What are you doing today? [Part II]


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Because we were having a power outage (just came back now), spent the morning rewiring the generator transfer switch so that it would work with the new water pump in the well (wasn't wired for it by the electrician when installed last year). So we had water and partial power in the house for the essentials. Then went to Kenny and got that R&P from the Envoy. Pretty good shape. No leaks except for the usual sweating. Came out way too easy and that new Ryobi impact even took off those 21mm lower A-arm bolts that are torqued to something like 200 ft/lbs. Also checked the Avy that was there and the tailgate moulding was gone.

Since I already paid my gate fee at this Kenny, went to the one on the Quebec side as they showed two there. Well, I wound up 0 for 3 as those two the tailgates were gone. Oh well. Stopped by the Homeless Despot there again as I needed two more gallons of stain but only had one left. I'll have to order it at my local one and wait a week until I can pick it up.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
More tinkering around the house for me as well. There's an attic light that has gotten on my nerves since i bought the house. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't, and other times it will start off working, and decide to stop working when you're in the middle of doing something with no alternate light source. :mad:

It's mounted just above an outlet box, and the outlet never has any issues so I knew it was the connection from the socket into the outlet. Flipped the breaker, got my lamp and some tools. Even though it was 8am, it was still hot, and I was able to operate from the ladder, only half in the attic. The outlet had the incoming connections from the electrical panel, and outgoing connections to one of the bedrooms on the side screw terminals. Turns out, the PO tried to force 12 gauge wire into the 14 gauge push connections on the back of the outlet. The neutral wire was loose, and the casing was broken. :confused: Not sure if he drilled out the hole or what, but I didn't want to bother with it. Ran to the store, got a commercial outlet with 4 push connections per side. Straightened out the hooked wires, inserted all 3 per side, closed it up and tested the light. Nothing... Then I noticed a small scorch mark on the bulb, probably blown. Grabbed a fresh one, and was good to go.

Relaxed most of the rest of the day, nice nap on the couch, but occasionally kept hearing a strange noise by the AC air intake. Like spilling water on plastic. Only for a second or 2. It had been a while since I cleaned out the drain lines, and the last time they got plugged up, the box for the air intake flooded with an inch of standing water. Pulled the filter to check, and it was dry, no water to be seen. Went into the garage and looked around, no water anywhere either. :confused: Closed everything back up and went back to what I was doing. Few hours later, I heard it again. Went back to look, and couldn't see anything. Turned a flashlight on, and that's when I could see a couple of drops near the edge, right below where the drain tubes exit.

Pulled them from the air handler and sure enough there was some lovely brown sludge staring back at me. Time to break out some bleach. Ran a couple cups through the system, so we'll see how that looks in the morning.


Jan 15, 2012
Turns out, the PO tried to force 12 gauge wire into the 14 gauge push connections on the back of the outlet.
As a life long electrician I will tell you that those push connections are for guys going fast wiring a new house. While the temptation is there to use them I will always make a loop and go under the screw. When they fail it can be a real bitch to find where the open circuit is.. :twocents:


Jan 15, 2012
Injured hand is back to normal so I did the brake job on the Nox, even blasted and painted the pad mount brackets, then did the bedding procedure which I never did before and don't know what it's supposed to do....I think it might have something to do with Covid .... :biggrin:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
As a life long electrician I will tell you that those push connections are for guys going fast wiring a new house. While the temptation is there to use them I will always make a loop and go under the screw. When they fail it can be a real bitch to find where the open circuit is.. :twocents:

In the condo I rented before buying the house, most of the outlets were shot, plugs would fall out all the time, so the landlord let me replace them. I bought a bunch of the cheapest outlets, and saw the push connections, but they were all too small to use. When removing the current one, it was a pain to get the spring to release, so once I finally did I took it apart to see how it worked. Seemed like a pain in the ass, didn't have anything small enough and long enough to move the spring to release the larger wire correctly. This was the type of outlet I replaced it with, much simpler for me to deal with. :thumbsup:


Not sure what I'm gonna do today. Might do some shopping, want some new shorts for the summer. Maybe there will be some decent sales with the holiday :undecided:


Dec 2, 2011
Had to go and buy a new utility pump for the pool yesterday after golf. The old one fried itself. Threw it in the pool about 8 and it's pumping nicely. When the waters gone I'll get in and bleach it, scrub it down, drain it again and start filling. While that's happening I'll get the new hubs on the TB.


