What are you doing today? [Part II]


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Went to the salvage yard to pick up some parts to finish up the Acura MDX. Got most of what I need, and it's already on the car. While I was working on it, Neighbor came up and asked about the car, told him the story, and that it's for sale, and he decided to buy it, pending the wife's approval, for their 17 year old that just got their license. Into it for 905, and 6 hours of work, sold for 2500.


Jan 26, 2013
Neighbor came up and asked about the car, told him the story, and that it's for sale, and he decided to buy it, pending the wife's approval, for their 17 year old that just got their license. Into it for 905, and 6 hours of work, sold for 2500.
Should we share with TollKeeper's neighbor this little fact? :crackup: or just him read about it here? As Sargent Schultz would say "I know NOTHING".


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Installed a black tank rinser in the RV. Hardest part was removing and reinstalling the underbelly cover. Had to clean up a lot of the sloppy work from the factory. They overused foam insulation to seal the edges and some sort of really sticky duct tape. I used EternaBond tape. That stuff is usually used for repairing the roof but this will seal up the underbelly nice.

Then tackled installing some security cameras I received yesterday. They're the Blinks from Amazon. Got 3 of the outdoor ones which operate on lithium batteries so they're not always on and 2 for indoor that are powered. Wanted something for when we'll be out camping even though we're in a good neighbourhood, we do have a local shit rat living not far that we've had history with before but knows my previous profession. I've actually seen him behind bars. He's been keeping his distance but you never know. Neat little system however the mounts that came with them suck with limited ability to aim them like you want. We'll see how long the batteries last.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Over the weekend finished up the feature wall in the dining area. 20210409_093448.jpg20210409_113448.jpg20210409_113500.jpg
All the gaps and seams have been sealed up and some sanding was done to make it look seam less. I also did 2 coats of primer but didn't get a picture of it. Now to wait for the Mrs. To decide on color and finish of paint for it.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Should we share with TollKeeper's neighbor this little fact? :crackup: or just him read about it here? As Sargent Schultz would say "I know NOTHING".
He knows.. Hes a neighbor, that I may have to ask for help, or other issues, over the next 20 something years. (he is a john deere mechanic, so the chances of me needing his help are pretty high)


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not much on the go today. Windy as all fck, just can't seem to warm up though. Started trapping moles already. Got two but this one damn hill the bastard keeps filling in my trap.

Thinking of doing the first till on my new garden plot. Last year I just skimmed the sod off and leveled a layer of manure on top. Going to till that all in and then haul in a pile more. Got to pick up some seed potatoes and make sure I got all the other seeds I will need. Still weeks off from planting.

Going to take the Mormon wagon to town tomorrow for odds and ends. Jesus take the wheel.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Getting set to head to the Mexican border in New Mexico tomorrow. I spend a few weeks assisting long distance backpackers who hike from the Mexican Border to the Canadian border going through the Rockies.

I wanted to reset my tire pressure sensor locations on the Yukon so they would be correct. Couldn't get it to learn the last one!! Got the first three OK but just never would get the last one. Thought I'd have a look in the Tech 2 to see what it could do. It added absolutely nothing to the procedure in the owners manual. Damn! Not to be dissuaded I read through my old saved OBD2 scans and found the ID# of the final sensor, read out the data blocks from the passenger door module, located the block for the sensor in question and did a block write command to set the damned thing myself! Good to go now!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last day of staycation, so came back to the beach. Got here an hour earlier than my usual weekday time, 10am and my preferred lot was half full. Rental cabanas are everywhere, but I did land a spot in front by the water. Much better 'scenery' up here :wink:

Put about 4 hours on the meter, that should be plenty of time to recharge, take in the views and grab a nap. :thumbsup:



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
More work on the RV. Installed a battery monitor. Had to open up the front part of the underbelly this time. Went well, just need to set the high and low battery levels for proper display. Had to search on the Interwebs for proper tutorials as the included Chinglish instructions were useless. Also discovered why the furnace output at the bedroom vent is cold. It has about 15' of flexible plastic duct running in the underside in the cold. Ordered some bubble type insulating wrap to try and remedy this.


Jan 26, 2013
So I go to the dmv to transfer just purchased (used but new to me) 2020 Spyder with 507 miles on it. Dude had to sell it for medically reasons. Where one places number of miles on the title he placed " -507-" . He placed a line before the 507 and after it. Like days of old so no one could change what's there, right. The DMV would not accept it. :Banghead:. It was printed as clear as the typed word you are reading, but the DMV has rules I learned. I called the guy (who now is out of state) explaining this issue and he will be back in town Monday next week and will sign the paper the dmv handed to me for "correction".


