What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 5, 2011
Had a problem with my backup light on the drivers side this summer. Did some troubleshooting and figured out it was a bad board on the taillight which I purchased but never got it installed.

A few days ago I found out I lost both brake lights, although the CHMSL was working. I found this post which led me to just replace the bulbs last night, and they are working again...

While I was in there I got the board replaced also, now all my exterior lighting is working again! :thumbsup:

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Jun 17, 2012
Took the truck down by the river with the wifey and her VDay gift, Got her a canon rebel t3i camera, and got to take a few pics of a couple of Bald Eagles.


Jun 17, 2012
Phantom said:
Took the truck down by the river with the wifey and her VDay gift, Got her a canon rebel t3i camera, and got to take a few pics of a couple of Bald Eagles.


Juicy K

Feb 14, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Phantom said:
Took the truck down by the river with the wifey and her VDay gift, Got her a canon rebel t3i camera, and got to take a few pics of a couple of Bald Eagles.

Awesome, I am a Nikon guy, but still T3i is a great camera (Brother has one). Try to keep her out of the habit of buying new lenses, they get expensive. Please dont ask how I know. :lipsrsealed: lol

Juicy K

Feb 14, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Should be getting my new speakers from the Man in Brown today.
Dayton Audio RS180-4 7"
Vifa NE25VTS-04 1"



Jun 17, 2012
Juicy K said:
Awesome, I am a Nikon guy, but still T3i is a great camera (Brother has one). Try to keep her out of the habit of buying new lenses, they get expensive. Please dont ask how I know. :lipsrsealed: lol

Yeah. She's already looking lol. She needs a good telephoto lens. I was wanting to get a closer pic of the eagle flying but that was as close as that lens would go. The prices are crazy!

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
decided to take the beaSSt for a spin so I wouldn't get flat spots on the tires... went to the local Target and back...


and yes, I still keep her clean no matter the weather conditions :crackup:


Dec 4, 2011
Parked on top of another snow bank at the store, then purposely drove through the unplowed section of the lot, throwing snow everywhere as I went. Wheeeee! :biggrin:

Yeah, got some looks but I didn't care lol.


Dec 30, 2013
Juicy K said:
Should be getting my new speakers from the Man in Brown today.
Dayton Audio RS180-4 7"
Vifa NE25VTS-04 1"


I kinda know that feeling. My package is at the local post office right now according to the UPS tracking, the final leg (coming to my house) will be done by USPS. Should come with tomorrow's mail, can't wait, because it's my much-needed CPAS! :wootwoot:

I wonder if I can run down there with my label information and get it right now? :undecided:


Jan 25, 2012
Got about 4" of snow yesterday not the nice fluffy stuff we have had, tires packed up with ice which made pretty much useless. Stopped to get some food and aired down to about 25 psi. Much better traction :biggrin:. Snow was all melted by morning thanks to rain, now we have some more on the way. Also CEL came on :hissyfit:.


Apr 11, 2013
IllogicTC said:
Were you not able to get an ID on the other vehicle, and no witnesses who could help? You don't have to pay for that, you know.

I know i was very lucky lol, when he turned into me it sounded a lot worse than it actually was.
His insurance was expired and didnt wanna pay so we decided to call the police, after waiting 5 hours and still no show from the cops he ended up giving me $300
Ordered the mirror for $120 after shipping and tax from carid
But they said it would ship wednesday and its too late today and tomorrows friday lol
I could drive it without a mirror but i feel stupid driving like that :rotfl:


Apr 3, 2013
I used my TB to blaze some trails on my way home this morning. I am quite impressed with how it performed as none of the county roads or my neighborhood was touched and I was one of the first vehicles down the roads with 16"-20" of snow. My roads are hilly, but had no issues going up or down. Worst part was getting in and out of my driveway.


Dec 30, 2013
Ryda55555 said:
I know i was very lucky lol, when he turned into me it sounded a lot worse than it actually was.
His insurance was expired and didnt wanna pay so we decided to call the police, after waiting 5 hours and still no show from the cops he ended up giving me $300
Ordered the mirror for $120 after shipping and tax from carid
But they said it would ship wednesday and its too late today and tomorrows friday lol
I could drive it without a mirror but i feel stupid driving like that :rotfl:

Not bad, you managed to profit, though it's not exactly good still!