Dec 4, 2011
Not a lot. Did work on some basement drywall a bit and pulled some more of the never ending weeds.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got a check engine light thrown on my 3500 the other day. No drivability issues thankfully but unable to clear the code and keep it off. P0111 which indicates IAT sensor out of range.

I could not find any proper test procedure for this sensor, as which pins to use and to what resistance I should be seeing.

Key on and I got the 5V reference signal at the harness. Between two of the four pins I had resistance that changed when I blew on the sensor.

I think I will order in a new sensor in hopes there is an internal issue. At least it runs good as I have no choice and have to haul hay Thursday morning.


Jan 26, 2013
Hey Brian will a round bale of hale fit in the bed of a 1/2 ton truck? Driving by the round bales around my area they seem like they could fit. The reason I was wondering is this Christmas season I would like to make a manger scene out of round bale of hale and "carving" out the center and placing the manger inside. Some years back I saw this done out in a farmer's field and thought it a great idea. Now being in a new neighborhood it seems appropriate time for me to do this our first Christmas here. I say that with the heat of the summer upon us. Some time back I recall reading what a bale of hay weighed and was surprised it was in the ballpark of 1000-1200 pounds.
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Jan 26, 2013
Father's day is coming in three Sundays from now (June 20th, 2021) and I was looking online on what to write in a father's day card.
If you are second born in your family this card could be good for you:
Wouldn't work for me so I passed it along to one of the nephews who is second born :smile::biggrin:


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Depends on what size round you find. 1000 to 1300 should fit if its baled tight. I think 1300 was what we hauled a couple times in our 1500. Mind you hay (grass and alfalfa) is a bit heavier than a straw bale, if I recall.

The 1600 to 1900 pound rounds are just to physically large to fit.

Anyway, thats a really neat idea!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Forecast is rain for tomorrow (Thur ) and I remembered that I never finished sealing the roof on the RV. Did it in the morning until noon and that was enough to turn me into a redneck with a light sunburn. Finished off in the evening until the mosquitoes got bad. Good thing I did it as some of the original caulking was starting to crack. I don't need any more damage.

I also booked some time at DIY garage tomorrow afternoon. And as luck would have it, I found a guy parting out an Avalanche for the spoiler but he wants me to take to whole tailgate for $75. Fine but he's like an hour away. I'll see if he has anything else interesting but I'll have to go in the evening as we are leaving with the RV on Friday for the weekend to our son's place since the stay at home order is over but will moochdock in their driveway since campgrounds are still closed.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
So, I'm ready to take the Accord in for its recall items (airbag & SRS module). But I'd been wanting to get a duplicate key, as I only got the one, and it's in sad shape (it has a rubber cover over the transponder part, which has the lock / unlock / trunk buttons on it). Peel back the rubber cover, and it looks like someone took JBWeld and did some makeshift repairs.

When I first got the car in December (?), one of the first things I did was to go to Ace, to have the key made. Nope... not cutting / programming transponder keys. They gave me a lead to a locksmith... who wants his customers to go to Menards, and put the key in a duplication machine, where he'll retrieve it later. Given the (somewhat) fragile nature of this lone key, I said... 'no, thanks'

Unfortunately, programming requires a special device, or the Honda tablet, neither of which I have. So I put it on the back burner for awhile.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw Ace running web ads for... transponder keys. Great! So I go down to the one Ace that I like, yesterday... and they don't have the right key. 3 weeks to get it. As one family owns most of the Ace stores in my county, I ask if anyone else has the key. The next closest store has two, according to the computer. I thank the guy and head down to the other Ace. And before I left, the guy volunteered the key would cost $129. No problem... I know that's cheaper than the likely $200 or so that the dealer will charge.

