What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Started taking off the awning on the RV this morning. It has been replaced at least once before as there were extra screws and silicone and was not as wide as it should be. Got too hot out in the blazing sun so called it quits. Went to Costco and it was just as packed as pre-pandemic. Never liked Costco for the crowds and this just makes it worse. Social distancing basically non-existent. Finished the awning install in the evening with the help of my son.

Tomorrow heading to the cottage for the day to do some work on a new deck with the BIL. It's gonna be another sweaty one.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Helped my wifes cousin fill his pool using the fire hydrant near his house.

Also put together a radio wire harness and trim kit to go into a Mercedes sprinter extended 3500 that my wifes nephew recently purchased.20200620_210722.jpg

The head unit that is getting replaced for so many reasons. Running the back up camera wires is going to be a b!×ch!20200613_131521.jpg


Jan 6, 2013
Just got back from a week up north at a cottage. Had to abandon my Tralblazer in the parking lot at the marina. When I went to start it, it rolled over real slow until the starter solenoid clicked away. Got a boost and it didn't change a thing. Took the battery out and got it checked under load . Also fine. Flipped off the accesory belt and looked for anything seized....also nothing. Must be a fused starter or stuck motor (doubt that). What I noticed, when I jumped the positive terminals on the starter to bypass the solenoid.....the ground began to smoke immediately from the block. Called for a tow at that point. I'll find out Monday what died.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not much on the go. Finishing up some night shifts then having a group of people over for my wife's birthday party. Then Monday we are off to the big city to meet some family for supper and my parents are bringing the kids back.

Tuesday the vet is out to geld the one project horse and ultrasound another. I don't know shit about this stuff, I just work there....

And.... Not to comment to soon but once my wife started the return on the damaged fuel pump, the new one was already sent out. So now we just wait. We are acting like a bunch of rubby's only adding a few bucks of gas at a time in the Trailblazer, trying to keep the level low in anticipation of dropping the tank.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
H O T ! I think today will be a "lounge in and around the pool" day. This morning and evening, I'm gonna try to work a bit on the RV. At least I can use the awning for some shade.

Speaking of RV's, seen on the news that there is a surge in sales because people can't travel and looking at another way to travel and social distance at the same time. In the near term, this will cause issues with trying to find RV camping spots. In the long'ish term, I see this as an opportunity to buy a newer used RV when all these people dump them when they find out it's not for them after this COVID crap is over.


Jan 15, 2012
Speaking of RV's, seen on the news that there is a surge in sales because people can't travel and looking at another way to travel and social distance at the same time. In the near term, this will cause issues with trying to find RV camping spots. In the long'ish term, I see this as an opportunity to buy a newer used RV when all these people dump them when they find out it's not for them after this COVID crap is over.
I agree, this is going to be like the Harley frenzy a few years ago, now you can pick them up cheap everywhere.
My son's friend owns a bicycle shop and can't keep them on the shelf, so I expect to see tons of those on lawns for sale in a few years.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Treated myself to a Father's Day Gift to solve ALL these problems with cutting my lawn in One Go:

(1) No GAS... (No COVID Exposure at Public Gas Pumps)
(2) No Exhaust
(3) No Noise
(3) No Repetitive Maintenance, Oil Changes, Carb Gum, Plugs, Drive Belts
(4) No Pushing or Pulling
(5) No Cords Getting Tangled
(6) No Leaf Raking
(7) 2.5 Hours of actual use
(8) No Walking (Bad Left Leg)


Also...found an alternative to getting EATEN ALIVE every time I open the Front Door that KILLS Flying Insects by De-Hydration after they get invited to get close enough to get vacuumed into this Dyna-Trap. So Far...It is Working GREAT... The Hopper is Filling Up FAST and NO SMELLY, BURNED OR STINKING DEAD BUG BODIES ...LOL!:


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Pretty lazy day today. After calling dad, cleaned up the house a bit and went through some things in the home office to throw out stuff I don't need. Since I skipped lunch, had an early dinner, which was followed by an unplanned nap, so I'm sure I'll be up all night. Great way to start the work week :hahano:

Treated myself to a Father's Day Gift to solve ALL these problems with cutting my lawn in One Go:

That's the same package I bought a couple summers ago, it's already paid for itself in time spent out in the heat/humidity and fuel savings. You're gonna love it. If you're like me and have a bone headed moment or 2, you may need this site to order replacement parts. I cracked the lower bagger tube, and ripped the rubber retainers at the bottom, cuz I clipped it on the doorway of my shed. :duh: :dunce:



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Blckshdw ... Thanks a LOT for the Heads Up... :ok:...A few years back I built a 10' X 14' very sturdy Arrow Shed that to this very day, remains completely Bone Dry inside (...thanks to having it bolted down on top of 8 x 12" Diameter x 24" Deep Poured Concrete Posts). Now I just need to find a decent set of Entry Ramps to be able to drive that unit right into the shed for roomy storage of all the gear. I'm open to getting some suggestions...


