What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Trying to sell the house.
Working more.
And work.
Mar 30, 2016
no write up. comes with instructions. pretty easy. you could go to the website and possibly print out instructions.
here's the page:

Thanks I've been over these instructions before, however I remember reading about the rivets causing bulges in the body panels. If you could get some pictures I'd really appreciate that.

On side note I can't believe I'm 3 days from turning 19 😲. My teenage years are coming to an end and I didn't even notice 😲

Back to work after 20 days off.

Wow. How'd the days go by! 😁

Trying to sell the house.
Working more.
And work.

How much? I'm interested 😁😂


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Do you have a write up somewhere on the install. Have been debating getting this done for quite some while now!

Starting to prepare for my finals. If all goes well I may be back home by April 😁😁😁
no write up. comes with instructions. pretty easy. you could go to the website and possibly print out instructions.
here's the page:

:iagree: with @HARDTRAILZ complaint, installing them where the instructions say, results in the hood maxing out at a lower height than the prop rod.

You'll want to move them back a little on the fender, to gain a bit more clearance to side access. As well as open the hood to where you want it, and mark the mounting locations there.

The rods aren't completely compressed when the hood is down, so you have some room to play with.

Edit: also at work, trying not to watch the clock too much. Have a couple of conference calls this afternoon to try to stay awake through :sleeping:
Mar 30, 2016
:iagree: with @HARDTRAILZ complaint, installing them where the instructions say, results in the hood maxing out at a lower height than the prop rod.

You'll want to move them back a little on the fender, to gain a bit more clearance to side access. As well as open the hood to where you want it, and mark the mounting locations there.

The rods aren't completely compressed when the hood is down, so you have some room to play with.

Edit: also at work, trying not to watch the clock too much. Have a couple of conference calls this afternoon to try to stay awake through :sleeping:

Ah yes, I remember we talked about this a while back. Should I start a thread on this, cause there's something o wanna try out, don't want to hog the off topic discussion.

Prepping my alarms for an early class tomorrow morning 😌😒


Jul 6, 2014
Searching internships because I probably should be on that...


Dec 4, 2011
Work and posted my house for sale on Zillow.
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Nov 18, 2011
Working for the man


Dec 2, 2011
Acting like I'm working, but researching riding lawn mowers instead.

The more I think about having to spend 2 hours to mow the grass every other week, all summer, the more I want to throw my budget to the wind :Banghead:

Doooo iiiiiit. We have 1/3 of an acre and I use a rider now. Cut my mowing time in half, even using a little 30" cut rear engine job.
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Jul 6, 2014
Acting like I'm working, but researching riding lawn mowers instead.

The more I think about having to spend 2 hours to mow the grass every other week, all summer, the more I want to throw my budget to the wind :Banghead:
Every other week? I have to do mine twice a week usually. :raspberry: Spring and fall its about 18 bags on the push mower to do the front and back. I use the ride on more not because it is that much faster but that I only have to dump it three times. I can usually squeak the front out in one and the back in two. Nice cold beverage of choice in the cup holder and just go to town for an hour and a half. Obviously you still have to cut it in with the push mower. It is relaxing going around in circles and watching the lines swing nicely.

Remotely diagnosing a possible oil into the radiator leak. Hopefully it's not but I'm scared now.


Nov 18, 2011
Today is researching trucks for a buddy wanting a tow pig.

Get a zero turn...I do my half acre lot in about 25 minutes including weedwhacking around the house, trees, playset, and fence. 60 inch cut at time makes things go quick, but it is a bitch to try and have a nice beverage while running it.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I've got 1/3 of an acre myself, usually put out 5 or 6 thirty gallon bags each time. My lawn is awful, not healthy at all and plenty of bare spots from previous people parking in the front and on the side of the house, and boats and crap in the back. :no:

Got my eye on a RyobI 38" electric riding mower. 16" turn radius, so not too bad. The door to my shed is 48" wide, just have to build a ramp. The bag kit holds about 60 gallons of clippings, so I'd only have to dump it 3 times, instead of up to 18 like I do now. :undecided:

Maybe next year I'll be able to afford a lawn restoration project, and get things looking better. Then I'll really appreciate having a riding mower.
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Jul 6, 2014
I've got 1/3 of an acre myself, usually put out 5 or 6 thirty gallon bags each time. My lawn is awful, not healthy at all and plenty of bare spots from previous people parking in the front and on the side of the house, and boats and crap in the back. :no:

Got my eye on a RyobI 38" electric riding mower. 16" turn radius, so not too bad. The door to my shed is 48" wide, just have to build a ramp. The bag kit holds about 60 gallons of clippings, so I'd only have to dump it 3 times, instead of up to 18 like I do now. :undecided:

Maybe next year I'll be able to afford a lawn restoration project, and get things looking better. Then I'll really appreciate having a riding mower.
Nail a 2x4 to the front face just under the door and use 2x6s to build 2 removable ramps. Line them up to the tires back it in then lift the deck up and slide the 2x6s underneath. Boom. That's how mine is as to not kill the lawn.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got home and needed to put a few screws into some loose boards on the fence. Couldn't find my hex adapter, so stuck the torx bit directly into my cordless impact, figuring I'd knock these out right quick and be done. Murphy's law slapped me upside my head. :mad:

The bit got stuck in the chuck, and wouldn't budge. The tip of the bit is tapered, so my trick of locking some vice grips on it, and tapping it with a hammer wasn't gonna work. Ended up breaking out my cutoff wheel, and cutting some grooves in the bit on either side to give the vice grips more surface area to bite into. That did the trick, was able to get the bit out with a couple of taps. :thumbsup:



Nov 18, 2011
Working then bowling league then organize gun stuff in basement


Dec 4, 2011
Work, and also signing some paperwork for the sale of the house. This guy is preapproved so we should be set.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Recovery day for me after two night shifts on overtime. Dog is in to the groomer while I have breakfast. I'll be replacing the starter in my sled, which is better than housework. Wife is off today so....


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
One of our 'feel good' office groups is putting on super bowl tailgate party this afternoon, so I'm being smart and skipping lunch today.

The people who like to bring food ALWAYS bring too much, so instead of getting an afternoon snack, you can literally have a full meal, plus desert. Had a cereal bar to hold me over so I don't get hangry before 2pm and snap on somebody :biggrin:

After that cruising through the last couple hours of the day before kicking off a 3 day weekend.
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Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
Just getting home after a 10 hour shift. Yay! Pulled in the garage, put the TB in park and it starts missing. Boo! I tried to coax it into throwing a specific code but no luck, just intermittent SES and P0300. Looks like I have some of my morning planned for me tomorrow.
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Jul 6, 2014
Making some sausage.20180202_213740.jpg
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Dec 2, 2011
Smoked or keeping it fresh?


Jul 6, 2014
Smoked or keeping it fresh?
Going into the freezer. I also made some patties. For my first time they're pretty good. Had a few links last night and even the one I damaged and oozed the juices out of when cooking stayed juicy. Not bad for chicken. My smoker is non operational at the moment.
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Going over to my brother shop to finish off a dual car port partition wall with 12' 6" high clearance.( I let you guys in on his new business venture when it's concrete) Here are some pic's of yesterday's progress framed in 2×6×12 and then some. Lol 539054155.jpg539054141.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Started off the morning by swinging my ban hammer around a lil bit on some spammers. Ban Hammer 1.GIF

Gonna clean up the house some, then a friend is gonna come over to hang out, and maybe help me get that roof section off the deck without it falling on my head.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
We are moving an entire department with over 100 PCs from one location back to our main offices.
Haha, different type of move. Mine was personal. Even worse because I'm not getting paid.

Likewise, I just got settled in a new apartment community outside of Huntsville, AL. All I've seen is a single Envoy and TrailBlazer in the community. :sadcry:
As stressful as the move itself was, dealing with leaving my whole life, family, and friends behind has been the hardest part.
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Dec 4, 2011
Slept in, fixed my beard trimmer (because why spend $30 when I can spend $7 for new batteries and fix it in 10 minutes), doing laundry so wife doesn't have to do it on her birthday. Planning on taking her to dinner later. If she can decide where she wants to go :laugh:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
... get that roof section off the deck without it falling on my head.

It was nice to have an extra set of hands, and a smart mouth to curse at things when they didn't go right, besides my own. :laugh: Also a keen eye to come up with an alternate plan that resulted in a lot less heavy lifting than if we went with my idea. Did tweak my back a little bit, since I had to get into some awkward positions to remove some of those screws in the front section, so we called it quits after getting things separated.

Had some pizza for lunch, and chatted for a bit, before calling it a day. The lumber is in great condition, so some of it will come in handy for building a portable ramp for the shed. :yes:



Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Took a 2 hour drive north today to set up for an event next weekend, we are expecting to have about 2500 Boy Scouts up here. Spending the night to go out and do more before heading home so my youngest can enjoy his birthday.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working and wish I wasn't. Snowing right now wishing I could go out and enjoy this pow.


Jul 6, 2014
Finished up the MSD box hookup.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just finished snowblowing the driveway. Now just resting up for my evening shift.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Working from home today as stayed up to late last night after the Eagles won the Super Bowl !!! But also trying to figure out a water leak into the passenger compartment of my truck every time it rains.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Deciding which scavenge pump to use on the build.
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