Get to the second Ace. Didn't even get to the part about 'key in stock'. They're still not cutting transponder keys. WTAF? :Banghead::Banghead::Banghead:
They give me the contact info for the locksmith I mentioned above. Now I'm pissed, to the point where I know I'd have laid into them, in younger days (but now I have age, wisdom... and meds. LMAO) :chillpill:

Call up the dealer... Parts tells me they can have the key by 9am today. $165 out the door.
Normally, I'd shy away from paying more than I have to for something, but I make an exception for this one. Tell him to order it up, and I'll let the service advisor know to expect it when I drop the car off for the other stuff. Drive over to the dealer, get the car registered in their system and leave it with them; they promised it for roughly noon today. They missed that by about 3hrs, but I've now got a duplicate key (that doesn't look like ass), and I'll no longer receive nag-o-grams in the mail from Mother Honda every two weeks for the airbag (which I think: How in the hell did the previous two owners cope with this???). You should see these things... one of them showed the face of a poor woman who got cut up pretty bad by the damned Takata inflator (they do warn you before loosening the fold over page to look at it... which at that point, you can't help but look at)

Even better, the SRS recall fixed the airbag light I'd see every time when I first started the car (which didn't show up until after I got the car home, of course). I thought I was going to have to get a new seat position sensor, but then found the SRS recall listed against my car, and decided to roll dice. For once, I didn't throw craps :woohoo:

I guess if you throw in the two Lyft rides there and back, I actually hit the $200 mark, but at least the car is now finally (!) ready to be used for the purposes I bought it for. I'll save my 'Weathertech score' from a week ago for another post. So... all in all... a good day :biggrin:

PS: The SA told me he loved my car, cause it has the stick and was super clean. That was nice (although it's not 'super clean' because of me... LMAO). Told him I had to drive up near Green Bay to get it (as I've said before.... they're rare birds, and Honda stopped offering the M/T entirely about 5yrs ago, IIRC) It *is* a ball to drive, paired up with the 2.4L DOHC I4; a real jewel of an engine. Even has a timing chain, instead of a belt. :thumbsup:

Speaking of timing belt... I've got a guy wanting to sell his late model Lexus LS430 for cheap money, because it (3UZ-FE - a DOHC V8) has a timing belt that broke -- *and* is an interference engine - the worst of all worlds). You'd think for the $$$$$, Toyota would either put a chain drive in, or make the valvetrain less susceptible. Turns out the real problem isn't the belt itself, but the things it wraps around -- tensioners, idlers, etc. -- they go south, jam the belt, and... boom. Saw the inside of one after it was disassembled, and one of the oil pump bosses was broken right off. SMFH...

Anyway... I told him I was willing to take a stab at it, if he wanted to keep the car (while I haven't done one before, I'm not intimidated by the job, and info abounds on how to do it). I originally contacted him to buy the car, but I'd probably make more than he wanted to sell it for, fixing it (or, if the engine truly is toast, getting the car even cheaper).

Turns out that he loves the car, doesn't want to get rid of it, and says he's willing to try fixing it, if he doesn't get what he's asking for it (< $3500 USD, and it has $900 worth of brand new tires that were just put on, to boot). Book value of the car is between $9900 - $19K. I've driven them... nice, quiet... and boring. OK if you like attention / driving a status symbol, I guess. Worse, the 'Mark Levinson' sound system (a pricey option)... sounds like utter crap, IMO. We'll see what happens.

TL; DR -- I took the Accord to the dealer yesterday and picked it up this afternoon.:diggrave:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Took the TB to the DIY garage to replace the R&P with the one I got from the yard. I didn't take the old outer tie-rods from that rack yet so I started on that while the tech was setting up the truck on the hoist. Good thing I did this first as that didn't go so well. Tried just about everything. We got the lock nut off by cutting the rod and putting an impact on it but it was rust welded inside the inner tie rod. Even tried two pipe wrenches. We would have used the torches but he was out of gas. He called and asked a shop down the street if he could heat it up, said he would. Get there (2 minute walk) and he was out of oxygen. :mad: Decided to pack up and reschedule later for another day. The tech apologized profusely for being out of gas and didn't charge me for the time. As soon as I got home, fired up the torches and only after I got it cherry red it would come out. Now I'll have to replace that inner rod as I don't know if the heat affected it. I have new ones that I never used for my 02.

