What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 6, 2011
Drove wsy out on Long Island, NY for a wedding.


Jan 25, 2012
Washed and cleaned the inside of the TB. Tomorrow I will begin the Avalanche, debating whether or not I want to do the full detail before we head down to TN or not. Might just wash and wax it.
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Jan 30, 2014
Hello GMTN! Long time reader, first time poster. I would like to say thanks to everyone that has posted and all of your knowledge. I have had my Envoy for about two years now and I love it. Been lurking here and on the OS for awhile now and have got some great advice. The mod bug has bitten me and keeps bugging me. lol. So today I washed the voy and debadged her. Then clay bared, polished, and a wax job, along with polishing the rims. The interTior gets done about every two weeks so that's normal everyday detailing to me. I have tried to upload pics but this new format is not working for me. I will keep trying. Thanks to everyone here!


Jan 25, 2012
You should also post in the intro thread. Also want to say you may be one of the first new posters to have their info completely filled out :thumbsup: . Welcome.
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Dec 4, 2011
Welcome to The Fam and yes I agree make sure you fill out all information about your truck t
so in the future it'd be easier to help you.
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Original poster
Nov 18, 2011

I bought another GMT to steal parts off of. Finally getting the 4 rectangle style grille and a host of other odds and ends parts that I need before I make my 2500 my daily driver. I'm trying not to fall in love with it but it's extended cab (unlike mine) and riding with the seats reclined feels good man. Too bad it needs a ton of work to make it right. I could rock it.


Apr 3, 2013
kjkim93 said:
Neglected it. Lol. Only went shopping then came home. On a side note. Does anyone know if we have a gmtnation Instagram page? If not can I make one and run one?

I have looked for the page, but does not appear to be one yet. I seen posts for #gmtnation and #gmt360. I have found trailblazer_nation, trailblazernation, trailblazerssnation, and trailblazercrew pages on Instagram. I think it would be a great idea to start a GMTNation Instagram page. Plus it would be another social media outlet to get the GMTNation name/site out there.
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Dec 18, 2011
Had some brake noise after rebuilding the front end. Took the brakes apart and reassembled and now all is good.


Nov 18, 2011
Unloading it from camping

24v 4.2

Jan 16, 2013
Received/applied my caliper vinyl decals. May go with a different color at some point


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Jul 1, 2013
Not my GMT, but I fixed a headlight on a neighbor's 07 TB. (Dirtbag husband up and left her high and dry with, among other things, no clue how to take care of a vehicle. :no: )

So I check the right low beam fuse, and find it looks melted. (I also note it's a cheap aftermarket fuse) Carefully I wiggle it and try to remove it, and one leg sticks in the fuse box. Not to worry, I get my trusty needle nose pliers and gently grasp the protruding leg, which proceeds to break off flush with the fuse plug in. :hissyfit: At this point, I tried digging it out with a small pointy object, and still no go, the darn thing WILL NOT come out. Next step: borrow it from her and bring it to my garage to work on where I have access to all my tools. Now unhook the battery and take a GOOD pic of the fuse box, and remove all the fuses. Next step is to unscrew the 4 bolts sticking down through the fuse box bottom, (the ones the black plastic thing hooks over) these don't unscrew all the way, and they stay in the hole. Now the box can be lifted off of its perch if you work loose the clips at the base. Next step involves cursing while realizing you forgot to unhook the megafuse wire connections, and then removing them. Now you have a fuse box panel in your hands that looks like it should just pry right apart for you to clear the obstruction out from the backside, right? WRONG!!! Now you have to, after 10 minutes of head scratching and more cursing, tap the bolts out from the bottom side with a small hammer, then get a drill bit of just large enough size to remove the flare from the bottom side of the bolt insert so that the halves of the box will separate. Once the four inserts are de-flared and removed, the halves will come apart and the pin board sandwiched in the middle will come out also. FINALLY you can remove the broken little $%&*@#% of a cheap fuse leg by pushing it out with a small screwdriver. Reassembly, as they say, is the reverse of removal. You need not worry now about the flares on the inserts you drilled that held the thing together, because when you re-bolt the thing down (you're actually bolting it to several large connectors, think PCM connector) the bolts will keep it drawn together plus it snaps down back into the vehicle. Now use the pic you took of the fuse box with your phone to put all the fuses back, and hook the battery back up. Last step is to return the vehicle to your neighbor and when she frets about paying you for all your work simply reply "Really, it was a simple fix, don't worry about it!" :crazy:

BTW: I should have taken pics I know, but I didn't cause I was too worried about royally screwing up my neighbor's only ride, plus I was kinda hurrying to get it back to her.


Nov 18, 2011
Put ujoints in Buddy's GMT. Blew joint apart playing. Put another joint in it.

350 n 4 speed is fun
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Dec 13, 2013
Aarkon said:
Just got my decals from jeff aka high voltage and they look amazing plus got a few extras and sheets to use started to lay the two tone on my rs badges
Look at how dirty that is!!! Need to wash your truck once in a while.. :yes: :biggrin:
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Nov 18, 2011
Ordered it some goodies.


Nov 18, 2011
Shock. Bulbs. Nothing major.
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Nov 18, 2011
Already have the other.


