This is the view along the street across from my house... Idiots are back at it again...
Made a little more progress on my security camera project, after getting the coat-to-server closet phase complete, and all the wiring routed through the attic. Got the easier of the 2 camera placements made, the one on the house. Tinkered with the software to get things setup, and set it to record when it senses motion. We had some rain last night, and it was triggering recordings almost constantly, so had to turn that down some. Also found the right balance between resolution and frame rate to get clear video without much choppiness.
Made a Home Depot run this morning to get some goodies for the more difficult camera install. Decided to run some PVC conduit along side my walkway to the fence, along the bottom of the fence to where I plan to screw in a 2"x 4" to use as a mounting post. Mocked up where I wanted the tubes to run, and was glad to see the only ones I'll need to trim are the vertical pieces.
Couldn't source a 1/2" service entrance for the top of the post, so had to order one online. I'll dig a shallow trench next to the pavers to run the conduit mostly out of site, then hopefully have great coverage of the long street, and deter people from using it as a dumping ground.
Right now, I'm relaxing on the couch, and waiting for my slow cooked chicken to finish, so I can make tacos. Cuz who doesn't love tacos?