After that, I was then able to head out early to pick up that used tailgate for the Avy. That went well and he also had an alternator for $25 that he said was working well when the engine died. Good to have a spare. After I take off the spoiler, I'll resell the tailgate itself since it's in decent shape.

Then, Mrs Moose announces that we're headed to our son's place for the weekend with the trailer since the stay at home order is now cancelled. Campgrounds are still closed so will have to moochdock in their driveway, which is not new. So this evening, started prepping to leave tomorrow morning. Also, in the morning, I'll have to pick up a tranny filter and fluid to do a flush on his '11 Silvy . It's cheaper for me to get them here. We'll do that and replace his puny tranny cooler with one of the two I picked up while I'm there.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Hauled some hay with the kids in the +35c heat today. The truck ran like a top and only had to fight a bit with the trailer.

Since the delete, the truck has been running decent, better fuel mileage and more power. With a combined weight of about 28k, the truck could still spin its tires in the grid road with minimal effort... by accident.

Then rolled into an absolute shit show at the office. Oh well, will get some quality time with the kids tomorrow before work.


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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Yesterday: Strained my back first thing in the morning before my shower. :mad: Work was quiet, and people left me alone so that was a good thing. Got some pretty heavy rain in the afternoon, and the U shaped section in front of my dining room had water pouring over the inside corners. Gonna need some gush guards to take care of that. Inspector showed up at quarter to 5 (the window was 2-5pm :rolleyes: ) He was nice, and explained everything he was doing and why, but he wasn't as forgiving as the guy who did my original inspection. Got dinged for a couple of small issues, that I knew about.

The roof leak patches that I did, while effective, I guess weren't professional enough. He said the insurance companies may request they be redone, they may not. Roof is from 2003, so I'm wary that they'll say it needs a full replacement. He said since the shingles appear to be in good shape, with plenty of material on them, he'd put that I have 4 to 5 years of life left in them. Will have to wait and see what they say.

One of the exterior electrical outlets didn't have a cover on it. First inspector suggested adding one on, but since I never use it, I left it alone. Also, the wiring inside the garage for that outlet only has the sheathing to protect it, and is loose behind the washer, dryer and water heater. Original inspector suggested running it through some conduit, but since it was behind the heavy appliances, I left that alone too. This one said the electrical things needed to be done, but gave me an option. If I got them taken care of by today, and sent in pics, they would omit those issues from the report.

Exterior Outlet 1.jpg

Since my back was acting up, had planned on just taking it easy last night, so much for that. After my shift, got to work. Pulled the outlet, and noticed a couple of the knock outs on the box were missing, which did allow some water to get in. Screws on the outlet were rusty, and there was some surface rust on the wires. Decided I'd replace the whole outlet and cut back the wires so everything was clean since there was plenty of slack. Pulled the washer and dryer away from the wall, and pulled the wire inside. Got lucky that I had about 15' of flexible conduit in the garage that was just barely big enough to feed the wire through. Did take some taping of the end, and spraying some lubricant to help out.

Made a quick run to the hardware store for the new outlet, cover, some conduit straps, and some extra gusher guards for the gutters, and got back to work. Fed the conduit into the wall, and used an existing wooden panel on the wall to anchor the straps, then fed the wires through to the outside of the wall before calling it a night.



Today: Got up early to finish things up. Trimmed and stripped the ends of the wires, got them into the new outlet, and added the cover. One of my downspout sections next to the garage separated at the bottom in the heavy rain, so added a couple of screws to hold those together. We're supposed to get more rain today, so that's covered. May try to get those gush guards put on after work if things are dry.

