Took the rest of the week off. Went to see the oral surgeon and get all of my wisdom teeth removed. bottom 2 were deeply impacted, but not bothering me. One of the upper ones was broken at the gum line, that got infected last summer, so was finally time to deal with those.
Had a friend swing by and pick me up this morning, since I told them I didn't want to be on this planet for this procedure, and to put me under. I didn't start to feel anxious until we were in the waiting room, and one of the nurses came out to go through the waiver form. That's when shit got real. After they started the IV, it didn't take more than a minute, and the next thing I know, I can feel them packing gauze in my mouth and disconnecting all the electrodes and crap they stuck under my shirt.
Didn't feel too bad walking out of there. Definitely nowhere near as loopy as some of the people you see in the videos. More like I had 3 or 4 drinks, and my mouth was stuffed with saltines or something. They set me up with some antibiotics, hydrocodone (although that's in case the ibuprofen/Tylenol combo they prefer doesn't do the trick) and some special mouth rinse. About an hour later, I could tell the rest of the anesthesia was wearing off. Popped some pills, wrapped the ice packs on my face, and been chillin ever since.
For the most part, the pain has been tolerable, maybe a 3/10. Talking is uncomfortable. The doc called an hour ago to follow up and see how I was doing. My jaws were in considerable more pain after hanging up from that. Good thing I live alone right now. Haven't tried eating yet, but I've got the usual suspects on deck. Jello, pudding, mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, etc. One thing the doc said that I didn't like, was that the pain and swelling was going to increase over the next couple of days, before it gets better.