Not to mine, but my coworker's 04 Silverado:
Checked why the fuel pump is loose on top. The retaining ring doesn't stay locked tight. It tends to turn a bit with not a lot of pressure which releases pressure against the seal. Now to figure out how to fix that.
Tried removing the EBCM from the ABS block. Got 2 of the 4 screws out, but they are all rusted up torx screws that the heads basically fell apart on. And, I'm working blind with the screw heads facing upward towards the underside of the vehicle. I think if I can just break the heads off enough I could get the EBCM off, then just simply grab the studs of the screws with some pliers and remove them. Just a matter of getting any sort of room to get to those screw heads!
Checked on the terrible misfire and extremely rich exhaust. Well, it might be because it still has factory plugs in it from 12 years ago and 150k miles. Can we say roasted plugs?!
Well, at least one of the three main things looks to be an easy fix