We're supposed to have dry weather for a little while, and the water around my house has receded a bit. Can't say the same for people closer to the gulf.
Decided to take the plunge on Windows 10 for my laptop. I don't loathe 8.1 like some do, but I definitely prefer 7 more. So if I end up liking 10, then I'll put it on my other computers. Time will tell.
Will be modding my PS3 after work, as the fan controller should come in the mail today. Only getting a couple days use out of it, as the desk fan doesn't keep it from getting to hot to touch for very long.
Did some research, to get the parts and equipment to repair it right, vs having a local place reball it, vs buying a refurbished unit from the local GameStop aren't too different in price. So depending on how it does over the next week or so will determine what happens next.
BlazingTrails said:

Meh... hmm...