As mentioned in a previous post, I had noticed some battery issues after the EXT was parked for a few days. With a 4 year old battery, thought I may be due for a new one. Had gotten into the habit of throwing the charger on it overnight, when I new I had to go somewhere after being idle and that was working OK.
Here's a couple of screen grabs of the battery monitor when getting home after the evening commute, when I first noticed the problem, and after about a month of the 'Monday night' pre-charge routine. Somewhat of an improvement at holding a charge, but dropping this low after turning the key off was still a concern.

So this weekend I decided to throw the charger on Sunday mid day, all day Monday, and pulled it off this morning as I needed to hit the grocery store for a few things. The graph looked the same as always before pulling the clamps off, but the voltage stayed at 12.8V instead of dropping to 12.5 immediately, and slowly going down to about 12.3. When I opened the driver's door and woke up some modules, it dipped to 12.5 but held steady.
After the short round trip to the store, checked it again, and got a steady 12.6. She'll be parked for the rest of the day, but I've got some pretty lengthy drives ahead of me Wednesday and Thursday, over an hour 1 way, so I'll really get to see how the battery looks after some heavy usage by the amp, and then be parked for the weekend.