What are you doing today? [Part II]


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
*Cluster* Ph*ked
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Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
Last night after work started working on my friends jeep.View attachment 100775View attachment 100776
It truly is a pretty p.o.s there a misfire and exhaust leak and the dash is lite up like a Christmas tree.
He said he had pro shops do the audio work on his rig but its a total shit show.View attachment 100777
View attachment 100778View attachment 100779
View attachment 100780I'm so not sure about that.

How I do things.View attachment 100781View attachment 100782View attachment 100783
Oh wait there's more!!!
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What a shit show of spaghetti
View attachment 100791No crimps no solder just twist wire and tape. Smfh. This truck is lucky it got to me before it went up in flames. Got dark out so I'll get to the rest tomorrow/today.
Looks like those pro shops hired my teenage self and my friends at the time. We did our audio like that on our beaters; twist and tape! But hey, systems were simpler then and we *may* have had herbal refreshments to augment our thought processes.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Did what I knew I had to do. instead of figuring out what they did and why I yanked all this shyt out. Starting fresh I have a more clear mind of how to time manage and run things where they need to be.20210616_190149.jpg20210616_182123.jpg20210616_184107.jpg20210616_184110.jpg20210616_205058.jpg20210616_184105.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last night, my gutters got a true test. Most did just fine, the U shaped area in the front of the house that I was concerned about, did not... With 2 valleys converging on a 6' area, I was concerned with the weight of all that water, and being able to get it through the system quickly enough. During previous rains, there was a bit of overshooting, which was resolved by adding gush guards at the corners, but last night's downpour was all about high volume.

The screws were #8 1.5", which felt a little small to me. The fascia is 1/2" thick, and due to the angled construction, I had to use some 3 stage adjustable standoffs to level the gutters. Those space out the surface of the hangers a bit, without measuring call that another 1/2". :ugh: For the rest of the house, I used 1 setting, but for this section I used a higher one, to try and angle the gutters up slightly, I think that was my downfall as it gave less bite to the screws. After about 30 minutes of heavy rain, there was a clunk by the window followed by a loud splash, then a familiar constant splattering. :duh: :Banghead: Rolled the camera footage from the front of the house back, and I could tell that 6' section between the valleys pulled loose first, and that pulled the 2 sides and downspout down after it. Thankfully due to the compression joints with the vinyl system, the sections pulled apart when they came down and nothing actually broke or cracked.

This morning, headed off to the Dr's office for some test results. All good, some lingering issues she was monitoring seem to be pretty stable compared to previous looks, including my high blood pressure with a change of meds. So we'll do one more checkup in 6 months, and then start doing annual visits like normal. Swung by the hardware store before coming in to work, picked up some #9 2.5" screws. Plan to adjust those standoffs to match the setting with all the others, the slightly larger and longer screws should give a lot stronger hold to deal with the water weight. I'll also increase the slope a bit and try and move that water out a bit faster. Before starting the project I considered having downspouts on each side, but those accessory pieces are the pricey ones. If I have any further issues once we start getting those heavy storms regularly, that's the direction I'll go.


Jan 15, 2012
Picked up a piece of 1/8" key stock in one of my new Michelins on the JGC, how does that even happen?
Took it down to my tire guy to get it properly repaired for "free"... :2thumbsup:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
You ever have one of those moments when you're working on something, thinking you mostly understand how it works? Then you try to do something different with it, in an attempt to make an improvement, which doesn't quite work out the way you expect, and that mistake gives you a proper understanding of what you're dealing with? :dunce:

Was planning to redo that gutter section tomorrow as it was supposed to stay dry until Sunday, but that changed. Snuck off during a quiet period of working from home and got to it. Adjusted the standoffs -1, swapped out all the screws in the hangers, placed my jigs under the eaves, and went through all the steps. Flattened the slope on the 1st short section, so I could elevate the side of the middle section between the valleys. With the longer screws, they felt much more solid, so continued on to the last side with the downspout, which is the longest of the 3.

