What are you doing today?

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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Put the pause on the box build for the JL 12" W7 since I can't see my self dropping a grand on the sub and another g on an amp to push it. For right now anyway. Lol.

I started a dual ported 10" box set up about a week ago in my wood shop at work.20200113_133704.jpg



Had to bring it on home last weekend to get the holes popped for the subs and wrap it in fabric.
Question: So what better then 1 jl 10w3v3-4 in a sealed enclosure?20200125_115908.jpg
Answer: 2 JL 10w3v3-4 in a ported box. There rated at 350- 500 watts a piece so I've got them run in parallel to bring them down to 2 ohm and my current amp can only do 600 watts to a 2ohm load. I got to say they get down low and hit hard even though the amp is short change.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
@xavierny25 you keep this up, I'm gonna make you build me one of those custom boxes the next time you come down here :undecided: Nice job!

It's been a lazy day for me, hit up the grocery store, camped on the couch for some DVR time and enjoyed a nap. Real exciting :biggrin:


Nov 18, 2011
Been playing nurse maid for the wife that is down with the flu. Now three of the four lil ones have the fever and symptoms, so its down to me and the 2 year old as healthy. He and I are staying away from them and getting some bonding time.
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Apr 29, 2016
Pulled the water pump out of our coach bus (preventative, this pump has 300,000 miles on it). While I was waiting for the parts store to call me back about a coolant line I found that looked bad, I pulled the front differential out of a trailblazer.


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Nov 18, 2011
Came into the cube farm. Got mostly healthy but tired family at home, so I needed a break. Sad that work is that break. But i do have bowling league tonight so that will be a nice change of pace.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Back home from a trip with Mrs. Moose, now dealing with my mom in the hospital again and my old sled not running right (of course while I'm trying to sell it). Trying to fix it while it's outside as my tiny garage is currently occupied by my other sled, which is currently apart in the middle of a track change.

Not much of a sledding season anyway. Snow is crap and the clubs are having insurance issues so most of the local trails are closed.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Started out with a meeting downtown and then out to my office in the boondocks.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Road tripping to Muncie, Indiana to get some parts for work. 500 miles round trip.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well I have better luck than Moose, the snow is decent out here (surprising actually) and my old iron seems to be running like a top. My oldest and I were back out on the trails today, found lots of new coyote tracks. Looks like I have put on 30 miles on each sled thus far.

Was on the phone with my neighbour buddy and we are arranging a time I can go over to his farm and help him with his old iron sleds. Has a 1980 John Deere Spitfire 340 that has carb/fuel/possibly crank seal issues and an older Skidoo with clutching issues.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village. met the new director and turns out he has connections to my little hometown. Might be a good thing.


Jan 26, 2013
Went to the dermatologist's office today. I have a spot on my skin my primary doctor would like a second opinion on and a referral in hand. The office called several weeks ago verifying my insurance (new health insurance company to me) and that I had a " REFERRAL". Yep in my hot sweaty hands no less. "Make sure you bring it with you and your new insurance card." OK. I arrive at the dermatology office and turn over my referral and insurance card. The gal behind the desk says "this referral isn't any good" it's for your old insurance company and not the new one. Excuse me. All I know is that I have a "permision slip from my doctor that says it is ok to see a specialist". I am told I need to get a new referral from my doctor with the new insurance company and no they will not call my primary to have one faxed over (With only ONE other patient in the office and two gals behind the desk with one playing on a kindle!). I suspect on the next to last day of the month I am the first to have changed insurance in this office in this new year. Drove 10 miles to my primarie's office and they gave me a new referral. Now rescheduled for next week.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working on my new sled, put the chain case back together and flushed the brake fluid. Now will work on the skid putting in new larger wheels and check overall condition before putting it back in after changing the track. Then an oil and filter change. Don't know why I'm bothering as the trails are still closed :frown:

Then going again to see my mom in the hospital this evening.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Scored me a new video card on the Cheap, AMD Radeon Vega 64. So glad to get rid of that nvidia crap in my computer..

Finished up the decaling of my 5 new trucks

Cancelled my order of 2 new trucks. Rescheduled them for March.

Replaced a drive cam, AGAIN, in another one of my trucks. Cant seem to understand why it keeps failing.

Ordered some Obummer Care insurance for the wife and kid.
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Nov 18, 2011
Working from home


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working some more on the sled, visiting my mom in the hospital and then dinner at friends.

Her memory is getting worse. She forgets that people have been seeing her except for me. And she gets anxious if I mention I might not visit for a period of time (me and my son want to take a week long sledding trip to North Bay since trails here are closed). Funny thing is that the last time she fell, we were on a trip and this time again too. I'm her only child and wonder if she's doing the guilt thing or something. She also keeps mentioning that I moved away from her (from 10 min to 45 min away !?!). We just couldn't deal with the horrendous Quebec taxes and lack of services anymore and moved across the river 11 years ago.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got up a couple hours earlier than usual, got picked up by a carpool of coworkers to head to the airport for a 7:30 flight to St Louis, where we'll be all week at a national conference. Couldn't talk my way out of this one, so have to make due, and put on a good front.

Weather was nice today, but supposed to change tonight. Luckily we don't have to leave the hotel until Friday when we head back home.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Had to work on my last day off but it is what it is.

