What are you doing today?

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May 2, 2017
Tired of trailblazer trouble and went to fix the lawnmower instead since the grass was getting tall. Expecting carburetor trouble, but I found no fuel flow from the the tank. The inside of the rubber fuel line was swollen shut :confused: The outside looked normal. I've never seen anything like it.
Replaced the line with a piece of air hose and mowed the lawn:smile:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, garage didn't happen but found a robotic pool cleaner that someone was selling cheap because it was from a storage locker and unknown if it worked because he didn't have a pool to test it in. Worth $1400 and letting it go for $150. Took a chance on it. Well, it didn't work (no surprise). Seller had another similar one that was mostly junk that he gave me for parts. Watched a few YT videos and one problem for a motor not working is a broken wire. Well, it was just that. So splice, solder, shrink tube and seal with liquid tape. Voilà! A perfectly running pool cleaner and spare parts.


Jan 15, 2012
Glass America replaced the windshield in my 30 year old G30 van yesterday and I was amazed at the clarity... :2thumbsup: job done! NOT!
Went out to the barn today and it was cracked top to bottom....:Banghead:
Windshield no.2 scheduled for next week....glad I'm not paying for this.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well today was a bad day. Yesterday before going to bed, noticed the water pressure was low and the pump is running continuously (we're on a well). Thought that the wife left the outside spigot on to water her flowers again. Nope. Check the pump and it's just not building pressure. Dammit. Shut it off for the night and will deal with it the next day. So today I checked stuff out. It gets up to about 30psi but no higher. Pressure tank is fine. Shut off the valve to the house, still no pressure. Turn off the pump for an hour or so and it held that 30 psi so the foot valve is fine. So I'm thinking that the pump itself is tired. Replace it, going from a 1/2hp to 3/4hp as I always found that it never was able to keep up with demand. It was a bitch of a job because the utility room is small and cramped as well as having to work on my knees. And... it's the same. It's primed OK and it is pumping some water, just not building pressure again.

When we first moved here 11 years ago, the pump lost its prime and wouldn't re-prime at all. Tried a new pump then too (this previous one just replaced) and it was the same. Called in a pro and it was the foot valve. This is an older buried well that had to be dug up to access it and the pipes. So the foot and jet valves were rebuilt, hooked back up and we were in business, after handing over a couple of bills. Now I'm looking at having to dig it up again. This well is too small for a more reliable submerged pump. So small in fact that the jet valve that comes with new pumps don't fit, which is why the original brass one had to be rebuilt. So it's either the valve or the well itself. Wouldn't surprise me since it's probably as old as the house (and me).

Tomorrow will not be fun when I get a pro to look at it. :frown:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Wells suck some times. We need to have the hydrant replaced over our main well. Thankfully it's that pitless adapter style so it should be able to be done all from the top. Now we are not sure when the pump was ever changed. It's a 30 year old well so...... at least it still works, thank God for that.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Wells suck some times.

Tell me about it. Not having to pay water tax is nice but I'd take that over buying and loading salt in the softener, normally lower pressure, iron stains, sometimes smelly water, not being able to fill the pool and having to truck water in, electricity to run the pump, changing the filter, stains on glasses in the dishwasher when the softener needs a recharge or is low on salt, and, with the septic, having to get that sucked out every couple of years at $350 a pop. Yeah, I'd pay that tax. And the stupid thing, city water is basically 1/2 a km away but the city refuses to cross that main drag.


Dec 4, 2011
Municipal water is not a guarantee of not needing a softener. I havy city water and it is 17 grains hardness. I just got a softener hooked up, on top of the water bill. Only benefit this water has over my old well is the lack of sulfur. Meh.


Jan 26, 2013
I go to the credit union to get a letter of proof of funds. The mrs & I are purchasing a house and for some reason seeing my statement online isn't as good as one from my credit union with their letterhead on it. Anyways here is the interesting part. I became a member of this credit union in March of 1984. The proof of funds sheet shows the date of opening my checking account April 2021. (and no the 2021 isn't a typo. This is what the credit union had on their paper!) But I didn't notice this until I back out in my truck checking over the letter. So I tramps myself back to the credit union (still all garbed up for Covid 19) and ask them how I can schedule my checking account to open with a nice balance in it. After straightening that out it shows I opened the checking account in 2011. But hey, what's 27 years difference right? I know for dates aren't that important, but DANG. And we are "supposed" to believe them always with their figures?

