After about a month on the new Adaptive One pads, I've noticed a severed hit to my MPGs, and noticed a strange noise when braking from 35+ mph with medium pressure after the brakes are warm. They were silent when cold. The assumption is the brakes are dragging, so it was time to get back in there and have a look.
Got the passenger side front up in the air and spun it by hand before taking the wheel off. Could hear a faint scraping noise, similar to when they are hot. Pulled the wheel, lifted the caliper and grabbed my caliper grease jar, figured I didn't put enough on. For kicks, grabbed a stud and turned the rotor, STILL scraping!

On closer look, saw this.... On the outside edge, the lower brake pad hardware was touching the rotor, and the upper one was pretty damn close. Definitely nowhere near centered. Guessing as the rotors got hot, they expanded to make more contact with those metal pieces, and that's what I was hearing under braking?
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Pulled everything and adjusted the hardware. Slide pins had a good amount of grease, but not really sure if these fare any better if you go overboard with it? Put everything back together, gave the rotor a turn, and it felt like there was more resistance this time than before. There was some friction noise, as you'd expect with the resistance, but not the metal on metal sound.
Wheel back on, moved to the other side. Similar issue, not sure what I was thinking, hardware wasn't centered. Added a little more grease to one of the pins, put everything back together and gave it a spin. More resistance than before disassembly. Went for a test drive to the hardware store, went a little quick at the speed bumps through the neighborhood and hit the brakes a bit harder, no noise. Got to the store, still no noise on the brakes, at that point during the work commute, I can usually start to hear something. On the way back, still no noise, so that's good at least. Although it's about 20 degrees cooler than it has been, so we'll see how it sounds during the week.
My immediate concern is the fuel economy. From the fuel gauge, I've gone 140 miles on this tank so far, but the needle is where it usually is when I've gone 180. Long term concern is warping the rotors from excessive heating, if indeed the pads are dragging. Guess I'll have to monitor and recheck.