What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
finishing the migration on some regional salespeople's computers. One of them (brand new) just had a drive failure. Another has an internet connection from 1999 and is soooo slow.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village


Dec 4, 2011
Still doing migration data stuff. Having to take PST files home and upload from there because our work internet is too darn slow to upload all this data at any reasonable rate.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I am at work completing a migration to an updated app myself.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
No data migration fun for me, but plenty of data manipulation on my plate compiling historical reports, cleaning up licenses/access, and trying to keep people from coming to my office cuz they procrastinated until the last minute and their superior is demanding info they don't have. :hopeless:

Have noticed ants around the exterior of the house lately, so got out the pesticide, diluted it in the tank sprayer and did a walk around. Hope that settles that down for a while. Had some flickering LEDs in the headlight and rear wiper switch, so pulled those to investigate. Turned out to be some broken solder joints, touched those up and all is bright with the world again.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After waking up after a night shift, went and boosted my wife's car because she left the lights on for the second day in a row. She had been driving the TB since May and spoiled by the auto headlights. Her Honda doesn't do that.


Nov 18, 2011
Our toyota does not have auto lights, but will auto shutoff after awhile to save battery. I guess we could leave them on, but try not to.

Today is a semi-busy, so hopefully faster day through work cause we got bowling league tonight and its prime campfire weather after that and I work from home tomorrow, so can actually enjoy it.
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Dec 4, 2011
Trying to cobble my boss's pc together, again. Really wish he would just let me replace it. It is 11 years old and half broken, but he refuses to spend the $700 to replace it. His hand may get forced pretty quick here though.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Shuffle feet on carpet, stick finger inside near processor. Done.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Trying to cobble my boss's pc together, again. Really wish he would just let me replace it. It is 11 years old and half broken, but he refuses to spend the $700 to replace it. His hand may get forced pretty quick here though.
Sorry it is going to cost me more to repair your system than it is to buy a new system. :smile:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had dinner with @jimmyjam, @markmc and family at Clearwater beach. Must have been about 5 years since he was last in town, it was great to catch up. Hoping he can move here for work and be able to hang out more. He said with all the lift kits he sells, the one on my truck was the first one he's seen in FL since we put one on at a meet forever ago.

Would have posted sooner, but couldn't resize pics on my phone :Banghead:20181003_191506s.jpg


Nov 18, 2011
Wishing I had been in FL, but working today.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Cook a chicken in the oven today (crap weather so no BBQ) and working on my benchtop PCM harness.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
When my alarm went off this morning, I for real woke up like "WTH is my alarm going off on a Saturday?" :confused: THEN realized it was only Thursday... Damnit! :mad:

In the office for 2 more days. It's been shockingly quiet so far this morning, no one's come to my office because the sky is falling, and no emails (so far). One of the girls on the team brought in egg McMuffins and hash browns, so now I'm full. Will probably be wishing for a nap in about an hour lol


Dec 4, 2011
Boss grudgingly said OK replace the PC. He still doesn't seem to understand why his 11 year old PC cannot run the latest Windows builds... Whatever.

Now I'm dealing with one of our sales reps who just doesn't quite "get it" even after 4+ years how to do things.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Bosses are all the same. That's why we're still using 25 year old S&W 5946 9mm pistols that we can't get parts for anymore.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube for the day. Yuck


Dec 2, 2011
It's my weekend so I'm going grocery shopping.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Homework and class. Get to go home tonight, hopefully going to cruise some trails tonight or tomorrow. :thumbsup: Sitting in class is making me miss my Tb. Was down in the Baja garage the other day and they have a bunch of sheet metal sitting in a rack. Looks like skid plates are in my future. :undecided:


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Day off but went to work to pick up some scrap metal I've been collecting. 20181005_100759.jpg
Also had a recliner stored that one of the tenants gave me since they didn't have the room to put in there apt. Had my brother pick it up and take it to his house since I also dont have the room in my house or truck to put it in. Big win for him since he's been looking to buy 1.20181005_110909.jpgI got just shy of $140 for that scrap mostly all brass. Not bad for stuff I was just going to toss in the trash.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
In a word... struggling! :ugh: I knew it was gonna be a long day, when I bent down to put my shoe on this morning, and felt a twinge up the right side of my back. Have been having mini spasms all day whenever I reach for something. :mad: So far pain meds aren't helping. Normally I'd just be trying to make it to quitting time, then I could go home and lay around all evening, but nope! Not today.

Supposed to help my sister get some stuff out of my house, and put into her storage unit after work. To make room for that stuff, taking her old washer and dryer out, which is being sold to a coworker. As part of the sale, I told my coworker that I'd also install them in her apartment too. Starting to regret that... Thankfully, she's renting a utility trailer with a ramp, her apartment is on the first floor, and I have a dolly, so no major lifting. Getting those hoses and dryer duct hooked up isn't going to be fun though.

