New (COMPLETE KIT) "GYMKO" GM Tech 2 Scan Tool


Dec 6, 2011
Oh, trust me ... I need labels.

"Dear, I just spent $400 on your credit card to order this COOL tool straight from GM that will help keep your truck running for YEARS."

I need labels.
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Oct 22, 2015
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@TJBaker57 ... have a care with becoming too enthusiastic with your "whittling' down of any connectors, as having them fit more snugly rather than less means that the VCI Lock Down Handle will NOT accidentally loosen enough to break the Connector from the Main Logic Board and end up 'Lunching" your PASS-THRU or ordinary Reads-Writes to and from the In-Dwelling PCMCIA Card. I agree that there are some issues with the very close tolerances for the DLC and Locking Connectors... but THIS device does not cost the $4,000.00 that the GM OEM would be for the sake of not having the slightest of these very negotiable imperfections. You are likely to do more harm than good if you focus on 'adjusting' things to fit that may indeed loosen up in time if given too much leeway. Don't frequently R&R the PCMCIA Card for the very same reasons.

But... as soon as you have the opportunity to hook everything up to your Full Sized Truck and begin to delve into the problems and solutions that are NOT as obvious as some of these minor defects (if they really are such)... you will forget all about these issues. I never took the time to bother with comparing what the Exterior Component Model Numbers were in the way of not being a match to the OEM Numbers because the only thing that matters is that the 16 PIN DLC... fits inside the Female Receptacle... and allows this Knock-Off Scanner to perform with equal aplomb versus the GM OEM Tech2 Scanner. Of course THIS is really all that matters.

@Chickenhawk ... In the case of labeling problem... I agree that without having specific instructions as to where these labels get placed... without carefully...partially peeling the backings off of the Main Vetronix "GYMKO" and CANDi Device Labels... you would never know that they are actually fitted with partially opaque 'windows' that will require some very dexterous phalangeal gymnastics to carefully place the non-sticking, numeric sub-labeling underneath the right positions as you very carefully place the leading edge of the Main Label inside of the slightly submerged plastic outlines of the outer cases. Then VERY SLOWLY guide the right angled edges into place so that you do not mis-align any of them. If you sense that things are getting misguided... STOP.... and then carefully peel the label back off...and start very carefully....all over again. If you get impatient...and "The Lil Woman" catches a glimpse of your errant work... she'll think you were 'Drunk as Davey's Sow' when you applied them... and you'll never hear the end of it! :>)

My suggestion is that if you begin with the very top face of the "GYMKO" Scanner just above the Blue Screen and put into place that Narrow "GM" Logo Appliqué Label as Practice in finding out just how very careful you will need to be to accomplish this otherwise useless task... You will know exactly how much of a PITA, Detail Conscious Process this will involve. I have taken some close-up digital images of everything that requires labels to show you exactly where to 'sneak' in the sub-numbering... under the narrow opaque windows. If necessary... Use a bit of Transparent Scotch Tape to hold the sub-labels in place under each of the 'windows' for each outer label.

Apparently... This odd requirement is actually something the Chinese insisted upon adopting in order to emulate every aspect of the GM OEM Tech2 as closely as possible. This is probably because the GM OEM Flavors DID have these peculiar, non-destructive labels arranged to durably last in the harsh and repetitive use environment of their Dealership Repair Bays. Please note that the images of the Stick-On GM OEM Keypad involves me showing an EXTRA one that I purchased for only $10.00 with Free S&H just to have on hand and to use as an example to show @Reprise that his slightly damaged REAL OEM GM TECH2 Keypad can be easily re-placed after a careful casement disassembly and with using a a Heat Gun to loosen the Strong Adhesive to pull off the Old Keypad... re-insert the Dual Ribbon Cable through the Top Cover and set the New Keypad down with the same caution needed for applying these absurd labels.... and put it all back together afterwards.

One last suggestion worth mentioning on the Un-Boxing for you both... Peel the Left and Right Velcro 'safety belt' Handles loose... they were installed BACKWARDS in the China Assembly Plant. Slide them right back through the Case Pins IN REVERSE ...with the Soft Leather backing facing towards the back of your hands when using them to maintain a grip on this rare and important tool. If you try to use them right out of the Black Case (or Box)... The Male Plastic Velcro "Toothy" side will rip into your flesh like ice climbing crampons digging into a rock crevice.





