What did you do to your GMT today?

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Jul 22, 2015
I managed to destroy the transmission that I just got through rebuilding the VB on (details in my other post).

If there's an "idiot member of the month" award, I nominate myself for this month's entry...
:explode::Banghead: :bonk:


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Yesterday changed the oil, greased sway bar end links, and checked rear diff fluid. Today, sprayed the dirt off of it and will take it on a grocery and gas run in a minute.
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Dec 4, 2011
Not to mine, but my coworker's 04 Silverado:

Checked why the fuel pump is loose on top. The retaining ring doesn't stay locked tight. It tends to turn a bit with not a lot of pressure which releases pressure against the seal. Now to figure out how to fix that.

Tried removing the EBCM from the ABS block. Got 2 of the 4 screws out, but they are all rusted up torx screws that the heads basically fell apart on. And, I'm working blind with the screw heads facing upward towards the underside of the vehicle. I think if I can just break the heads off enough I could get the EBCM off, then just simply grab the studs of the screws with some pliers and remove them. Just a matter of getting any sort of room to get to those screw heads!

Checked on the terrible misfire and extremely rich exhaust. Well, it might be because it still has factory plugs in it from 12 years ago and 150k miles. Can we say roasted plugs?!

Well, at least one of the three main things looks to be an easy fix :rotfl:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Almost finished! I just have to hook up the y-pipe to the manifolds and start 'er up. Filled it with distilled water, cheap oil and filter for the initial run. It was late and I'm working early tomorrow so packed it up for the night.


Nov 18, 2011
Swapped the hubs and rotated the tires. Found a dead CV shaft and shot lower ball joint. Oh well. Will get them next time, but at least it is ready for the weekend with just a fluid check.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Apr 7, 2012
View attachment 77702
Yesterday all new rotors and pads all the way around. Replaced the 2 front brake calipers. Flushed and replaced all the brake fluid. Also replaced front passanger side half shaft assembly. I have to go back today as we noticed 1 front sway bar end link was busted.

Nice work! Recently changed the oil filter and saw grease everywhere. Didn't want to change the shaft myself so I went to my friendly neighborhood service station and reported bad boot on the passenger side. Picked up the envoy today and my guy said only the clamp was loose on the passenger side and sprayed grease all over, but the drivers side boot was torn! Left Shaft replaced, passenger boot clamp tightened. $189.00 Coulda charged me for both sides. I like my guy for stuff I don't want to diy.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Took it to Discount tire to try and get a tire repaired... No go just outside of the safe zone. Need new tires soon.

smt 59

Took the roof racks off to see what was underneath, not to bad, had to do some repair work around the screw holes in the front and a little around the back seams. Done and primed ready for paint.

Looks kind of cool without the racks but they are definitly going back on. Just different right now.
Removed all after market stickers as well under the hood.
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Jan 25, 2016
Louisburg, KS
Reinstalled the newly Tuned PCM...
And took her for a drive.

I could immediately tell a difference in the Throttle response and the Shifting of the Trans :yes:. I went with Shift Firmness 1 over option 2 cause I wasn't sure how much of a difference it would make and didn't want it too Firm.

I will evaluate it more since I only went on a 25-30 min drive and drove normal as i didn't want to get to crazy with it since it was in the middle of the relearn/calibration process of unplugging the Battery. Also curious of the MPG after the Tune.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got the Saab running! Still haven't hooked up the manifolds so it sounded like, well, an uncorked V8 :biggrin:. Ran it like this because I wanted to start the cooling system flush and get it up on ramps to hook up the Y pipe. Ran great except for a little roughness probably due to the O2 sensors not getting exhaust. Revved it up to 2-3000 rpm and didn't hear the sewing machine noise anymore.:celebrate:

Working right now. Tomorrow will be the final day. :wooot:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
FINALLY got my steering wheel control buttons for the radio working with the 3rd interface. In the process of installing and removing that annoying dash/radio stack bezel, I broke the switch I installed next to the power sockets to trick the parking brake switch :mad: I almost never need it, but now that it's broke, watch... :hopeless:
Mar 30, 2016
Hi everyone. Been a while since I was here. I was in Dubai for a trip past couple of days. Just got back to Saudi today. Feels good to be back in the TB after the horrible rental Accord I was in :hissyfit:.

Nothing new done to the TB yet, Just started her up, the tire pressures were really low, got them aired up and took her out for a drive.

Felt so GOOOODDDD :woohoo:
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Jan 26, 2013
Changed upstream O2 sensor, cleaned throttlebody, 6 new coils & plugs. Runs great. This was the first o2 sensor the truck needed. It just turned 170k miles. I have been procrastinating it for some time...After breaking the sensor free with any ever so slight push it came out with my fingers turning the socket, ever so nice and EASY :smile: I would have thought someone at the factory had placed Never-Seize on the treads on assembly, it came off that nicely. A good day to turn some wrenches.

