Topped off oil, like usually. Gone about 800 miles and she was a quart low, which has been typical since owning her (the trailblazer did the same roughly). I noticed a very "slight" hesitation, so I poured a bottle of Redline fuel system treatment in it. I'm positive its just bad gas from the prior week, and the temps have been dipping between 43-60* F on and off. I recently started working again after being furloughed throughout mid-March up until a week and a half ago.
I made a trip to the city/locally within the last 4-5 weeks and due to how much rain we had I neglected to see that someone had "bumped"/backed into the passenger side front of the Envoy. It was enough that it popped the fender liner out, and put a very small crease into the fender 3" above the corner marker following the contour of the fender. I'm not very happy with that. I also noticed that it may have broken, or knocked the bumper support lose. Just grabbing the bumper on that side with the slightest tug is enough to pull it an inch and half to two inches out. Gonna try going under this weekend to take a look. Oh......not to mention it caused the plastic/paint to crack and its been spider webbing out and the deep scratch/scrape thats grooved into the plastic (and the fact theres a gap between the bumper and fender ugh).

With it getting warmer out, its gotten worse. Its going in Tuesday to a buddy to have him look at it, with all the scrapes it has from the previous owner I may just cough up and buy a nicer one from the junkyard. Aside from that, I've been purchasing new DA pads and trying out Griots polish and compound to remove most of the swirls/scratches to try and get her looking good again
Sucks is, I probably could have gotten what happened on video. But my dash cam crapped out, so I have no idea when/how it happened.