Dec 18, 2011
Checking for a main seal leak maybe :no: :hissyfit: There was oil on the connection between the engine and tranny , not sure if it was from the oil change recently or a main seal leak or the front diff leak I just fixed working its way overbut looks more motor oil like not diff fluid....


May 15, 2012
LittleChad said:
Hello GMTN! Long time reader, first time poster. I would like to say thanks to everyone that has posted and all of your knowledge. I have had my Envoy for about two years now and I love it. Been lurking here and on the OS for awhile now and have got some great advice. The mod bug has bitten me and keeps bugging me. lol. So today I washed the voy and debadged her. Then clay bared, polished, and a wax job, along with polishing the rims. The interTior gets done about every two weeks so that's normal everyday detailing to me. I have tried to upload pics but this new format is not working for me. I will keep trying. Thanks to everyone here!
Welcome. This forum is top notch so you'll enjoy it. Everyone is super helpful so if you have any questions feel free to post them (just use the search function first,they are sticklers on repeat threads). Where are you from in Indiana?

What did I do to my GMT? I dumped all my change, my phone, my lighter, and my pocketknife out of my center console. How did I do it? Well evasive action to avoid a dumb ass woman of course. Doing 50+ down the highway and she pulls right out in front of me in a Toyota Sienna. I seriously didn't have time to touch the brakes she was so close so all I could do was take to the side of the road/ditch. I actually got about a car length ahead of her alongside on the right,not even exaggerating. It took me a couple minutes to get it together. Oh well, I'm alright and most importantly the TB is alright.


May 15, 2012
Very rarely do I come close to an accident as I usually drive pretty defensively, but going that fast though there's only so much you can do. That section of road is kind of screwy anyway. Just one lane each direction, a narrow shoulder, and signs all close to the roadway. Combine that with a 50 mph speed limit and generally careless drivers and it's, as I would call it, a level 8 charlie foxtrot. The Sienna is no longer a friend of the GMT. Flip them off at will.

Just a reminder to my fellow GMT friends, watch for the other guy. Luckily our vehicles are pretty safe but you never want to chance it. Especially speaking to those with anti-handling mods like oversize tires or sway bar deletes. I have always said, the winter season doesn't BRING OUT poor drivers it ENHANCES them, they are always there. Even now in spring.


Dec 4, 2011
Aarkon said:
I swear most people dont no how to drive
Some idiot in a Mercedes decided he wanted a slice of my lane tonight on the highway, since next to his lane were concrete barriers (construction zone) and he didn't want to risk hitting them or something :rolleyes:

Toot of the horn, no response, just a little closer to my lane, so I blared it while braking to avoid him and still nothing, just rode over the middle line :hissyfit: Sometimes I feel like I should just stand my ground and let the guy in his fancy car get some racing stripes (I'm sure my 32s sticking out and rubbing across his fender and door would leave lovely looking marks) but I don't really want to deal with all the hassle of everything.


Nov 6, 2013
Im in the same boat I deal with that almost everyday I spend about 15 mins a day trying to get out of my own work parking lot and when I do I immediately have someone who needs my lane and I've almost hit I don't know how many people they just dont pay attention anymore I swear


Apr 15, 2014
Quoted Mr. Car Wash and Express Lube mistercarwash.com for transmission, TC and axle fluids, think the tranny is all I'll have done there since I can't change all 11 qts in my driveway, waiting to hear back what fluid they'll use first. Ordered Auto trek II for TC case myself, 75W30 shouldn't be too hard to find

Monday I had jimmyjam look at my susp, making plans to work on parts

Case for using A4WD?


Dec 18, 2011
I was driving at work a few years ago on the way to a call lights and sirens and was getting caught up in traffic when some moron on his phone decided to he was going to pull in front of me. Really you cann't hear the sirens, so I gave him the air horn and it was like wholly shit where did the fire truck come from. Some people are so stupid behind the wheel.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Some jackass jumped in front of me yesterday on the way home from work.

I was the first car in the right lane, of a pack of traffic that had just pulled off from a green light about 3 blocks back, so we were up to cruising speed. A guy is sitting at an intersection on the right, 2 blocks up and not moving, so I assume he's waiting to make a left hand turn to join the oncoming traffic. We get about a half block away and he decides to make a right, into the right hand lane. Slammed my brakes and laid on the horn. Even the guy in the left lane slammed his brakes, I guess to give me bail out room. The guy in front of me looks in his rear view mirror like "Oh, I didn't see you there", and then punches the gas. He wasn't even a senior citizen... :hopeless:
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Dec 4, 2011
At least he punched it. I hate it when they pull out right in front of you and proceed to drive 15 below :hissyfit:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Sparky said:
At least he punched it. I hate it when they pull out right in front of you and proceed to drive 15 below :hissyfit:
A lot of times, that's what they do. Even worse when they swing over to the left lane and do it. :mad: I'm guessing he was distracted and not fully paying attention.

I hate when people figure "there's enough room for me to fit, so I'll go..." Rather than determine how much longer that space is gonna be there, and set their speed accordingly. I wonder if there's any correlation between those types of drivers and all the cars you see with dented rear bumpers? :undecided:
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