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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
@TJBaker57 ... have a care with becoming too enthusiastic with your "whittling' down of any connectors, as having them fit more snugly rather than less means that the VCI Lock Down Handle will NOT accidentally loosen enough to break the Connector from the Main Logic Board and end up 'Lunching" your PASS-THRU or ordinary Reads-Writes to and from the In-Dwelling PCMCIA Card. I agree that there are some issues with the very close tolerances for the DLC and Locking Connectors... but THIS device does not cost the $4,000.00 that the GM OEM would be for the sake of not having the slightest of these very negotiable imperfections. You are likely to do more harm than good

Well currently the only way I can connect my DLC cable to the base unit is to engage the right side at about a 20 degree angle, rocking it gently to engage the pins, then engage the screw a couple of turns. Then rock the cable around to the left pulling against that right side screw until I can force it against the VCI latch enough to engage the left side screw and use that screw to draw it in tight, tightening the right screw as well. I don't see this as a good long term solution. I cannot connect it squarely from the get-go as the contact with the VCI latch forces the D-shell of the DLC cable too far to the right. For the time being I'll leaving the cable connected.


Jan 6, 2013
I cut the cable end off with a box cutter so I could correctly 'latch' the card inside the TECH 2. No other way I could see around it. Stupid design in the first place.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I honestly agree that this 'edged weapon' tactic will work to relieve the problem... but before you resort to doing so... Please remove the DLC Cable first AND Unlatch and Remove the VCI Module and then look down inside of the "GYMKO" innards for any post-manufacturing detritus or debris that might be jamming in between the card insert contacts and the VCI Module. Also... with the VCI device still removed.... cycle the Locking Latch back and forth a few times and listen-look for anything mechanical that might be loosened or broken internally. Check out that 'sinusoidal groove' that the latch mechanism has for any broken pieces of Plastic stuck inside. Then... Re-Insert the VCI... Latch it tightly... and then try to attach the DLC Connector once again and see if anything in contact has gotten any easier ...right there in between them.
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Dec 6, 2011
Phew! Thanks! I now have the labels applied! It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction knowing that MY unit was actually built in the U.S. by Vektronix, and if I ever need help with my unit, Vektronix is just a 1-800 phone call away.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Ah, um, no. They are, of course, fake. I really hope you were being sarcastic. :eyebrowhuh:


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Chickenhawk… all sarcasm aside, if you please… I re-read your post raising the other unanswered question about “The RS-232 NULL MODEM” and the RJ-45 Flat Ribbon Cable. My description of what this device actually is is better explained here:

Tan RJ-45 to DB-9 Modular Adapter

I pulled these components out of the “GYMKO” Case and took some more detailed images of them. These items might seem like the most trivial of all the “GYMKO” Kit Sub-Components in your Kit… but don’t be fooled. If the Tan RJ-45 to DB-9 Modular Adapter connection to the Laptop Computer is not well secured or casually installed… or if the two Male Plug ends of the RJ-45 Flat Silver Cable (4 Pair Twisted Wires) have not been “exercised” a few times to ensure that the (8) 12K Gold Plated Spring Wires of their Female RS-232 points ARE DEFINITELY in solid contact with each other… if they break solid connections at the S/S Port of the “GYMKO” Scanner at any time during their transceiver actions between each other… you could wind up “Bricking” your PCM (or other sub-modules during re-programming) during TIS2000 SPS PASS-THRU activities … or perhaps even ruin someone else’s if the proper attention is not paid to these seemingly minor details:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I realize this Thread is long past its "Use By ..." Date... but with the pending political uproar over the Tariffs pending versus the Chinese... I would once again urge everyone who even imagines that some day ...some time in the Future...they will need and use the "GYMKO" Kit while in possession of a wide range of GM Products to POUNCE on this Deal before the prices get Jacked Up. Right now... the offer remains at $330.00 with Free S&H and proven early arrival times.