Exterior Outlet 2.jpg


Jan 15, 2012
Youngest Son/Wife coming over today with some friends after their hike. Bringing Mexican take-out dinner. So I stocked up on some local brewery IPAs to return the favor... :2thumbsup:


Dec 2, 2011
Went to the chiropractor and got cracked, got the hairs cut (#1 every 2 weeks), quick shopping trip to Aldi and Homeless Despot, cut the lawn and now sinking the 4th beer.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Watching some of the spinning plates I have in the air, come crashing to the floor. :hissyfit: Will try to make this less long...

The roof leak patches that I did, while effective, I guess weren't professional enough. He said the insurance companies may request they be redone, they may not. Roof is from 2003, so I'm wary that they'll say it needs a full replacement. He said since the shingles appear to be in good shape, with plenty of material on them, he'd put that I have 4 to 5 years of life left in them. Will have to wait and see what they say.

Forwarded the inspection reports to the prospective insurance carriers for their review. Due to a few broken shingles along one edge of my roof, one carrier said "thanks but no thanks". The other one calls me, and says there's 1 option on the table. If I can get the broken shingles replaced in the next 3 weeks before my existing policy runs out, they will write one for me, contingent on a full roof replacement within the next 12 months, before the policy is set to renew. Otherwise they'd drop me, even though the inspector listed I've got 4 years of life left in it. At this point I don't have much other choice.

In total, I counted 6 shingles that were broken or missing from where the tree next to the house beat them to hell during that hurricane in 2017. Looked up some YT videos this afternoon on how to replace them, so guess what I'll be doing this weekend? :undecided:


I can't afford a new roof, foundation work, and pay off my solar panels at the same time. Also realized that I overreacted to the movement on the side of the house pictured above. The cracks on the other side have been there this whole time, and haven't gotten any worse. The project manager stopped by on Friday to take some probe measurements, and before he left, I asked him if there was the ability to change the scope of work on the project, and only do the active side. That would save me about $10k. Explained my insurance/roof situation, and he said he'd ask his superiors, but we'd talk early this week. If they won't reduce the project, I'll have to cancel it and eat the hit on the deposit and go another route.

Since the Powerball plan isn't working, maybe I should get me a sugar mama? :undecided:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Finished up my garden yesterday with the kids. Transplanted my tomatoes and then put wheat straw down to quell the weeds. None for the potatoes as I will hill them soon.

My peas, cucumbers and lettuce has sprouted. Pretty happy and don't judge my snow fence and survey lath. I'm 50% Ukrainian and 100% cheap as fck.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Just got done doing my civic duty (jury duty). I did not get selected for the trial, and I am thankful. It was a Sexual Assault/Rape. Was asked a lot of questions about consent. To me that means that when it all started, consent was given, but the next day, morning regrets. Probly had beer/vodka/alcohol involved.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Returned one of the two tranny filters, which was for a 4L60E shallow pan. I'll keep the deep pan one for the eventual maintenance on either of my two trucks. Also grabbed two gallons of Dexcool concentrate and a bottle of coolant aid (similar to Water Wetter) in preparation for the oil pump swap on the Avy.

I had Torque working in the Caprice to get an idea of the oil pressure of its L77 engine and at hot idle 550 rpm, it's at 30psi and while giving 'er at 5000 rpm, I get ~50psi. The Avy's L76, on the other hand, has just over 20psi at idle (that I had bumped up to 650 rpm in HPTuners) and the max pressure I can muster out of it was 38 psi, and it wasn't as hot as when I was towing. The only difference between the L77 and L76 is that the L77 is Flex-Fuel capable. So definitely will be swapping the oil pump, possibly starting on Thur when outdoor temps come down a bit. It's as hot and sweaty as the devil's butthole right now 🥵


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Had an eventful day. Started tilling the arena. Maybe 1/3 done, then a client mare decided now was a great time to pop her kid out. Actually worked out well as my wife was there to get her in the stall and help pull because the kid was stuck. Also good because it wasn't 3am. The little filly is healthy and already got spunk.

Then the vet came and checked two mares, one of ours and one client for pregnancy. Ultrasounds done and then client mare is preggo but having issues with ours.

