What are you doing today? [Part II]


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, worked on the trailer in anticipation of taking it up to North Bay to see our granddaughter. Installed the MORryde solid steps I picked up during the winter to replace the bouncy fold out steps. Was more difficult than they show in their instructions and videos, probably because it was a new-take-off from a trailer that came originally with it. The screen door bottom hit the step threshold so had take it off, grind the top and bottom of it, repaint and then adjust it up as high as I could. Then the outer door also hit it so had to adjust that one up too. Neither of these are actually adjustable so had to drill new holes in the doors at the hinges to move them up. Love these steps even though the install was a hassle. Also removed the fold out steel step since they're no longer usable and to save weight. Finished up by reinstalling the battery, installing the TPMS sensors after topping up the tires and installed a WIFI backup camera, Didn't have a chance to test it as it was getting dark.

Today was another rain day. Got info from Costco customer service that there were three 6V golf cart batteries that I was looking for at a particular warehouse, the only ones in the whole city. Picked two up, at a savings of $40 each compared to other places, as well as some other sundries. These will allow us to boondock better and use the 12V system longer. Heavy as hell though, you can feel how dense they are compared to regular 12V batteries.

Then me and Mrs. Moose went out for dinner at our favourite eatery Lone Star for some fajitas (sans tortillas) because we figure we're gonna go into another lockdown before the weekend :frown:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
... because we figure we're gonna go into another lockdown before the weekend :frown:
Could you enlighten me on this? We are about to come completely out of all restrictions on Monday.. So this has me confused.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Our vaccine rollout has been slow and cases with Covid-19 variants have been steadily increasing. Confirmed this morning, Ontario will be going into another lockdown (they're calling it an "emergency brake") for 4 weeks, which means no indoor dining, no gatherings, no travel outside your own Health Unit area. Grocery stores will be limited to 50% capacity while all others will be limited to 25%. Masks continue to be mandatory in all indoor areas except your own home.

Canada doesn't have the capacity to produce its own vaccines so we're totally dependent on manufacturers from other countries, which have been slow to ship them here due to hogging, manufacturing delays and whatever reasons. We were really looking forward to the J&J vaccine but 15M doses were recently ruined due to an error at the US plant. The US gov't is "loaning" us 1.5M doses of the AstraZeneca, which is not yet approved there, but now it's restricted to those 55+ because of a very rare clotting issue. We're ready to get the shots in the arms but we're not getting enough doses to supply the sites.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I got my 1st Pfizer shot today. Process was pretty smooth, took me longer to drive across town to get to the site, than it did for everything else involved.

Some folks who also got it, said they had some soreness for 24-48 hours that was enough so they couldn't sleep on that side, but that was the worst of it. So I'll take some Tylenol and figure that should be good.

Had been on the fence about getting a few things off Amazon. Couple kinds of LEDs to tinker with (cuz of course I would :rolleyes: ) and a pair of those balloon tires for beach carts and kayak trailers. Got a not so random email from one of those past companies offering a "free" item if I write a review. It was for a 100' expanding hose with a couple accessories. Didn't really NEED one of those, but at some point in the future if I want to plant any trees in the back yard away from the house, a long hose like that would come in handy.

It arrived yesterday, similar the the 50' one I have in the garage that I use for washing the EXT, or any other water needs in the front of the house. So when I get the gift card credit back from the hose, I'll use that towards the other goodies I wanted, so the timing works out perfectly. Just in time for my staycation, so I can try out the new tires at the beach in a couple of weeks. :thumbsup:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Not today but recently... Grabbed a front axle disconnect at the yard. It was just sitting on the ground next to a TrailBlazer with the CV shaft still attached. It looked fairly good as a renewal candidate so I knocked the shaft out and added it to my pile. Got it opened up and cleaned up and thought I grab a video or two of things to refer to later....



Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Yesterday got the last few parts of the ceiling sanded and slapped on 2 coats of primer.

9" round sanding pad made it so much easier.20210402_101659.jpg
Extention paint stick kept me a good distance away from the dust.20210402_101652.jpg


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Found a cheap Acura MDX on Facebook. Its listed as a 2012.. I got a feeling I am going to get there, and its a 2002.


