Welp, it finally (half) happened lol. When I met MarkMC years ago, he told me that he was gonna get me to lift my EXT. After seeing what was involved, and the Trailvoy culture at the time, I said no way...
But after trying out these new tires, and loving how they look, but not the lack of top side clearance, I gave our good friend a call to discuss some options. He recommended either going with the outside the strut spacer, or the inside the strut spacer from the 2.5" lift. Since the rear fender is 3" higher than the front, I opted for the larger spacer to install.
Took the before pic Friday after I got home...
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And the after pic this morning after I finished up.

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The rubber upper strut insulators were pretty much destroyed, so glad I replaced those.
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Of course, not everything went according to plan. Decided to do the tear down last night, and get the spacers installed in the struts, and then call it a night. Do the reassembly this morning. Got the first strut compressed without using the impact, thought I was good to go. But there wasn't enough compression to get the spacer on.

Went to the impact and cranked it down more, got the new hardware in place, and went to loosen it.
Was using my cordless impact with the 1/2" hex adapter, and was working well until the adapter snapped off in the quick change chuck.

. Grabbed my air impact gun, but it was too wide to get on one of the spring compressors, and the head was too close to the lift spacer to be able to get a deep well socket on it. Tried with an open ended wrench, couldn't get the torque needed. At this point it was 9pm and everything was closed.
Had my sister take me to Autozone when it opened before she went to work, got their impact extension set. That did the trick, was able to finish the first strut and knock out the 2nd one quickly. Reassembly went fairly smoothly, until I tried to put the lower pinch bolts back in, and they were hitting something. Took me about 30 minutes to realize the struts needed to be lifted up enough so the bolt would sit in that groove at the bottom
Flipped and revered the UCAs, zip tied the wheel speed sensor cables, and buttoned everything up. Went for a quick drive down the street, and something is rattling, louder on the driver's side. I think I didn't tighten the end link nuts enough, since I hadn't looked up the torque specs there. So going to look up all the specs for everything, get the front end back up in the air to double check, then go for another test run before scheduling an alignment.