Your call for police should at least be on file, in case any officers decide to pull a stink over the missing mirror. I think it depends on the state, but some only require the center-mount and the driver-mount, minimum (or at least they did). You used to be able to order cars like this to save a few bucks.


Dec 4, 2011
Here it is, The Heart.. Im still constantly changing the build really want to have a short block before this warranty goes and it is seeming more and more do-able. As always will keep the nation posted but still sticking to the original for now. ROBcam PCMofNC this thing will be thumping in a town near you this summer then if she blows shes getting an attitude V2,this is where the short block comes into play decisions decisions.


Jul 1, 2013
Oil change and front end lube. While it was on the rack I checked the entire underside and found that the rear exhaust hanger rubber had come loose. I thought the exhaust looked weird ever since I ditched it in the median - put it back on and now it looks good again.


Dec 30, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
Oil change and front end lube. While it was on the rack I checked the entire underside and found that the rear exhaust hanger rubber had come loose. I thought the exhaust looked weird ever since I ditched it in the median - put it back on and now it looks good again.

Yeah gotta check mine, I think it got a little louder ever since I kind of made 4 new ditches in that person's lawn on Route 16. :rotfl:


Dec 30, 2013
Also, I drove it to work. Funny enough, my CPAS arrived today and on the way to work the MIL turned off. Isn't that my luck? But I figure if it tripped once, it's only a matter of time before tripping again, so the swap is still scheduled.


Nov 18, 2011
Nice...3 posts in a row.

I need to change my oil and see if the 0014 code goes away. Already changed mine once.


Dec 30, 2013
Nice...3 posts in a row.

I need to change my oil and see if the 0014 code goes away. Already changed mine once.

Sorry, I get talkative :crackup: Mine showed up with like 40% life left, I either went Valvoline or Quaker State for this last change, I believe it was Valvoline. I do plan on doing a switch to synthetic possibly at the next change.


Nov 18, 2011
I think synthetic crankcase oil is overrated and will not waste money on it. 200k plus on multiple GMs tell me it is not needed.


Dec 30, 2013
It's nice to see an opinion to the contrary, at least I feel like I'm not alone in using conventional around here :rotfl: If I stay away from synthetic, which brand of oil would you personally recommend? I myself generally stick to Valvoline, the Quaker State was used once because it was a little cheaper overall and I won't let an oil change slide just because I'm a few bucks short of my preferred brand.


Jan 25, 2012
I think synthetic crankcase oil is overrated and will not waste money on it. 200k plus on multiple GMs tell me it is not needed.

What change interval do you go by? Just wondering as with the synthetic I have been between 12k- 15k between changes. Have not seen bad results from Blackstone labs with the last 2 samples.


Nov 18, 2011
IllogicTC said:
It's nice to see an opinion to the contrary, at least I feel like I'm not alone in using conventional around here :rotfl: If I stay away from synthetic, which brand of oil would you personally recommend? I myself generally stick to Valvoline, the Quaker State was used once because it was a little cheaper overall and I won't let an oil change slide just because I'm a few bucks short of my preferred brand.
Whatever is cheapest. Lately its been Rural Making which now says synthetic blend but per piously did not.

blazinlow89 said:
What change interval do you go by? Just wondering as with the synthetic I have been between 12k- 15k between changes. Have not seen bad results from Blackstone labs with the last 2 samples.

3-10k. Depends on how rough I have been on it. Sometimes I let light come on and that's about 10k and sometimes when its been ran hard and wheeled a lot I just change it. For 15 bucks for oil n filter I can change it pretty often without breaking the bank.

My DD impala get 40k a year and maybe 5 oil changes with cheap dino oil. 190k and runs perfect.


Dec 30, 2013
My DD impala get 40k a year and maybe 5 oil changes with cheap dino oil. 190k and runs perfect.

And here's the big DING DING DING! Oil has a say in it (like changing it often enough), but just caring for your car, watching for problems and solving them promptly, and trying to be a good owner will get you tons of mileage and a good-running vehicle. Oil is very important, but it's in no way magical.

I may just stick to conventional, or I might at least try synthetic. I'll decide when the time comes, I've still got over 35% left on my current change, generally it will hit 0 at maybe 7000-7500 miles but seems to be going a little longer this time. Probably will do it at 10-15% just because since I changed jobs I can afford not to try getting every last bit of use out of it. Also considering doing an oil analysis, non-invasive, cheap, easy and is practically like an MRI for your engine from the looks of it.


