Another early start. With the recent downpours, the weeds and some of the grass have woken up. Rolled out the mower to tame everything. Ran the string trimmer where needed, and when I went to remove the battery to switch it to the blower, the battery wouldn't release.

Grabbed another battery, come back to that mess later. Checked the rest of the gutters, from the bottom this time. Couple of the hangers had some small gaps, so snugged up the screws there. One was completely stripped though. It happens to be directly above the fence, where I suspect stray cats jump up onto my roof. Swapped in a longer screw. Gonna have to do something about that roof access point though.
Cleared off the roof over the screened in patio. Tons of leaf litter, need that clear when those big rains come, otherwise the water washes over that gutter and in a couple of places, water drips through the metal panels onto the patio. Got all the walkways blown off, took the string trimmer into the garage to figure out WTF was going on with the battery. Ended up having to wedge a screw driver under the release tab, and knock it free with a mallet. Couldn't really tell what was causing it to stick. There was a little dirt under there, but not THAT much. Shrugged shoulders, figured that was that, and went to put it on the charger.... Red light didn't switch to green. Hmm, put another battery in there, red light switched to green like expected. Take a closer look at the bad battery, and see the casing is damaged by the + pin on the right. This is my only 5ah battery too, the others are 3ah.
Maybe it got too hot while in use? I'm assuming that swelling is what wedged itself in the tool and wouldn't come out normally. I've gotten 4 good years of use out of it, but the warranties are only 3 years, I'm out of luck there. I'll probably try to make due with the 2 that I have. Should be able to get heavy yard work days complete with them together.
Got laundry running now, will make a grocery store run here in a lil bit, then camp on the couch for the rest of the day. Last night had a few cocktails, and got to try out that sink mounted glass rinser. Daddy like!!

The cocktail shaker and pint glass got much cleaner than regular rinsing under the faucet. It also does well with jars, or anything else with a wide mouth. Not so much with bottles. Works well at first, but the narrow opening causes the bottle to fill with water, defeating the purpose.