JUST located one that looks Very Sturdy, and is Wide & Long enough to accommodate EZ drives up and down to get in and out of the Shed via the Anti-Skid coating and not worry about tipping everything over on its head:


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Not today, but THURSDAY.. Bugged out of town for the weekend. Headed up to my cabin to just unplug (no cell phone service, no cable, no satellite, no running water, just electricity). Had a great time, relaxing, snuggling with the wife while watching some movies, taking my son out to the great outdoors, cooking dinners on the fire in the fireplace.

Put in a new queen bed, the old mattress was from 1962, and a few mice had made a home in it at some point over the years. New bed was good, but not perfect. Went to Wal-Mart Friday, and got a new body pillow, and now it was perfect.

Made the most badass steak I have ever eaten in my life Saturday. Bought some real cheap Ribeye from Wal-Mart on Friday. Broke out the hamburger fireplace grill and put the steaks on there. Poked some 12 fork holes in them, covered them both with a light layer of Molasses, and put them on the fire. OMG! Melt in your mouth fat, perfect medium, touch it with anything more than a fork, and it would fall apart... If I had been having sex, it would have been multi-orgasmic!

But then Sunday came around, and it was time to pack up and head home... :quiverlips:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Worked on the RV some more. Adjusted the brakes and this evening when it's cooler, I'll finish the new step install. It's just so bloody hot out there. And the well drilling guy finally came by. We're good to go but won't happen until early next week.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got around to the yard work I put off on the weekend. Mowed the yard, no bee stings this time... While running the string trimmer in the back, heard some louder than usual rustling in the brush by the water... :eek: Haven't seen any gators in the 3 years I've been here, but that's immediately where my mind went. Turned around to see these guys come out to say hello, and check out my handy work.


They wandered around for maybe half an hour. Checked out the shed, and the house, before going back into the brush to wherever their nest is. The fertilizer is helping some. Certain areas are growing a bit faster than others though. Definitely going to need to over seed this fall, and try to get some of those patchy areas to fill in a bit.


Dec 2, 2011
Replacing the fuel level sensor in the wife's Rav this arvo. At least it has access through the floor and the pump assembly uses bolts, not a locking ring.


Jan 15, 2012
Searched all morning trying to find a shop that could turn the rotors from my G30 motorhome. Found a guy 20 miles away that bought the machine from NAPA when they quit doing them.
Turns out the guy knows my son from motocross racing, small world....
FYI each rotor weighs 60 lbs. :eek:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not much. The well driller was a no-show this afternoon, which means he should be doing the whole thing Monday instead. This whole well thing is just pissing us off. My wife is cancelling her vacation time next week since we can't go camping to see our granddaughter because the plumber is coming on Thurs to install the well pump.

Went and picked up some pictures from the photo shop. I dropped off two films last week that were in my mom's cameras. One was blank but the other one had pics of our youngest son's 4th birthday party at our old house 20 years ago! Great memories.


Jan 6, 2013
Drove north to get my Trailblazer back. The starter motor was replaced, but the real culprit was the ground cable that goes from the bottom of the block, so they made a new one up and didn't charge me. The garage guy gave me a tip. If you hear the starter motor 'tapping', but not turning over...then it could be a suspect cable.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
One step closer to having water!


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Jan 26, 2013
"One step closer to having water! " Hip Hip HOORAY!


It is amazing how much we need water. Most folks who have never been without water just don't know what they are missing! Can't wash your hands, do dishes, make coffee, take a shower, wash the car, etc, etc. etc. I am also on a well and am very grateful when pump problems arised in the past that I could connect to the neighbors water supply (all wells around here). Good to see you are making progress in restoring the watering hole.