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Yesterday went and picked up the blue stone slab for the fireplace.

Had top pull the mantel because it needs to be cut down 2"at the bottom to make room for the slab.20210416_125841.jpg
Isn't that just wild?20210416_125846.jpg
Have to put in the last pieces on the end but it's coming along.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Kicking myself, mostly. :duh: Got up nice and early since it was cloudy outside, to put down some pesticide on the lawn, try to get these ants dealt with, but things didn't quite go according to plan.

Rolled out the mower, put the mount on the back, then strapped down the tank sprayer. Put a few inches of water in the tank, then activated the pump to get the water circulating. Added the pesticide concentrate so it could begin mixing, and filled up 15 gallons. Started doing the back first, was getting the hang of driving and spraying with the wand at the same time. Got over by the pond, and was going across the sloped area. Where some of the brush rose higher up on the slope, had to turn slightly to head uphill.

Suddenly, the pump cuts off, and there's a loud thud behind me. Turn around and the tank is on the ground, metal arms for the boom are bent to hell, and one of the mounting arms was ripped out of the bottom of the tank. :wowfaint: When I strapped the tank down, I strapped it to the mount, but did NOT go through the frame of the mower!! So when I made that slight turn and the water sloshed to one side in the tank, gravity took over. :mad: :dunce:

The tank had to still have 10 gallons of mixture in it, so it was pretty damn heavy. I was about as far from my tools as you could get, so I straightened out the metal as best I could by hand, got things put mostly back in place, and strapped them down correctly this time. Finished the rest of the property, cursing myself under my breath.

Just glad everything still worked. After finishing, tried fixing the bent metal a little more. The 2 bolts on one side of the tank didn't strip out the plastic sockets too badly and will still hold the arms. I can already tell I'm gonna have to replace some of the hoses, as they were showing signs of cracking already even though they're store in a dark shed. 👎


Dec 4, 2011
Ran A few errands, mowed the grass, and dug up some old bush stumps from the front of the house.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Trying to convince the wife into letting me retire her Aztek, and put her into a Buick Rainier I found. She said she is going to think about it.

Found the truck I want to buy to replace my XUV, but I am still waiting on my federal refund.. So I wait.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Not a hell of a lot lately. Typical Saskatchewan, some nice warm weather early on and now it is cold and refuses to warm up. Still -5C every night, heavy cold wind and some snow in the air. I got lots of yard work to get started on....

On another note, up to seven moles and one gopher so far. Not bad for the cold. My youngest and I go check traps every morning.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Worked some more on the RV. Put in a propane hose and connector so I can connect the griddle to the main tanks instead of using those expensive green tanks. However, needed some more adapters for the hoses for the griddle and grill. Ordered on Amazon but won't be here till Saturday.

Then put some insulation on the duct that carries air from the furnace to the bedroom. It's just 2" thin plastic type that's exposed to the cold underside of the trailer and the air is cold by the time it gets to the bedroom. Used bubble wrap type double aluminum insulation. One long part I just covered it stapling the insulation to the floor. The rest I wrapped it. Was tricky in some parts that were not fully accessible so I wrapped a section and pushed the "tube of bubble wrap" to the end of the hose and added another piece of bubble wrap while foil taping them together. Next time it gets below freezing, I'll test to see if it improved the heat. Why couldn't they have done this while building it?


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I did manage to get some work done. My youngest and I fixed all the sod that was ripped up by the grader during the winter. My fck was it a mess. I had to haul in some top soil to seed some more grass in places.

Today I have to rip into Crimetown as they have some allotted Pfizer shots and I'm on some list I guess.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Tested the RV's furnace and the temp coming out of the bedroom vent was so-so, around 30c. At the main one, it's a blazing 70c. Open the furnace compartment and check things out. Can feel hot air coming out of everywhere. There was another smaller hose that was improperly routed and got damaged and restricted. Not sure where that one goes, possibly to heat the underbelly. Fixed it, notched the plywood it was being pinched by (really sloppy work by the OEM) and taped up the connection points that leaked air. You can see the fixed hose and taped connection and the other one that goes to the bedroom untouched. Well, all that work did help a bit, air coming out is now 33c. Better than cold air so I'll take it.

