camera works great, has the option for guide lines, and mirroring the image, but I can't figure out where I want to mount it. I like having it in the trailer hitch, so it's out of the way, and no holes needed to be drilled. Due to the shape though, can't flush mount it like the old one.
Tried it above the license plate, meh... Don't wanna deal with fishing wire through the boot and into the lift gate. Thought about putting it next to the cargo area light on the roof. Much better vantage point, but that gives only a slightly smaller blind spot than using the rear view mirror.

So I tried mounting it to the lift gate upper trim plastic. It might work... Can still see a good bit of ground immediately behind the truck, and still good vertical coverage as well. It's currently duct taped in place, and wires loosely routed in the cabin. I'll try that for a few days and see if it grows on me.
The front camera is USB, and none of the apps I wanted to use for DVR could see it.

I was hoping the new camera being RCA, would work fine, but nope... Same issue. Seems the unit only likes the software that came with it, for camera usage.

Went ahead and stuck the USB one on the windshield behind the rear view mirror, so it's out of my line of sight. I'll deal with the OEM software and it's extra basic looking interface.
With the engine cooled down, pulled spark plug #2 again, and as expected, looked exactly the same. Good times all around! Will do some more maintenance items during the week since I'll be off.