Needless to say, I'll be on that Icy Hot as soon as I get home, and hope that's enough to get me through the evening until I can crack open the vodka. :yes:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Does anything EVER go right the first time? :no:

Got home from work, put some icy hot on my back, and slapped on my support brace. Much better! Went to grab some ratchet straps, to tie down the W&D for transport. Only found 1... Had to go to Harbor Freight anyway to get some new wheels for my dolly, so that's fine, stock up on new straps. Traffic was horrible heading across town, few accidents, and your usual terrible drivers. Get to the storage place, get the items out, just as my friend pulls up with their Uhaul trailer.

Got the appliances loaded up, then we couldn't find the dryer vent tube. My sister runs back into the storage unit and tracks it down. Crisis averted. Make the trek back across town to my friend's place, get the dryer in and hooked up. Squeeze the washer through the kitchen, and get it in there. Apartment had an old hose connected to the hot water faucet. Looked old, and worn, so she asked me to take the old one off, and use the nice looking one that was on the washer. It was super tight, so grabbed the channel locks. As soon as I put any force to it, CRACK! Hissssssss..... :eek: :wowfaint:

I hadn't noticed, but the hose was rusted to the faucet (saw that), and the metal faucet was glued to a PVC pipe (didn't see that), which subsequently broke, so now hot water was spewing all over the place. Her friend ran to the hot water heater and shut that off. A new problem, the valve on the water heater leaked when it was in between full on, and full off. So she calls the emergency maintenance line to leave a message, and a lady calls back. Stops by in about 5 minutes to check things out.

She's shown the water heater, and busted PVC pipe in the laundry room, then my friend tells her about the air handler... The air filter doesn't stay in place. After a look, the coils need a serious cleaning. After a closer look, she notices some brackets are missing. Then there's a crack in the bedroom ceiling, and some water damage. On top of that 3/4 of the electrical outlets are loose, and anything you plug into them, falls out in a matter of minutes.

Although I didn't quite feel AS bad about my role in the busted pipe, I really felt bad for my friend, as she'd only been in that apartment for 2 weeks, and has all this to deal with. Good news is, she doesn't have to pay for any of it, but at the same time, she has to wait, and depend on other people to do things for her, and do it right. Guess that's the trade off renting vs owning.

Now I'm home, and having a few drinks.


Nov 18, 2011
working for the man


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
It's a cloudy morning around here, with the hurricane passing by. Still getting texts from friends around the country who aren't familiar with FL's geography, and think we're taking a direct hit. :hopeless: We've seen some bits of rain, and some wind here and there, but that's it so far. I don't know if we have any members up in the panhandle, but hopefully they're safe.

It's a slow day in the office, my workload has tailed off back into normalcy. One of my teammates is getting hitched this weekend, so there's a bridal shower in one of the conference rooms. I stopped in for a lil bit to show some support, but once they started wanting to put stickers on people's backs for some games and stuff, it was time to get back to work. (or fake it anyway) :uhno:

Got an email notification for a comment on my power folding mirror YT video. It's strange that I don't get emails for all of them, just some. Kinda cool that people still come across something I made back in 2012 (damn time flies!) Too bad the things don't even work anymore... :frown:
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Nov 18, 2011
Working for the man
Mar 30, 2016
First thing I do when I wake up this morning, hop into the TB and go for a rode, fill her up and look at the ODO hoping I can get it to 150,000 before leaving. Should be a piece of cake

P. S. Has the limit for uploading pics been changed? Can't upload any pictures for some reason!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
P. S. Has the limit for uploading pics been changed? Can't upload any pictures for some reason!

Yeah, it's been giving issues lately preventing direct uploads from phones unless you reduce it first. 1MB seems to be the limit.
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Nov 18, 2011


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Classes and the gym


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Been trying to see if I can order parts from America. Still is such a gray area which puts my Dad off easily :Banghead:
Why wouldn’t you be able to order them? Trade embargo or something?
Mar 30, 2016
No nothing like that. Most online retailers don't offer shipping to Saudi. And if they do they either charge double or insane shipping charges. There are a few companies that have been started to 'facilitate' the shipping process, but they also aren't being too frank on the process!

For example was just looking at a Strutmasters conversion kit for the Dads Yukon. Costs $399 to $447 with shipping in the US. However when shipping to KSA the price goes all the way up to $1799 !!!!


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
That’s awful. Are there few domestic suppliers for parts?
Mar 30, 2016
That’s awful. Are there few domestic suppliers for parts?

Yep, but they are far and few. And they also tend to charge quite high for the parts. Guess I'll have to keep looking. Most parts have to be sourced from the dealership here which as always charge premiums. But for stuff like Strutmasters, Bilsteins etc... You gotta go hunting
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