Then looked at the other end of the temperature spectrum by looking at the A/C. Saw some videos on YT on how to improve air flow to the ceiling vents by directing the air towards the ducts rather than just hitting the flat bottom of the closed air dump vent. Used the insulating bubble stuff to make like a rounded air deflector taped in there and also to insulate and tape the air dump vent. Took some readings air flow reading from each vent before and after the mod with a cheap anemometer from Amazon.
Bathroom: 1150cfm > 1180cfm +30
Main 1: 1248cfm > 1404cfm +246
Main 2: 1394cfm > 1209cfm -185
Main 3: 1745cfm > 1872cfm +127
Bedroom: 1209cfm > 1423cfm +214
Overall improvement: +432cfm

So an improvement overall except for the one that went lower, which is strange since it's closer to the A/C unit on that trunk. Another benefit was a lower noise level. I could probably lower it even further if I stuff that cavity with some insulation but I'll just leave it for now.

I gotta remember to take more pics.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got my 2nd covid shot yesterday as well, may need to be doing several shots of something stronger tonight though.

I plan to paint the exterior of my house this year, as well as install gutters all around. I knew there were some cracks in the block along the garage when I bought the house, but there have been more and more popping up everywhere else, so I want to get that taken care of before they get bad. Had 2 companies come out today for an inspection and quotes, have 2 more coming next week.

In my own research for foundation stabilization, I was hoping to go with polyurethane injections to stiffen things up around the perimeter, instead of pile driving steel piers into the ground. First company would only do piers, and quoted me $22K :wowfaint: Lifetime warranty, set it and forget it. The good news was, he said I didn't have to do the whole house, just 2 sides. Those sides moving, were causing the cracks in the front and back of the house.

2nd guy shows up an hour later. Show him around, then let him do his thing. He comes back with 2 options. Soil injection at $11.5K and piers for $22K. He said since it was caught so early, treating the soil is all I really needed, but if I wanted to spend the extra money, go with the piers. Same thing as the first guy, only needed to do the sides of the house. So I asked about the warranty. Soil treatment has a 5 year, their piers are lifetime as well. Sure if I was planning to sell the house real quick, the 5 year would be fine. But I plan to stay here a while, and if something crazy happened, like I dunno, a hurricane and storm surge flooding maybe? If the soil got super saturated for a few days, dries out and then settled some more after that warranty is up, that 2nd fix would cost at least as much as if I just got the damn piers in the first place. :ugh:

Was REALLY hoping to have those solar panels paid off before I took on another big ticket purchase like that. Next week gonna call my insurance company and see if they can help. I know my policy covers "catastrophic ground cover collapse" but not sink holes (how is that NOT the same thing? :confused: ) but this isn't either of those, so who knows. They can't say they'll cover it, if I don't ask though right? Now where is that bottle of whiskey?


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Sanded, chalked sealed and primer on the mantel today.20210423_154123.jpg20210423_154133.jpg20210423_154152.jpg20210423_192725.jpg20210423_195745.jpg
Crazy how I took my wife's vision of the mantel and made it from scratch. Built not bought kinda. Lol

I also went and picked up a shut off valve that busted on the pool pump. Luckily there just up the block repair took all of maybe 10 minutes.
And lastly hung up a mirror in the bedroom.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went with @budwich to Kenny U Pull. He was looking for a running board for his TB and me, a water pump for the Av if I could find a newish one. No luck with either however I did find a Rainier cluster, and brand new scissor jack and a safety triangle.

We did see an XUV there. Didn't look to be in too bad shape but probably suffered a major component failure to make it not worth repairing.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Went out yesterday to go plug some gophers. Weather wasn't good so they were spooky. Only managed 17 myself. I am guessing we got 75 total. I used my go to Remington 550-1 with some random mixed bulk crap ammo.

I pulled it apart today for a quick clean. These rifles use a floating chamber to assist in the ejection of light load ammo. This rifle will cycle LR, L and short .22. The chamber has never been out so it was a learning experience. I will be doing an ultrasonic clean soon to really get that crap out.

The date code puts it as November 1954 build. That about lines up as my dad thinks he got it sometime in 1955. He was 12 and traded his Cooey bolt action repeater for it. It was in a small general store in Quinton Sask.

I have the iron sights packed away so I mounted some cheap Tasco on there. Still my go to.


