What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Back out on the trails, having breakie right now.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
The building maintenance guy hasn't fixed the vent in my office in 2 months, the baffles are broken and stuck wide open. For some knuckle headed reason, the AC kicks on above 70 (it seems) and my office is on the same ducts as the cube farm where the thermostat is, so it's freaking frigid all day in there. I usually have my hoodie on within 15 minutes of being at work. Zipped up by 10am, and hood up by lunchtime. Coworkers love to clown me when they walk by and see me bundled up, until they cross the threshold of my doorway, THEN they get it.

So my solution, cut up some of the cardboard from the box my lawnmower came in, and wedged it in the ceiling frames to cover most of the vent. :biggrin: Was a bit better, but still a good bit of air coming out of there, so I wedged in another small piece after I took this pic. My office is still chilly, but it's bearable to the point I don't need my hoodie if I have to get up once or twice outside of lunchtime during the day.


Weather was perfect when I got home, and tomorrow is trash day, so more work in the back yard. Got the rest of the deck cleared off, so that's done. Back into the patio for some more small detail work. Got the remaining large items out of there, dumped all the random remaining fluids into a 5 gal bucket for recycling. Then started clearing off the shelving. Lots of spilled chemicals, adhesives and epoxies have the strand board in pretty nasty shape. It won't be anytime soon, but I think when I get around to fixing this area up to make it nice, I'll pry that crap out, lay down some plywood, and seal it. I see this more as a spot to chill when the weather is nice, rather than a work area, since there's so much space in the shed, and plenty of power outlets in there too.



Dec 2, 2011
Connor's birthday party today so I'll be entertaining 5 10/11 year old boys.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Contemplating giving up snowmobiling after burning up my second starter in two days. Right now, looks like about $1000 in parts to fix this and it's a bitch of a job. The starter one-way clutch is internal to the engine.

Costs, short seasons (and getting shorter), weather and getting older weighing heavily. :undecided:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Loaded up the EXT with the remaining scrap from the back yard and got a few $$$ in return. Just under 400 lbs this time, about half of what I had last trip. Boy am I glad to be done with that mess!


Came home, chatted with the next door neighbor a bit, then vacuumed the interior. Really need to wash and detail it sometime soon... :undecided: Got laundry running now, cleaning up around the house before some chill time, then meeting up with @triz and @kurupt for some UFC action later tonight.


Dec 4, 2011
Last night moved an upright freezer from my brother's place to ours.
Today, helped the brother in law move some stuff (put the truck to work), then putzing around the townhouse getting some stuff done. Bolted the smaller plastic shelves to the wall in the basement as they were a bit wobbly for my preference, put a peep hole in the front door as our unit was the only one that didn't have one (weird) and got irked that the directions had my drill a hole almost too big for it, and doing laundry. Doing some of the wife's stuff too, hope I'm doing it right :ugh: :dunce:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
At the job. Doing prep work for a big move coming up next week, on top of my normal work.
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Doing prep work for a big move coming up next week, on top of my normal work.
Coincidence? I think NOT! I'm also moving "big" next week. Over 700 miles.

Likewise, I'm packing and cleaning this week. And I just reserved a Penske truck.
After investigating Budget, Penske, Rentals Unlimited, Ryder, and UHaul; Penske ended up being the best choice for my one-way move.
It's still going to run me ~$1050 for the truck. Yikes. Moving is expensive.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
@ the job.
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Jul 6, 2014
Chemical reaction engineering. :drooling:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Coincidence? I think NOT! I'm also moving "big" next week. Over 700 miles.

Likewise, I'm packing and cleaning this week. And I just reserved a Penske truck.
After investigating Budget, Penske, Rentals Unlimited, Ryder, and UHaul; Penske ended up being the best choice for my one-way move.
It's still going to run me ~$1050 for the truck. Yikes. Moving is expensive.
We are moving an entire department with over 100 PCs from one location back to our main offices.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Was crazy busy today at work and now at a Boy Scout Troop meeting


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just a regular day at work.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just had breakfast with my bud, now chillin' at home. Working later this evening.


Jul 6, 2014


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Working on my trailer to get it ready for an event in 2 weeks.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got started tearing down the deck. Used a spare fence panel over a small gorge full of branches, so I'd have more room to step and hopefully not lose anything if I happened to drop it.

Was going to try to save the corrugated metal roofing panels, and reuse them for later projects... But turns out they were nailed in, and not screwed. :mad: Got out the pry bar, tried to gently work my way around the frame to lift the panels and pop loose the nails. FAIL!! Took me an hour just to get the first damn panel off. :stars:


At that point, said screw it and opted for the brute force method instead. Used the curved end of the pry bar, and slammed it into the panels near the frame to bang them loose. The result, got the remaining panels removed in about an hour. Thankfully it was almost mid day, cuz I made a LOT of noise! :redface:


Got a little discouraged at this point. The front part of the roof is attached to the cross beam by screws, so that's good. But the bolts and nuts holding the top of the roof to the patio is all screwed up. In some cases, I can't get a wrench or a socket on the nuts to loosen them. On others, the bolts are pulled out of alignment where even if I can get a socket on the nut, the bolt spins with it, and the head is smooth, so not like I can put a wrench to hold it still. Will probably break out the compressor and cutoff wheel and let it eat. That's always fun. :biggrin:

Got side tracked, and decided to walk the property to check on things that can't be seen from the house. Remembered I noticed that stray cats, always run to the back fence when they see me coming, so I probably need to address a gap in the fence. Tons of overgrown branches pushing pieces of the fence loose, and just plain in the way. So got out the hedge trimmer and sawzall, and spent a few hours cutting down/up branches. Since there's a wooded area on the other side of that back fence, tossed a bunch of the branches back there.

Forgot to take pics, was a dirty sweaty mess at that point. Got a pretty nice scrape on my arm, since I didn't put on long sleeves like I usually do, so chose that as a good time to stop, get cleaned up and relax for the rest of the day. Few more thick branches down back there, will try to get out there in the morning before it rains and deal with the rest tomorrow.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided I burned enough calories today and felt like carb loading on some pasta for dinner. Added some ground turkey and ground spicy sausage to the mix, and some garlic bread on the side. Relaxed on the couch and cleared the DVR a little bit, along with some internet window shopping. May need to hit the hardware store tomorrow. :undecided:

Any Gators in that water ?

I haven't seen any. Plenty of birds, fish and turtles though. It's a retention pond, cut off from other open waterways, surrounded by houses with fenced yards. There's a county pumping station in my back yard that pumps storm water into it so the neighborhood streets don't flood.


Jul 6, 2014
Had a little scare today. Luckily all is now good but let's say it involved oil in the radiator... but it wasn't.


Dec 2, 2011
Looking after a sick kid.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Vegetating. Might change the starter in my sled if I can muster the motivation. It's not like I can use it right now anyway :cry:


Nov 20, 2011
at work. managed to order new hood struts from Redline Tuning. have had that mod for 8 years now. the struts will no longer stay in the up position
for more than 10 seconds. luckily i was not under hood when i discovered that problem.
Mar 30, 2016
at work. managed to order new hood struts from Redline Tuning. have had that mod for 8 years now. the struts will no longer stay in the up position
for more than 10 seconds. luckily i was not under hood when i discovered that problem.

Do you have a write up somewhere on the install. Have been debating getting this done for quite some while now!

Starting to prepare for my finals. If all goes well I may be back home by April 😁😁😁
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Vegetating. Might change the starter in my sled if I can muster the motivation. It's not like I can use it right now anyway :cry:

Rerun of yesterday.
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Nov 20, 2011
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