What are you doing today? [Part II]


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Going to be a lazy day today. The spare capacitor didn't work, but he had a meter and both tested bad. Got one coming from the blue smile van for tomorrow. The house stays at decent temps with the fans running until about 3 pm, then it starts to get uncomfortable. But if it rains, that cools things down, so we'll see how it goes.

Gonna hold off on the gutter work, just because I'm tired of looking at them :crazy:

Well, no permit because it's "portable".

My shed, and gazebo were built the same way.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I managed some time to work on my 3500. Long story short, cleaned the MAP sensor that was coated in egr gunk and reinstalled the OEM IAT sensor and was able to clear all codes. The exhaust tone is back to normal, which is no VGT whistle at idle, no miss, no smoke and a nice lope.

Hopefully this is the fix and she will be back to normal. I had gotten 17.7mpg on winter blend but recently could barely muster 16 on summer blend.


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Dec 2, 2011
Had one of the guys from work come over yesterday to do the brakes on his 2016 Fiesta ST...it's still sitting in my garage. We got the fronts done fairly quickly but then we had to do the rears. It turns out, Ford, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the pistons for the rear calipers should be different than the front. You have to turn them in, not push, and of course, there's a tool to do it. Looking on YT, we found a guy that used the wrench from his angle grinder, so we grabbed mine and got the drivers side done. We then discovered that one of the slide pins was frozen. I could turn it but not get it out. OK, put that on the shopping list.

Then we get to the passengers side. Turned and turned that farking piston but it would not budge. Quick trip to Summit and got a universal tool for those type of pistons...still won't move, it's buggered.

Now we have to replace both rear calipers (always do them in pairs) and fortunately we got the last passengers side one on RA with expedited shipping ($60) to get here on Tuesday. We rang the local Ford dealer and the parts are on back order for them with an expected delivery date of mid July. So now our cars have to sit outside until Tuesday arvo.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Picked up some stuff from the hardware store, and got to work early while it wasn't so hot out. Used some 1" angle aluminum to make brackets to support the screened patio gutter. I opted for the thicker of the 2 options, thinking strength, but it was too thick for the screws to self tap. Had to go get my drill and make pilot holes. Bit of time wasted, and in the process, I decided to only add 2 brackets, instead of the 6 that I cut. If the one bracket held up for however many years to this point, this should be plenty of support for years to come.


Moved on to adding the 2nd downspout. Marked and scored my cut lines on the underside of the gutter, but don't think my blade was sharp enough to pierce, cuz I was struggling to break through. What do we do when frustrated with hand tools? Switch to power tools!! Grabbed the multi tool, and it punched through easily. A little too easy in fact, the cuts are just slightly longer than what I needed, so there was gonna be a leak. :duh: Had to add some sealant, so not too big of a deal, just not as clean of an install as I would have liked.


Decided to run the downspout about 2/3 of the way up, instead of at the other end. Ran the spout out from between some of the trees, which works out better, since the end of the patio would go out into the grass, and make another obstacle for the lawn mower. It's supposed to stay dry today, so we'll se what happens tomorrow with our afternoon showers.


Almost forgot about the damaged hose. Grabbed my snips and screw driver bit to take the fitting off. Trimmed a few inches off, and put it back together, so that's good to go.

Grabbed a cold shower and plopped down on the couch. Amazon doesn't usually deliver around here until close to sundown. So imagine my surprise when I get on the computer, and it says they're 5 stops away. :blinkhuh: Damnit, I JUST got out the shower! :hissyfit:

Went outside, and got the cover off the HVAC, pulled the breaker. Was starting to sweat, so went inside to wait, as I'm heading to the garage, I see a van drive by, but it wasn't an Amazon van. Get inside and it says it's been delivered but no pic. And it says handed to resident. :confused: I went to the front door, and there's nothing there. Figured it's small, sometimes it's left in the mail box. Nope not there either. Now I start getting irritated, as I'm walking into the garage, I see an amazon envelope on the floor next to the EXT. :hopeless:

Got that swapped out, flipped the breakers, and gave it a few minutes to run while I shut all the windows. Grabbed the thermometer to check the vents... Now I can enjoy some ice cream cuz I like it, and not cuz I'm trying to cool myself off!



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
With the heat we are getting, its not great to haul horses in so we had one client pick up at 230am and I went at 5am. Beat the worst of it.

I was maybe 300km into a 400+ trip and the damn CEL came back on for P0111. Once home I pulled the sensors for another cleaning, no dice. I will price out the OEM Continental made IAT and MAP sensors. I have a buddy with a similar truck so I might swap parts to be sure.