Dec 4, 2011
Off for a few days so getting some stuff done. Mowed yesterday for the first time. Today working on some house projects and trying to make a dent in the weedy mess outside. Downside of a house that was empty for so long is getting things back up to snuff, but the upside is anything I do is better than what was here already hah.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Found a cheap Acura MDX on Facebook. Its listed as a 2012.. I got a feeling I am going to get there, and its a 2002.
Continuation of Saturday..

Wish it was a 2013 like the seller thought, but it was a 2003. It was cheap at 500 bucks. Ran, didnt drive. The bushing at the transmission had rusted to the shifter cable, and would not allow the shift to occur. It was stuck in neutral, but if I kept a steady force on it, I could get it into reverse or drive. So I jump started it, and drove it home. 3 hours later, bushing was wrenched out, slathered with grease, and put back together.

Runs and drives perfect! No lights, no CEL, no ABS, no VDC, nothing.. just a low washer fluid light.

Going to get the A/C charged, rear wiper arm replaced, hood struts replaced, and drivers door mirror replaced, and flip it. Make a nice tidy bit of cash on it. I think it needs a timing belt, just not sure if I should bother doing it, or let the buyer..

Its pretty well optioned, BOSE, Moonroof, a big UGLY DIC, 3 row, new tires, trailer hitch. I figure I am going to list it at 3000, and take 2500. Unless I do the timing belt, then the price will go up some.
2003 Acura MDX, Silver - STOCK# 140014A - Interior - YouTube


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Started some maintenance on my craftsman T3200 mower. Aired up the tires greased the front end, changed the oil and dropped the K46 hydro trans. Drained it and now need to order a new cooling fan.

The original fill came out around September 2016 and maybe... maybe 170 hours on it. Was black and rhe magnets were absolutely full or wear material. The synthetic 5w50 that just came out was darker than new but quite clean. Don't think I will tear into it to clean the magnets again.

Will order up a new fan, refill and install. Then need to sharpen the blades. Still about a month left before I will even think about cutting the lawn.

My wife did her 1000km trip today. Dropped the kids at my parents place and then she went on to pick up a new riding horse and a lease to breed to our stallion. Went well and the 3500 worked like a champ.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finally, the beautiful weather has arrived and should be here all week. Doing some more mods on the trailer. Yesterday, I installed an aluminum truck box on the tongue. Had to grind off the welds holding the L brackets that were there for the battery and then clean up and paint the metal. Fastened it down to the square tubing with self drilling screws and fender washers. The golf cart batteries did not fit sideways but not a major issue. This will be great to store tools and other stuff and since it's lockable will protect everything from theft.


Today, I'll be adding a propane line for the griddle and BBQ. Should be fairly easy as there is a manifold with some empty spots currently occupied by plugs. Also have a battery monitor I want to install along with 12V lighter plugs and USB chargers. Also want to go to the Homeless Despot to pick up materials to make a siding storage bed for the Avalanche. Hate having to crawl in go get stuff especially with the tonneau covers on.


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Jul 22, 2015
Got my first Pfizer jab today, at the pharmacy I get my meds at. No issues (except for a bit of a wait, but I was out in about 30min, and that included the time spent in a chair afterward to make sure there were no adverse reactions). They sent me a text last Thursday, and I chose today for the appointment.

When I got to the place, I found out my insurance card wasn't in my wallet. I won't lie -- I was a bit anxious, trying to dig up the info on my phone from various sources, while I'm moving forward in the line (note to insurer -- how in the f*ck am I going to know my member ID, if I don't have the card in front of me?)

Was hoping they wouldn't turn me away... and they didn't. That was the advantage of going to my pharmacy -- they were able to look up the info in their own system (even though it's not on their phone app that I use to reorder with, etc).

For those who don't like needles, etc., or haven't had a flu shot in a while... it's even less painful than the yearly flu shot. I could tell something went into the arm, but I wouldn't call it painful at all. Been a few hours now, and no soreness, either (YMMV on this).


