Typical cube life. People are still feeling the need to come to my desk and tell me how weird it is to see me in a new spot, after being in my last spot for a year and a half. That got old after the second day. I've worked here 6 years, and this is the 5th different desk I've had.
During lunch break, gave my mom a call to check up on her, post meniscus surgery. My kid sister is with her for the next week or so to take care of her. She's in good spirits, and my sister is too busy with papers and school work to get on her nerves, so that's a win in my book.
Later tonight, Bulls/Bucks game 2. Hopefully Chicago can keep rolling and get a sweep. Cleveland is probably gonna sweep too, so we can't mess around.
Mounce said:
You must have made your mod bug mad!
I don't know what the hell happened, but I'm not happy about it. Mod bug should be happy, since I bought new mods for it to munch on, AND LEDs. Maybe it was in shock, and fried the transistors as collateral damage