What did you do to your GMT today?

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Nov 20, 2015
Made some progress. Being a OEM bumper it fits much better. Need to finish up today. I'm hunting for the chrome foglight bezels on eBay. Once I'm finished with this I'll get the Denali rear bumper step pad since I dont want to swap the entire bumper. I had also gotten the OEM GMC hitch cover.

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Nov 18, 2011
Grabbed a spare set of 35s while waiting on the other new 35s and now dont know which of the three sets to run...

I like my old rims better so would like to use either the new or these MTR, but the tires on the rig just flat work. Damn it all


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So last night, I THOUGHT I finished my brake job. Got all the rotors on, now that I had an 18mm socket to get the caliper bracket bolts off :hopeless: The new pads didn't come with new hardware, so had to reuse the old ones. Old pads still had plenty of meat on them, decided to set those aside just in case there were any oddball issues.

Bled the brakes, and came up with a nifty trick for anyone who uses a pressure bleeder, but doesn't want to make a mess at the reservoir. If you have the HF fluid transfer pump that comes with the orange hoses, there's a small adapter that can be put inside the bleeder's cap, underneath the foam seal.


This allows the reservoir to keep a little bit of air at the top, so when you depressurize the bleeder when you're finished, it's not overfilled and doesn't spill all over the place. :thumbsup:

This morning, got up to go bed the brakes, but there was this horrible metal on metal grinding noise. Turned back around and into the driveway. Jacked up the front end, spun the tires. Slight noise from the pads, not the issue. Jacked up the rear end, spun the passenger side tire, little bit of pad noise, noticed the driver's side wheel was spinning in reverse (didn't know that was a thing) and I could hear the grinding there.

Thought maybe I put a pad in backwards or something simple. Nope. Couldn't figure out exactly what was rubbing where, but it was somehow rubbing on the lip of the dust cover. Compared it to one of the Raybestos ones I took off, there's a 2mm difference in the diameter of the gap.


Didn't pull the passenger side off to compare... So sent a note to R1 concepts to see if they'll take care of me with this. The slots run in the same direction on opposite sides, so included pics. Have to run the old rotor for now.


Also removed the tranny cooler, decided to paint the steel brackets gloss black. It was weird looking at the grille and seeing small shiny bits behind it. :squint: :blinkhuh:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
@Blckshdw why didn't you go with the brakemotive setup?

I wanted slotted only, and Brakemotive didn't offer that kit.

R1 Concepts did respond to my message, which was encouraging for a Saturday, but all it was ... :coffee:

Rotors wouldn't cause any noise themselves unless there is a metal to metal contact with anything else that would cause a scraping or grinding noise.

Did you purchase a set of rotors and pads from us?

:hopeless: They glossed over the fact that I said I purchased the kit from them, the other 3 rotors were fine, and the noise is only present when this one rotor from their kit is installed. So expectations are pretty low ATM. Hopefully someone with a little more sense answers the next time.

Took some measurements, the inner diameter of the groove is the same on both rotors at 8 3/4" across. But the outer diameter is where they are different. The Raybestos measures at 9 3/8", the R1 at 9 1/4". That outer rim isn't clean, like there's flashing that didn't get cleaned up, so if they don't replace it, I may try to borrow someone's angle grinder and clean up that outer edge. :undecided:


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Last I checked they no longer had kits for lwb/v8 applications.

When i did mine I just ordered the brakemotive TBSS kit and a used set of the bigger caliper brackets off a SS and it works great for me.

I thought the lwb had the same caliper bracket as the tbss??? Am I wrong about that?


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
When i did mine I just ordered the brakemotive TBSS kit and a used set of the bigger caliper brackets off a SS and it works great for me.

I thought the lwb had the same caliper bracket as the tbss??? Am I wrong about that?
The same. As far as I saw they didn't offer them anymore.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I thought the lwb had the same caliper bracket as the tbss??? Am I wrong about that?

Maybe not. The calipers changed, I believe, in '06. On my V8 Saab, it uses the same rotors as my '02 EXT but the calipers on the '06 are cast iron while the '02 are aluminum. The pads are also different. The brackets, according to RA, only fit '06 to '09.

The 6.0L trucks (TBSS/Aero) seem to be in a league of their own as their rotors are different than the EXT/V8 trucks.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Fixed the power steering leak, which was the previous patch on the low pressure line above the shock tower.
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Nov 18, 2011
Maybe not. The calipers changed, I believe, in '06. On my V8 Saab, it uses the same rotors as my '02 EXT but the calipers on the '06 are cast iron while the '02 are aluminum. The pads are also different. The brackets, according to RA, only fit '06 to '09.

The 6.0L trucks (TBSS/Aero) seem to be in a league of their own as their rotors are different than the EXT/V8 trucks.

The calipers are all the same except for the material. they will all interchange across all models.

There are only 2 sizes of rotors. The V8(5.3 or 6.0) in either wheelbase and all the long wheelbase received the larger rotors and need the correct bracket for that. All the I6 SWB got the smaller rotor and accompanying bracket.


Dec 4, 2011
Brakemotive sometimes just runs out of a particular kit. Check back a little later, they'll have them again.

I had to empty the catch can, it was almost brim full. Oops. Mostly moisture though just from cold and condensation from it. Still a nasty soup mess. I need to check it more often. The O ring was all stretched out somehow, so that was fun to get back into place. I may have to replace it.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Took my new battery back, which tested bad. Go figure. Gave me a new tested one. Surprisingly, the smaller ACDelco I had in it before worked great this morning in -26c.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So after giving R1 Concepts more information about the problem with my rotor Sunday, they said I'd hear from a manager today, during normal business hours. But I didn't, so I figured I'd take matters into my own hands. Was gonna use my old paint pen, but it's dried up, so grabbed some silver markers while I was at the store, and proceeded to ink-up the inside of the outer ridge on the rotor.


