What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Working and shaking my head at people's stupidity.
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
I had a supervisor that had a masters in IT and I could talk circles around him on getting tasks done. He told me that it would be a waste for me to go back and get my degree since I have the experience that most of his professors didn't have. Now I am one of the only people that holds my position without a degree. I have been there longer than most on my team.
All the degree proves is that you have the ability to retain relevant information and follow directions on a test. With grade inflation, out-of-touch professors, cheating, and the fact that "C's get degrees", that $40,000+ piece of paper has become severely devalued.
I look at a degree as more of a badge of honor that you survived the modern university system than a guarantee that you know anything.
Not to sound arrogant, but the system is easy to game and a good half of graduates have no business holding a degree.

On a positive note, it's 66°F and sunny, so it's a good day to get out. I've got an afternoon hike scheduled with a local outdoors group followed by a grocery run.
I guess this is what it's like to be a stay-at-home mom... minus the kids.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm -- definitely not using my Bachelors Business Management degree as my multiple Real Estate Licenses are far more applicable


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Trying to muster some oomph to go to work this afternoon.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
All the degree proves is that you have the ability to retain relevant information and follow directions on a test. With grade inflation, out-of-touch professors, cheating, and the fact that "C's get degrees", that $40,000+ piece of paper has become severely devalued.
I look at a degree as more of a badge of honor that you survived the modern university system than a guarantee that you know anything.
Not to sound arrogant, but the system is easy to game and a good half of graduates have no business holding a degree.

On a positive note, it's 66°F and sunny, so it's a good day to get out. I've got an afternoon hike scheduled with a local outdoors group followed by a grocery run.
I guess this is what it's like to be a stay-at-home mom... minus the kids.
Not just degrees are like that. Look at a lot of the people that have a ham radio license... Let alone a driver's license.
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Jul 6, 2014
Hanging signs...20180217_134034.jpg


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Bought motor mounts for TB. Ouch @ acdelco prices. Cheapest found on rockauto even including shipping. Honestly more intimidated by that job than the full steering rebuild on my truck and it was a huge pita lol.


Jul 6, 2014
Bought motor mounts for TB. Ouch @ acdelco prices. Cheapest found on rockauto even including shipping. Honestly more intimidated by that job than the full steering rebuild on my truck and it was a huge pita lol.
They're straight forward. As long as you pull out the struts you can do it one side at a time on jackstands.

I messed with the vette a little. Set timing again made some other minor adjustments. Let her come up to temp and messed with the tps too. Plugs showed a little lean actually. Was surprised at that.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Here's a new one for everyone! How about being woken up in the middle of the night to what sounds like someone taking a battering ram to the front door!! Turns out some idiot had just crashed their car into the light pole next to my house, which caused it to completely break maybe 2/3 of the way up, and the top section swung down crashing against the lower section.

It happened JUST outside of the frame of one of the cameras I have setup, so no pics or video. The 2 passengers aren't injured, waiting for the cops to show up now.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Here's a new one for everyone! How about being woken up in the middle of the night to what sounds like someone taking a battering ram to the front door!! Turns out some idiot had just crashed their car into the light pole next to my house, which caused it to completely break maybe 2/3 of the way up, and the top section swung down crashing against the lower section.

It happened JUST outside of the frame of one of the cameras I have setup, so no pics or video. The 2 passengers aren't injured, waiting for the cops to show up now.

Fire truck showed up first about 30 minutes later and secured the area, followed by a guy from the power company who got into the control box and shut off power to the pole and taped off the exposed wiring. Cops finally showed up about an hour into the mess to put up some police tape, talk to the 2 women and file an accident report . Around 4 am, they drove away.

Some more utility trucks are here this morning to take care of this... Dunno if they are going to clean up the chunks of concrete that are all over the street, as well as my side yard or not. Fingers are crossed though, cuz I sure as hell don't wanna do it. :no:

Light Pole.jpg


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
At the same old 9-5( more like 8-4:30) today. Friday and yesterday spent the day with my brother still working out things at his shop.20180217_121621.jpg
The pic is of the top tear where all the sand blasting prep and powder will be happening.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I noticed passers by looking up at my roof, and my neighbor across the street took a picture. :confused: So I went back outside to see what was so popular... The lamp housing from the street light was on my roof! The impacts from it bouncing around up there is what I heard (the most) last night. :mad:


There were also chunks of concrete on the slope nearest the street. Plenty of shattered glass, large chunks, and tiny shards to clean up too. There's a small sized puncture near the peak of the roof where it first made impact, that went all the way through the plywood, but it's only on 1 shingle, so I'll try replacing that myself.



Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
I noticed passers by looking up at my roof, and my neighbor across the street took a picture. :confused: So I went back outside to see what was so popular... The lamp housing from the street light was on my roof! The impacts from it bouncing around up there is what I heard (the most) last night. :mad:

View attachment 83270

There were also chunks of concrete on the slope nearest the street. Plenty of shattered glass, large chunks, and tiny shards to clean up too. There's a small sized puncture near the peak of the roof where it first made impact, that went all the way through the plywood, but it's only on 1 shingle, so I'll try replacing that myself.

View attachment 83271View attachment 83272

Damn @Blckshdw you live in a very interesting part of your town. Always something going on over there. Most action I get around my house is the cats, possums and racoons going at it.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I noticed passers by looking up at my roof, and my neighbor across the street took a picture. :confused: So I went back outside to see what was so popular... The lamp housing from the street light was on my roof! The impacts from it bouncing around up there is what I heard (the most) last night. :mad:

View attachment 83270

There were also chunks of concrete on the slope nearest the street. Plenty of shattered glass, large chunks, and tiny shards to clean up too. There's a small sized puncture near the peak of the roof where it first made impact, that went all the way through the plywood, but it's only on 1 shingle, so I'll try replacing that myself.

View attachment 83271View attachment 83272
File a claim to get it fixed right. Their insurance, person that had the accident should be covering property damage.


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
In the poconoes at the hospital with the girlfriends grandpa..


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Damn @Blckshdw you live in a very interesting part of your town. Always something going on over there. Most action I get around my house is the cats, possums and racoons going at it.

Brother, you ain't kidding! There's so much weirdness in my neighborhood, I don't understand it. And the plot thickens...

File a claim to get it fixed right. Their insurance, person that had the accident should be covering property damage.

I called the sheriff's office and asked them if they could give me information on the crash report so I could have her insurance take care of it, and they said they'd send a deputy over as soon as they could. I knew the incident took place out of the frame of my camera, but I decided to go back and check the footage from last night anyway, since the one thing I knew it would catch, is when the concrete pole broke and pieces went flying. But instead what I found was quite shocking, and infuriating.

So first, there was a hit and run, that was caught by the first camera. Girl #1, who hit the pole, was driving slow, got rear ended and stopped. The other vehicle goes around her and takes off. Girl #2 is behind them in another vehicle, and goes off after the first car. Few minutes go by, and girl #1 pulls forward into view of camera #2 and sits there until girl #2 comes back and pulls up along side her. They talk for a few minutes, and inspect the damage to the car.

Then it gets crazy. Girl #2 leaves again, then girl #1 throws her car in reverse, goes around the busted headlights in the street from the person that hit her, and passes through the frame of camera 1. Few seconds later, she plows into the light pole, which also knocked out the light pole down the block where people used to dump stuff. :hissyfit: I made notes of key points in each of the video clips, and was going to try to splice together a single video for the deputy cuz I'm sure whatever was in the crash report didn't match what I just saw. Cut out some of the dead spots, to shorten things some and came up with this.

When the crash investigator showed up, I had the attic entry open, since you could see the fractured plywood from standing on the floor. He told me what girl #1 stated to the deputy last night, that someone rear ended her, and forced her into the pole. I told him that wasn't the case, and gave him a verbal rundown of the video, offering to show it to him (once it was finished rendering) and give him a copy if he'd like.

He asked for a copy of the video, and said he'd speak to the deputy who was here before, as there are some holes in girl #1's story. He said it may turn into a criminal investigation because not only were there 2 separate crashes, instead of 1, she said the other vehicle forced her into the pole when it was intentional on her own. (Destruction of property) You can also see after she hits the pole, she walks into the camera frame, picks up the broken headlights from the other car, and moves them back behind her car. (tampering with evidence) Add on filing a false police report, and a possible insurance fraud claim, and it will not be a good time for her.

