What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Prepping myself for a grueling couple days at work.

Currently waiting for my laptop to boot up. 10 minute process :rolleyes:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Out in the boondocks for a few hours and then into town for our department party. After a couple of hours there Back to the boondocks for a few more hours of work.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting in the office today. Hoping for a quieter, calmer, week. So far so good, but still way to early to call it.


Jan 26, 2013
Wife asked me to wash the sheets. No problem. Except there is some water on the dryer...water coming from the water heater that sits above it :sadcry: The 30-32 year old water has kicked the bucket me thinks. Lucky me, a copper tubing leading to the heater is what's leaking & after the valve :smile: Picked up 6 foot of 1/2 copper tubing, flared the ends and replaced leaking pipe and water is flowing properly again.
EDIT: Wife started a "honey do list" and the water heater came to my rescue.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got woken up by Mrs. Moose when she called. Her car stalled and wouldn't restart just around the corner from home. Got it started by giving it some throttle but it wouldn't idle and ran like crap. Got it back home and drove the Mrs. to work. Suspecting water in the gas given the temperature swing we are experiencing. Some gas line antifreeze, a shake and it eventually cleared up.

Also picked up a set of 19" tires for the Caprice. Had it saved in FB Marketplace but he was asking $200 at first. One has outer edge wear from bad alignment. He eventually lowered them to $100 and I pounced. He was out of town but coming back Sunday. When he contacted me yesterday, he lowered the price even further to $50 without even asking! Cool! Picked them up after dropping off the Mrs. They're in pretty decent shape except for the one but I'm sure I can even out the wear putting it on the back :biggrin: . They will go into the garage until the Caprice comes back out of storage from its winter slumber.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm for the one day this week.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Out at my office in the boondocks, doing upgrades on PCs.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Hey Mooseman, been there and done that with my TB. Thing always ran like crap in the colder months. A little antifreeze to take the edge off.

Well I finished a busy week, rearranged some days and now going to my old stomping grounds to work a few shifts as they are short. Will be busy but someone has to pay for the family dental bills that don't seem to be covered under the increasingly more expensive plan....


Nov 18, 2011
Working from the house
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Day 1 of a short 3 day work week. The office is pretty quiet, I think a number of people are taking the whole week off. I'm still tired from the weekend, wondering if I can get away with closing my door and taking a quick nap for an hour?



Nov 18, 2011
Working in the cube. Shitty drive in with icy roads. but telework wed n fri and thinking to just take off Thiursday for some side work.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working some more on my old sled to get it ready to sell. Almost done. One part I need I am having trouble with a guy parting out one like mine to get it off, says it's too cold out. It's just 7 pop rivets to drill out. If this keeps up I'll just make my own.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Studying! I just found out that I do not need an ASE certification to become a State Certified mechanic. It was never a thought in my head to look into further than ASE certifications and the 2 years of shop work it requires.

Apparently (at least in Michigan), you do not need any previous classes/courses or previous experience in vehicle mechanics/shop work. You only need to pass their 55-100 question State Certification test and passing is 65%! $6 to take the test and $25 to receive the certification after passing the test.

I needed to get certified to be able to build and register the race car. It HAS to be street legal to race and I did not want to have to pay a mechanic to certify it!

Wish I would have researched more and known all of that earlier in life! :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Counting down the hours until my holiday staycation begins. ⏳

Got roped into a work trip in February, that I wasn't able to talk my way out of this time. So I'll have to go to St Louis for a week long conference. Do I even have any winter clothes anymore? :ugh:

Opened a PayPal dispute. Bunch of LED stuff I bought for my tails, had the order cancelled, but the vendor kept my money. No response after 48 hours of trying to contact them, so had to escalate the issue. Hoping this doesn't take long and they credit my account. The goodies I ordered were exclusive to this company, a search online for the part numbers did turn up some other sites that were reselling them, but the LED chips were out of stock everywhere. The PCBs I need for mounting don't even seem to exist anymore. Makes me think these particular pieces are discontinued. :frown:

Not sure what direction to go in from here, as the whole design I had in mind was based on these unique parts. Nothing else really fits the bill as far as function and packaging. Hopefully in time, something similar will pop up on the market. Guess that mod can go on the back burner again.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting in the Cube-cicle today (its bloody cold in here!). Running thru a couple applications, and getting verification of employment sent out, and running drug and alcohol background stuff. Setting up a road test tomorrow, which I am already not looking forward to, the applicant is entirely to bubbly, and in my experience, dont make the best drivers. But time will tell on that one. Getting ready to spend 720,000 dollars at the end of the month. 5 trucks are getting delivered. Then getting ready to spend 300,000 on 2 more that are being delivered the first week-ish of january.

I need a vacation!


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Getting ready to spend 720,000 dollars at the end of the month. 5 trucks are getting delivered. Then getting ready to spend 300,000 on 2 more that are being delivered the first week-ish of january.
I wish my department would give me some money like that to spend!