About halfway down that last section, it started to look a little on the low side. I didn't want to lift it too much and cause a sag in the middle, or back the water up the other direction, so I finished it. :ugh: Got down and did a walk around, and discovered why the original screws were the length they were. The hangers force the screw to take a particular angle into the fascia boards. That's fine if your fascia boards are 90 degrees to the ground. These angled standoffs make that angle much more extreme, and with the half inch thick trim boards, THAT is what the screws were anchoring into. I confirmed this because the last 3 screws on the downspout end are protruding through. The shorter ones wouldn't have. No wonder they pulled out on me.

We'll see how things go tonight, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up raising the long section, reversing the slope of the center section, and adding a 2nd downspout to the short section by the entryway after all. What a pain in the ass. :mad:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Another early start. With the recent downpours, the weeds and some of the grass have woken up. Rolled out the mower to tame everything. Ran the string trimmer where needed, and when I went to remove the battery to switch it to the blower, the battery wouldn't release. :confused: Grabbed another battery, come back to that mess later. Checked the rest of the gutters, from the bottom this time. Couple of the hangers had some small gaps, so snugged up the screws there. One was completely stripped though. It happens to be directly above the fence, where I suspect stray cats jump up onto my roof. Swapped in a longer screw. Gonna have to do something about that roof access point though. :undecided:

Cleared off the roof over the screened in patio. Tons of leaf litter, need that clear when those big rains come, otherwise the water washes over that gutter and in a couple of places, water drips through the metal panels onto the patio. Got all the walkways blown off, took the string trimmer into the garage to figure out WTF was going on with the battery. Ended up having to wedge a screw driver under the release tab, and knock it free with a mallet. Couldn't really tell what was causing it to stick. There was a little dirt under there, but not THAT much. Shrugged shoulders, figured that was that, and went to put it on the charger.... Red light didn't switch to green. Hmm, put another battery in there, red light switched to green like expected. Take a closer look at the bad battery, and see the casing is damaged by the + pin on the right. This is my only 5ah battery too, the others are 3ah. :hissyfit:


Maybe it got too hot while in use? I'm assuming that swelling is what wedged itself in the tool and wouldn't come out normally. I've gotten 4 good years of use out of it, but the warranties are only 3 years, I'm out of luck there. I'll probably try to make due with the 2 that I have. Should be able to get heavy yard work days complete with them together.

Got laundry running now, will make a grocery store run here in a lil bit, then camp on the couch for the rest of the day. Last night had a few cocktails, and got to try out that sink mounted glass rinser. Daddy like!! :biggrin: The cocktail shaker and pint glass got much cleaner than regular rinsing under the faucet. It also does well with jars, or anything else with a wide mouth. Not so much with bottles. Works well at first, but the narrow opening causes the bottle to fill with water, defeating the purpose.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Worked on the RV as we are supposed to go on a week long road trip next weekend.
Replaced the trailer plug and box. Was pretty straightforward but RV manufacturers are so cheap that they use a metal house electrical box with crimps. Replaced that crap with a proper trailer wiring box, which will make it easier if I ever have to replace the umbilical cord again.


Tried those PWM controllers to use as dimmers for some of the LED lights, nada. Ended up just covering up some of the LEDs in the bedroom lights with electrical tape. Also swapped the light above the dinette with one from the outside kitchen as it was starting to flicker on half of the LEDs.

Then rinsed out the hot waster tank to flush out the nastiness that caused the sulfur smells. Put in a zinc rod in the drain hole which should prevent that in the future. Replaced the shower head shutoff valve that got broke during our last trip when it fell to the floor.

And just when I was picking up and locking the RV, Mrs. Moose came over to tell me something (can't remember what), turned around and tripped on the utility trailer's tongue, injuring her right shoulder. Not sure if it's dislocated or just sprained. Drove her to the Hurtspital emerg and dropped her off since I can't stay with her because of Covid. Still waiting for some news but she was in the exam room. Sure hope it isn't too serious as this could screw up our travel plans. She had a hard time with just the ride to the hospital. :frown:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Went out and got the Eksy inspected. Passed!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Update: Mrs Moose is back home. It was dislocated. Popped it back in and they punted her out. She has a week off since she won't be able to use the keyboard. Shouldn't affect our trip too much.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Started off pretty cloudy this morning, but no rain. The foundation crew showed up at quarter to 10 to get started. One of the guys comes and knocks on the door an hour later to tell me they need to run to the hardware store, so they are taking their lunch break early. Really? You've only been here an hour? Well, the price is the price, and instead of needing 4 days to drive 15 piles, they said the 5 piles should get done today, so whatever.

