Put the pause on the box build for the JL 12" W7 since I can't see my self dropping a grand on the sub and another g on an amp to push it. For right now anyway. Lol.
I started a dual ported 10" box set up about a week ago in my wood shop at work.

Had to bring it on home last weekend to get the holes popped for the subs and wrap it in fabric.

Question: So what better then 1 jl 10w3v3-4 in a sealed enclosure?
Answer: 2 JL 10w3v3-4 in a ported box. There rated at 350- 500 watts a piece so I've got them run in parallel to bring them down to 2 ohm and my current amp can only do 600 watts to a 2ohm load. I got to say they get down low and hit hard even though the amp is short change.
I started a dual ported 10" box set up about a week ago in my wood shop at work.

Had to bring it on home last weekend to get the holes popped for the subs and wrap it in fabric.

Question: So what better then 1 jl 10w3v3-4 in a sealed enclosure?

Answer: 2 JL 10w3v3-4 in a ported box. There rated at 350- 500 watts a piece so I've got them run in parallel to bring them down to 2 ohm and my current amp can only do 600 watts to a 2ohm load. I got to say they get down low and hit hard even though the amp is short change.