After getting drenched for a few days with rain from the tropical storm, and some pretty regular rain for the days after, it was time to tackle the lawn and weeds again. Gonna try a slow release fertilizer, which I'll pick up tomorrow along with a couple other supplies, and see if that helps thicken the grass some. The Tenacity that I got last year works great at killing the weeds, but with bare patches and thin areas, they have plenty of room to come back, so we'll try crowding them out in addition to the treatments.
After I got that done, ran the string trimmer like usual. Was doing the edges of the driveway when I felt a pinch on my calf muscle. The kind when one of your arm or leg hairs works its way through your shirt/shorts, and then gets pulled with your clothes. Paid no attention, figured it would fix itself as I kept walking. Then the sensation turned into more of a burn.

I looked down to see if something stuck me, but saw nothing. These pants are pretty long and come down over my shoes, so it took me a second to realize something somehow got up under there. Grabbed my leg and felt something under there, so did a quick shake and out comes a bee... Lil bastard!
That's my excitement for the day. Got cleaned up, and just took a pizza out of the oven for my troubles. Got some liquor calling my name, so think I'm gonna make it a lil happy hour and chill.