What did you do to your GMT today?

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Jul 1, 2013
IllogicTC said:
Cool thanks man, I know the SAIS can be removed just never thought of it, I believe I've also read that a bad upstream O2 sensor may cause this code? It hovered between 0.2 and 0.9v warmed up, can't get an exact figure on the pulse rate.

And as for the p0014.... just glad I have this site to reference, if it's the actuator I'm out $40 or so from GMPartsDirect, instead of whatever a shop would want. And I could see it now, "Oh you see this part actually goes INSIDE the motor so it's going to be $xxx labor," nice try, yes it goes inside but is installed from the outside. :thumbsup:

And tell me about them roads man, it's easier to play dodge the non-potholed spots right now.

On topic: planning out my method for repair/replace on the two DTCs I had earlier, and looking up prices.

My theory is: do the upstream O2 sensor with the plugs at 100K. Over time the sensor gets lazy, it may not be completely bad, but it will be going that way and cause you a loss in gas mileage.

As for the CPAS, super easy job - there's a really good thread on how to clean it in the article submissions area, but if you've got oil in the electrical connector (common) you're better off just to replace it. This forum is a great resource, it's saved me HUGE amounts of money plus given me some cool ideas.


Dec 30, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
My theory is: do the upstream O2 sensor with the plugs at 100K. Over time the sensor gets lazy, it may not be completely bad, but it will be going that way and cause you a loss in gas mileage.

As for the CPAS, super easy job - there's a really good thread on how to clean it in the article submissions area, but if you've got oil in the electrical connector (common) you're better off just to replace it. This forum is a great resource, it's saved me HUGE amounts of money plus given me some cool ideas.

I'm at 105k, I'm feeling new O2 sensor (my MPG hasn't really improved, partially thanks to winter blend and whatnot, even after doing plugs and TB and Techron), which is about $40 or Amazon free shipping, and then the actuator which is a bit over $30 on GMPartsDirect, or $30 but without the springs on Amazon (also not OEM). I don't think I'd bother trying to clean it, rather just have the one with the springs in to retain the screens and be done with it, I'll check the connector tomorrow when I have daylight. How much oil comes out with the unit? Little/none if the TB's been sitting a while, yes?

And don't let me forget, on an '05 the O2 AC Delco part # is 213-1698 and the actuator is GM 12615873. Actually just kinda typing that so I don't forget :rotfl:


Dec 30, 2013
And just got done doing a midnight preliminary check on the CPAS. Popped the connector key, but didn't take any tools with me so I couldn't get the connector itself off. I've noticed that I can rotate the part itself fairly easily... not sure if this is good or bad, but since it's retained by one bolt on a flange that's not even directly connected to the part, not entirely surprising. Rotating the part didn't seem to affect engine operation but I figured it may not, and there's no oil leak from around the insert hole. Again, couldn't get the connector off to check inside for oil and I plan to actually dig in tomorrow.


Apr 11, 2013
Sooooo.... An idiot turned into me and ripped my mirror off lool
No other scratches or damage because i swerved outta the way just enough so he only took my mirror
Ordered a dorman replacement with power adjustable and signal

(Literally 10mins after i washed her down too :raspberry:)


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Dec 30, 2013
Were you not able to get an ID on the other vehicle, and no witnesses who could help? You don't have to pay for that, you know.


Dec 2, 2011
You were bloody lucky Ryda!


Apr 3, 2013
Thanks to dumba$$ drivers, its hard to have nice things. Some reason they always find the guys with modded trucks and take pride in their vehicles.

My passenger door has to be a magnet for people who do not understand how to park so they have enough room to open their door without wacking mine :no:


Jan 25, 2012
Replaced a faulty brake switch in the AVY, cruise control works when I tell it to now, not when it feels like it. I will do an article later, it would apply to several vehicles.


Dec 4, 2011
dmanns67 said:
Thanks to dumba$$ drivers, its hard to have nice things. Some reason they always find the guys with modded trucks and take pride in their vehicles.

