Does anything EVER go right the first time?
Got home from work, put some icy hot on my back, and slapped on my support brace. Much better! Went to grab some ratchet straps, to tie down the W&D for transport. Only found 1... Had to go to Harbor Freight anyway to get some new wheels for my dolly, so that's fine, stock up on new straps. Traffic was horrible heading across town, few accidents, and your usual terrible drivers. Get to the storage place, get the items out, just as my friend pulls up with their Uhaul trailer.
Got the appliances loaded up, then we couldn't find the dryer vent tube. My sister runs back into the storage unit and tracks it down. Crisis averted. Make the trek back across town to my friend's place, get the dryer in and hooked up. Squeeze the washer through the kitchen, and get it in there. Apartment had an old hose connected to the hot water faucet. Looked old, and worn, so she asked me to take the old one off, and use the nice looking one that was on the washer. It was super tight, so grabbed the channel locks. As soon as I put any force to it, CRACK! Hissssssss.....
I hadn't noticed, but the hose was rusted to the faucet (saw that), and the metal faucet was glued to a PVC pipe (didn't see that), which subsequently broke, so now hot water was spewing all over the place. Her friend ran to the hot water heater and shut that off. A new problem, the valve on the water heater leaked when it was in between full on, and full off. So she calls the emergency maintenance line to leave a message, and a lady calls back. Stops by in about 5 minutes to check things out.
She's shown the water heater, and busted PVC pipe in the laundry room, then my friend tells her about the air handler... The air filter doesn't stay in place. After a look, the coils need a serious cleaning. After a closer look, she notices some brackets are missing. Then there's a crack in the bedroom ceiling, and some water damage. On top of that 3/4 of the electrical outlets are loose, and anything you plug into them, falls out in a matter of minutes.
Although I didn't quite feel AS bad about my role in the busted pipe, I really felt bad for my friend, as she'd only been in that apartment for 2 weeks, and has all this to deal with. Good news is, she doesn't have to pay for any of it, but at the same time, she has to wait, and depend on other people to do things for her, and do it right. Guess that's the trade off renting vs owning.
Now I'm home, and having a few drinks.