I thought you had the 6.0L in yours somehow and the 6.0 doesn't have AFM? or did I get mixed up which one you ended up getting.
The 6.0L L76 does have AFM. Already tuned it out

I thought you had the 6.0L in yours somehow and the 6.0 doesn't have AFM? or did I get mixed up which one you ended up getting.
Funny thing is, it was easier to swap that sensor in the Saab than in this full size truck
The 'pro' tip is apparently to pull the intake, to make it easier. I had mine off, and *still* wound up purchasing the special socket (about $6, USD) to remove it, as there's so little room between it and the firewall (and the valley cover interferes with it on the front end, IIRC, although that can be removed, too, of course)
Fingers crossed that your bearings are OK (I'll be the sunny optimist here and predict that they are).
If the timing cover did have to be pulled, it'd be the perfect time to put in a new Melling pump
(on edit: According to Summit's 'truck' L76 guide, that engine has a HV pump, stock (1.25 c.i. per rev. @ 30 psi))
I don't envy whoever gets to pull the pan to remove the pickup tube bolts, since you have 4x4. They should (?) be able to leave the timing cover in place, if they're careful.
I didn't find pulling the pan that terrible. The 4x4 stuff drops out pretty easily, especially compared to the GMT360 with that awful through pan setup. A lot more room to work underneath the full size. I did not touch the timing cover.
There was no way I was going to pull the intake and having to also replace that gasket too. The real problem is that f@#$%&* piece of plastic held in place by the brake booster vacuum line.
Just a note on my HV Melling... I noticed when I first started the engine with it, the pressure was damn near 60psi at idle, and I found myself wishing I'd put in the other spring, even though Melling advised against it. Now that the motor's got some hours on it, I see that it's definitely calmed down and sits just 'over' the 40psi midway mark, where the gauge was just 'under' it with the old pump. So it runs about 5psi or so at idle, over stock - and that, I can definitely live with. I just wanted more volume, over (significantly) increased pressure.I then replaced it last year to the Melling 10355 and was much improved. Wish I would have kept that pump.
Built a smoke machine to find a possible leak
Ironically that's what I did. I salvaged a heater element from a furnace and a valve stem from a tire. Gonna try it soon.I have thought about doing this. Have collected a fair amount of electric heater element (wire) from old residential hvac units. Planned on using a gallon metal paint can but then saw where someone used a glass vessel and mounted the heater stuff in the lid. Might try that.
That looks like a hot surface igniter there. I plan on using some resistance wire from an electric heater element. I have some from a furnace and also some from an electric clothes dryer.Ironically that's what I did. I salvaged a heater element from a furnace and a valve stem from a tire. Gonna try it soon.
Tried to crack the locking nut for the passengers TRE, magic piss and heat did nothing, so it's going to get the alignment as is. However, if they say it's buggered, I'll ask them to crack that nut for me and put it in the parking lot and I'll have it done in 15 minutes (I'll put the jack, tools and stands in the back).
Which one did you get? I wanna do the same to keep a check on things but filter cutters seem overpriced and exhaust pipe cutters seem hit or miss.I also received my pipe cutter and it made short work of cutting open the old oil filter.
Which one did you get? I wanna do the same to keep a check on things but filter cutters seem overpriced and exhaust pipe cutters seem hit or miss.
This one from Amazon Canada. Went by the reviews and most of the CCC ones had poor reviews. This one also has the ability to flip the chain around to use the less used end of the chain cutters as the more used ones wear.
Got it back from Firestone on Saturday. 3 alignment points were off. They could not find the source of the clunking.Will be dropping off the Envoy at Firestone this evening for them to go back over what they did. Something is just not exactly right. Its close, but the noise I am hearing in the front end on bumps says something is loose, or not right.