Been tinkering around the house the last few days as well. Need to get the gutters put up while things are still dry, and we're not getting our daily afternoon downpours. For whatever reason, the houses here are built with drip edge instead of gutters. Since my lawn is in such poor condition, the runoff is causing erosion on 2 sides, which is why the foundation is starting to settle.
Borrowed one of those oscillating head multi tools from a buddy, and proceeded to cut the nails off behind the outer trim pieces directly behind the drip edge. That frees up about a half inch so I can tuck the gutters up behind the drip edge, instead of being 2" below the roof line. Don't want water pouring over the edges when things get really heavy.
Also had some rotted fascia that needed to be replaced. There were plenty of signs this had been done before, as there were multiple areas where the 1/2" trim boards were replaced with 3/4" plywood. One section next to the garage got the most work. Picked up some PVC boards, and put those up in their place to match the replaced piece in the front. The trim is gonna be white when I repaint, so less work this way.
The back corner of that section was kinda soft too, so cut out part of it, and used a good section of a long piece I removed from the side, to make a patch panel.
For the eave, I had some 1/2" plywood in the garage, so cut out a section of that to put up. I mis-measured, or mis-cut somehow, and ended up with a bit of a gap between the replacement piece, and the one next to it. Not sure how that happened. Noticed at all the other seams, they used section of H channel. Great, lemme just go get one of those... Yeah no, can't get those locally. F channel? Sure. J channel? Of course! But H, that's special stuff right there.

I think it might be a little too big to pack with wood filler. I'll figure that out later.
Picked up some paint and supplies yesterday, got a coat of white paint on the fascia where all the gutters will be, besides one. There's a soft section in that last one I want to deal with. The blades on the multi tool were shot, and burning the wood more than cutting it. Didn't get around to it today, but wanted to make a set of jigs, maybe 4, that I can clamp onto the fascia boards, to support the gutters while I drive screws and set the slopes. Saw someone do that on YT and thought that was such a good idea. Got plenty of scrap wood in the back yard, and random screws, so I have everything I need. Hopefully, if all goes well I can get started putting those up next weekend.
Fun Notes: The bees were ALL about that bush with the red flowers, I was fully expecting to get stung working so close to them. I did get buzzed a few times, maybe it was my bright orange yard work shirt? But no stingers were involved today. Do have a nice contact burn on my left index finger. Thursday while using the multi tool the blade started to rotate. Me not paying attention, and not wearing gloves either, reached to grab it to rotate it back where I wanted it, before tightening the clamp. Went from "That's an odd sensation..." to

in about 3 seconds.