Glad it wasn't worse than that Ryda but I can side with you Dmanns lol I got hit just 2 weekends ago by some idiot :mad:. Glad I had the bumper guard otherwise it would've been a lot worse :yes:.


Jul 1, 2013
What did I do to my Envoy today?

I wrecked it. :frown:

Got caught up in a cluster of vehicles on Route 50 earlier while coming back to school and there were some clowns out passing and a couple more shoving me, and the really slow car holding folks up was in front of me. When the morons got done passing I eased out and started to very slowly and cautiously overtake the car that was doing about 35-40 mph, and all of a sudden all heck broke loose and I found myself sideways headed for the car - not good. I was able to steer out of it but not to completely get it reined back in, the plow truck's spreader had apparently clogged because the lane had been passable, but at this point it was awful. I ended up plowing down into the median where I was able to keep it and not get crossways in the other lane.

When I hit the bottom it knocked my front license plate holder off (just popped the rivets thankfully, no broken or damaged plastic there), made a slight crease on my front bumper at the fender well portion which you have to look hard to see, and also creased my rear bumper slightly on the side, apparently when it hit the ground when I came up the other side. My right front inner fender is cracked to pieces, I'll need a new one. The bumpers are alright, the slight marring on them won't even be noticeable with some slight work once the weather clears up. Thankfully, that's all the damage that was done. The only thing I had to go retrieve was my license plate holder, with the plate still in it and undamaged.

I'm just glad I was able to keep it out of the other car and from getting into the other lane. IllogicTC, if you see a place in the median just west of Ellenboro but before the Bond Creek bridge, don't think too badly about the dummy that lost it in the median, cause that dummy would be me. :redface:


Jun 28, 2012
Envoy_04 said:
What did I do to my Envoy today?

I wrecked it. :frown:

Dang, that sucks. Glad it to hear it wasn't to severe. Sounds like it could have been much worse if you weren't on point. :thumbsup:

I finally put my Trailblazer back together. And now she's in the drive way. Time to start shopping for an axle and a welder, becuase that's whats going down next.


Dec 30, 2013
I come into Ellenboro via Route 16, so I wouldn't see it. :raspberry: Speaking of Route 50, is it just me or is that spot just east of Ellenboro kinda tough to navigate? It's the straight stretch that heads uphill with exposed rock on either side, seems to me like it acts like a wind tunnel.

If you're feeling adventurous, head into Ellenboro and get on Route 16 to St. Mary's, eventually you'll come to an uphill bend where the speed limit comes down to 45MPH, that's where I lost control (going like 30-35, but the water had just frozen so I slid pretty far), watch the right side. There'll be two trailer homes there, the skid marks all up in their lawn was me :rotfl:

Nobody lives in either of them apparently, but a cousin of the owner(s) came up and helped me out, took my information just in case but said the owner would probably just be a bit pissed about the lawn but not seek damages. No way I was taking pictures, too embarrassed about it after my excellent handling record :blush:. To top it off, ten minutes after I went off road a salt truck rolled by. Nice! :hissyfit:


Dec 4, 2011
Glad you were able to avoid the other car and on coming traffic Envoy_04:thumbsup:. Sorry you had some damage to your truck but the main thing is your safe and sound bro. :thumbsup::biggrin:


Jul 1, 2013
IllogicTC said:
I come into Ellenboro via Route 16, so I wouldn't see it. :raspberry: Speaking of Route 50, is it just me or is that spot just east of Ellenboro kinda tough to navigate? It's the straight stretch that heads uphill with exposed rock on either side, seems to me like it acts like a wind tunnel.

