Picked up some stuff from the hardware store, and got to work early while it wasn't so hot out. Used some 1" angle aluminum to make brackets to support the screened patio gutter. I opted for the thicker of the 2 options, thinking strength, but it was too thick for the screws to self tap. Had to go get my drill and make pilot holes. Bit of time wasted, and in the process, I decided to only add 2 brackets, instead of the 6 that I cut. If the one bracket held up for however many years to this point, this should be plenty of support for years to come.
Moved on to adding the 2nd downspout. Marked and scored my cut lines on the underside of the gutter, but don't think my blade was sharp enough to pierce, cuz I was struggling to break through. What do we do when frustrated with hand tools? Switch to power tools!! Grabbed the multi tool, and it punched through easily. A little too easy in fact, the cuts are just slightly longer than what I needed, so there was gonna be a leak.

Had to add some sealant, so not too big of a deal, just not as clean of an install as I would have liked.
Decided to run the downspout about 2/3 of the way up, instead of at the other end. Ran the spout out from between some of the trees, which works out better, since the end of the patio would go out into the grass, and make another obstacle for the lawn mower. It's supposed to stay dry today, so we'll se what happens tomorrow with our afternoon showers.
Almost forgot about the damaged hose. Grabbed my snips and screw driver bit to take the fitting off. Trimmed a few inches off, and put it back together, so that's good to go.
Grabbed a cold shower and plopped down on the couch. Amazon doesn't usually deliver around here until close to sundown. So imagine my surprise when I get on the computer, and it says they're 5 stops away.

Damnit, I JUST got out the shower!
Went outside, and got the cover off the HVAC, pulled the breaker. Was starting to sweat, so went inside to wait, as I'm heading to the garage, I see a van drive by, but it wasn't an Amazon van. Get inside and it says it's been delivered but no pic. And it says handed to resident.

I went to the front door, and there's nothing there. Figured it's small, sometimes it's left in the mail box. Nope not there either. Now I start getting irritated, as I'm walking into the garage, I see an amazon envelope on the floor next to the EXT.
Got that swapped out, flipped the breakers, and gave it a few minutes to run while I shut all the windows. Grabbed the thermometer to check the vents... Now I can enjoy some ice cream cuz I like it, and not cuz I'm trying to cool myself off!