What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 2, 2011
Tried to remove the AC clutch to take a shim out and failed. I jumped the relay and had the magnet engage but couldn't stop it from turning even holding onto the belt or another pulley.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Nailed it!!!
Installed a power disconnect to my sub and amps set up just in case I ever need to remove the sub box. The RCA's and bass remote (in the red tech flex) are an easy pull or squeeze pull to get off. The remote turn on wire has a crimp on 18 gauge disconnect.
Now to make a custom beauty panel cover with inset plexiglass and some led strips to light it up and make it shine.


Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Brought the Jinx to a front end place today. Not my regular guy but a place closer to my house that came highly recommended and doesnt have a 10 day waiting list. Hopefully they get it straightened out.
And just as I predicted got in it this morning started her right up. Vacuum was up a lil past 13 , ck eng light was off and she ran like a champ the entire way. Ive never owned a self -healing car but I may have 1 now ......


Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Got a call from the alignment guy...ready to go. Get over there and he shows me before and after print out of the alignment specs. Ughhhhh me no like what I see...... Toe is set at +.05
Camber is way off...over 2 degs difference between left and right. Caster off also.
Whats this I ask? "You cant adj caster and camber on these vehicles" Me =Want to bet???
I pull out the phone...Pull up the great GMTNation website and proceed to give a course on Envoy /Trailblazer alignments...
They guy was really embarrassed about it and had no problem correcting his mistake.
Only question I had was all I could find as far as Specs on the site here said they were for 4 wheel drive models.. Anybody know if the 2 wheel drive specs would be different??


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Should be the same as both have the exact same suspension components minus axles.

Love it that you upshowed him! Can't adjust camber/caster? Pffft! In his defence, not too may use the LCA to adjust them.
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Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
I thought it probably would be the same but wasnt sure. Of all the things you can find on the internet wheel alignment specs are like not out there at all...Found a few sites that want to sell them to you..

Worst thing about this alignment shop is when I dropped mine off Tuesday they had a Trailblazer on the rack ahead of me.... Hate to see what kind of alignment he got!


Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Picked it up this afternoon. Alignment within specs and drives great. Ive had a kind of rattle in the rear when i hit bumps and rough roads. I had asked him to look at that. Said maybe sway arm bushings but while looking he said it seemed that the top bolts on both shocks were loose.. Damn could have sworn I tightened em. Got home ckd it out and sure enough they were loose. Tightened them down and noticed another potential spot for the rattle. The trailer hitch sits very loose in the bracket. Got a couple strips of pipe insulation and seemed to tighten it up a bit.
Ill take it for a ride and see.....Get in turn the key and..........batteries dead....again!!! Never ends..........
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Jan 15, 2012
Thought that I could find an intermittent windshield leak in my G30 Chevy van based Motorhome. Using my borescope I was probing behind the rubber to see if I might have rust at the pinch weld when I heard a "POP"...yeah I broke it.
Checked my policy and I have full glass, no deductible, so Safelite will be here this Wednesday and now I will get a proper look behind the glass....:duh: no,wait!..:2thumbsup:


Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Got to U-Pull right at opening and the line was a mile long. Theres another yard about 15 miles away that Ive never been to so I figure what the heck Ill go over there and see what they got. Website said they only had 2 envoys but about 8 trailblazers and a zillion pickups so I should be able to get the alternator plug I was after and maybe find some decent rear shocks....O I was wrong!!
This place isnt a junkyard its a graveyard....These vehicles should have been buried long ago. Walked the entire lot and found next to nothing. Did manage to get 2 alternator wires so $6 later Im gone. Get home, put 1 of them on and hit the road...Drive around about 15 mins pull up in the yard and....It wont restart. Turn the key and nothing happens. Will now work on my 38th theory of the problem. Maybe the exhaust is overheating the starter when I drive it more than 10 mins or so. WTFK.......
Anyway got some decent tread on the front so I figure its time to post a pic of the Jinx.....parked it a good ways away from the house in case it gets any bright ideas in the middle of the night and tries to run me over....lol



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Started the Saab for the first time from its winter slumber. Ran it just long enough to drive it into the driveway and shut it down due to the leaking tranny cooler line although I didn't see any fluid leak?!? Anyway, I'm working myself up to replace them sometime soon since its our tow vehicle for the RV and we'll start using it as soon as things open up.


Dec 12, 2011
Rear shocks and springs. Fronts are next.


Springs are original. Ride height appears to be restored, the springs are almost the same height, old to new but it's apparent the tension decreases with age and shows when loaded.

Don't have before after pic of height, but it was almost level before.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Had a few hours to replace the old cca 0 gauge I have in the Voy.

Old CCA on the left new OFC on the right.

Had to open up the previous hole with a step bit its 1 1/4" hole for the water tight fitting.
Wire prep.
Ran and connected it to the rear fuse block and I call this project done.