If you're feeling adventurous, head into Ellenboro and get on Route 16 to St. Mary's, eventually you'll come to an uphill bend where the speed limit comes down to 45MPH, that's where I lost control (going like 30-35, but the water had just frozen so I slid pretty far), watch the right side. There'll be two trailer homes there, the skid marks all up in their lawn was me :rotfl:

Nobody lives in either of them apparently, but a cousin of the owner(s) came up and helped me out, took my information just in case but said the owner would probably just be a bit pissed about the lawn but not seek damages. No way I was taking pictures, too embarrassed about it after my excellent handling record :blush:. To top it off, ten minutes after I went off road a salt truck rolled by. Nice! :hissyfit:

All of Route 50 kind of sucks for a 4 lane. The turns are mostly banked wrong or flat and in rain, snow, or really windy conditions it's just not a good road to be on. It's got way too many hills in it to get good gas mileage too. :hissyfit: At least the only property I tore up belongs to the state :raspberry: In all seriousness, this just confirms what everyone says about WV roads - they really suck!

TexazReece said:
Glad you were able to avoid the other car and on coming traffic Envoy_04:thumbsup:. Sorry you had some damage to your truck but the main thing is your safe and sound bro. :thumbsup::biggrin:


I'm glad the damage is all cosmetic, that had me worried for a while, especially since I started out right after and I had thumping like the tires were crazy out of balance. Fortunately, when I stopped in Ellenboro just down the road I kicked the packed in snow out of the wheels and the problem went away. :rotfl:


Jan 13, 2014
Super bonded and stuffed the center console lid pin with epoxy resin. Was going to add unidirectional carbon fiber to the inside of it to add strength, but did a whole mess and ended up just with the resin.

Super bonded pin:
View attachment 32577.jpg]

Scratched the surroundings of the hole to give the resin some grip:
View attachment 32578.jpg]

Stuffing the hole:
View attachment 32579.jpg]

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Aug 14, 2013


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
To make sure the hinges haven't been misaligned so the latch will work.


Jan 14, 2014
I spent Saturday laying outside in the cold replacing yet another unit bearing hub (driver's side this time). Also fixed my ABS brake system (sensor was obviously bad in the old bearing hub) after re-setting everything with the scanner, and replaced the broken-off rear wiper arm with the updated design. It broke from the cold weather, just snapped right off near the hub of the arm. Checked the front diff oil level while I was under there, a tad low from a driver's side seal leak after the CV axle swap, so it got filled. Also added a quart of LUCAS to the engine oil. Trying to limp the very noisy cam chain tensioner along until warmer weather.


Nov 18, 2011
Today I left the truck to rest, but yesterday I let it out to play in the snow and ice

Went up this hill first try. One of 3 of 7 to do it first try.



and Over


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
To make sure the hinges haven't been misaligned so the latch will work.

And to ensure the console lid makes creaky noises :tongue:


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
Got a new right front hub installed. Only got 78000 miles out of the old one. Gotta love these Michigan roads!!! :hissyfit:


Dec 30, 2013
Drove it to work and back. Confirmed the p0014 code. Has a little bit of a rough idle, I mean the whole thing's not shaking or anything but it is not running buttery-smooth. Already have a new CPAS ordered, if the old one turns out to still be good I'll keep it as a spare, I just want the one with the springs and be done with it.


Jan 1, 2012
Didn't drive mine today, but she saw some action when I accidentally reversed into her grill. Lmao nothing broken just scared the shit out of me. Stupid RAV4


Dec 5, 2011
Finally ordered some Bilstein HDs for the front along with new mounts, still running on the original struts and mounts at 110k miles. They're a little overdue.


Jul 1, 2013
She got a well deserved rest today. I did, however, go out and check under her to see it anything had started leaking or was just leaking slowly after the wreck yesterday. Thankfully, no leaks. Official damage report includes one trashed right front inner fender, one small crease at the right fender well on the front bumper plastic that is completely liveable, and rear bumper that's creased way worse than I originally thought but still not horribly obvious. For now, I think I'll just track down an inner fender and put it on, and worry about the rest come spring or summer, or whenever the heck I can afford rear bumper plastic. I have to give the Envoy credit, if I'd plowed the median like that in most cars and even most other comparable SUVs, the entire front bumper, the grille, and likely the right front fender would have been trashed, along with who knows what else. She did her job and kept me safe and upright, and didn't fare too badly herself.