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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Yesterday.... I'm installing ductless mini-split system in the house and one of my current threw the wall ac's is in the way for the new unit so it was time to get at it.20210430_074619.jpg20210430_075947.jpg20210430_081334.jpg20210430_082002.jpg20210430_091152.jpg20210430_091338.jpg20210430_093917.jpg20210430_132554.jpg20210430_133541.jpg
I dint get pics of the back side but it was just plywood, foam spray seal gaps and some roofing paper,nails and caulking.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went to give an eviction notice to the tenant of the house I inherited from my mom so I can move my eldest son in. I had told her some months ago that I wanted to sell the house but nobody would want to buy a house and then wait another 6 months to evict while receiving a super low rent. She has been living there for 20 years but my mom didn't increase the rent enough each year and now is way under market. I lose money on it. I thought she was stalling as I wasn't hearing anything. Well, as soon as I mentioned the eviction, which would be 6 months from now, she now tells me that she found a place and would be moving out mid-July. Wasn't that a surprise. So my son will give his 3 month notice to his slum lord, I mean landlord, and move in in Aug. I won't charge him any rent but he will pay all expenses like insurance, taxes and the like. Won't cost me anything and he still saves money to be able to buy a property of his own later on.

Came home and worked a bit on the trailer but it was cold out. Finished closing the underbelly and finished up the propane hookups for the griddle and grill. Not too much left, just install some 12V outlets in the bedroom for our CPAP machines when we're not hooked up to shore power. Next big thing will be replacing the 5 year old China bombs that have started weather cracking. Probably will go with Goodyear Endurance which have a higher load rating and better longevity.


Dec 2, 2011
If you remember last year I did all the edging and mulch in the front of the house.

Well, Thursday through to this morning was the backs turn. 290+ feet of edging and 8 cubic yards of mulch. Unfortunately it rained most of Thursday and for a couple of hours Friday but I got it done...with about 1 cubic yard short.

I'll grab a trailer on Friday and get another 2 yards to finish out the back and spread a bit more in the front.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Been tinkering around the house the last few days as well. Need to get the gutters put up while things are still dry, and we're not getting our daily afternoon downpours. For whatever reason, the houses here are built with drip edge instead of gutters. Since my lawn is in such poor condition, the runoff is causing erosion on 2 sides, which is why the foundation is starting to settle. :hissyfit:

Borrowed one of those oscillating head multi tools from a buddy, and proceeded to cut the nails off behind the outer trim pieces directly behind the drip edge. That frees up about a half inch so I can tuck the gutters up behind the drip edge, instead of being 2" below the roof line. Don't want water pouring over the edges when things get really heavy.

Also had some rotted fascia that needed to be replaced. There were plenty of signs this had been done before, as there were multiple areas where the 1/2" trim boards were replaced with 3/4" plywood. One section next to the garage got the most work. Picked up some PVC boards, and put those up in their place to match the replaced piece in the front. The trim is gonna be white when I repaint, so less work this way.


The back corner of that section was kinda soft too, so cut out part of it, and used a good section of a long piece I removed from the side, to make a patch panel.

For the eave, I had some 1/2" plywood in the garage, so cut out a section of that to put up. I mis-measured, or mis-cut somehow, and ended up with a bit of a gap between the replacement piece, and the one next to it. Not sure how that happened. Noticed at all the other seams, they used section of H channel. Great, lemme just go get one of those... Yeah no, can't get those locally. F channel? Sure. J channel? Of course! But H, that's special stuff right there. :mad: I think it might be a little too big to pack with wood filler. I'll figure that out later.


Picked up some paint and supplies yesterday, got a coat of white paint on the fascia where all the gutters will be, besides one. There's a soft section in that last one I want to deal with. The blades on the multi tool were shot, and burning the wood more than cutting it. Didn't get around to it today, but wanted to make a set of jigs, maybe 4, that I can clamp onto the fascia boards, to support the gutters while I drive screws and set the slopes. Saw someone do that on YT and thought that was such a good idea. Got plenty of scrap wood in the back yard, and random screws, so I have everything I need. Hopefully, if all goes well I can get started putting those up next weekend.

Fun Notes: The bees were ALL about that bush with the red flowers, I was fully expecting to get stung working so close to them. I did get buzzed a few times, maybe it was my bright orange yard work shirt? But no stingers were involved today. Do have a nice contact burn on my left index finger. Thursday while using the multi tool the blade started to rotate. Me not paying attention, and not wearing gloves either, reached to grab it to rotate it back where I wanted it, before tightening the clamp. Went from "That's an odd sensation..." to :eek: :lipsrsealed::diggrave: in about 3 seconds.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Bought myself a new vape mod. I dropped my old 1 in the yard yesterday and 2 screws flew out not to be found so it was time for an upgrade. Luckily the tank glass didn't crack and no noticeable damage to it.20210501_153003.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Said goodby to my dream of having a garage shop to work in. Also sold the gas heater I had bought for it.

Goodby dream.jpg

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