I have a copy of the initial report, but he told me to sit on this for a few days while they further investigate a few things. Luckily the forecast is dry for the next week. I would really like for my life to be boring again...


Dec 4, 2011
The heck? So she got rear ended and is not at fault, but then she goes and reverses into a light pole? Why? What is her logic doing that?

.... and why was she going like 5 mph down the road?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
The deputy said something similar. She reversed past the pole, and then hit it straight on. Cracked her front bumper, and dented the hood. Since that street is long, straight and has no speed bumps, people are usually driving too fast, rather than so slow. He's suspecting an insurance fraud scam, but couldn't understand why she rammed into the pole either. Maybe she was trying to get more damage, so the car gets totaled out? When she's talking to her friend before reversing, you can see her look at the pole next to my house, and then the pole down the street. I wish they would have gone after the other one... :mad:

As for today, going to enjoy the day off. Since my DVR is empty, may watch a few movies, and spend some time on the PS4. :thumbsup:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I think she's damaging it enough to total it and be paid off by the insurance. Probably will get nothing and a record.

Chillin' and later will load the sleds onto the trailer to take them to North Bay next weekend.
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
@Blckshdw That jus f-ing nuts:crazy:..
As for me I got the holiday off so been doing stuff around the house. I had to make a run to my brothers shop to drop something off so I took advantage and changed out the motor oil in the Voy.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
I wrapped up a 2nd interview with Remington and got screened for an initial interview with "i3" Integration Innovation.
The 3rd (and hopefully final) Remington interview is a panel one, so I'm not looking forward to that, but I am because I want the job!

Surprisingly, Remington is offering the best pay I've been offered so far in the private sector, plus 40% off guns and ammo!
But many of the other jobs I've applied for are offering a Secret or Top Secret security clearance, with about $5k lesser pay.

Man, these decisions are going to be tough when I do get multiple offers.
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Dec 2, 2011
I played golf for the last time in Florida this year and went to Tin City in Naples to meet the family. Just chilling with a couple of beers tonight and am heading to Sanibel Island tomorrow to take Connor fishing.

smt 59

I played golf for the last time in Florida this year and went to Tin City in Naples to meet the family. Just chilling with a couple of beers tonight and am heading to Sanibel Island tomorrow to take Connor fishing.
Your killing me here, our golf season starts in late April and all I can do is watch the PGA. Enjoy the beers and family.
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Dec 2, 2011
Your killing me here, our golf season starts in late April and all I can do is watch the PGA. Enjoy the beers and family.

Mate, I'll be home in sh!tty Ohio on Thursday...definitely not looking forward to that!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Moose man it sounds like your trying to follow the snow, rain all week here in the forecast.

You got that right. Meltdown on the go right now with massive rain tonight so our season here is done. After pulling the trailer out of the yard, found a flat tire and Princess Auto closed today because of family day. I'll get two this week and keep the one good tire as a spare. Hope they're on sale.

I tell ya, with this weather and bad luck lately, I feel like giving up the sport.

smt 59

I try to make the best of winter as well by skiing as much as I can but with work and crappy weather it’s a tough go, I can just imagine the sledding with lack of snowfall. At least the ski hills make snow.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
At the learning place.. please save me


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
We'll send out the GMTN Tactical Team.

For me, work, work, work...
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
The job hunt has gone from 0 to 100 in an instant. I've now got two in-person interviews scheduled this week. Things are getting real!

With the 30-day deadline approaching, I decided I better wrap-up my move by starting to get my vehicles registered, insured, new drivers license, and my address changed with the gubment while I still have free weekdays.

First step is insurance, and wow, I'm saving $600 a year on auto and renters versus Maryland. Same exact insurance, new state.
I'm also in shock at how small the fees are for the rest of this stuff too. My moving expenses will probably be paid just by all the money I'm saving this year.


Dec 2, 2011
:biggrin: You can always relocate, you've got plenty of GMTN family here as well ya know. :wink:

I know and I will...but SWMBO wants Connor to graduate in Ohio for reasons only known to her so it will be at least 7 years...plus I'll either have to buy a job or find one.
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