Please... Think carefully of what you could be doing for yourself... and keep checking these two Links and consider what you are doing if you imagine getting some other Generic Scanner and make the mistake of spending damned near the same amount of Money... and passing on the One Device possessing Ten Times The Consequences of Performance and Utility of any other for the same price:

GYMKO” GM Tech2 Kit

TIS2000 CD Set With "HWK" (Hard Ware Key)

Also... I spied something worth pointing out in regards to the above discussion on the "GYMKO" Labels that in spite of their otherwise less than useless utility in the performance of the GM Clone Scanner... there IS one piece of very valuable information for those exploring the use of the "GYMKO" Scanner for any Bench Top Work where an External, Adjustable (Voltage AND Amperage) Power Supply is being used to power up both the Clone Scanner and say.... a PCM ....or a BCM. If you look closely at the bottom left hand corner of the Vetronix appliqué Back Label... you will see that the Voltage/Amperage ratings are 12VDC @ 1 Amp:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I realize this Thread is long past its "Use By ..." Date... but with the pending political uproar over the Tariffs pending versus the Chinese... I would once again urge everyone who even imagines that some day ...some time in the Future...they will need and use the "GYMKO" Kit while in possession of a wide range of GM Products to POUNCE on this Deal before the prices get Jacked Up. Right now... the offer remains at $330.00 with Free S&H and proven early arrival times.

Too late or you better hurry before they kick in.
Trump to slap new sanctions on China, triggering trade war fears
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
THIS is the Best Price I have seen the Complete Bosch Vetronix "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kit going for so far... and the OEM Case is included in the Deal for $285.00 and FREE S&H from DHL:


*** It would be Great if @Capote could apply the $100.00 Cost for the latest required CASE Re-Learn another $185.00 and get this Full Tech 2 Kit... Then it'll be so much for needing the "Stealerships"...Ever Again ***
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Apr 15, 2017
McKinney, TX
Like you guys I am interested in this tool as well. This is a great thread with a ton of information and details.

Sorry for beating the horse, but wanted to clarify, that the package below, for $285.00 will work with my 2008 TB 4.2, as-is, out of the box, without anything additional? Like needing an old laptop with windows XP, etc etc. Do I need any extra of those 32mb cards?

I also have a 2017 Camaro SS, will I be able to use the tool below for that also?

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The Limits of the Data maintained on the 'GM PCMCIA Card' is in the range of perhaps from 1996 to 2008 and yet... once you get grounded in how to use this equipment... you can go also online and purchase access from the ACDelco Tech2Win site and for a modest fee... this action will allow your Tech2 to act as a "Pass-Thru" device into a laptop computer to update Later Model Vehicles via their PCM and Module Updates.

I am uncertain if your 2017 Super Sport Camaro would be covered using this GM OEM capable Scanner. Perhaps @Mooseman can provide better guidance. If you want to learn more about how this device gets used... Read this Thread and others by him at the top of the Thread List in the Tech 2 Forum.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Will the kit work for VIN Clearing a radio as well?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The PCMCIA card included will work up to 2014 for basic functions. Simple reason is that 2015+ use the new GM LAN and the Tech2 was left out in the cold. The Tis2000 software included with it will work only up to 2007 MY for updating/programming modules. So basically you can scan and do most functions up to 2014. You could use it up to 2014 along with an ACDelco SPS subscription to program modules as a passthrough.

Because you are looking to use this with a much newer vehicle, I would recommend you get a GM MDI or other passthrough like a j2534. I can't advise any further than that as I have not had the opportunity to try it.

These are threads that are relevant:


Apr 15, 2017
McKinney, TX
I would be mainly using for the 2008 TB. Was just curious about the 17 Camaro.

Was just about to order this, and it looks like they took off the free shipping. Says $85 bucks to ship to USA.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you get anywhere in the Ball Park of around $330.00 to $350.00... these will all be good options...but please consider that while not an absolutely necessary sub-component for the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Operation... THIS Deal includes the OEM Black Plastic Carry Case that is a very rare addition to this purchase and one that I have found to very much appreciate when moving all my gear from one location to another. Also... My variant of this Kit is a DBOM (Dead Balls On Match) to this offer and as such... it was the Bosch European Version called "Vetronix" and the Bosch OEM TIS2000 Dual Discs for the Laptop SW Installation were included... along with everything else required. Others here who have Pulled The Pin and made this purchase may chime in with their own experiences and may suggest other sources.

If you insist upon "shopping around" ...visit next... and use the Search Expressions of: Tech 2 G-M Vetronix, Bosch USB Dongle, etc. and be very careful to read the fine print to ensure that what you are getting as touted to be "A Complete Kit"... actually has ALL of The Bells and Whistles that THIS particular Kit possesses. Please bear in mind that unfortunately... we have become embroiled in a Tariff War ... that has affected USA-Canada-China-Mexico relationships and resulted in higher S&H Costs. As is the End Consumer who suffers from these events.

