New (COMPLETE KIT) "GYMKO" GM Tech 2 Scan Tool


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Okay... In the continuing saga of "Trying to Find a Supply of the Full "GYMKO" Tech2 Kits"... Another AliExpress Vendor has just raised his head... at least for a while, anyways... This is the Complete Clone GM Tech2 Set... WITHOUT THE HARDSHELL BLACK PLASTIC CASE... for $330.00 and Free S&H. God only knows how long they will be available... so once again... If your plan is to finally get your hands on this GM Tech2 Kit... Strike while the Iron is Red Hot. Beware any other companies that do NOT use AliExpress for their "Amazon-like" Order and Shipping Fulfillment, as you will not be afforded the same kinds of protections that AliExpress uses in its Chinese Business Model.

The last thing to watch out for are Vendors selling ONLY the Hand Held Scanner... without including any of the supporting equipment ... or those whose sale price is well below $300.00 ...but they tack on the S&H costs using DHL Shipping for around an extra $60.00. With all of that said... this one looks like a very good deal... and be certain to select "GM" for your "Color" Choice so you wind up with the correct Kit. You will never be disappointed with making such an investment once you have it in your hands and are able to finally diagnose your GM woes... and now Last But Not least... Don't forget to make a separate purchase of a TIS2000 Software Disk Set WITH THE DONGLE... or you will NOT be able to install the software onto a Legacy Computer with Windows XP Pro SP3 (or earlier flavor) Operating System:

"GYMKO" Kit:

TIS2000 Software WITH The Dongle:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Just ordered. Will post when I receive the items which may be a while since I travel extensively and will have to have my shipment forwarded to me by my mailbox service.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this!

I own both a 2002 Trailblazer LT (4wd, 4.2) and a 2005 Yukon SLT (4wd, 5.3). Looking forward to learning this new to me tool. I have previously used various ELM327 (Chinese) with Torque.

Also tried my hand at requesting codes not accessible with Torque with a laptop or Bluetooth serial terminal software on my android and guidance from various forums.

TJ Baker


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
That's Good News, TJ.... But you may have to make arrangements with your Mail Service for someone to meet the DHL Driver and SIGN for this kit upon arrival, If you check your emails repeatedly over the next few days... you should see a flurry of messages from AliExpress and DHL...whose online activity page offers more than a few delivery options that better suit your current travel status. AlieExpress tries to ensure that what you just bought WILL get to its destination as soon as possible...and Free of Charge in this case. Come back and tell us all how things are going when you finally get both feet back on the ground...and that "GYMKO" Scanner is in your hands. :>)


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
That's Good News, TJ.... But you may have to make arrangements with your Mail Service for someone to meet the DHL Driver and SIGN for this kit upon arrival

Thanks for the heads up. I should have that covered as my mailing address is a box at a UPS Store! Always staffed during business hours and will forward whatever comes to me wherever I may be.
Last year saw me a month in Colorado then 2 months in Kentucky, 2 months in New Mexico, another 2 in Kentucky, and the rest in West Virginia. I get around!


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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
At the time that I ordered my Tech2 clone, I ordered the TIS2000 and dongle from a different vendor. According to the tracking, it was delivered to Poland about 10 days ago, so I opened a dispute. The vendor purposed they would airmail it to me; which was a couple of days ago. The "Purchase Protection" will end in less than three days, so I'll probably open another dispute on Saturday. For the most part, AliExpress seems to be on top of their vendors, but dealing with the vendors can be frustrating.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
At the time that I ordered my Tech2 clone, I ordered the TIS2000 and dongle from a different vendor. According to the tracking, it was delivered to Poland about 10 days ago, so I opened a dispute. The vendor purposed they would airmail it to me; which was a couple of days ago. The "Purchase Protection" will end in less than three days, so I'll probably open another dispute on Saturday. For the most part, AliExpress seems to be on top of their vendors, but dealing with the vendors can be frustrating.
Update: I opened another dispute on Saturday, as the "Purchase Protection" was running out. Apparently, the vendor didn't air mail the package to me, as three days after the second dispute was filed, they gave me a refund.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
They refunded and it's still on the way? So when you receive it, it will be free? Nice!


