Climbed up in the attic this morning before it got hot, to do a little recon for my re-wiring project. The gap between the roof, and the vaulted ceiling, is smaller than I remembered it being. I told one of my buddies last weekend, that I might need his help to tag team this project, but wanted to see if it would be possible to crawl where I needed to, in order to do it solo. No dice. Current strategy will be to cut a hole in the ceiling, and have my friend push the conduit up from the living room, lifting the insulation in the attic. I'll be up there with a rake, to grab the edge of the insulation and pull it back. Then my friend can start feeding the conduit through. I should be able to use the tines on the rake to redirect the conduit towards me where I want it, and press the insulation back down.
Measured 4 feet from the ceiling TV mount to the wall, and the conduit needs another foot to make a 90* bend, so 5 feet. Cuz out a 6' section just in case, for flexibility, can always trim it some more if needed. Maybe next weekend I'll have him swing by and give me a hand. Walked the back property, since I noticed some people dumping furniture at the end of the street last night.

Nothing on my side thankfully. They were on foot, so I assume they live in one of the nearby houses.
Checked some of my trees, the lack of rain has the fruit trees looking sorry. One of my lime trees has 2 on it. One is decent looking, the other is rotting. My avocado tree has a lot of fruit on it, I wouldn't have even known that's what it was, if 3 huge ones hadn't fallen off it last year. They're all pretty small, and since we had a bunch of rain followed by another dry spell, it started shedding leaves again, and kicking off a lot of small/shriveled avocados. Still plenty on it, so if we start getting our normal rains, should have a lot of big ones to give away to friends and coworkers.