Nov 21, 2011
Phantom said:
I ordered it tune from PCMofNC! Can't wait to get it!!!! :biggrin:

Thank you for reminding me. I got a computer I need to send back to them. Damn it.


Jan 14, 2014
Hypnotoad said:
Finally ordered some Bilstein HDs for the front along with new mounts, still running on the original struts and mounts at 110k miles. They're a little overdue.

Note that it will ride a bit rough for the first week or so, especially if you are seeing cold temps where you live. That will smooth out as time goes on, but the Bilsteins will be stiffer than what you are accustomed to having.


Dec 4, 2011
My tbss is slammed with belltech suspension. And the cold weather does effect the smoothness of the ride.


Jan 25, 2012
Had to jump start the truck after it sat for a week. Going to check the fluids, check the tire pressure, and spray it off before the pending winter storm.

Hypnotoad said:
Finally ordered some Bilstein HDs for the front along with new mounts, still running on the original struts and mounts at 110k miles. They're a little overdue.

The only thing I hate about waiting so long to do mine was wishing that I had done it sooner. PS be prepared to do some cutting on the driver side strut, the allen hole on the shaft was rusted so bad it just stripped. Ended up cutting it with a sawzall.


Dec 4, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
Had to jump start the truck after it sat for a week.

Time for a new battery perhaps??? I had to replace mine shortly after I bought my ss. Wouldn't start for me on a 70* day. Bought a 850 cca battery and has started every cold morning this winter.


Nov 18, 2011
Hypnotoad said:
Finally ordered some Bilstein HDs for the front along with new mounts, still running on the original struts and mounts at 110k miles. They're a little overdue.
Congrats. They work well.

glfredrick said:
Note that it will ride a bit rough for the first week or so, especially if you are seeing cold temps where you live. That will smooth out as time goes on, but the Bilsteins will be stiffer than what you are accustomed to having.

I would not call it rough. It will feel more planted and solid. Basically it will feel like an SUV/Truck should feel and not squishy like worn out struts.

blazinlow89 said:
The only thing I hate about waiting so long to do mine was wishing that I had done it sooner. PS be prepared to do some cutting on the driver side strut, the allen hole on the shaft was rusted so bad it just stripped. Ended up cutting it with a sawzall.

Helped install several lifts and taken many stock struts (rusted and not) off without ever having to cut one. Make sure you have the proper size allen wrench. The rust may cause a need to tap the proper size allen in if you dont PB Blast or wire brush the rust off before attempting removal.


Jan 25, 2012
Helped install several lifts and taken many stock struts (rusted and not) off without ever having to cut one. Make sure you have the proper size allen wrench. The rust may cause a need to tap the proper size allen in if you dont PB Blast or wire brush the rust off before attempting removal.

Used the same allen I used to take the passenger side apart with no problems. Not sure why that side was rusted so bad, tried to use vice grips as well and the threads flaked off when it turned.


Nov 18, 2011
blazinlow89 said:
Used the same allen I used to take the passenger side apart with no problems. Not sure why that side was rusted so bad, tried to use vice grips as well and the threads flaked off when it turned.

Hard telling not knowing, but it would suck. Maybe I just been lucky, but have not heard of it happening enough to think someone needs warned about it. I hate to scare off people willing to try and do their own maintenance.:biggrin:


Jan 25, 2012
Hard telling not knowing, but it would suck. Maybe I just been lucky, but have not heard of it happening enough to think someone needs warned about it. I hate to scare off people willing to try and do their own maintenance.:biggrin:

Good point, I prefer going in thinking worse case scenario, that way I can be surprised.


Dec 18, 2011
glfredrick said:
Note that it will ride a bit rough for the first week or so, especially if you are seeing cold temps where you live. That will smooth out as time goes on, but the Bilsteins will be stiffer than what you are accustomed to having.

I installed the Bilstiens this summer and the ride is fine. They were factory but these ones are so much better


Jan 1, 2012
Lmao drove over ice and broke some clips on the running board :sadcry: if anyone has some in storage pm and let's work something around when it gets warmer!
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