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
I don't think that it was ever sent. They gave me a tracking number for something that was delivered in Poland. After that they didn't give another tracking number. This vendor has sketchy feedbacks, but it seemed like there are a lot of safe guards to protect you.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
That's too bad but you're right, there are a lot of safeguards for the buyer. So you gonna look for another?


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Just a 'Brief Bump' to the AliExpress Sales Link(s) after triple-checking to ensure that this GM Tech2 Clone Kit Sale is indeed thriving. When I first spied the Deal on AliExpress... only (6) purchases had been made... but after posting this thread... that number has since climbed to (17) and I'm really hoping those were bought by OUR Folks and that there will be smiles all around for them once their shipments arrive and their collective expressions are those of complete satisfaction. It would help others still uncertain about pulling the trigger to buy this Kit if more people from GMTN would chime in with their anecdotal experiences after 'The Goodies" arrive... and remember that if what is needed on your vehicles involves the re-programming of certain Modules to fix old problems... This cannot be achieved without the separate, inexpensive purchase of the TIS2000 SW with "HWK" (Hard Ware Key) aka .............> "Dongle"

"GYMKO" Tech2 Clone Kit:

TIS2000 Software WITH The "HWK" (Dongle):


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Just a quick update here....

Placed my order for the kit 2/28/18

DHL picked up from sender on 3/7/18

Received text from DHL evening 3/7/18 notifying of expected delivery 3/9/18

Placed order from OBDFox for the TIS200 the same evening 2/28/18

That order was just accepted by the shipper today 3/8/18
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
............................what is needed on your vehicles involves the re-programming of certain Modules to fix old problems... This cannot be achieved without the separate, inexpensive purchase of the TIS2000 SW with "HWK" (Hard Ware Key) aka .............> "Dongle"
With the Tech2 Clone that I bought, the GM option was ordered, plus the Saab TIS2000 and Dongle have been ordered. I have a 2005 Silverado, 2002 Envoy and a 2002 Saab that I work on. Is the Dongle the same for all of these vehicles, or do I need something else, for programming?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
The Saab you have, is it a "real" Saab or a 9-7x? If the latter, it's under GM.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Drec... The "HWK" (Dongle) indexes to the TIS2000 Software during the initial Installation onto the Windows XP-Pro SP3 OS Laptop... and later during follow on use with PASS-THRU activities... NOT on the use of the Individual PCMCIA Cards. So as long as everything is Shut Down; Scanner and Laptop prior to any ejection and changes between using these different Platform PC cards and then Re-Booted afterwards... The "HWK" (Hard Ware Key) you have coming from OBDFox via AliExpress ...should work just fine.
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Dec 6, 2011
Okay, thanks to everyone here, I am ready to pull the trigger but I can't find the answer to one question. I dusted off an old HP laptop with Windows XP Home SP2. As far as I can tell the XP Home is the same as the XP Pro 32-bit but without some features. Will I need to look for a cheap laptop with XP Pro or will it install with XP Home SP2? Or does it NEED to be XP Pro or XP Pro 64-bit?

The other issue is that my laptop was pre-wifi days, and all I have is a dial-up modem. Connection to the internet would be impossible. Would it still work?

