Drained the trans fluid in the Sierra -- after taking an impact to the drain plug bolt. Originally went after it with a 12pt socket attached to my breaker - all that did was round off the bolt head a bit.
Remembering what happened with the bolt in the Envoy's trans pan, I headed straight for the 6pt impact. Took about 5 shots w/ my battery-powered gun before it finally loosened. I was starting to think I'd have to drill / extract the bolt, like I did with the Envoy's plug a couple of years back.
Given that, I'm wondering if this was the factory tightened bolt -- but if it was, the fluid would be a LOT darker than it was (isn't pink, but isn't burnt, either... more like a purplish-red). I'll hopefully know once I get the pan off, and take a look at the pan / filter. 4L80e is a gorilla, but I doubt it would've survived 235K on factory fluid (which would've been Dex III, for chrissakes)
Will also do the 'shadetree flush' after I get the filter in; I've got mega quartage of my preferred fluid on hand to swap it out with.
Ordered up a replacement bolt from AAP and will go pick up in a few minutes.
For reference, the bolt is a
M12 x 1.75 x 30mm (I believe it's the same for both 4L60 / 4L80).
15mm bolt head, btw.
Note that mine was NOT rusted in-place -- there was no corrosion on the bolt, threads, or pan surface underneath. Although there might (?) have been some catalytic reaction with the steel bolt and the aluminum (?) pan - ? Needless to say...the bolt was frickin' tite, if I had to use a gun on it.
While the GM part # is 24233099, I do NOT recommend replacing with it or a clone -- the bolt has a tapered surface under the bolt head (to conform with the pan shape), and the 15mm bolt head itself is a shorter height as a result -- which, combined with (GM plant) overtightening, makes for an almost 100% chance of at least rounding the bolt head. Plus, the one I got to replace it has a magnetic tip.
Given my experience with the two factory plugs... if you ever get underneath your truck and find this type of bolt below in the trans pan (Dorman shown, but it's a clone of GM's)... stop, and get a suitable replacement on hand
before draining your fluid, because the likelihood is, you'll round off or strip the bolt head getting it off, and then have to stop & get a replacement, like I'm doing tonight. I may even throw some anti-seize on the bolt, even though the torque is somewhere around 28-35 ft-lbs (I forget, but you *know* I'll verify it beforehand)
With the short height of the bolt head, it's a cluster**** waiting to happen.