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Its pretty well optioned, BOSE, Moonroof, a big UGLY DIC, 3 row, new tires, trailer hitch. I figure I am going to list it at 3000, and take 2500. Unless I do the timing belt, then the price will go up some.

I may regret this... but... I might be interested in this vehicle, depending on condition / mileage. A friend of mine had an '04, and I'm a Hondaphile from way back.

At first, I was thinking I'd buy it outright -- and then I recall that you're constantly on the prowl for a V8-equipped 360 of some sort. Interested in trading, with cash on my end, so that you're not out any cash money of your own? You should know what I have, from my posts as well as my sig, but I can give you a rundown, if desired. And I know we'll have a bunch of pictures to take / exchange with one another, if this proceeds.

If this sounds interesting from your end, let me know (PM). And if not, no hard feelings. Thx.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I may regret this... but... I might be interested in this vehicle, depending on condition / mileage. A friend of mine had an '04, and I'm a Hondaphile from way back.

At first, I was thinking I'd buy it outright -- and then I recall that you're constantly on the prowl for a V8-equipped 360 of some sort. Interested in trading, with cash on my end, so that you're not out any cash money of your own? You should know what I have, from my posts as well as my sig, but I can give you a rundown, if desired. And I know we'll have a bunch of pictures to take / exchange with one another, if this proceeds.

If this sounds interesting from your end, let me know (PM). And if not, no hard feelings. Thx.
Just in case you missed it...

If this had been a couple months ago, I may have been interested.. A GMT360 V8 is no longer in my search :quiverlips:

Now that I have a second -unplanned- little on the way... Looking for a Escalade, Tahoe, Yukon... Im waiting until he/she is born first.

If you still want to buy it outright, its always an option.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got the quad all greased up, coolant topped up and oil changed. As usual you have to fight with the grease zerks and I found the lost zerk on the rear driveshaft spline. My fck was that a bitch. Oh well she's done and ready to drag the arena today.

Going to check the rear diff on my 3500 later today. Its been 3 years and about 60,000km. Might.... might change it....

My wife has some more hauls planned lately as she is finally on the mend and able to get working with the horses.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After fixing the Av, went to Costco again to get some raised bed planters the Mrs wanted before we go into full stay at home order tonight and Costco will be restricted to essentials only (food, pharmacy, health care products, etc only). Seems I wasn't the only one that had the same idea as it was a complete shit show there. Long lineup just to get in and cars all over the place. No thanks. Passed on participating in that frenzy. Went to the Homeless Despot and picked up a sheet of plywood, a sheet of smooth pressboard and some pine 1 x 2's for a sliding bed project for the Av. Not quite as bad there however by the time I got out, it got busy inside and a lineup started forming. Seems like traffic was also up on the streets, everybody scrambling to get their shit before the shutdown.

Well, I'm gonna have lots of time to do stuff since everything else will be closed. Not like I was going anywhere too much these days anyway. At least vaccines should be ramping up during this month long shutdown unless another f*ck up occurs.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
If this had been a couple months ago, I may have been interested.. A GMT360 V8 is no longer in my search :quiverlips:

Now that I have a second -unplanned- little on the way... Looking for a Escalade, Tahoe, Yukon... Im waiting until he/she is born first.

If you still want to buy it outright, its always an option.

I'm going to start a convo with you via PM, either later tonight or tomorrow. I know you have to wait for the title, so unless CO DMV is quick like a bunny, I have a few hours :biggrin:

Going to check the rear diff on my 3500 later today. Its been 3 years and about 60,000km. Might.... might change it....

My wife has some more hauls planned lately as she is finally on the mend and able to get working with the horses.
If the 3500 is used for the horse trailer... then there are only benefits to changing the gear oil, and no downsides. :thumbsup:

Went to the Homeless Despot and picked up a sheet of plywood, a sheet of smooth pressboard and some pine 1 x 2's for a sliding bed project for the Av.

Looking forward to some pics on this, if you're planning on documenting things. 🤞

I'm now thinking of a bi-level short / long setup for my 6.5' bed. Curious to see how you fasten the rails to the bed (I don't want to drill the bed, if I can avoid it... which may mean that I don't undertake the project at all, which is fine -- I have plenty of other stuff going on with all the vehicles in the Reprise stable, right now.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Did the rear gear oil after all. My wife was sore and tired after vaccinating and deworming 12 horses. Took less than an hour and no blow ups.