Thanks for all the ongoing advice and for help with my above questions.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Definitely not 64 bit. If anything, I think Tis2000 is 16 bit. I would think it would work on XP Home as the OS is basically the same. Pro just had some extra features.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Your Old HP Laptop should do quite nicely... I'm assuming the Legacy Windows OS on it has a Single License COA Sticker pasted somewhere on the bottom of the machine... and jotting that number down is a good idea that would only become necessary if you MAKE THE MISTAKE OF GOING ON LINE and get caught in the Microsoft Windows Legacy Update Nightmare that will ensue. As long as your Anti-Virus Program runs from Start to Finish without finding anything problematic and as long as you De-Frag the Hard Drive... BEFORE installing the TIS2000 Software... it will work just fine. Remember that THIS machine deserves to be a Dedicated Computer... with nothing else in the way of any after-market Software that might interfere with the installation, operation and behavior of the TIS2000 Software... Before...During and After the CD(s) are installed.

READ THE CONTENTS OF BOTH TIS2000 DISKS BEFORE YOU START THIS INSTALLATION... THEN PRINT AND READ ALL OF THE "README" FILES FIRST... AS YOU WILL NEED TO DO SOME MINOR CONFIG OR DLL FILES EDIT(S) THAT JUST INVOLVES A SIMPLE "COPY-REPLACE" OF ONE FILE IN PARTICULAR... and so... not having to stop and browse about the HD DURING the installation to sort this out will help ease your mind about this. Perform that File R&R AFTER a Successful Installation of TIS2000 Suite onto your HP Laptop.

Prior to the TIS2000 Installation, You should go into your "Devices" Menu and Disable any and all of your Wireless and Hard Line RJ-45 Ethernet Components... you do not have to remove them... just Disable them all, While you are in there... make sure that your Serial Port and all Com Ports (Com1, Com2, Com3, etc...) are ENABLED and make a note of their order and status as being Enabled... both in the Devices Section AND in your BIOS, too! (Very Important Thing To Do). Unless you intend to pay ACdelco for a TISTIDS (TISWEB) Subscription for the very Latest Models of GM Vehicles... There is No Reason to have to Go On Line when using your "GYMKO" Scanner for ordinary PCM and Module Updates.

The reason the later (64) Bit Versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10 Flavors will NOT work for the TIS2000 Installation ... is because they no longer support (16) Bit and (32) Bit Program Installer Applications without performing some very exotic programming leaps through hoops to awaken that feature... Hence... Windows XP-Pro SP3... is the EOL for the OS able to recognize the 32-cum-16 Bit installation requirements involved.

And just to give a better explanation of What all these limitations involve...and WHY they exist... Way Back When... GM , ACDElco and Hewlett Packard put their collective coconuts together to transition from the Old Tech1 over to the "NEW" Tech2... and some Short-Sighted, Penny-Pinching Jackass on their team decided he could Brown Nose "The Corp" little by saving a Few Pennies on The Dollar short-sheeting the need for an Updated Binary Software Installer Application Layer...which followed on the heals of the Tech1. That conversation sounded something like THIS:

"Look... There's no sense in spending any more money on Software or Technical Support than we really need to... so we're going to use the older 16 Bit Model of the Application Installer for our New TIS2000 Software.... Just like the Old Tech1 had ... and we'll save some Money doing it that way..."

I hope this long and drawn out explanation edifies on why there was a break point for the Windows OS... beginning and ending with the only 32 Bit and 64 Bit flavors that would tolerate this 'installation regression'. They simply did not want to pay Programmers to prepare and have the Binary Hexadecimal Data String Read/Right Mechanisms updated using newer (32) Bit Code for the 1996 and later flavors of Windows Operating System.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just one more thing, like I found out. Make sure you have drivers for all your hardware because if you have any with a yellow ! will prevent Tis2000 from working.


Dec 6, 2011
Great advice! Thanks. I have both serial and USB ports, so this will be an ideal machine to dedicate to Tis2000. Plus, I haven't had a dial-up account in years - do they even still have them? - so there will be no going on the internet for anything.