Nonetheless... Were I you... as a confessed and very satisfied Owner and User of this "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kit... I would NOT let these issues dissuade or distract me from laying my hands on this Amazing Gear ASAP. This "GYMKO" Hardware will lift a HUGE Repair Diagnosis Problem sitting on you like a Stone... right off of your chest... and let you tell the "Stealerships" to Go Pound Sand! So far... The Members ...and probably quite a few 'Lurkers' who visit here and are Welcome at GMTN... have all been equally satisfied after getting their Own "GYMKO" Tech 2 Kits.

Please read well back in the above prior thread postings about the need to also either obtain a Digital Crack from @Mooseman's sources... or spend the additional $10-$15 required to purchase a USB "HWK" (Hard Ware Key) aka 'Dongle'... which allows your required Windows XP Pro SPS3 Laptop to communicate between the Tech 2 and your 2008 Trailblazer for Pass-Thu activities. I have tried to cover this subject matter almost down to an Atomic Level of Detail in this Thread... But... for the sake of your Sanity and Brevity...I would urge you to read and follow all of the Posts made by The Master on this Tech 2 Topic: @Mooseman well.

For @TollKeeper ... The access needed to either install, update or change out Modules requiring the inclusion of programming in your Particular VIN for these components... should also include the Radio... and is exactly what the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scanning Tool is designed to analyze and address. There should already by some sub-topics on the issues about the Radio Problems on the GM Class 2 Databus somewhere here in the Tech 2 Forum. @Mooseman can probably give you the best place to look for that information.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I have to interject and advise that the Tech 2 is an outdated tool. Sure, it will work perfectly up to 2007 for all functions and 2014 for basic scanning, we have to look beyond that. Once our trucks are gone and we have to start buying and maintaining the newer crop, the Tech 2 will be useless.

We need to look ahead and adopt a tool that can do the new stuff as well as communicate with the dinosaurs.

I'm not.too sure what tool can do both. Maybe @m.mcmillen can advise as he seems pretty knowledgeable on this stuff.
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Apr 29, 2016
We need to look ahead and adopt a tool that can do the new stuff as well as communicate with the dinosaurs.

I totally agree. The Tech 2 is great but, for just under $500, you can get the Mongoose Pro for GM (they make other flavors for other manufacturers also) from Drew Technologies. This tool allows you to run Tech2Win which is a Tech 2 emulator on your laptop computer. You'll also be able to run GDS2 which is the Tech2 replacement (there never was a handheld version of this) and do all the module flashing. I have used the old Tis2000 with one of these.

There are other Chinese knockoffs of the MDI but, from what I've heard, they are not always very reliable when it comes to flashing modules. The last thing that you want is a flash to fail half way through and potentially make the module into an expensive paper weight. Again, this is just hearsay so I don't know for sure.

Links below for Mongoose from Drewtech:!85032!US!-1:rk:5:pf:0

I use the Cadaq Plus which covers all makes and models flashing and can run any OEM's software. It comes in handy because I work on so many different vehicles at work and on the side. It's a little more expensive, though. It runs about $1800
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yes. It's called injector balance test.


Dec 20, 2011
Just an update to this, package was seized by customs, have to wait to hear from them. DHL representative said usually doesn't leave customs when that happens.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Alright, I decided to pull the trigger on the purchase of a Tech2. Luckily the girlfriends Rendezvous' computer just died, lol. Now I "HAVE" to purchase it, why not spend the extra hundred or two to be able to program both our vehicles!

Question to anyone: I have a 97x, do I need to buy the SAAB card or the GM card to be able to fully program/diagnose the 97x? I'm buying the GM card no matter what, but I was just wondering if I should also buy the SAAB card for the 97x?

I think I'm going to order from the link below. It's the cheapest I could find. The link that MRRSM listed above was cheap, but it was an additional $85 for shipping. Putting the total cost at almost $400.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just an update to this, package was seized by customs, have to wait to hear from them. DHL representative said usually doesn't leave customs when that happens.

That's a new one. Maybe just to collect some taxes? Hopefully it's not for cough cough patent infringement cough cough.

Question to anyone: I have a 97x, do I need to buy the SAAB card or the GM card to be able to fully program/diagnose the 97x? I'm buying the GM card no matter what, but I was just wondering if I should also buy the SAAB card for the 97x?