Later this evening the girls went for a ride on the horses and I swapped out the CCV filter in the 3500.


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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
I'll be dealing with a leak coming from my top floor toilet lead bend. I made an access to the area where the leak is although I did have to cut open the sophet over the kitchen stove and may have to pull down the recessed light fixture. I pray this will a be quick patch and doesn't go side ways and I have to replace it all. I need a little breathing room before I start any further remodeling projects. Only good thing so far is I found the location where I can run the pipes for the exhaust vent for the microwave. Currently the microwave is blowing back into the kitchen which I can't stand.20210701_185910.jpg20210702_065515.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Still on the road with the trailer, making our way back home slowly. The Avy has been running like a champ. Yesterday however was an adventure. Hit a piece of metal with both right tires on the truck. Once in the next town, the right front had a good leak and lost most of its air within 20 minutes. The right rear wasn't as fast but was leaking. Of course, being Canada Day, everything was closed. So my only option was to use the spare on the front and overfill the rear and monitor via the TPMS. Another 3 hour drive to our next campground in Wawa but we made it ok however 3 hours late. Today went to a tire shop nearby and they were able to patch both. Thank goodness I didn't have to replace them and also the trailer tires missed that piece of metal or we would have been really hooped. By the morning, the rear tire was flat.

For all its problems and being a PITA sometimes, the TPMS system saved us from winding up rolling on a low tire when we stopped because I wouldn't have seen it. We would have to stop on the highway. Not an ideal situation with a trailer. At least I was able to put the spare on in a safe spot in the town.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Taking a page from my book there Moose!! I thought I was the blown out tire champ!!!

Not much out here. Still hotter than fck but cooler than most. Hauled another horse out this am and then some shoping in Crimetown.

My truck is still throwing p0111 so I will order up some some sensors from Cummins. My local buddy wants way too much for off brand and rhe dealer charges twice what they are worth and then some.

Ran some fuel mileage and the truck produced 14mpg even hauling. From about 6 to 7200 pounds with the 5 horse and doing 115 to 120km/h. Still not bad.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
SHIT!!! You got some time to catch up to the blow out champ!

10 tires, at the same time, on my Semi Rig.. Stopped before they could get to the trailer..

One Way Spikes for Parking Lots


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Helped a buddy pick up and stack about 100 square bales from the field early this morning. Came home for our chores, set some gopher traps and enjoying some coffee now.

Might hit up the city again today.... but we have to go do some chores at another buddies place. Its a rough life as we gladly take farm eggs in exchange.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
SHIT!!! You got some time to catch up to the blow out champ!

10 tires, at the same time, on my Semi Rig.. Stopped before they could get to the trailer..

One Way Spikes for Parking Lots
What made me feel better about it, was knowing I wasn't the tire blow out King, just the champ. Security guard told me that the day prior, another truck came in with a set of triple trailers, and got all 34 tires. Just imagine, new semi truck tires are about 390 a piece. That's almost 13000 bucks!


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Checking for damage to House, Wifes car, the Envoy XUV, and my trailer..

Golf ball size hail storm came thru, and it dumped for a good part of an hour.

This was before it started getting BIG.

Wifes car is totaled (again)
Trailer is totaled
Envoy might be good
House is good. Couple dents on the Dove Vents, but roof is good this time round.

Esky was in the garage.
Wife was driving the Aztek home from the store (it got F-U-C-Ked good!).
Trailer was hooked to my Envoy in the Driveway as we were going out ATV'ing for the weekend.

It might not look like much in the pics, but the hood, and roof, are wasted for the Aztek.. Whatever it is, just gonna buy it back from the insurance, drop the insurance to liability, and drive it till the wheels fall off.

Wife is kinda sad about it thou. Its the rarest Pontiac Aztek ever made, with only 2 in this configuration ever made.
Citrus Green was a Dealer Only Ordering Color for the 2001 model year only.
It has Rear Bucket Seats, another 2001 model year only option
Heads up Display
Pioneer Premium Sound System (10 speakers)
All Wheel Drive
You could not have a Sunroof and OnStar, but this one does as a factory fluke (the other 1 of 2 does not have Onstar)

The winsheild, 10 years ago, was 3300 dollars to replace. its come down a bit in price... 1400!



Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Got the leak in the lead bend fixed. The patch should hold till I get to that bathroom remodel. 20210703_100247.jpg
Put up the outdoor extention reel20210703_144310.jpg20210703_144323.jpg
Cleaned up and leveled out a 12' by 12' area of the back yard where my shed and storage bins are. Threw down some outdoor turf carpet, strapped some reed fencing on the left and ivy on the right to pretty things up. I may end up putting my domino table in that area.
20210703_194934.jpglastly hung up some shelves in my boys room for there star wars lego's and other trinkets.20210703_111135.jpg20210703_111142.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Made it to the next campground in North Bay. Unlike the last drive, this one was uneventful. Fairly light traffic I guess for the Canada Day long weekend. A couple of nights here and then we head home.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
Checking for damage to House, Wifes car, the Envoy XUV, and my trailer..

Golf ball size hail storm came thru, and it dumped for a good part of an hour.

This was before it started getting BIG.

Wifes car is totaled (again)
Trailer is totaled
Envoy might be good
House is good. Couple dents on the Dove Vents, but roof is good this time round.

Esky was in the garage.
Wife was driving the Aztek home from the store (it got F-U-C-Ked good!).
Trailer was hooked to my Envoy in the Driveway as we were going out ATV'ing for the weekend.

It might not look like much in the pics, but the hood, and roof, are wasted for the Aztek.. Whatever it is, just gonna buy it back from the insurance, drop the insurance to liability, and drive it till the wheels fall off.

Wife is kinda sad about it thou. Its the rarest Pontiac Aztek ever made, with only 2 in this configuration ever made.
Citrus Green was a Dealer Only Ordering Color for the 2001 model year only.
It has Rear Bucket Seats, another 2001 model year only option
Heads up Display
Pioneer Premium Sound System (10 speakers)
All Wheel Drive
You could not have a Sunroof and OnStar, but this one does as a factory fluke (the other 1 of 2 does not have Onstar)

The winsheild, 10 years ago, was 3300 dollars to replace. its come down a bit in price... 1400!

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There's some You Tube videos on how to pop the dents on the car from the hail damage. Don't know how well it works, but it's worth a look.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Batten Down The Hatches, Florida...Here come the First Trouble of the Year...
'Hurricane' from Tropical Storm Elsa after it gets a dose of the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico...

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Reactions: Mooseman


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got home yesterday afternoon. It's humid as f*ck here! It just saps all your energy as soon as you step out :drooling:. After a quick unload of the trailer, went out for dinner with my old partner who just retired and will be moving out west this week. I will miss him a lot as we went through hell and back together. Already planning to visit him next year during the Calgary Stampede.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided to work from home today, instead of venturing into the office. Many of my colleagues weren't so lucky, and they don't get to leave until 4. Current radar shows rain approaching the southern border of the county already, so most of them won't escape getting wet on their drives home.

At this point, it's just a waiting game. The storm could possibly be a category 1 hurricane as it passes us tonight. Although we've been pretty soaked with heavy rains lately so there are flash flooding fears, my area is high enough, and the retention pond out back has a good amount of capacity left, that I'm not worried there.

Biggest concern is my wood back fence. It's got some years on it, and when a similar strength storm blew through last fall, a couple of panels were popped loose from a post. Not the worst thing in the world, but now it's front and center in my mind. I'll probably be asleep long before the winds change direction on us and start coming out of the south which is what puts the most pressure on the fence, so first thing in the morning that's what I'll go out and check. Replacement panel costs have shot up along with everything else, so I'm really hoping I won't need to replace any of them this year.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Helped a friend with his 07 TB with electrical gremlins galore. Sometimes won't start, Xmas tree dash, fobs won't work, when it lights up, it won't start, if already running and it lights up, nothing works but keeps running. Ge the Tech 2 hooked up and get multiple communications errors including loss of communications, data line high and low. Two telling codes are no comms to radio and liftgate module. Head to the liftgate wires and find this...


Aha! Patch these up, clear all the codes and, no start, but the fob is working again. Keep futzing with the key and it eventually starts so figure the ignition switch is also bad. I already had a new spare I carry around in my TB. Slap that in and seems all good but radio isn't working at first and no chimes. It eventually comes on and chimes work. OK, must have taken a bit of time to reset. On his way home, it lights up again, radio starts making weird noises and nothing else works. He gets home and punches the radio, everything come back to normal. So looks like the radio is borked. Fine, I have the one from my 07, just have to program the VIN.