Dec 6, 2011
Well, so much for THAT idea. What a frigging nightmare. Tried to buy it and it got frozen at the Confirm Order stage. It just sat there for 20 minutes. Confirmed address, tried setting up an account - what a hassle THAT turned out to be - and even with all that, it just sits there at the confirm order page. Also, there is no "color" drop-down box to specify GM. Anyone else have all this hassle? Does it not like IE and Windows 7?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Did you try through the app or the site? Although I haven't had any issues with either, the app also gives you a small discount (5 or 10% IIRC).


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If I am understanding you correctly... you were in the middle of making a purchase...and then attempted to Set Up an AliEpress Membership Account? If this is what happened... in their orders of operation... Setting up the account would have to come first so they can go through all of the background confirmations on your address and cell phone and CC information, etc... So that might be what threw you off of the "Chinese Horse".

For anyone reading and still undecided about making this Clone Tech2 Purchase at because of any confusion involving delays or hang-ups in the process happening as a matter of course, this link should prove very helpful. I've made over ten, seamless purchases from Day One and not had any problems whatsoever. But for this latest issue... their Customer Service Department is remarkably good as perhaps a direct call to them on their Toll Free Line from their Main Page might be the fastest way to sort all of this out:!


Dec 6, 2011
No, it's a matter of the website does not show the entire box for the pay options on either safari or IE. There is no option for credit car appearing at the bottom of the Confirm Order page, so it just sits there no matter how many times I reload or press Confirm order. I actually had to go to an old version of Chrome to get the credit card box to actually appear on the website.

But I still don't see any dropdown box for color selection, to select where I want the GM version of the card.

Setting up the membership was okay, but it took confirmation by email AND my cell phone to set it up. And all I got was a coupon for $4 off my first purchase. VERY frustrating, and is making me rethink my plan to pull the trigger on this tool. I have two Trailbalzers but have no pending problems right now. Maybe I can wait.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Unfortunately... if you did not follow all of the processes leading to your having a confirmed account... the Credit Card Boxes will NOT show up. First, double check your Email Messages to see if you missed sending them any required confirming responses. Then try Signing Out...and after a brief wait...Sign Back In and see what the Screens look like then. You have to realize they Ali Express doesn't know You ...from Adam... and so before they have any trouble with any possible fraudulent actions from the Bad Guys who 'Phish' and Steal the Personal Information from others... of course they are going to be very, very cautious. So don't take this as a personal affront from AliExpress... it would be a mistake to do that... and so would losing an opportunity to make this purchase complete.

I absolutely understand your frustration here... but considering what just happened to you... it makes a cogent argument for why this Chinese "Amazon-Like" Company that is nearly 12,500 Miles away from its North American Customer Base would want to "Follow the Rules of The Road" that begins and end ends with protecting not only its Customer Base... but also considers the concerns of the Vendors doing business in a such a manner that it ties up their hands if they make ANY mistakes that threatens the reputation of AliExpress... and ultimately they are looking out for the people like yourself... who literally and on the Other Side of The World.
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Dec 6, 2011
Followed all the rules and got the account beforehand. It wasn't anything to do with the account. It was the fact that some browsers showed the credit card box and others didn't. I could use Chrome no problem, but nothing shows up in Safari or Internet Explorer.

But even in Chrome, I still don't see a place to select the color as "GM". All I can do is add it to the order as a special request and hope for the best. I guess it is understandable that this is NOT Amazon, but when they designed this, they should test it within enough browsers so that they don't PISS OFF half their potential clients.