After they left, I went out to look and see how much was done. So far 3 of the 5 holes were dug. None of the other equipment had been offloaded yet, although I assume digging the holes is the most labor intensive part. Getting the brackets under the foundation, and inserting the piers should be relatively easier, then let the hydraulic pump do the rest of the work. The sun has come out as they're pulling up to the house, so I kinda feel for them having to do the rest of the digging in the blazing heat.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Tell a Northerner why this has to be done, most of us up here in the temperate zone have basements so we've never seen this....:blinkhuh:

I wasn't aware this was a thing either when I bought the house. Many of the older houses in FL were built without gutters. By itself, that's not typically an issue. But when the home owner doesn't take care of the lawn properly... :whistle: The combination of bare patches, and water runoff the last couple of years has caused some soil erosion. I don't have a full picture of it, but along that side of my house there's stair step cracks between the concrete blocks. You can see sections of them in the pics, where It goes up from the garage, over (and under) the kitchen window, and then down the master bedroom. So essentially the kitchen area is dropping, similar to what would happen if a sink hole was beginning to form, but they confirmed that's not the case here. Although there are sink hole issues in other areas in FL.

What got my attention was the house making creaking and popping noises in the middle of the night, in the wall by my head. One morning I went to go see WTH was going on outside, and noticed all the cracks. More than were there previously. I had been planning to put gutters up to get water away from the foundation before, but procrastinated. Next up will be to improve the health of the lawn, fill in the bare areas and get the weeds under control.

But in the meantime, I needed some peace of mind that the section of my house would stop moving. It hadn't moved enough to cause much damage to the interior of the house yet, but there are some signs. There are some vertical cracks in the drywall above the kitchen entrance to the garage, and there was a period where that door would stick when opening it. When some of the contractors took interior elevations, there is a low point there. There's also areas where the seam tape on the ceilings have pulled loose. Minor fixes, and I could have waited to see if things stopped on their own, cuz that's always a possibility. But if it doesn't stop on its own, it can get more expensive to keep waiting.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well first of four days off. Turned down a pile of ot but I gots stuff to do.

Started by spraying 30+ litres of curtail on the south side of our property. This was spot spraying the thistles that appeared. I first noticed them bad last year and by that time they were bad. Ran put of chemical so that's on the list to finish. Now looking at larger atv mounted sprayer.

Then onto clearing some bush for a fence line by my garden. Took over an hour but got the first section cleared. Managed to do the proprietary bar pinch in a large branch. Had to remove the bar from the saw and then work the branch loose.

Time for a break. She's almost 30c here right now and guys, you must remember, I'm pasty as fck so I need some down time. This evening I will get back to clearing the south tree line.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:duh: Forgot the update... They managed to get 4 piles in, before needing to call it a day, so they'll be back first thing in the morning to finish things up, and back fill the holes. They drove out from Orlando, so hopefully they had some place to crash on this side of the state, so they didn't have to go all the way back 90 miles, only to turn around and do it again in the morning.

They only had to go down 18' to reach bedrock (covered down to 30' without extra charges for additional depth) At one point, I went into my bedroom and could feel the floor and the shared wall with the master bath moving up and down with the hydraulic pump. Was kinda freaky, and triggered my anxiety a bit.

Decided it was gonna be a pizza night, with some rum in the glass. Can't go wrong with that!


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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Sorry guys I've been a very busy bee.

This is not how you crimp 1 of these and definitely not how an amplifier should be grounded.

Here's the work I did.20210621_195543.jpg20210621_204142.jpg

Still have to verify with the owner where he wants the bass knob located. I'll be seeing him tonight.20210621_204154.jpg

Cleaned this mess up the best I could and its all tucked in nicely behind the radio.20210618_120619.jpg

This is what delayed all the work.20210619_152208.jpg
All wires to a relay that where not wired or fused correctly. Glad I caught it as it was happening. Going forward I will NOT trust anyone to do the right thing and ALL WAYS verify its done properly. Lesson learned for sure!