The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.

George Washington
P.S. Today is Constitution Day. It was Signed on this day in 1787.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
DONE! Finished in the rain but I didn't care (well actually I did, I was cold and miserable). Took it for a spin, I spoke too soon yesterday because the noise is still there when accelerating in first gear between 2-3000 RPM :frown:. I figure it's piston slap but I didn't notice anything while I was cleaning the piston tops.

Screw it. I'll drive 'till a piston decides to see the outside world. I already have a plan to build up a 6.0 :wink:


Dec 4, 2011
Piston slap isn't necessarily a problem though.

I changed the plugs n wires on my coworker's truck. Ran great at initial startup, then it soon fouled up the drivers bank of plugs. O2 sensor is about as dead as a doornail but the PCM hasn't figured that out (signal output is a slight wiggling line at 0.1V). Passenger O2 is lazy. Guess I get to swap some O2 sensors soon too. I'm not expecting them to be as easy as Redbeard's sensor given this truck is 12 years old in Ohio and there is plenty of rusty stuff under it. Gonna be hitting them with PB blaster for a few days before the new sensors show up.
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Apr 12, 2016
Tampa, FL
Took apart the front doors to put new door panel clips in and replace the door handle bezels I broke when I took them apart the first time when I installed new speakers. Driver side went perfectly fine, but the right side bezel doesn't want to snap into place on the right side of the door handle :Banghead:, tried heating the tabs and bending them forward to see if I can get them to latch on....nothing :explode:. I have no idea why my passenger door is being so temperamental. But at least my doors don't make noise anymore, so there's that.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I had the same issue with both of my front doors for years. Wasn't until a couple months ago, I thought to check the door panels. sure enough, the lip that runs along the very top of the panels weren't properly seated inside the channel at the window opening, causing them to be pushed outwards by a fraction of an inch, which didn't allow the handle bezels to latch. Once I re-seated the tops of the door panels, they snapped into place properly. :twocents:
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Apr 12, 2016
Tampa, FL
Well you were right in that the lip wasn't properly seated but still seems to not want to snap in :/. could also be due to my adjustments trying to get them to snap in, but thanks for the tip I was able to get both clips on the left side of the passenger door to snap so at least its being held in by half of them. Might reorder the right side and try again.
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Oct 6, 2013
What tire size are you running? Are you lifted at all? If you have a build link, I will take that...



Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
If you have OnStar it will send out an emergency signal an possibly disable the vehicle. Or I may have that backwards.


Nov 18, 2011
Found this random pic a photographer snapped this weekend floating around the book of faces. Also ordered a pair of CVs since I got a dead one. Dang sticks poking holes and grease running off.



Dec 4, 2011
Working on the coworker's 04 Silverado again. Got the driver side upstream O2 sensor out with a lot less effort than I thought it would take. Passenger side however is being more of a bear. Go figure, that was the one that, while a bit lazy, still worked. But, now that I chopped the wires off of it so I could get a wrench on it I am stuck having to get it out somehow. Right.

Good thing is it no longer fouls plugs or runs like crap with that bad one out of there!
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Went to my brothers shop and picked up my powder coated rear hitch cargo carrier. It's first coated in wrinkled white and top coated with glow in the dark clear. Here is a link to his Facebook page for you all to enjoy.
https://m.facebook.com/ezpowdercoating/IMG_5349.jpg IMG_5348.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Both upstream O2 sensors on the coworker's truck are replaced now. Runs great! Just need to get those last two screws out of the ABS block so I can repair the EBCM, and we need to replace the vent/purge solenoid thingy.

It has a pending code for the downstream passenger side O2 sensor heater circuit now though. Go figure.
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
I think I made the dumb mistake of not disconnecting the battery when I worked on the transmission weeks ago. I've been dealing with a neck-breaking 1-2 shift that wouldn't go away and had me about ready to tear it apart again.

I disconnected the battery overnight and now it is shifting normally, so I guess the moral of the story is to always disconnect the battery when you replace an important component.
I feel so dumb for not thinking that was the cause.
Apr 23, 2016
So I spent a whole day at pull a part (4 hours not a whole day) picking through 8 TB's and 3 Envoy's and all I found was this:
IMG_1428.JPGIt's the stock tow hooks that mount on the bolt on the front frame, I found them on a LT. I bought two haul master hooks from Harbor Freight and I have them mounted on the middle between my brush guard but I've always wanted these stock tow hooks and finally I found them. I took this picture as soon as I mounted them but I'm going to clean them up in the morning and hit them with some Rustoleoum truck bed liner paint and I'll get some better pictures up tomorrow
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