Decided to just roll the dice and take that test today after work, just taking the A1 to start. Hopefully one day of studying was enough!😆

For $6 I'm not worried about passing or not. I at least need to get my feet wet though. I have learned a decent amount in 24 hours though.

The fight in my head is, I just found a new junkyard near me that has a few engines that I NEED (want) and I kind of want to see if they are still in the vehicles before I go take that test. If I can get out of work a little early, I'll make the trip to the junkyard to at least verify if the engines are in the vehicles or not.

It'll be fun fighting taking tomorrow off if the engines are in the vehicles. :rotfl:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday after picking up the sled part, took the TB to have a tire leak fixed. Well, sitting again at the shop today as it was leaking worse than before. Although they wouldn't admit it, they had tried to plug a hole in the sidewall near the tread and it didn't work. He showed it to me and it looked fresh and sticky. He gonna try and patch it this time even though it's never a good idea near the sidewall but I just don't have the time to hunt for a set of winter tires and I'm working tonight.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
@Mooseman I've had really good luck with utires.com. Next day shipping and you can choose the tire depth you need. They display pictures of the actual tires that you want, not just generic pics. Plus they carry a year warranty.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I don't think they ship to Canada.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Bummer. I called and verified they do not. Maybe there's another company similar to them in Canada.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There's a bunch of used tire resellers locally but I can usually find better deals privately. Anyway, it's been patched and holding for now. Gonna try and find a set of the same brand and type so I can just replace one tire or two tires.


Nov 18, 2011
Took the day off to work in personal office and make some extra Christmas monies


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After the craziness of Christmas dinner yesterday, today is more a relaxation day. Have to drain and save the oil from the turkey fryer and then we have to drag out our Xmas tree as it's already dead. There are more pine needles on the floor than on the tree. We got a junk tree this year. First time ever and we've been watering it religiously. We called it Charlie Brown's Xmas tree. It's gonna make a helluva mess going out.
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Dec 4, 2011
Drove in some crazy pre holdiay traffic insanity. Some people driving and screaming obscenities at each other need clobbered with a yule log.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm for the day


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Taken a day off from work and waiting on new tires for my current 18" rims. Hopefully they get here soon so I can run over to my brother shop have him swap them in and head over to the alignment shop.
I noticed while repairing my power steering line that the inner side of both front tires are bold and the tire on the driver side was starting to show threads. I swap over to the spare up front and ordered up some tires online.

So now I'm just cleaning up the house and playing the waiting game for FedEx to get my tires here.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Going shopping today for Boxing Day deals in shops on Long Island. Going to Costco as well to see what they have here that we don't have at Costco Canada. Between the Mrs and I, we'll have $1600 tax free going back over the border and gonna take as much advantage of it as I can.


Dec 4, 2011
Working on closet #2.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Kicking myself...

Decided today was the day to tackle my kitchen light swap project. Ran to the hardware store and picked up a 3" ceiling electrical box. Current light is 2' long, new one is 8', and the old light isn't centered so needed a new mounting point, one stud over. Got up in the attic, marked and cut a hole for the new box. Wasn't going to rewire the box, as the wiring in the LED panel was long enough to reach the existing one. New box was just to take the weight of the new light, and the panel is wide enough to cover up the previous opening.



Shut off the breaker, and went to put the new light up on the ceiling. It has keyed slots in the center to slip over screw heads at an angle, then rotate the housing a few degrees to lock into place. Had some trouble, the cut outs to fit over the provided screw heads weren't big enough. So had to take it down, get out the dremel and enlarge them a touch. Thankful this thing is pretty light, or this would burn out my arms and shoulders quick! Got it up on the ceiling, then it was time to take the old one down, and swap the electrical connections.


Pair of thumb nuts on the base, 2 screws in the bracket, and it was out. Got the new connections in place, and decided to do a test before closing everything up. Glad I did, cuz the light didn't work (properly) It lit up with a dim flickering glow, like fluorescent light tubes when they're just about dead. Glanced over at my motion sensing light switch, and the indicator lights were blinking in some sort of error code. Then I realized my mistake, my switch has dimming capabilities, and the LED panel is non dimmable. :duh: :Banghead:

Even after doing a factory reset on the switch, so it powered the light 100%, it still didn't work. I put that switch in a couple years ago, and completely forgot about the dimming aspect. I figured since it doesn't have the 10v dimming connections, and neither did the LED panel, it would just be full brightness. Nope! So took down the new light, and put the old one back.

Will be heading to the UPS store momentarily to return the light. I'm irritated by this, cuz it was a perfect fit. Covered all the way over to the sink, and still reached the stove and cabinets by the door where the old light was. Will have to get a cover plate for the 2nd ceiling box. Checked out the compatible 10V dimming motion sensing switch, and that runs about $80. Not sure I want to deal with running additional wiring through the wall and attic though. Will have to research some more options. Maybe find a longer light fixture that uses bulbs instead of drivers and panels. Decisions, decisions.
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