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
They even broke the duct work on the vent!
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Just learned my BCM and Cluster were reprogrammed back in 2004. Learned this by entering my license plate number into a free Android App!!! I think most of us know service information is available but seems surprisung all you need is the license plate number and state!!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just learned my BCM and Cluster were reprogrammed back in 2004. Learned this by entering my license plate number into a free Android App!!!
Please, inquiring minds want to know. What is this magical app?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Please, inquiring minds want to know. What is this magical app?

I discovered that it allows up to 3 searches before prompting to update which I assume is at some cost. I just went to the app details in Android and cleared the storage and was good to go again. It looks to be geographically limited to the U.S.

I tried the photo option but that failed so have been typing in the plate numbers manually.

Within the app there was an option to purchase a more detailed report from an outside vendor but I saw plenty with the free vehicle history. That's where I saw a dealer had reprogrammed the BCM and Cluster back in 04.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Foundation crew finished up this morning. Turns out, that last pile they were going to drive, was to perform the final lift and leveling of the side of the house. Didn't take them that long, and it wasn't as loud and violent as the previous day. Did a quick walk around after they left, made sure everything was cleaned up and they shut the side gate. Pleasant surprise, the kitchen door to the garage opens butter smooth now. It used to stick pretty bad a while back until things wore down where it rubbed, but still took a little effort after turning the knob. There's a gap at one of the corners where light gets in, that's now considerably smaller too, so overall I'm happy about it.

Went into the office for a few hours to get some things done. Get home to an odd scene. Looking out the patio, and it looks like it's raining. Look out the front window, and it's dry as a bone. Step out back, and there's water coming from somewhere. On closer look, when the guys used my hose and nozzle to wet down the sandy soil after filling in the holes, they left the spigot on full blast, and my hose (which had been spliced and repaired previously) developed a bulge and leak about 2" from the repair site from being under pressure all day. :hissyfit: This weekend I'll remove the repair, trim off that section of hose, and reconnect it.

Edit: Also, managed to stay off Amazon for the past 2 days :raspberry:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Was my wife's birthday today. Got her some exit games and other games. We had some running around town before hitting the city.

Picked up a lightly used propane BBQ from a buddy. We made fun of some people and then left. I ordered up a new IAT sensor for my 3500 through my buddies shop. I can't clear the p0111 code and am still getting weird assed temp readouts.

We hit the border city of lloydminster for supper and shopping. Should have flipped up the tow mirrors on my 3500 to help fit in with all the patch trash roaming about.

Picked up 3 more 12' corral gates, which in turn is a great gift for horse people. The kids have been working hard lately, they finished school, have been stepping up with chores, garden work and others. They each got a fit bit and my oldest got some sort of mp3 player.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Edit: Also, managed to stay off Amazon for the past 2 days :raspberry:
Spent 250 on Amazon just last night. 100 on a new 10 inch tablet for my son, 100 on a new sound bar for the bathroom, 25 on a new Amazon 4k stick, 8 on a mounting bracket for the sound bar, and the rest was taxes.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
All wires to a relay that where not wired or fused correctly. Glad I caught it as it was happening. Going forward I will NOT trust anyone to do the right thing and ALL WAYS verify its done properly. Lesson learned for sure!
Good thing you were around to fix that CF, or the owner might've seen what it was like for that 800 watt (Hifonics) Thor to summon the lightning ⚡🔥🧯 Looks like he put some serious $ into that system -- I see an active crossover, and what looks like a DSP. To spend that kind of money on equipment, and have the installer do what they did... I think I'd take the pics you posted here, back to the stereo shop and threaten to file a complaint with BBB. He could've lost the vehicle to an electrical fire (I have an old post here describing what happened with a system I installed in my CRX, when I was younger, dumber, and poorer.)

And... since we're talking about going nuts on Prime Day... I'm a bit embarrassed (& ashamed -?) to say that I spent over $450 USD on multiple orders over the two days. And if that wasn't enough, I placed two *more* orders today for things that weren't 'on sale', but that I (actually) needed, as of today.