(edit: Today must be the day of bad numbers. Just for fun I checked the state's medical website to check on a friends medical license. She is an elderly gal at church and I thought had retired, but she still works part time and I was plain nosy. She got her original RN license in 1975. Take a wild azz guess when she got her MBA. Per the State of Florida it will happen Jan 18, 2085. Just what are the odds of finding these set of crazy dates in one day for both myself and then a friend? I think I need to stop checking things out today, because these numbers are bad and getting worse.)
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Looks like I will be getting a new well drilled. Not worth saving the old one, which apparently has been there since 1960. It'll cost a lot more money than just fixing the old pipes and valves but it'll be done and a whole lot more reliable with better water pressure and flow. Good news is that there is a grant through the city to have the old well capped that the driller can take care of and can offset the cost of the new well with it. It's just the paperwork that has to be done before the work can even start. Trying to get a hold of drillers has been a challenge. Called four and just one called back who also gave me the above info. Trying to get a hold of him again so I can get the process started.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
On the phone with my companies insurance carrier. One of my drivers decided to take a corner to fast and rolled his loaded Tractor Trailer. No other vehicles involved (thank goodness), but still makes for a hell of a workday...


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
So far our well is working as designed. It was only a 160 foot test depth but we are pulling water from under 100... if I recall. We are sitting on a real nice aquifer, that produces an abundance of excellent water. I cant recall the hardness but other that the basic filter on the pump, that's it. 8 miles south of us, our friends had like 7 test holes drilled almost to 300 feet and got enough water to trickle fill a cistern.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
After getting drenched for a few days with rain from the tropical storm, and some pretty regular rain for the days after, it was time to tackle the lawn and weeds again. Gonna try a slow release fertilizer, which I'll pick up tomorrow along with a couple other supplies, and see if that helps thicken the grass some. The Tenacity that I got last year works great at killing the weeds, but with bare patches and thin areas, they have plenty of room to come back, so we'll try crowding them out in addition to the treatments.

After I got that done, ran the string trimmer like usual. Was doing the edges of the driveway when I felt a pinch on my calf muscle. The kind when one of your arm or leg hairs works its way through your shirt/shorts, and then gets pulled with your clothes. Paid no attention, figured it would fix itself as I kept walking. Then the sensation turned into more of a burn. :eek: I looked down to see if something stuck me, but saw nothing. These pants are pretty long and come down over my shoes, so it took me a second to realize something somehow got up under there. Grabbed my leg and felt something under there, so did a quick shake and out comes a bee... Lil bastard! :hahano:

That's my excitement for the day. Got cleaned up, and just took a pizza out of the oven for my troubles. Got some liquor calling my name, so think I'm gonna make it a lil happy hour and chill. :thumbsup:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not that my pasty white ass likes heat but she got to 30c here today. Thankfully the wind kept it manageable. We got 3 pastures all done with horses out and the girls old gelding went out in the 4th using only a single line of hot wire.

Got a load of dead fall ready for the dump one of these days. Probably could manage 3 more to finish out the one area.

Think we might hit the city tomorrow for some shopping. Cant decide if its Crimetown or the meth capital of the oil patch, lloydminster.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
After watching YouTube and seeing "Mrs. "O" bring her husband Eric (from South Main Auto Channel) a STEAMING Hot Cup of Coffee in what he called his "Yeti Cup... My Favorite Cup.." and then almost scalding his mouth after leaving it sit around for a while... I mentioned wanting one in Stainless Steel to my Better Half. She ordered it for Father's Day and it came in a bit early.

I'm drinking my 1st Cupper of the Day out of it right now and it is NICE... even if it does sell on Amazon for $25.00 ...I need the Damned Thing because she keeps our house Cold for Florida down at around 65 Degrees F all year round and all of my Cups of Coffee go Ice Cold much too soon.

I'll Test it out for a while and If it'll hold heat within its Vacuum Insulated design for at least a half an hour, I'll add it to my short list of favorites for when she decides she needs it Cold Enough to Hang Meat in the House:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today gonna ask the neighbour if we can hook up to their water as we can't get any water at all anymore from our old well. Don't know how long till we can get the new one drilled and hooked up. It will be a nice cool day, perfect for working on the Saab to finish the fuel line and replace the tranny lines.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Picked up a few things this morning. Laid down some fertilizer, hoping the cloudy skies would hold up. Of course the sun started peaking out as soon as I started, along with the sweating. :mad: Stumbled on a bag of insecticide granules my sister bought a couple years ago when she lived here. Got stuffed in a corner since I had some already... Figured since I had the mower and broadcast spreader already out, might as well put that down too. Since we should get some rain tonight, tomorrow, and Monday, that should take care of watering everything in. So we'll see how things look in a week or so.

Gone fishing out at sea!

Nice catch man!


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Took the Cutlass to work, recharged the AC after converting it to R134A. Realized I forgot to put in the R134A Oil, had to Vac it back down, put the oil in, and recharge it. 45 minute project turned into 2 hours. GRR!

Got home, grabbed the Corsica, took it to a tire shop to get the 17 year old tires off, and put on the Michelins I got a good deal on. Road vibration is gone. Road noise has gone up a bit. Common complaint for these tires.

Came home, but little man down for his nap, and decided I needed a nap too. Woke up about 90 mins ago just in time for dinner. And now I am WIDE awake. Like naps, not the after effect.