Then off to Crimetown for my 12 year old to get her Covid shot. Then got a 12 foot corral gate, diesel and hauled ass home.

I switched my tuner from tow tune down to the zero power setting. Still has ridiculous power but it shifts better and less abruptness when canceling cruise control. The aisin AS69RC is not tunable and does not really respond well to power increases. It would give you a funky 3-4 upshift under moderate load and quite jerky under heavy load with a trailer. The only real way around it is custom tuning to work with it. Still, its godawful fast for an 8,000 pound truck.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Got up Bright-n-Early this morning to find that Amazon had delivered a Triple Set of Delta Faucet Leak Repair Kits AND I managed to Dope Out a Brand New Strategy for Speeding Up these Repairs:

(1) Avoid crawling around under any or all of the Bathroom and-or Kitchen Counter Sink Cabinets on my Hands and Knees to turn the Hot & Cold Water Spigots Off and On... by simply Turning off ALL the water access to the House ...via the Main Outside Spigot. :>)

(2) Avoid trying desperately to unwind that Friggin' Ultra Tight 1/8" Hex Screw holding the Hot-n-Cold Handle to the "Delta Faucet Magic Ball" Rod by using one of the BONDHAUS SAE "T" Handle 1/8" Hex Tools I covered a while back in THIS Tool Talk Thread:

Bottom of Post #604 at THIS Link:

MAN! Talk about having "The Mechanical Advantage" over that Cheap Tool in the Kit ...What a difference it made this time by having the Right Tool that turned a One Hour Struggle into a (5) Minute, Breeze of a Job. :>)


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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Been a while and boy have I been busy. So let's get you guys up speed on my last few weeks.
Early Father day gift from my amazing wife!20210529_155150.jpg
Of course I had to put it together but this grill is awesome. App enabled to check food temps from my phone, lights, even alerts me as to how much propane is the tank when I kick on any burner.

Fresh new Sony 5.2 reciever for my living room surround sound.20210530_151420.jpg
Rear wall speakers installed had to space them 1 1/2 inches from the face of the wall do to the wall being framed with 1×3 wood on to the cinder block.20210612_080529.jpg
Reciever in and is working great.16235024867434103757687629252955.jpg
Now you see it, now you dont!
Yesterday freshened up some chairs with some spray paint and refinished the small high top kitchen table(sanded,stained gray wash and poly).20210611_090336.jpg
Brand used again. Lol table got done weeks ago but can't remember if I posted that.
Solar power string light purchased and installed. I got 3 sets that work off 1 remote.Resized_20210601_205107(1).jpeg
Think that about covers it for now. Lol


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
As always, whatever I'm working on isn't NEARLY as fun and enjoyable as the stuff @xavierny25 is up to :bonk:

Thursday, went to the hardware store on my lunch break to pick up stuff for the roofing project. Started pulling stuff off the shelves, when I realized I left my wallet at home :dunce: Had to go back after work and deal with traffic. This morning, got up decently early to try and get the shingle work done before it got (too) hot. Got the lower section done, but screwed up when trimming the excess off, and left a little too much drip edge showing. Not wanting to risk it, tore those 2 pieces out and started over. Moved up to the upper level, those went a little smoother, but it was starting to get toasty up there by 9am. The new shingles were pretty warm to the touch from sitting next to me on the roof, and I didn't have my gloves on. :no:

Thought I had a tube of roofing cement left, but no dice, so ran back to the store for a new one. After everything was nailed down, put a dab in each of the old nail holes, and on any of the old tar strips on existing shingles. The bottom one by the gutter was just an extra piece, so trimmed a scrap piece down to fit, couple dabs of cement to stick it in place. Initially I thought the new shingles would be pretty off color, but they seem to be a much closer match after all.



