Hard to believe Friday the 13th was a couple weeks ago, with the day I had. Currently we work in the office part time. I work from home Mondays and Fridays, in the office Tuesday through Thursday. Got up this morning, packed a lunch, and headed to work. Get to my desk, sit down, and there's no laptop. OK, reach for my backpack, and it's not there.

It's still hanging on the back of my chair at home.

So I had to get back in the EXT, drive all the way home to get it, and come back. 30 minutes late...
After getting a backlog of work cleared, decided to chat up a coworker who was remote. I know things have been a little tough in our department as our boss keeps overloading folks with projects from other departments. It's starting to take its toll, and folks are looking elsewhere. One person has a part time job already, and if she gets more hours, will leave here and go there full time. Another person is looking to transfer departments, and I heard they are gonna take her. And my friend has been putting in applications for the past couple of weeks. I'd warned the boss in past annual reviews, not to overload the team like she's been doing, as it burns them out. We've lost 4 people in the past 4 years who I know of that said they left because of her. Sounds like the trend is continuing.
Get home and there's 3 envelopes from the insurance company.

Given my recent experiences with home owners insurance, this triggered my anxiety. I did see on the news that FEMA had redrawn the coastal flood maps, which could affect coverages, but I'm not near the coast, or in a designated flood zone. Open the first envelope, revised flood coverage. Honestly couldn't tell if anything changed, premium stayed the same, so that's fine. Open up the 2nd one, amended home policy. Minor change regarding the roof, they added the 4 years of life left, and changed the connection type from Toe Nail to Unknown (why?), and everything else stayed the same. No money changes either. OK fine. Open the 3rd, cancellation letter effective in 2 and a half weeks. Sites the roof is in unacceptable condition, and the required pictures were not received. WTF? They wouldn't have written the damn policy in the 1st place, until I got things fixed acceptably, so what is this?
Fired off an email to my contact at the agency. Dunno if the pictures I sent her, just never made it to the underwriters, or they need more/different/better pictures or what the deal is. With the way construction material costs are right now, I will be screwed in the worst way if I have to come out of pocket for a brand new roof right now.
Really hoping it was just a mixup, and someone found the post-repair pics after issuing the cancellation, and that's why the declarations got resent to me. Why else would they send those documents out again, on the same day as a cancellation letter? I just need to win the lottery, buy some land, build a brand new dream house with a kick ass garage that my mod bug can live in.