The gear oil easily could have waited. Years probably. There was very little fine material on the magnet. While dark, it was not bad. Oh well I still have enough group 4 80w140 for another change. 20210407_183552.jpg
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Looking forward to some pics on this, if you're planning on documenting things. 🤞
Nothing really fancy and it's specific to an Avalanche. Got the idea from here:



Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Nothing really fancy and it's specific to an Avalanche. Got the idea from here:
That's flippin awesome! And it's not mounted to the bed, either.

The stuff I carry in the bed has some weight to it, so I may not do this. But it wouldn't cost much to put it together, for sure. I'll add it to my 'later' project list for the Sierra. Maybe I'll put some sort of roller bearing track in the recessed channels of the bed (the opposite of / adjacent to where he put the felt strips).

On a related note, after searching for ramps on CL, I finally thought of the idea... MAKE them!
Got this from Amazon today, and I'll pick up some "heavy duty wood", like the other guys on CL use :dielaugh: and make my own. But that's going to be after I finish up the Accord in the next day or two, and get build "phase 1.5" going on the Sierra, mechanically -- cause I need to get that done before I can hitch up the trailer and go somewhere... anywhere... LOL


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I'm going to start a convo with you via PM, either later tonight or tomorrow. I know you have to wait for the title, so unless CO DMV is quick like a bunny, I have a few hours :biggrin:
Sounds good. I really dont need to do anything with the Title. Its an open title at the moment, with only the sellers signature on it. It can be assigned to anyone.

Look forward to a PM. Getting the tires balanced and rotated today, as well as getting a slow leak fixed. I think I am going to do the timing belt. It doesnt look to terribly bad. Need to finish getting the interior cleaned out, vacuumed, and wiped down. Maybe a buff and wax, it needs it. Lots of fine scratches, but it doesnt appear to be anything to deep. I was surprised at the amount of hail damage on the hood. All the glass is good thou.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday evening, got the Caprice out of storage. She roared back to life easily even with the 10 year old original battery that was left disconnected in the trunk over the winter. One tire was flat and it eventually threw a high voltage bank 1 sensor 1 error. Tech 2 showed that sensor is dead. Not sure yet if it's the wire extension I did to it or the sensor itself crapped out. Other project I have for it is the Brembo brakes I gotta install. Have the parts, just have to do it. I may also try to fix the screw up job the installer did on the exhaust, most notably the rubbing of a header tube on the steering shaft.

First, I want to build that truck bed slider. Tired of having to crawl in to grab stuff at the front. I don't event think it needs the fuzzy velcro strips. That laminate board is slippery enough that the plywood was sliding around on its own while driving. It's also gonna have to be able to work with a 3200w inverter generator.


Jan 26, 2013
So I am beginning to look for a new push lawn mower. Nothing fancy, 3-5 h.p. 21" cut. Looking at what prices are so I check on Amazon and Ebay. The first seller I click on to check the details I just gotta laugh: notice the Propulsion type. Exactly what I was looking for :smile:

Propulsion Type:NEANDERTHAL
Brand:POULAN PROType:Walk-Behind Lawn Mower
Drive Type:PUSHFeatures:3N1, MULCHER, HIGH WHEEL, Adjustable Height, Cutting Height Settings, Grass Catcher, Side Discharge


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Day 2 of my staycation. Part of my Amazon order showed up, got the 12" H x 7" W balloon tires for my beach cart. I know the comments said that they shipped deflated and packed into the box, but I really didn't expect them to come out square. 🤣


The valves were VERY short, and gave me a hard time getting the inflator connected to it. Switched to my bike pump and managed to get one decently filled before figuring out the trick. Get the connector to bite on the threads, and then screw it the rest of the way on, then I was good to go.