Got all the scraps picked up and tossed out, put all the tools and ladder away, and then notice I ripped my pant leg. Again. Same left knee as before, and I have no idea how I did it, because I had knee pads on the whole time. :confused: So after a shower and some lunch, I'll get to sewing that up. Again. Makes me think of those patches my parents would put on my play clothes when I was a kid cuz I was always tearing up stuff. Maybe I need to look into those? :undecided:



Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Right now.. sitting on my ass sipping coffee while out in the shop my second phone is scanning 8192 possible pid locations in upper memory of a 2002 PCM on the benchtop. Takes a little over an hour. There are 65535 possible locations but I have only seen pids in the far upper and far lower sections.

Been scanning and comparing 3 PCMs, 2 from 2002 with different calibrations and one from 2003. Have noted the 2003 has 5 additional pids added and one dropped (for the oil temp sensor)

I look at your guys home projects and think "so much ambition!"


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Thursday, went to the hardware store on my lunch break to pick up stuff for the roofing project. Started pulling stuff off the shelves, when I realized I left my wallet at home :dunce:
Just curious why don't you use Samsung pay or Google pay on your phone? Most places here except it and some store clerks don't even know it's a pay option when it's clearly stamped on there card readers. If for fear of hacking you can always add a prepaid to either one and keep whatever funds you feel safe with on there.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I look at your guys home projects and think "so much ambition!"

Yeah, so do I.... :dielaugh:

Just curious why don't you use Samsung pay or Google pay on your phone?

Never even thought about it honestly. Since I've been home for the past year and some change, I'm no longer in the habit of grabbing my wallet in the mornings. That will change though, since we're going back to the office part time this coming week.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
It's been one of those days. Got up early this morning, little man needs a haircut.. Hop in the Esky, battery is dead.. wtf?

Get it jump started, head to my local parts warehouse, have the system tested, battery is low but good, alternator had a dead diode short.

Buy a new alternator, go home install it in 17 mins (LS for the win!)

Go about my day, lunch at Panera, little man haircut, decided to go carpet shopping, came home.

Around 7pm wife says that it's too late to get anything made up for dinner, and asked me to head to Chick-fil-A or Popeyes for dinner.

Made it a block down the road, warning chime goes off, look down at the DIC, CHARGING SYSTEM FAILURE.

Came home, told the wife she needs to run to get dinner so I can head to the parts warehouse, and get it checked out.

Battery tests good, it doesn't even read the alternator. No more are in stock, but will be in tomorrow.

Came home, pulled off the old alternator. Did all this before the wife even got home with dinner!

Hate changing parts twice thou.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
FWIW, I've had less problems with the new Chinese alternators than the rebuilts, even ACDelco.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
It's been a super lazy day today. Everything is sore. Upper back between the shoulder blades, lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Even the groin muscles complained a little bit while going to the grocery store this morning. I always joke that I'm getting too old to be doing manual labor, but it's days like this that it doesn't feel like much of a joke anymore. :frown: Pain meds have helped a little bit during the day, whiskey is doing the job much better right now though :biggrin:

Camped on the couch for the most part, did some surfing on some Amazon prime deals. Picked up a couple things that will be helpful around the house. Had been contemplating upgrading the tranny cooler on the EXT, as the temps on long drives still get up to engine temp (195), and sometimes above (up to 205) when I get in stop and go traffic after an hour's time. The one I've had my eye on, exploded in price, so considering sticking an 8" fan on my existing cooler. That will confirm if fluid is still getting through it properly, or if the internal thermal bypass is broken/clogged like I suspect and fluid is only going through the first few plates. ~$20 is a fair investment for a little testing and confirmation.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Got the new alternator installed.. all is well I hope


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Last night after work started working on my friends jeep.20210615_184208.jpg20210615_184216.jpg
It truly is a pretty p.o.s there a misfire and exhaust leak and the dash is lite up like a Christmas tree.
He said he had pro shops do the audio work on his rig but its a total shit show.20210615_184148.jpg
20210615_184343.jpgI'm so not sure about that.

How I do things.20210615_191557.jpg20210615_193005.jpg20210615_193022.jpg
Oh wait there's more!!!
What a shit show of spaghetti
20210615_201920.jpgNo crimps no solder just twist wire and tape. Smfh. This truck is lucky it got to me before it went up in flames. Got dark out so I'll get to the rest tomorrow/today.

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