Nope. I also bought the Saab card and I didn't need it. It's in the GM card.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Just an update to this, package was seized by customs, have to wait to hear from them. DHL representative said usually doesn't leave customs when that happens.
Well, that's a little disconcerting. I think I'm going to wait and hear the results of your situation before I order mine.

Did you order it from aliexpress?


Dec 20, 2011
No from It's just kind of weird. There was a tracking number for me to track it, I see it arrived in US at DHL facility, then nothing. 10 days later I checked and see small note that says call DHL. I gave them a call and the representative said US Customs has seized it. That's basically all I know. From my research, I think US Customs will send me a letter informing me of this but who knows, I've never had this happen before. It's not like I ordered several of these things, just one, and there are china diagnostic tools everywhere. I did use a credit card so I will try and dispute this as package not received, that reminds me I need to take screen shots of tracking etc to prove it.
For their part, ChinaCarDiags has given me quick replies so far about the situation, so at least there is that. (wants to know if it cleared customs etc)

I will keep everyone posted when I have more info.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
No from It's just kind of weird. There was a tracking number for me to track it, I see it arrived in US at DHL facility, then nothing. 10 days later I checked and see small note that says call DHL. I gave them a call and the representative said US Customs has seized it. That's basically all I know. From my research, I think US Customs will send me a letter informing me of this but who knows, I've never had this happen before. It's not like I ordered several of these things, just one, and there are china diagnostic tools everywhere. I did use a credit card so I will try and dispute this as package not received, that reminds me I need to take screen shots of tracking etc to prove it.
For their part, ChinaCarDiags has given me quick replies so far about the situation, so at least there is that. (wants to know if it cleared customs etc)

I will keep everyone posted when I have more info.
I would keep calling DHS and chingacardiags to see who receives the customs notice as to why they seized your shipment.

Here is what I found for a pretty thorough explanation of seized items by customs:

It seems pretty straight forward. From the little research I did, it seems like customs can only hold items like the Tech2 if they were not properly documented on the paperwork. Your may also have been a quick day or two hold just to inspect/verify the contents. I'm just going to order it tomorrow anyway. I'm doubting they're going to try and pack illegal items in with my Tech2, lol.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
This part is a little worrying:

Customs officers may examine cargo to look for illegal drugs, counterfeit merchandise, ...

And if you read some of the comments below that article, some people have had stuff seized for IPR violations.

And this is another article from that same site that basically says that a new law gives CBP the power to seize shipments for those infringing on IPR registered with them:

Maybe GM or Vetronix has registered the IPR for it, even though it is no longer supported by them

Hope that is not the reason for the seizure. Given the current trade disputes with China, they might have stepped up their enforcement. Sure hope not for you.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Well, looks like GM has had an IPR listing for the Tech 2 with CBP since 2017. It does not expire until 2027, lol. Hopefully they're not deciding to start looking for these coming into the country now. Well, I'm definitly going to wait and see what happens to JerryIrons shipment!



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well crap. That totally sucks for you guys. Just doing a search for General Motors, they've even registered for toys, floor mats, some parts, clothing and other ordinary branded goods. They also registered ACDelco software, which might also fall into other laws for copyright infringement regarding the software on the CD's.

What pisses me off is that they're not able to stop actual fake parts, like spark plugs, which are unknowingly sold to people. I'm all for protecting people from bad quality parts, especially safety items, but this is just using the gov't as their personal goons to go after people who knowingly don't want to pay overinflated prices for their stuff or service.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
I think I'm going to buy the one that MRRSM recommended. I didn't see that it also came with the TIS2000 usb dongle. It only ends up being about $15 more since that is included. Since MRRSM said it was "DBOM (Dead Balls On Match)," I'm willing to take my chances that they'll let it slide by, since it looks so close... Hopefully.

EDIT: I totally agree with catching the crooks that are not labeling their products as clones (ACDelco Plugs)! I was furious when I realized that I had bought them and had to replace them again.

Me having a computer/scanner to help keep my vehicle running longer vs. selling car parts that you will probably have to replace frequently, I see where their head's at.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
If I were you @Maverick6587 , I'd hold off until we hear more. They are all identical to the real thing except that the stickers are not affixed to it. And since they know the real ones are made in the USA, not China, they are clueing in on them. Heck, I'd even get nervous about bringing mine to meets in the US in case I get searched.

I'm sweating bullets right now for @JerryIrons

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