Removed the 10" H x 3" W HF lawnmower wheels from the cart, and the threaded rod I used for the axle. Had an aluminum rod, and some collars laying around, grabbed some 1/2" PVC tubing to use as a sleeve since the OD fit the tires perfectly and was a good fit over the aluminum rod. Trimmed the rod to length, drilled some recesses for the set screws in the collars to bite into, and got everything mounted. All set for a beach trip tomorrow


About to head to the hardware store after rush hour traffic dies down. Getting low on packing tape, and out of double sided mounting tape. I got ready to relocate the parking stop closer to the wall since I cleared out a number of things over there that freed up some room, and had nothing to stick it back to the floor with :duh:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Checked the wiring on the O2 sensor on the Caprice, all good. Drive it some more to get the error to come back on and I'm not getting it :confused: . Tech 2 shows no error codes and the sensor is working correctly now just like the other bank. Maybe just needed to shake some winter cob webs out.

Then went to town on the header tube that's rubbing on the steering shaft as I was really tired of feeling the vibrations and the noise in the steering wheel. Used my Gordon Freeman bar with my 3lb mallet, pounding it on the end. Kept whacking at it until it moved a little. Man those tubes are tough for cheap Chinese headers. Dented it just enough to clear it. Now I'm happy and will stop the wife asking "what's that noise?".


Apr 29, 2016
I’ve been hunkered down lately working on my key making business. Latest thing I found was these universal keys. You can program them to just about any car. I bought an assortment of 24 types of blanks. I made a flip key for my Acadia. Pretty cool now but took me a while to figure out.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Did a 1000km trip to see my parents and pick the kids up. Took the 3500 down there. I know I bitched a bit about the louder exhaust, well its growing on me. It sounds kind of mean and hearing the turbo spool is real nice!!! I may have done a few full out runs..... its fast.

Picked up our new to us 2005 Grand Caravan as well. It has somw bad rust holes on the rockers and lower door edges but nothing at or near the spring perches. It runs and drives great. Newer brakes, tires and has 224,000km.

My goal this next couple of days is to rotate the tires, do a quick brake bleed, check the plugs and thermostat.

So its a sky blue, well optioned old people van. The kids love it and best of all the price was right. Pictures to come but my wife has already planned some decals for the rear glass. If we are rolling around in an old white person van, we gots to play the part.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided to hit the beach a little earlier than usual, got here around 10:30, and that wasn't early enough. My 1st choice parking lot which is usually pretty wide open at that time, was full. Next choice lot was almost full, I got the last spot.

Loaded up the beach cart, and pulling it over the sugar and was almost effortless. Wish I had gotten these balloon tires sooner. The rental canopies and chairs are setup pretty heavy, and there are a lot of people in front of them, so I took a nice spot in the back. Not too hot, great breeze, so I'm good to go for a few hours.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
While searching through some bins for one thing, came across these 1206 LEDs, that I was looking for a month ago. Ordered a bunch more (stupid minimum quantities) since I couldn't find these, and now it's too late the cancel the order, cuz I only needed ONE. :duh:


When I upgraded my media server, I got the bright idea to change out the red LED case lights to blue ones. The power LED is inside the switch, didn't want to deal with all that, so just not using that one. The hard drive LED was a 3mm through hole, so should have been easy to switch out. Went to put a 5mm in it's place, and somehow lifted one of the pads on the back of the PCB :mad: Luckily the front of the PCB also had pads, so tried to tin those, and surface mount the 1206. After an hour of not being able to get solder to stick to one of them (the one opposite of the side that I damaged) I gave up on that idea.

Remembered I had some pass through connection PCBs that I used in my HVAC module, and after finding those, managed to solder the 1206 to that, and tapped a couple of wires onto the PCB where the harness wires were connected. Good enough, ready to be done with this foolishness!


Not nearly as bright as the larger LED that was there (right above the DVD drive) but I really don't need it to be bright. Just enough to know if there's any activity going on, which is usually the case. May switch out the card reader, it doesn't lock into the tool-less bay. I know I have another one around here somewhere :undecided:

I don't remember having such a difficult time soldering the 1206 LEDs before when I did the rear view mirror mod, and that was in a much more confined area. Must be my old age setting in, and losing the fine motor skills. :frown:

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