It always amazes me at how many companies these days go out of their way to piss off customers, and like sheep, we just accept it. First-world-problem I guess.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
Contact the seller or file a dispute to make sure you are getting what you ordered. I was a little nervous at first, but so far everything has gone well.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Forgive me @Chickenhawk... The distinction about "Following The Rules" was not a reference to your actions in the pejorative sense... I was referring specifically to the conduct of how AliExpress and their Vendors have things arranged for the protection of BOTH sides of the Sales/Purchase equation. Trust me... No Harm Intended, Brother. I also forgot to mention that AliExpress relies heavily upon its Internal Messaging System for each and every purchase and they tend to excessively communicate things both with customers' private email accounts AND on their Home Site via Messages... so there may be additional Messages in your AliExpress "In-Box" as well.
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Dec 6, 2011
No worries. You are one of the biggest reasons why I am taking this leap of faith, even if I don't need the Tech 2 at the moment. I appreciate all your guidance. I found another computer where all the text boxes showed up in the browser, and we will now see how long it takes to get to the heart of Canada.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
I also saw no"Color" choice box but I assume each seller can set up their options in a manner of their choosing. There was a box for "message to seller" or some similar wording. In that box I entered "GM ENGLISH" and nothing more due to constraints of language here/there. The confirmation I received indicated they got the message.

They were not very quick to ship but once shipped it took only maybe 2 or 3 days to arrive. I still haven't seen it yet as I travel nearly constantly and my Mail Agent is forwarding the package to me.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jan 29, 2018
Yakima, Washington
...................even if I don't need the Tech 2 at the moment.
If this is a tool you can afford or would use, then buy it. When you need it, you'll want it right then. But if you have it, you'll have a chance to use and/or get used to it before you need it. I'm seeing things every day where I might need a Tech2.

While you are learning how to use it, then of yourself making $100 plus per hour.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And I whore mine out scanning for people. It's already paid off!


Dec 6, 2011
All good points. However, I am not that bright and any members of this forum from Manitoba are welcome to get access to it at no charge. (When it finally gets here, and provided I don't brick it because I am old and slow and slightly dull-witted.)


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@Chickenhawk ...I don't know, Man... I've read an awful lot of your posts... and you always seem to bring a Pretty Damned Good Thinking Skill Set to these discussions... but while I am on the subject of 'thinking about thinking' ... I wanted to warn you that when your package arrives, it will be impossible not to regress to the age of (5) year Old Kid sitting at the foot of the Tree on Christmas Morning... and if you get too hasty... there could be a problem that will indeed " Brick" That Brand, Spanking New "GYMKO" Scanner if THIS happens:

This is something to be very careful of:

Never insert the "GYMKO" Kit Gray (Silver) Flat Ribbon RJ-45 Male Connector into the Female RJ-45 Ethernet Hard Line Port of your HP laptop Computer. I know... That Cable it IS actually designed for use in that port and... under ordinary circumstances you would think, "What The Hell... THIS thing MUST get plugged in HERE...Right?"... but I am a bit anxious to mention it now you avoid any possibility of making this mistake. The Correct Instructions for the use of that Flat Cable are these:

One Male End of that Flat Cable gets inserted into the Tan Null Modem Female RJ-45 Connector Jack and the other Male Connector gets inserted into the Left Side of the "GYMKO" Scanner (NOT The Upper RJ-485 Jack.... The Correct RJ-45 Jack is the lower one) Meanwhile, the opposite end of the Tan Rectangular Boxy body of the Null Modem attaches to the HP Laptop via the 9 Pin "DB9" Serial Port and it is gently held in place using two Long, Knurled Screw handles to snug it up. The Small RJ-45 Loop Back device only gets inserted into the Scanner's Female RJ-45 Port during The Testing of the "GYMKO" Scanner.

You see... if your "GYMKO" Tech2 is hooked up to any hardware designed for Ethernet Connections; even if the HP Laptop is NOT connected to the Hard Line Internet... the Internal Ethernet Jack device is designed to handle DC Voltages that can range from (+) 3 all the way up to (+) 25 VDC...and if your laptop were to somehow electrically spike through that Ethernet Communications Jack Hardware.... it might drive excessive Voltage into your "GYMKO" Main Logic Board via the in-dwelling RJ-45 S/S Female Port... and cause some serious damage.

