My first car was my dad's old 1993 Ford Taurus. It was actually a very good first car - enough power to reasonably get on the highway, but no where near enough to really get into trouble with

It treated me well and needed very little while i had it for 3 years. The AC never really worked while I had it, and as a high school and college kid I had no money to fix it. Near the end the whole thing just started falling apart from rust until the suspension basically started coming apart. 149k miles, 14 years old at the time. It was still running OK otherwise but it just fell apart.
I don't have any decent pics of my first car, but here is one of a basically identical car I found on the web.
Second card was a 1998 Camaro V6 automatic. Had it for my last two years of college and a year after that. I always liked Camaros since I was 8 so I figured if I was buying a car I'd buy one I liked. Well... it was a bad buy as it was really abused before I got it. I knew the previous guy had hit a deer given the fender damage, but later found out that even tho the carfax was clean the car had apparently been tboned at some point

Bought it for $3300, and over the first 2 years I put more than that into it. Lifters collapsed within the first few months I had it, got those fixed. Then 2 months later it spun a rod bearing. Bought a used engine, cheaped out and went to some other "mechanic" who goofed around for a month before i got it back, to find out it was a horrible job, which ultimately caused it to blow that engine 9 months later, which the engine was replaced under warranty (still had to pay labor), and that engine was bad from day 1, so it got a
4th engine in it (I didn't pay a dime on that, I was MAD at the yard after they yanked me around on the warranty thing). Not to mention all the other stupid things that car did to me

However, all the grief and money that car cost me also taught me how to work on cars since I couldn't afford to keep taking it to the shop for all the other relatively smaller things, so in that sense it was a good thing. And strangely enough, I grew to love that car in the end. The last year I had it I drove it nearly 40k miles and had no issues with it at all. But like my first car it was getting really rusty underneath, so I bought my Trailblazer and prepared to try to sell the Camaro for what little it may still be worth... then I wrecked it on slick roads and spun the rear end into a concrete wall at 45-50 mph

Totally twisted the chassis as both doors rubbed really bad, other quarter was buckled, the roof wasn't straight, etc etc... not sure how the hatch glass didn't shatter.
A couple pics of the car. First is when i first got it, one during the middle when I replaced the fender, and how it looked right before the wreck and after the wreck.
Now my current summer toy is my 99 Camaro

This one, unlike every single other vehicle I've owned, is NOT RUSTY! It is a joy to do any work on because of this. This car is also a V6 automatic, but it isn't stock

Previous owner hit a 12.4 second quarter mile with this car, with a 100 shot of N2O. The previous owner cammed it along with the supporting head work, installed headers, tuned it, etc. Stock suspension though. It ripped up a couple rear ends lol. Since I've gotten it I have redone a lot of the suspension (setting up for street vs strip). I just bought new wheels and tires for it that will be going on this year. Long overdue as the tires on there now are just about bald. This car still needs some cosmetic work (peeling/chipped paint on the bumper, roof panel is bubbling out as is common on all 99-02 fbodies, scratches, etc, but still way better than the old 98!) but I'm waiting on all the major cosmetic stuff until I have a house and a garage to park it in. I have a bunch of pieces to go on when I do (including a brand new roof panel) and it will get a total repaint when that happens (same color). Unlike the 98 this one has not been abused, and coming up on 2 years of ownership it hasn't had any nasty surprises for me at all.
I don't have any good recent pics of the car yet, so these will have to do for now. The wheels just arrived last week which makes me happy!