The other day I went to buddies and helped him on his 1980 john deere spitfires. Worked on some fuelling, carb and clutch issues. Got one running pretty decent. Spritely little buggers they are. We went for a nice rip in the country and then hit the powder on the lake. At least a foot and a half. I found my evinrude hauls ass for an old bitch. I could walk on that spitfire. After a pile of long power runs, I could feel the heat pouring off the engine. But the old girl did not miss a beat. It never gave one bit of trouble.

I had a lead on a 1973 golden ghost nearby, looked fairly complete. I think it sold as the add was gone in short order. The wife wants another one. So do I.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


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Jul 22, 2015
Hung two of the HF 48" LED shop lamps in my garage. OMG... it looks like daylight in there (one went above the garage door, and angles down to where my engine compartment would sit; the other is on the side wall, again toward the front, also at about a 45" angle). I have a third one that I'll put in later on the opposite side.

Picked up a cheap ($43, with tax!) 26" 'middle box' from Sears Outlet with two larger drawers; that lets me empty the top of the upper box, and put things like chargers, etc., in that tray. Also hung a long (4ft?) outlet strip behind it to plug everything into. Now to gather everything back up and fill the drawers back up on the rest of the stack.

The drawers on the new one aren't ball bearing slides (not for that price), but I'm only putting odds / ends in them, anyway -- lighter weight stuff that I don't need handy, but want to keep.

Truth be told, I'm starting to look at either a second 26" roller (that I could eventually sit a 40" or 52" top box on), or a 40" roller (and sell the stack I have... cause I've actually got more tools than I can fit in it (or, at least, organize properly.)

@Matt: Nice tatt. I saw 'Wick 3' on HBO recently, so the phrase rang a bell
("If you want peace, prepare for war", for the uninitiated)

The only thing I might've done differently was add 'Titleist' between the dimples... :laugh:
(but, then, to me, I call golf "a good walk, wasted" ) :biggrin:

lack-luster design®
  • :bonk:
  • @Mounce
    your way too kind to Ford using these words. :smile:
Yes... the better term is 'inadequate engineering'. They've fully earned that description, too :duh:
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village due to a class this afternoon
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Imaging repair orders for the last month... YAY! not..
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Nov 18, 2011
Worked a bit and just tried to fit my Mosin into a Boyds stock...rather disappointed.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at work, doing nothing. Internet is down, so no access to servers. I have internet via tethering, but I really dont want to use up my personal bandwidth on my phone for work. But the boredom! **twiddles thumbs some more**
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Thinking I'm going to go to the Redwing store after work. I think my new boots are just a little too tight.


Nov 18, 2011
Snow day so working with house full of kiddos


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Ditching the last session at the conference, sitting near the lobby waiting for things to wrap up so me and the coworkers can head to the airport. Thankfully I brought my lumbar support pad, because the flat backed, stackable chairs that were used everywhere were murder on me. About 90 minutes on those, and I could feel my back starting to tighten up, as it got ready to give me spasms. :hopeless:

I'm over dealing with people for a while. So glad I get a weekend break before having to go back to the office and deal with people and their nonsense. Hopefully that winter storm has moved far enough out, that there won't be tons of people crowding the airport due to their flights being delayed or cancelled.
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Wife is off to Regina today for some family issues. Sent her in the 3500. Booked the weekend off to cover her store and actually be around to parent my brats. Took the Tb to town.

Its fricking nice out so I am dreaming of sledding.......
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last summer, I noticed a small section of fascia on the garage had paint bubbling. I could tell that section had been replaced at some point, and figured it just wasn't properly painted. Well I happened to be on that side of the house yesterday, looked up to see it now looking like this! :wowfaint:



That's some serious water intrusion, so I had to figure out where that was coming from. Got up into the attic, to try and see how the roof decking looked from the inside. Couldn't climb all the way over to that spot, but from what I could see, things looked OK. Took the ladder to the outside to check the shingles, which on initial glance seemed fine too... None were missing, loose or broken.

On closer look, where the 2 slopes come together, there's a small gap. Under that gap was a single exposed, and rusty, nail head, that's directly over the damaged eave and fascia board. :mad:


I still have half a tube of roof patch from the street light assembly incident a couple years back. Much of the tip was plugged, so grabbed an old drill bit to free things up. I think the sides were pretty gummed up too, cuz it was damn near impossible to squeeze the caulk gun. Enough oozed out to fill the hole and cover the nail, so that should keep things from getting any worse. All that wood is gonna have to get cut out and replaced, so I guess I know what my next home project is gonna be. I've got a bunch of paint buckets in the garage, will have to check and see if any of them have the right color, and are still good.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
This morning, picked up a spare engine for my and my son's sleds for only $200. It caught on fire but the motor was unaffected except for a blown valve cover gasket. My son needed a TPS for his sled and it's the same. It came with everything including the starter motor so I'll have tons of spare parts.

After a shit season with late snow, trail club association insurance bullshit preventing opening the trails, my sled puking coolant (still not resolved, thinking it's a blown head gasket), other personal stuff, finally was able to have a good ride today with my son. We did about 200km. Sore after this first ride as I haven't really ridden since last season. Sled runs perfect, doesn't overheat at all. I'll put some more head gasket fix in the coolant to see if it can help seal it back up. No matter, we will go out again tomorrow. Watching the temp gauge, it doesn't get hot at all, staying around 70c. To salvage the rest of this season, I'll just ride it as much as I can and work on it in the off season.

Today was a good day, especially after the crap week I've had.
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