Did something I have never done before, well large scale. I rebuilt the carburetor on our Honda 200s, aka changed the jets, hosed with carb cleaner and put new o-rings in and called it a day. So any way, the boat has been acting funny, surging idle, like it had a hot cam, but being a 4 cylinder and not a sbc, A. there would be no gain to that at all in a boat. And B. the tank vents openly, aka not sealed. So, since there was no stabilizer in it while it sat for the last 2 months, the borderline carb finally went. It was partially rebuilt a few years ago, as in carb cleaner and new float. This time, I fully stripped it and soaked it in simple green and water in a harbor freight ultrasonic tank. It worked extremely well and actually looks brand new.


Cleaned and assembled:

Old stuff that was replaced with the kit:
I was originally going to have a shop do it, but when I was quoted about 500$ I was just so sticker shocked that I reconsidered. Granted it is on the table still and not running on the boat, but I feel confident. So the break down on price, About 90$ for the ultrasonic cleaner, and 56$ for the rebuild kit. Not bad if you ask me, savings of about 360$ (at the moment.)