The Manual(s) produced by Bosch on the TIS2000 CDs provide for some very excellent Step-By-Step Instructions for setting up and using this New Tool ... So it will be well worth your while to read ahead as you wait for the Scanner and Kit to arrive up in Manitoba. The factory Voltages Range for the OEM GM Tech2 Scanner is (+) 8 VDC to (+) 20 VDC. The "GYMKO" Scanner does NOT employ the OEM DC-to-DC Power Converter... so its voltage ranges run from (+) 9 VDC to (+)18 VDC using the MORESUN DC-to-DC Converter.
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Dec 6, 2011
Thanks. All great advice. I promise to unpack everything and play and stroke it a bit but wait until the discs show up to do anything with it.
I am old, and slow and dull-witted ... but I will follow your advice (as I always do) and read the instructions.

(Plus, I might be lying about the "slow" and "dull-witted" part anyway. But perhaps not the "old" part. In my industry, which I don't necessarily share, we have a saying that says, "One should fear an old man in a young person's war.")
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This information comes from a GM Tech-Line Publication PDF from 2000 that includes other updates for the then ‘state of the art’ repair issues on GM Vehicles and their changing service needs. But in this case… The Cover Story is an interesting one that focuses on The Use of the VCI (Vehicle Configuration Index) in order to perform Custom Updates that do NOT follow the standard category of just “Re-Programming the PCM” ...or in some cases, other individual Modules. It would seem that under certain conditions, using the “GYMKO” Tech2 Scanner for these Updates ...Must Walk a Very Crooked Mile.

Apparently… In the Elder Days of using the SPS System; courtesy the TIS2000 Soft Ware... the GM Techs of yore were NOT allowed to Freelance with Changing Vehicle Component Parameters ad-hoc; even something as innocuous as changing to different Tire Sizes... or changing any other combinations of Module Parameters when in fact, they apparently MUST fit each Vehicle Configuration Index.

This process did one other thing: It even held GM Dealerships and Professional ASE Certified GM Mechanics hostage to “The GM TIS2000 SPS Mother Ship” by demanding that when these “changes” seemed proper and necessary… if the VINs of the involved vehicles were NOT contained on the occasionally updated TIS-2000 CDs sent to the Dealerships, then the Techs would have had to “Phone Home” on an 800-Line and receive their Super-Secret VCI which could have been Alpha-Numeric, strictly Alphabetical or strictly Numeric as well. Who Knows… Right? With this “SPS Adjusted Module Formula” acting as the ‘VCI Permission Slip’ ...the puzzled and probably impatient Technicians could just get on with their jobs of changing the Re-Programming Parameters on the GM Tech2 Screens to suit their needs.

This might not seem too important today in 2018, because for most of us… we ARE counting on the latest updates being supplied with the LAST TIS2000 Dual CD Set so that once we have read all of the available instructions and documentation on using the “GYMKO” Clone Scanner and decide to perform any Module Updates or any Re-Programming… our expectations would be that as long as the SUV System Voltage remains solidly between (12) VDC and (14) VDC… as soon as we tell the TIS2000 SPS Program selection from the Dedicated Laptop SPS menu to perform these tasks… then all we need to do is hold our collective breath while the Binary Code Re-Writes are being performed. Right?

Well… Perhaps NOT… as is explained in the linked PDF using a 2000 Cadillac as the example proving that in some cases, it will very necessary to Remove Certain Module Fuses and confirm this by subsequently “pinging’ the Vehicle Network using the “GYMKO” Scanner to look for them and ensure that these various Module(s) are NOT present on the Data-Bus Network while certain OTHER Modules are being Re-Programmed (...the PCM-VCM or BCM for examples). This information goes a very long way towards explaining the oft asked question of “WHY DID MY PCM RE-PROGRAMMING….FAIL AND BRICK THE UNIT?” The answer can now be explained as the fact that while on the Vehicle Network… ALL of these Modules apparently believe that THEY are alone and doing their respective jobs… irrespective of the presence of ALL OF THE OTHER MODULES... Including The PCM