Figured when I mounted it and let it spin for a bit, wherever that high spot is, would scrape the ink off, and then I could grind the spot(s) down with my Dremel and rasp bit. When I get back to my laptop to make this post, there's an email waiting for me... Better late (and before I decided to break out the power tools) than never I suppose

New message from: r1concepts (71,208)

Thank you for contacting us, we will send a replacement rotor for the one you are having issues with that is pictured.


R1 Concepts Inc
Customer Service


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Changed the oil. It was black and I also found a piece of metal sliver on the magnetic oil plug. Also changed the battery for the third time with the new warranty replacement. I disconnected the battery for 30 minutes to reset everything as I had that P0521 (oil pressure) and lean bank 1. I/M readiness wouldn't come on for Evap and O2 sensor. Hope it clears things up. If it does, I'm getting it tested ASAP.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Replaced the air filter and while doing so, noticed that a hose post MAF may have been partially disconnected, which may have been a cause for my failing to get I/M readiness for the e-test. Also cleaned the MAF just in case.

Didn't get to the O2 sensors. Too cold.


Nov 18, 2011
New windshield wipers cause I found some in the garage!


Nov 17, 2012
Starting prep for the 2 week, 4000 miles snowboarding trip coming up. Need tires as I really don't want to test out the Michelin LTX'S 4/32 (these are still above the wear bars too) tread in a snowstorm between here and California. Good tires, rated for 60k, have 65k on them. I'm sure I could have driven 80k on them with less snow and more highway Just rolled 176k.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
New O2 sensors.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got my replacement rotor from R1 Concepts thanks to the man in the big brown truck. Got that put in, and while I had the truck on stands, fired it up and put it in gear. There was initially some noise with the first few seconds, but it went away and was nice and quiet. Slapped the wheel back on, and took it for a spin around the block, still quiet, so all is right with the brake world again. :thumbsup:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got some more maintenance out of the way. Flushed the tranny fluid, changed the filter, and hooked up the aux cooler.

I think when I checked my fluid back in November, I must have had LEDs on the brain, because I thought the fluid looked nearly black at the time. Here's what pumped into the bucket... (side note, the tubes for the HF fluid transfer pump work perfectly for this! :cool:)


The fluid that dripped from the lines, and from the filter once I had the pan off, was pretty red, so I considered just doing a change, but figured WTH, since I bought 14 quarts and had them sitting right there, might as well right?

The pan contents were in relatively good condition, no metal pieces or chunks, or glitter action. The misadventure with the pan gasket is documented elsewhere


Forgot to grab pics of the aux cooler, only difference from last time is I pulled the steel brackets off, to paint them gloss black, which looks much better IMO. Lubed the ports and the hoses slipped right on. That made me :biggrin:, then I got underneath and had to fight to get the hoses on the return line and the Hayden adapter in the radiator. :mad: Was able to get just enough of the hose over the flares to seat the hose clamps, but there is zero hose exposed past the clamps. Should be good enough I would think.

I've got 4 quarts of fluid left over, and with a long drive ahead of me tonight, I think any air trapped in the cooler and the aux lines should get flushed out. So I'll check levels tomorrow, top off and maybe get a few $$$ back from Walmart, or maybe just hang onto them for future use. :undecided:

smt 59

Pulled the right rear back up light socket again and cleaned off the corrosion sealed it up with dielectric grease, as well refastened the rubber splash guards in the front inner fender wells.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Drove it around town for a couple of hours since the weather was nice, and I had stuff to do.

Wanted to get the transmission fluid get warm enough seep through the thermal bypass in the aux cooler, since it was pretty cold Friday night. With 80 degree weather, warmest reading was 165* when the engine coolant read 200*. Got home and checked the fluid level, low by about a half quart, so topped it off.

Coolant was also a little low in the overflow tank, so topped that off as well. Was going to return the extra bottles of Dex 6, but lost the damn receipt. :banghead: :duh:
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Turned off the traction control and did a few donuts in the empty super market parking lot a block away from my house. It was nice and wet out so It was pretty nice. The wife didn't enjoy it as much though.:deadhorse:
Her " Are you trying to break something"
Me " No I'm just breaking it in":biggrin:
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Nov 18, 2011
I gave mine a full drink yesterday. Knew the fuel was low, but took over 20 gallons. Glad i did not wait any longer.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Did a few things. Replaced the rear wiper motor. At first I thought it was a wiring issue when the replacement motor wouldn't work. Checked voltages, the switch, yada, yada and then remembered that it doesn't work if the liftgate is open :duh:. And while checking for that, found a blown fuse for the headlight washer so that's now working. Then dicked around with the Tech 2 to see if I can get the Evap to complete the tests so it can go to "ready" and pass e-test. Found that there was a 10c temperature difference between the ambient air and coolant temp, which would prevent the test from occurring. And this was at dead cold start so both should be the same but for the test, it has to be within 6c of each other. I'm hoping I can do it with the service bay tests once it cools down a bit.


Dec 2, 2011
Swore at it repeatedly...see FU thread.


Nov 20, 2015
Finally got my Denali fog light bezels. They aren't in the best shape but they cleaned up good enough. These things are hard to find. I had to buy two passenger side bezels and mod one to fit the driver side. I wanna do a center bumper grille like the Yukon Denali.



Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Finally got my Denali fog light bezels. They aren't in the best shape but they cleaned up good enough. These things are hard to find. I had to buy two passenger side bezels and mod one to fit the driver side. I wanna do a center bumper grille like the Yukon Denali.

That's nice no bumper gap. How did you do that or does the denali bumper just fit better?


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
That's a good question...

I'm replacing the battery. I can't seem to get more than 3 years out of one..
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