Dec 2, 2011
First day at the zoo in the books, I was at the lion area. But, standing all day did my back in so I'm going to ask to be put on the cleaning crew so I can walk instead.


Dec 4, 2011
Yesterday I framed a half wall for the basement steps. Going to install a mini network closet underneath those steps to get the internet junk off the workbench.

Today hopefully continuing the networking part of the project but last night was bad and I'm not much more than a wreck right now. Maybe the target should just be to make it through the day, and anything accomplished beyond that should be considered a bonus.

Grass needs cut. Weather this week is really hot. Yay.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON

'Nuff said.

After calming down, I'll tackle removing the new water pump from the old system and put it up for sale on FB and Kijiji. Also preparing for our granddaughter and her parents to come visit for a few days starting tomorrow. It's been so long, can't wait to see her.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
First day off around here. Got a vehicle to clean in between dumps of rain. A bit later I have to get the post pounder again as the wife wants a new squeeze and loading chute for problem horses. We staked it out last night and need another 27 posts.

My 11 year old cut most of the lawn last night and saved us a pile of time to get other work done.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Pretty full day of technological frustration, it should have been a Monday. :mad:

As many of you saw, my VCX Nano showed up, so I tinkered with that when work allowed. Nothing but headaches. The content on the install disc didn't match previously seen write ups. No VMware images or anything to be found. Started with my W10 64 bit machine. The VX Manager software was outdated, v1.5 and corrupted on the disc so it wouldn't install. Went hunting for an update, and found 1.6. GDS2 wouldn't install properly either, went hunting for newer versions, found several, and finally got one that installed. Even though it said the MDI driver was installed, it wasn't. So after I finally got Tech II Win working, it didn't see the adapter. Found an MDI driver installer to try, which caused some other features in the VX manager to register, but no luck with Tech II Win.

Noticed the install order on the video was different than the order in the forum thread here, and decided to remove everything and try that order instead. No change, same issues. Couldn't figure out what the issue was, everything seems to be the way it should be, except for Tech II Win asking you to choose either the MDI or MDI 2 adapter. Pulled out the W7 64 bit laptop and tried everything there. Same results, but everything took longer lol. :Banghead: I'll mess around with this more tomorrow, but if I can't figure it out, I'm sending this thing back.

Also decided to change TV/Internet providers as the price increases are getting out of hand. My self install kit of 2 set top boxes and a modem arrived mid afternoon. Got everything hooked up, and went through the activation process on my phone. Errors, the devices were listed, but couldn't be seen on their side. Ugh, cycled the power on everything and tried again. Jack squat. Call the number, and go through the automated system. No luck there either. Back to the main menu, and get a guy on the line. He sends a few activation signals, still nothing. So now have to wait for a tech to come out tomorrow to "activate the outlets". At least I'll already be home.

Slightly related to the failed cable experience, I went to update my Logitech Harmony remote, to add the new cable boxes as available devices to control. Grabbed the USB cable and plugged it into my laptop. It started charging, but didn't register as a data connection. :confused: Maybe I grabbed the wrong one? Nope, 2 other USB cables gave me the same problem and I have no clue why. :hissyfit:

If this BS continues tomorrow, there may be some drinking involved. :tequila:
  • Sad
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well Blackshdw, I have no idea what you just said but I can tell the tone was not good.

I will just keep to my country ass self out here.... we got all the posts pounded, no drama, which was nice.

I scooped the post pounder with my C1500 and once back in the yard, the venerable Trailblazer was hooked up. She was raining all day, grass and mud was slick and the area had pretty tight confines. That TB kicked ass!! My wife behind the wheel and she swung that bitch everywhere it needed to go. Done.

Tomorrow we have to start putting up the planks on the breeding chute. We have a client's big dumb paint mare that needs to be bred again. She has got to be close to 16 hands high and our black Arab is just over 14. The poor bastard needs a ramp to reach her, so that is priority one.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I'm smoking 4 racks of ribs for the mess of people (below 10 as per restrictions) that will be here for Canada Day.

To all fellow Canadians, have a happy and safe Canada Day!


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Once all our running around was done, my wife just about finished the chute. Worked out ok considering the posts are not perfect.

Some of the boys came by for coffee and then we hit the range for some pistol and rifle fun.

Came home and tore up the round pen with the tiller. Raked it level and hit it again. Well that was my workout for the day.
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