While I was checking his truck, noticed his temps were were too low and advised him it needs a thermostat. He also told me he was the AC compressor bypassed because the clutch is seized and maybe would like that fixed. He's a landscaper so I made a deal with him that I'll fix his problems if he does my rear yard with paving stones I already have. Basically bartering work for work. His work would be a lot more than mine and will still cost me but a lot less than full price. Sweet.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
For the most part, everything survived the night. The fence is still in place. That plug job I did on my roof where the street lamp cracked the decking back in 2016 started to drip around 6 am. :mad: I'll cut that wood out and replace it, and throw some fresh shingles on it since I have them, will just need some dry time to get to it.

While checking out some work stuff, I glance over at my camera feed and notice a LOT of standing water on the street that runs along my house. This isn't unusual during a storm, but the storm drains on either side of the street usually have small whirlpools over them as the pumping station pushes the water over to the retention pond. :confused:

Corner 2021-07-07 AM.jpg

So I go out on the patio to see what the pond looks like, and it's probably a good 4 to 5 feet higher than usual. Had pushed through the waterside brush and bushes onto my yard, and had pushed up on the shed and 2nd patio to the point it was almost at the steps. :wowfaint:


So now I have a new problem, post storm flooding. The water on the street is starting to go down, but I fear that's because the pumps are still pushing water to the pond. Checked back, and the water level of the pond has almost overtaken the 1st step on the 2nd patio. It's probably got another foot to go before it reaches the floor level of the shed. Now I'm nervous.... Luckily the house is above street level, so as long as we don't get too much more rain for the rest of the week... (fat chance on that) :ugh:
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Jan 15, 2012
Expensive day, wife attempting to park the Nox cut too close to the Shopping cart coral and angle iron took the tire out, ordered a used identical tire from Champtire $62.
Also noticed that someone left a present on My JGC passenger door $?.

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well I got no horror stories to compare there boys. Just rolled into work after dropping my oldest daughter off at a family friends place. She recently bought a very nice property outside of Crimetown, it is a turn key operation with boarding and a large indoor riding arena. My girl is going to help with chores and painting amongst other tasks. Should be good for her.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got pics added to the previous post. The few hours after that were a bit nerve wracking. The pumps did continue to run until the streets were clear, which caused the water levels out back to keep rising. Fortunately things stopped before they got up to the shed, and with the drainage system working correctly, the water started to recede in the afternoon. When the sogginess subsided, I walked the property to check things out. You can clearly see the high water line from the muck that washed up (as well as plastic bottles and trash that I'll clean up later)


The neighbors on my side of the street were a little better off since their houses are slightly higher in elevation than mine, but they did have some water encroachment in their back yards as well.


I put a small tarp on the roof over the damaged area, and it did rain again later in the evening. We're supposed to be back on our daily rain schedule, which may cause me to have to wait for the weekend to get a dry window when it's not stupid hot to be working up on a roof. I'm fully expecting the drive by vultures to see the tarp and come knocking on my door offering to do the repairs for me. :rolleyes:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Added pic to my last post.

Yesterday, went to Kenny-U-Pull to look for a good used AC compressor for my friend's TB. Didn't find one however, did find a recently replaced T-stat. Got it out easy since someone had already taken out the alternator. And it happens to be an ACDelco at a fraction of the cost. He doesn't want to put any more money than he has to in this truck as he really needs a V8 pickup truck to pull a heavy utility trailer he uses for his landscaping work. He's using the TB for now while he's looking.

Not a whole lot going on today since it's a rain day. Me and the Mrs went for breakfast at our favourite diner. While driving the Avy, detected a rattle, which sound like a loose exhaust part, and a clunk, which might be an end link. Gonna have to check those out once the nice weather comes back.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
The plan for today was after my shift, get up on the roof and strip the leaking area down. Pull the damaged shingles, cut back the tar paper, figure out how large a section I needed to cut out, ready the patch panel, then cover the site, finished up in the morning before the FL sun got going.

Loaded up the mini tool box, and got to work. Got the old shingles pulled, and now I understood what I did wrong with the tar when I plugged the leak years ago. Made it much more difficult to get some of the shingles out with them sticking together. Didn't want to be bothered, so took out some that I wasn't planning to, since I had plenty of extras. Got down to the OSB, the crack is circled, since it wasn't as obvious as it was IRL. Felt fortunate to have a seam on one side. The crack is pretty close to the rafter on the other side.