Dec 4, 2011
I use synthetic just because I lost the engine in my old car to oiling issues (which granted were caused by abuse by the previous owner) and because of the miles I drive. 5k on conventional vs 10k on synthetic means I have to do it less often, meaning no mid-winter oil changes :biggrin: Cost comes out about the same in the long run I guess, but even if it a little more it isn't that much difference. 194k miles, barely uses 1/2 quart every 10k, can't complain about that.


Nov 18, 2011
A member on here has a 2009 Jeep JK and ran synthetic. He was needing to add oil between changes. I gave him shit until he tried dino...like it came with. No more adding oil and he swears he gets better mpg since it runs better. Now he saves money and his heep is improved. Kinda was the nail in the coffin for me believing synthetic had any chance of being worthwhile.


Dec 30, 2013
A member on here has a 2009 Jeep JK and ran synthetic. He was needing to add oil between changes. I gave him shit until he tried dino...like it came with. No more adding oil and he swears he gets better mpg since it runs better. Now he saves money and his heep is improved. Kinda was the nail in the coffin for me believing synthetic had any chance of being worthwhile.

Like I said elsewhere, sometimes there's a reason old technology endures sometimes :rotfl: and I'm not exactly wrong.

"...and his heep is improved"

You misspelled [Junk] heap :raspberry:


Jul 1, 2013
A member on here has a 2009 Jeep JK and ran synthetic. He was needing to add oil between changes. I gave him shit until he tried dino...like it came with. No more adding oil and he swears he gets better mpg since it runs better. Now he saves money and his heep is improved. Kinda was the nail in the coffin for me believing synthetic had any chance of being worthwhile.

I know it's different, but synthetic does have its merits when used in a two stroke engine. In all our professional Stihl power equipment we made the switch to synthetic mix last year and the difference is phenomenal. They started to run so much better I actually had to adjust the carburetors a slight amount once they got the new fuel through them. All of the trimmers, brush cutters, chainsaws, and the blowers had a very noticeable increase in power and they don't bog anymore at all.

I saw a demonstration where two chainsaws were side by side, both had been run previously for a set amount of time, one on dino mix and one on synthetic mix. The tanks were dumped and straight gas was dumped in, and they were left to run. The one that had been run on synthetic lasted over twice as long as the dino mix test engine did. That impressed me highly, I'm a believer now needless to say.


Dec 6, 2011
A member on here has a 2009 Jeep JK and ran synthetic. He was needing to add oil between changes. I gave him shit until he tried dino...like it came with. No more adding oil and he swears he gets better mpg since it runs better. Now he saves money and his heep is improved. Kinda was the nail in the coffin for me believing synthetic had any chance of being worthwhile.

Or the synthetic kept some sludge from forming that stopped the leak.

As I've mentioned before, I'm very impressed with synthetic's low temperature properties. Considering the temperatures we've been having lately, getting oil where it needs to be ASAP can't hurt.

That being said I need to check the air in all tires but with snow and everything, I'm not looking forward to that right now.


Dec 30, 2013
For a given viscosity, there shouldn't be any changes in how "quickly" a particular fluid flows. Synthetic weight 30 and conventional weight 30 and syrup and snot and melted chocolate that's weight 30 should all flow the same.


Dec 4, 2011
At full operatimg temp there shouldn't be much difference, but when stone cold synthetic generally doesn't get as thick as conventional. My old car did get a little easier to start when really cold when I switched it over.


Nov 18, 2011
I spelled heep right in reference to jeep.

No leaks. Under 50k miles. Sludge non-issue. Shitty performance by synthetic.

My car and truck have started great with the severe cold temps for the area. I think its cause the dino oil is king:raspberry:.


Nov 20, 2011
loaded up the wife and daughter and drove into the Chicago Auto Show.
saw the new Colorado's and Canyon's they look nice, appear bigger in size than the current ones.
none to actually sit in, all were up on a revolving platform, or roped off.
one guy giving a presentation about the Colorado, started naming all the accessories that could be had for it.
"and they will all be available from your dealer, no need to go to through a third party"
i thought and should have yelled out AT WHAT COST FROM DEALER?


Nov 18, 2011
I can answer that... 300% over typical cost.


Jan 1, 2012
Put some more wiper fluid thanks to the multiple snow storms in New York. And then has to add more coolant because it was very low!
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