Dec 4, 2011
Got annoyed by a brake squeak at low speeds. I though it was coming from the rear and ya know what the rears are 5+ years old 100k+ miles so no surprise... then my wife pointed out it sounds like the noise is from the front right. That sucks because I replaced all the brake hardware up there (minus the hose) a couple years ago. Sigh. Gotta take it apart and see what's up.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Jacked up the Saab to swap out the tranny lines but while I was running it to get it up on the ramps and I smelled gas. Check and I see this

Well didn't expect that. Really rusted to hell. Better now than later while towing the RV.

Went to Part Source and picked up some Nickel-Copper 3/8 line as I was not interested in replacing the actual line and it wouldn't have worked because of this.


I had to cut off the nylon line fitting from the tank and used a double ended Dorman fitting for nylon line. The other end I tried to use a compression fitting from the ni-cop line to the steel line but it keeps leaking on the ni-cop. Tomorrow I'll try tightening it more but it's a problem I've had before using copper line with compression fittings. Might give the Dorman fitting a shot.

If the weather holds up tomorrow...

PS: Also found a rust hole in the muffler :frown:
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Dec 4, 2011
I never figured out how my rust bucket never had a fuel line or brake line rust out. Everything else did... glad you spotted that before it was a real big issue.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Same on my '02. It was rusting badly all over and the rockers were also going when the tranny gave up the ghost, which made it non cost effective to replace, but never had an issue with any of the lines. This Saab also had the line on top of the fuel pump rust out necessitating replacement of the whole pump. It's also got rust cancer on the quarters, the doors, rear hatch and the replacement hood was pre-cancerous when I got it 3 or 4 years ago, which was still better that the rusted through original. I think parking it on grass for the winter didn't help. I should have it oil sprayed before doing that however I'm starting to consider getting rid of it. My wife is pushing me to get a pickup but now considering stripping the Saab and convert the TB to the V8. However, the current 5.3 does have, what I believe is, almost constant piston slap, so it would need a rebuild.
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Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
If you werent in Canada, theres a rust free 9-7x in my local CoPart that is going to be selling cheap. Mechanical issues. Body and frame are nearly spotless.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
So finished the fuel line by cinching the compression fitting more and it's leak free.

Also did the tranny lines. What sadistic asshole came up with the idea that they can be replaced using the original pre-formed hard lines in the vehicle? I just want to throat punch an engineer. I couldn't figure out how to thread them in. It was like one of those Chinese puzzles which I have no patience for, so I cut them right at the hump that goes over the disconnect (mine is permanently gone). Used compression fittings at the cuts. At the front, because I have an aux cooler with rubber hoses over the stock lines with clamps, I used more hoses on the new lines to hook things up.

Oh, I discovered a new easy way to take the fan out. Just remove the two angled braces at the rad support and that useless funky plate and it slips right down out the bottom. No disconnecting anything. Literally just unscrew from the water pump and it slips right out. This is on a V8 so I don't know if it would work on the I6 with the different lower rad hose location.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Swapped out the parking brake front cable but to do that, had to take the whole center console out to access the brake lever assembly. First time taking it out of the 9-7x and it's certainly different than the TB (like everything else on this Saab bastard child). Discovered that there's a little holder on the crank that holds the auto adjuster at the loosest position so the cable is at it's longest so you can easily hook the splitter onto the two rear cables. Put everything back together except for the shifter as I have to reglue the boot to the bezel.

Took it around the block a few times to clean out the rust on the brakes and give it a shakedown. All good. Only thing left is the rear hatch handle that won't open. The tab on it rusted off. Also need to get the tires swapped out to a set I found online.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Tried to remove the AC clutch to take a shim out and failed. I jumped the relay and had the magnet engage but couldn't stop it from turning even holding onto the belt or another pulley.
I replaced the bearing after it failed (huge waste of time) and the clutch would still slip so I tried the same thing which ended in the same result. I even tried installing a different clutch and it still slipped.
I just had to bite the bullet and replace the whole compressor. A/Cs been cool ever since.
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Dec 2, 2011
I replaced the bearing after it failed (huge waste of time) and the clutch would still slip so I tried the same thing which ended in the same result. I even tried installing a different clutch and it still slipped.
I just had to bite the bullet and replace the whole compressor. A/Cs been cool ever since.

I don't know that I'm willing to invest $250 quite yet.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Fixed the rear hatch handle. I just drilled and put a screw through the metal bracket and plastic. Reinstalled the shifter and the under dash panel. Just need to get the tires swapped out and she'll be ready to tow.


Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Put new screening on the cowl vents while i had it off for the radio antenna. Apparently at the factory they use a hot metal of some sort that touches the screen and melts the plastic underneath it and that binds it to the cowl. I used JB Weld and did just a little at a time starting on 1 end so it would be nice and tight all the way across. Looks pretty good. Got some Black all -weather screen from a buddy who does window screening and it really shines and is tough as metal..
Since I got my manifold vacuum more like normal I reset the Money light to see if that solves my misfire problem. Also been changing the plugs and wires ...its so hot here I get out there in the evenings and do 1 at a time. Wanted to ck the compression while doing it but SOB what would a shop charge for that??? As hard as it is to get to the plugs trying to get the compression tester line on is just about futile...and i dont see anyway to get it more than hand tight anyway. I did cyls 2 and 3, they both said 150lbs and I gave up. Unless I see a spark plug that indicates a problem Im leaving her as is... Plugs have all looked great so far. They were Delco platinum's and except for being worn the F out they looked very clean.
Problem now is its still starting every time I try it...How is that a problem? Well I know its going to start crapping out on me again soon so I cant trust it to drive anywhere and I cant fix a problem that isnt happening at the moment.. Then I cant drive it much anyway because the inspection sticker is expired AND i cant get a sticker until the money lights been out for at least 150 miles....Jeezzzz I cant win!! Thinking about just jacking the the rear wheels up and running it in gear for a few hours...
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Jan 15, 2012
Second windshield installed in G30 motorhome and so far looks good (no cracks). Would have been installed yesterday but, that windshield was cracked when Glass America received it from Ohio....:confused:
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Been pretty absent here for a while.. Silverado has gotten some love.. New trans mount, shocks all around, shock bushings in the lower control arms(I don't recommend, no fun), fan clutch, and swapped the cig lighter for a two port USB charger/voltage Guage.


Was worried about it causing a slow draw but the power touch-button on the right turns the whole unit on and off, voltage gauge and charge ports. I thought that was pretty slick and is overall a nice unit for $15 from Amazon. Both ports are high amp quick/fast chargers, I fried my other fast charger by dropping the cord in the console... The USB-C connector fell straight into the left 12v plug which without a cig lighter is open and managed to hit the hot post and throw sparks. :hopeless:


Dec 2, 2011
I replaced the bearing after it failed (huge waste of time) and the clutch would still slip so I tried the same thing which ended in the same result. I even tried installing a different clutch and it still slipped.
I just had to bite the bullet and replace the whole compressor. A/Cs been cool ever since.

Thinking more about this, did you just replace the compressor or did you do the orifice tube and accumulator as well?


Dec 12, 2011
Replacing struts and springs today, also decided to replace my worn lower strut mount bushings.

After coming up with a couple new swear words, and almost throwing in the towel, I thought, this isn't going to beat me, and the only other option was replace the lower control arm but perseverance paid off.

I will write up a "How to" later if there isn't one already...but I didn't see one.





Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I will write up a "How to" later if there isn't one already...but I didn't see one.
Well done sir! :tiphat: There isn't a write up on this one, that will make for a nice addition to the site.


Dec 4, 2011
determined it sounds like the brake noise and sticky brake is the rear (likely right). That's ok by me, I have never touched them in 5 years of ownership and nearly 100k miles, and if memory serves the dealer only put new stuff on the front at that time. So who knows how old the rear brakes are.
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Dec 1, 2019
N of Baton Rouge, La.
Ive had the radio wire for over a week but the weather here has been impossible. If its not 90degs with 200% humidity its tornados and 6" of rain. 60ft Oak tree fell across my main shed out back, hit so hard it blew the front doors clean off into the yard.
But I finally got around to doing a couple things. Put the vent grille back on with the new screens and repaired washer tubing....Turned it on and worked like a charm! Turned it on again and...nothing.. Got out and theres water pouring out the holding tank. Im shocked as usual.
Put the radio wire in and wished like hell Id listened to Mooseman... His way was much much easier...I got it in but I dont see where doing it the factory way was worth the extra effort at all.....O AND .....now i got no stations at all.... Yea Im shocked..
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May 2, 2017
Went to the PYP to browse for parts. Found the plastic piece above the rear hatch, (even the correct color) that was badly cracked on mine. Also for the first time ever found the elusive OEM dvd navigation radio that was a super expensive option. However, today a $100 android radio exceeds the capabilities of the gm nav radio :frown:
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Dec 12, 2011
Was yesterday but wasn't too bad of a job. I pretty much had the new rack and tie rod ends at the same length as the old one.

Tires looked straight and would be good enough to drive to get the alignment today.

Went on a test drive last night and a slight turn in the road, using about 15 deg of wheel input, sounded like I was hanging an off ramp at about 90, lol.

I'll measure the insides of the wheel before I leave, maybe adjust the toe slightly as I assume they are biased outwards.

I was looking to get pulled over at 11:30 PM howling down the road.Screenshot_20200628-075728_Gallery.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
found out the GMT900 has 2 types of rear drum brakes (or at least the shoes). 2007.5 might only be one type but not certain. Safest bet is to take off the drum and look at it. How much you want to bet once I get it apart it won't go back together until I get new parts.

More research required.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Thinking more about this, did you just replace the compressor or did you do the orifice tube and accumulator as well?
I know for a fact I did not replace the accumulator, but I'm not totally sure if I did the orifice tube or not. I was broke a few years ago so I'd assume just the compressor. It's blown cold ever since.

I also did a coolant change at the same time since that lower rad hose needed to come off to get the compressor out through the top. What a pain. Apparently with 2WD it can come out the bottom.
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