Jan 15, 2012
Picked up a new water pump from AZ for my JGC, easy install,plenty of room and no special tools or tricks needed.
Spreading top soil to repair the carnage caused by the recent removal of my Ash tree stumps.


Nov 18, 2011
I'll Test it out for a while and If it'll hold heat within its Vacuum Insulated design for at least a half an hour,

View attachment 95033

Bout all I use are these style cups. Hold heat for hours and ice overnight. I have found Yeti or Walmart brand are truly about equal in insulating. I have some from yeti, rtic, walmart, and amazon. The coffee cups, 20 oz, 32 oz, and bottles. I use a 32 oz every morning and coffee stays warm for 4-5 hours.

Today is another work from the house day. Fixing yet another problem project because they send me all the special ones to work through these days.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Chasing down the well driller to get an estimate that I can submit for a grant to cap the old well. Can't do anything until I submit the application and they come to inspect before the work starts. At least we're connected to the neighbour's water through garden hoses. Not ideal but usable. Also gonna try to finish with the Saab before the weather heats up starting tomorrow.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not much today. Wife is off to the store, I got a vehicle to clean, maybe play around with the Tb to trace that brake light problem, cut some lawn and clean the horse trailer.

My wife is helping a friend out and picking up 3 horses to sort out and help market. I guess some old guy owns them and he is at the point he cannot properly care for them. We have the room and feed so hopefully we can sort them out before the end of summer. This will be a solid 10 hour round trip so I thankfully got the day off work to help.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well so far so good today. We are prepped and ready to roll tomorrow. The wife took the Tb to work so I swapped the rear tires on big blue. Cleaned out the crusted mud and swapped sides in efforts to clean up a vibration while at highway speed. After a test drive it seems much improved. Balanced the pressures at 70psi as well.

Managed to pawn off the kids for a week to. These horses are 50km from my parents place, so they are happy to take them. Suckers!!!! Lol, no they are good kids and my folks love having them.

Then set some mole traps and lit a few smudges in the yard to quell the clouds of mosquitoes. Ahhh life in the country.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@BrianF ...

Ran across this Portable Battery Powered "Mosquito Bulb" Bug Killer Device that might work... Smudge Pot Odor Free... for the areas outside close to your home when it gets hots where you are:

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Dec 2, 2011
Just found out that despite our department being the only one in the county that makes their own money and even a profit, everyone in billing (me +5 others) are being split into two teams and working one week at our normal jobs and one week for the "Covid-19 task force". We apparently have a drop in revenue and the money being given to the task force will offset our wages every two weeks by us working at wherever they put us. Better than being laid off but fucking hell.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went to the PNP, got a rear license pocket from a TB to replace the handle in the Saab with. Also got a nice pair of fog lights to retrofit on the LS. There was a V8 TB in there, engine and all. None of them had anything but GU6 3.42 gears in them. I'd be happy to find GT4 3.73 or totally ecstatic for a GT5 4.10, but alas, none to be found. Later years are really starting to show up in the yards now and less of the older ones. I guess that's how we can tell that this platform is aging :frown:

Then dropped off a couple rolls of film to be developed that I found in two of my mom's old cameras. They were half-exposed. One camera I had to buy a battery just to force rewind the film. Hope they can be developed and has some interesting pics on them. They'd be minimum 15 years old.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Mrrsm, that's a nifty little bulb. I have a large zapper on every night. The issue here is the night time temp has to be about 10c or warmer for the bugs to really go after the zapper. What's sad is really only a handful of nights per month is the thing effective.

Caught one mole bit the other trap was filled. Reset the bastard and try again tonight.

We managed the trip just fine today. About 1100km round trip. Big blue managed about 13mpg hand calculated. 6000 pound trailer empty and about 8400 loaded. Made some good time as well.

The horses loaded great considering they haven't been worked with in quite some time. No injuries, no break downs and missed all the bad weather.
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Nov 18, 2011
Looking at some builder parts for a new pistola
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finally got me a pandemic hair cut. Was starting to look like a hippie.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Moved the RV trailer from it's lawn ornament status to the driveway with the Saab. It needs a few things like replacing the single step with a better one with two steps, replace the awning, replace the water inlet and replace the damaged storage door with a bigger one and add one on the opposite side. Ordered the water inlet, an electric hybrid water heater and a roller to protect the new awning from the top of the door. The storage doors, awning and steps I already got from a guy parting out an RV. Just too hot today to actually work on it. Also have a new large step grab handle to install.


Jan 15, 2012
Mrrsm, that's a nifty little bulb. I have a large zapper on every night. The issue here is the night time temp has to be about 10c or warmer for the bugs to really go after the zapper. What's sad is really only a handful of nights per month is the thing effective.
I had a big zapper too. They get everything but, mosquitoes and stink like hell when something big gets in there. Pretty much a placebo effect when you're frying bugs you feel good ...:celebrate:
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