It wasn't nearly as hot and miserable as I expected it to be, and I had a lot of daylight left, so I kept going. Decided to push and try to get it all done in one go. Took some measurements, and then cut out the plug from some scrap plywood. Traced that out on the OSB to get a good match. Got out the circular saw, and got to the point of no return. I gotta admit, I wasn't nearly as comfortable cutting a big ass hole in my roof, as I thought I would be. :ugh: Everything was going way too smoothly, so I was waiting on a bump in the road, this was it. The plywood was 3/4" and the OSB was 1/2". :Banghead:


I thought I took pics with the patch panel in place, and with the tar paper laid, but I guess not. It's a little uneven, you can kinda see it, and definitely feel it when stepped on. But there shouldn't be traffic up there, and I just need it to hold up for a couple of years until I get the whole thing replaced. For a quick second, I considered cutting a corner, leaving the cracked OSB as it was, just replacing the shingles. The wood was still strong, as it was damaged by blunt force, not extended periods of moisture. But with this much effort, might as well go all the way.

Got all the damaged/glued shingles replaced, and fresh nails in all those areas. Managed to leave the ridge nails in place, so tapped those back down. Forgot to bring the tube of tar up with me. Hoping the amount of sun tomorrow morning and early afternoon will be enough to activate the tar strips before it rains.


True test, we'll see what happens when we get hit with another big storm. Somehow, I ended up ripping that same knee in my work pants as the last time. Also, even though I was wearing knee pads, both knees look scraped to high hell. No idea how or why that happened. Probably a sign that I'm too old to be up there doing that foolishness. Everything hurt when I was done 2 and a half hours later. Both feet wanted to cramp up after I got cleaned up. Aleve and Tylenol are my best friends right now.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday and today, helped my buddy finish getting ready for his move out west. He gave me all sorts of stuff he couldn't take with him and other stuff he didn't want anymore. I'm running out of room! He also needed some help hitching up his boat to his Avy. We were so close as partners, we even got the same truck and both black however his is a 2010 with much lower mileage and better condition than mine. Gave him pointers for the tow like putting it in tow/haul mode and watching his tranny temps.

We then all went for one last dinner together. I will miss him a lot. A true friend.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Have a couple days off. Decided to paint this stupid can.

Scuff with a Scotchbrite and an alcohol wipe down.
Light coat of primer. (And then another after a few, according to the instructions.)

Is this for a particular project, or just something fun to do cuz you got time on your hands?


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Before: Bottom left outside corner of the mantel.

In wall 250 watts of bass in my face. :2thumbsup: whole house shaker. Screenshot_20210710-151432_Samsung Internet.jpg
Its twin will be here next week to be place on the opposite side of the mantel.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Me and the Mrs went for our second shots and breakfast at a nearby eatery yesterday. This time is a lot rougher than the first shot. My arm is sore as f*** and feeling tired, the Mrs is also sore and tired but in addition had nausea all night and vomiting but that could have been the burgers we had last night. Not too bad today but we're both tired.

Yesterday, while I was still functional, put the rear of Avy on jack stands in preparation to repair the right rear lower suspension arm mount that has rusted off. Unless you have access to the FU thread, you haven't seen the latest adventure I'm having with the Avy. I might start tackling this today if I'm feeling better. It's also gonna be hot and sweaty outside.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I was a bit tired the next day after my second shot. Arm not as sore as the first. My wife was feeling fine rhe next day.

A coworker was on her deathbed after her second and a really short guy just had a headache.

So for us we are balls deep locating hay for this season. We are in rough shape due to the drought. We have only sourced a fraction of what we need. We got some squares we are picking up tomorrow and go from there. Our usual hay guy is running short but figures if there is no rain the crop farmers will sell off for green feed to the cattle ranchers, which is cheaper than hay.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
About 5pm yesterday, started having severe abdomen pains. Finished my day at work, got home and started feeling worse and worse. Took my temp at 830pm, was 99.0, took it again at 930pm, and it was 99.9. Took it again at 2am. 101.5. Took it again at 830am, and it was down to 99.1.

Scheduled appts with the docs last night, went and saw them.

I could tell they were concerned, but were doing their best to not concern me.
"We think we know what the problem is, but we are scheduling you for radiology and a CT scan STAT."
"We are going to send you over for some bloodwork, that way if you need surgery, which we dont think you will need, its already done."

I cant eat, I cant go to the bathroom, and the pain sucks! Pain scale goes from a constant 3, and at complete random, up to a 7.

CT and radiology appts are for this afternoon, and I am supposed to wait for the results.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Just an update, had my CT and radiology tests.

I have uncomplicated Diverticulitis. Since it was caught early on, it should be treatable with anti-biotics.

I still dont want to eat, or drink. But need to drink to get the CT Scan barium sulfate compounds out of my body.
Trying to eat some ramen, heavy on the broth.

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