That has to be the most I've ever spent with Bezos in two days (if not a whole month). Maybe I paid for a doorknob or something on that new yacht of his. :hopeless:

Next year, I'm staying the hell away from Prime Day 'lightning deals'. Thankfully, most of the items were marked as 'free returns', so if I change my mind about anything, I can just send it back. I wonder how many other ppl purchase more 'crap', seeing that they can return it at no cost to them (except for dropping it off at the carrier).

IIRC, I heard this morning that Amazon did $18 BILLION (!) in sales over the two days.
That's a lotta doorknobs (or whatever.)


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not.much today. Added a bigger antenna to the wifi backup camera on the RV after receiving some 90 deg adapters. Then went to Costco for some supplies with the Mrs. There is no way they are limiting capacity to 25%. Place was packed. I always regret going to Costco. I wrenched my back loading all the stuff into the Avy. Knowing the amount of money I spent, I'm not surprised :quiverlips:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Work was pretty low key today. Came home to a hot house. Been having some issues with my Nest thermostat randomly thinking I'm not home when I am. It properly figures out when I leave, but not always when I come home. It was 87 in the house when I got home, and the AC kicked on when I walked past it. After about 5 minutes, the house usually starts to cool down, but not this time. Held my hand up to a vent, and the air is usually ice cold, but this time it was barely cooler than the room temp. Attic must have been extra hot, it took an extra 20 minutes than usual for things to cool down. Crisis averted.

We're currently getting pounded by rain, so naturally I'm paranoid about that gutter in the front of the house. Been watching the downspout on the camera system, and water is pouring out at a high rate. As I'm turning away to eat dinner, I hear a pop in the back yard and a loud splash. WTF? Look out back and see this.... :eek:


One of the hangers on the patio gutter gave way, and all the water is pouring out from the center of the gutter. Didn't get a good look at how that's connected when I cleaned it out over the weekend. But I'll be up there again to see how that's setup to try and fix it, and reinforce it. I think I'll have to look at adding a 2nd downspout to the other end of it as well, cuz water has regularly overflowed that section anyway.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Damn!..Will you ever be able to get your mind out of the gutter ?...pun intended...:eyebrowhuh:

Seriously, it's never ending! That section is the direct opposite of the gutters in the front, which held up this time.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
While I'm *eye-balling* your Tall Grass @Blckshdw, I should probably mention that last month, almost as soon as I got the Ryobi RELM (Riding Electric Lawn Mower) down the Ramp from the Shed... I had only just managed to get through the side gate when I heard that awful "Wub-Wub-Wub-wub...." sound on the Right Rear side and discovered that this Electric Mower doubles as a Magnetic Roofing Nail Picker-Upper.

The Tire was Tortilla Flat... but luckily the bead was still solid, unbroken and I was able to pull the Nail, Air it up, then throw a Tide Soap Gel Pack onto that area. I located the Roofing Nail leakage and then remembered getting an Complete Tubeless Tire Repair Kit a few years back for just such an Emergency. I rifled my second (Non - @Mounce) Old Tool Chest and there it still was... So I managed to plug that hole on the spot.

But after that... my mind was working away over what might have happened if the damage would have been to the sidewall or if a large tear in the main tread had happened. I did a little research on Amazon looking for a Rim-Wheels and Tire Combo that I could buy outright. Nope. No Soap.... NOT for the RELM.

The other issue troubling me was NOT knowing what the 4 Stud Center to center measurements were. So in addition to buying Northern Tools own Manual Small Tire Changer for Tractors and Such... I got a handy little "Stud Gauge" Tool to get the dimensions right and hope to locate the right size Rims for the Four Ply Tubeless 16 X 6.5 - 8 "NHS" Not For Highway Service Tires on this Ryobi Mower.

As soon as I can size them out and find a pair of those Damned Rims... I'll mount the New Rubber with the Northern Tools Tire Changer Rig so the NEXT time this happens, I can just use my 12 Volt Scissor-Jack & 12 VDC Power Pack ...lift up the damned 600 Lb Ass End on this thing and swap in a Brand New Wheel ...or Two. All Toll... this ran me about Two Bills. But you see... "You Can't Make the Scene ...to Cut all that Green" without spending the Same Color of The Stuff.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Ordered up a new IAT sensor and plugged that in. Cleared the P0111 and after some dicking around and short start/stop cycles it is gone. But now P2580 showed up. It let's me clear it but shows up after running the engine briefly.

