Today was the day to replace the power steering lines in the TB and we all know how much fun that is! The pump had started whining as it lost most of the oil again. So I line it up to get it up on ramps and figured I'd put in in 4lo to make it easier. She goes into 4hi no problem, but then, when I put it in 4lo, the light flashes and goes out, but no service 4x4 light

. Try all sorts of stuff, and on top of that, the transfer case is in neutral! Fack! Get the Tech 2 and I can control the brake and the disconnect but nothing to control the encoder motor itself. Anyway, it looks like a dead encoder motor. Pull it out and test it on the bench, the motor is toast. Find the spare I had from my old '02, tests good, put it in and had issues getting it timed right but eventually get it working.
Now on to the power steering lines. Pulled the fan for extra room and the R&P crossmember. Tried to pull them intact so I can figure out how to get them back in. Nada, broke both of them. Getting the long pressure line in took a while but figured to feed it from the back near the brake master and twisting and turning it. The low pressure line, being shorter, took less effort. Getting those cup seals out of the rack was a b!tch. Pried them out using a 90deg pick tool. I pre-punched those seals so I didn't have to try to push the lines to punch them. Got them in using the 8mm socket and extensions and hammer. Still took a bit of work with a pry bar to get the lines in and bolting the retainer using the 8mm socket and long 1/4" extensions. While I had the system open, I finally installed that Dorman PS cooler I picked up from the U-Pull. Was able to do it without having to remove the bumper. I muscled the old rusty one out and was able to get the new one in by basically inserting the lines backwards and then flipping it down and around and under (they said it couldn't be done

Buttoned everything back up, filled it, bled it with the wheels still in the air and heard the air gurgling out, topped it off again and started. The pump whined like a mofo so I moved the steering some more side to side, didn't help. Get it back on the ground and there is no power steering at all and the pump is smoking. Looks like the gear oil I used may have damaged it so I don't recommend this to anyone.
We have a saying in French, "Jamais deux sans trois". Never two without three. First was the lines, then the encoder motor, and now the pump. Checked Amazon and I can get a new pump with reservoir by tomorrow, which is good since most businesses here are closed as the Canada Day holiday was pushed to Monday. Might have to run around to find some more power steering fluid maybe at a gas station.
It was hot and humid out, horrid wrenching weather. I'm getting too old for this shit. The TB is really trying my patience.