So that indicates turbo speed sensor...... which I doubt as it just appeared when I swapped the IAT. Some brief reading on some sites say it is a symptom of a dirty or failing MAP. Apparently the IAT, MAP and turbo speed sensor work together....

So that is my next step, pull the map, clean it and see what rabbit hole that takes me down. My wife is pissed...... we are another step closer to trading this thing in for a gas truck


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So there's definitely a problem with the AC. While the living room was tolerable, the bedroom was uncomfortably warm. Grabbed the IR thermometer and the air coming out of the vents was 80 degrees. I'm assuming something got jarred during the repair work, and caused a leak in the system that took 2 days to empty. :mad: And of course there's a damage exclusion clause in the contract listing a number of specifics, one of which being the HVAC system. Will be calling someone to come take a look at that today and hope it's a quick (ie not super expensive) fix.

Since it was relatively cool this morning, dragged the ladder out to look at the patio gutter to see what I'm dealing with. Looks like the hangers are just strips of C channel screwed into the roof and gutter. In this case the gutter tore where the screw was, and pulled loose. For now, just bent the piece to the side, and put a fresh sheet metal screw to hold it in the meantime. Will see if I can find some 1" C channel somewhere to make a few more hangers for some added strength.

Could also see how much of the sand was washed out from the pavers due to the huge waterfall coming off the roof. Will be adding a bag of sand to the shopping list in addition to some gutter pieces. The joy never ends!


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Went out and got the Esky plated.. Then work! :sadcry:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Blckshdw ... If you have not as yet sorted out your HVAC issues, please know that I was looking over your Foundation Work images and spotted something adjacent your Outside HVAC Condenser Unit that might be worth checking on.

As you can see from the Blow Up Image of that Low Rez Photo... it appears that the Brown HVAC Thermostat COMM Wire has a Nick in the outside of the plastic insulation (...highlighted inside the Yellow Oval). If any of those 5-8 Wires was also cut or nicked, it might cause either the Compressor NOT to start or the Air Handler to misbehave. IIANM... They were working around that exact location just before your HVAC issues started


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
@Blckshdw ... If you have not as yet sorted out your HVAC issues, please know that I was looking over your Foundation Work images and spotted something adjacent your Outside HVAC Condenser Unit that might be worth checking on.

As you can see from the Blow Up Image of that Low Rez Photo... it appears that the Brown HVAC Thermostat COMM Wire has a Nick in the outside of the plastic insulation (...highlighted inside the Yellow Oval). If any of those 5-8 Wires was also cut or nicked, it might cause either the Compressor NOT to start or the Air Handler to misbehave. IIANM... They were working around that exact location just before your HVAC issues started

Good eye Bob, on closer look, multiple wires are broken at that spot. :duh:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So it wasn't the wiring. The AC company that I had called this morning (thinking refrigerant leak), kept pushing their arrival time back, so I cancelled it and did some research. I'm suspecting the dual run capacitor is bad, since the fan still runs, and in the proper direction. The 2 pipes into the condenser are the same temp. Called up @jimmyjam to try and borrow a meter that reads microfarads, and he said he's got an old cap, same size as this one, where the compressor side is good, but the fan side is blown.

He's gonna bring that over in the morning, and we'll test it to see if my compressor is good. If it is, we'll rig it up to use both caps in tandem so I can have a cool house, while I order a new one and wait for it to arrive. Pretty thankful for this forum and all the good people I've met over the years. 🙏


Dec 2, 2011
Finished my week and a half pool stair and platform project. Chanin took another header off the ladder...didn't break any bones this time but it was enough for me to start building. It's rough (I never claimed to be a carpenter) but I guarantee that it will not collapse. I also got fancy and put LED post lights on top.



Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Matt... That set up looks AWESOME! But pardon my private *chuckle* LOL ...its the FIRST Time I've ever seen "Four Studs ...Wearing Cement Galoshes..."
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