I have to confess that in all of the time I've been investigating How to Connect and Diagnose Individual Modules in a Bench Top Setting… it never occurred to me that in spite of what we would ordinarily consider “The Brains” of our Vehicles as being “The Almighty PCM”:… but in this GM Vehicle Networked Environment… there really IS “Net Neutrality” in the sense that some of the Gremlins we have been chasing could have actually been prompted by the competition between ALL of the Modules present on the Network at all times occasionally fighting amongst each other… and the PCM just happens to be one of them. So if anyone has had a problem with completing any SPS Updates using their GM Clones… Ensuring a ready, Steady Voltage of (12) VDC to (14) VDC from start to finish during any Re-Programming AND Turning OFF any Modules not being directly addressed for these update by removing their Fuses ...might just do the trick!


Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Having received my clone and done the unboxing and reviewing contents along with power-up and self tests here are my initial observations:

Part ##s: Not necessarily correct. At least two of my DLC adapters have swapped part numbers stamped on them. My DLC Loopback adapter and the OBD2 adapter have swapped numbers. Following the tech 2 manual for initial power-up I read the number for the DLC Loopback adapter in the manual then located the item with the corresponding number on it. "Hmm... doesn't look the same as the picture. This one over here looks like the picture but has a different part number WTH?"

DLC Cable: Again, different part # than manual calls for. The D-shell looks right but that extended block strikes the VCI locking lever.

I can get it in there but it takes more careful application of force than would be ideal. I'll file one or the other down a bit later as it definitely imparts stress as it is.


Later I would learn that for the purpose of testing the base unit I can just plug the DLC Loopback adapter straight into the Tech 2 without the DLC Cable. At first I was puzzled why a Loopback adapter would have two ends, but later surmised that for testing the base unit you just plug into the base. Plugging into the DLC Cable can test the base AND the cable. Got it!

Cable Connectors: Tight. Too tight. Cannot engage the retainer without undue force. If you do get it clipped the force is such that it tilts the connection towards the retaining clip. Not sure what I can do about that. I might use a Dremel with a tiny cutter/grinder to open the slot in the metal clip on the adapters I wish to use.


AC/DC Power supply: They could have given us a little more cable length!! Got us on a short leash here.


This much got me to the starting line, ready for power-up and self test. Check the PCMCIA card. Several sources state the software card is to be in the slot closest to the display. I would later discover it works in both slots. Speculation....if one is to later add a second card for data at that time the software card must be in the first slot as the boot process perhaps needs the software to be in the first found hardware slot, much the same as our early personal PCs needed the operating system to be on the first hard drive? Maybe.

Power on POST was OK, we don't need yet another picture of that initial screen do we? No. Run through the automated tests found @ F4: Tool Options / F3: Self Test.
Self Test Version 6.40

HBCC IGNORED. No idea what that is about. Found something online that suggests that should not be a concern. Anybody know??

Hardware ID:
Main board 2.00
VCI: 2.10

Moving on... I decided to set the internal clock. Easy enough. However, at next boot and POST, FOUR BEEPS! Ruh-roh!! Proceed back to tests where F5 will show POST results. RTC Fail. Hmmmm. RTC...Real Time Clock. Let's check it's time...looks right to me. Time for bed anyway. Cut to the is now the following morning and I start it up POST error this first time...clock holding time. However subsequent boots have again the RTC Fail at POST with the four beeps. I can live with that I guess.

Next step I guess is to hook it up to the Yukon. What's the vehicle selection for the Yukon?? ...let's look around here and online for that.....


Dec 6, 2011
Eh? Tan null modem connector? DLC cable? What? I just got the package from DHL (about five days earlier than promised) and when I unpacked it, I realized I don't even have a clue where all the labels go, let alone get it set up properly. I am sure there are good threads here and in other places, and maybe some videos, that will hold the hand of the pure novice who managed to stick the "GM Tech 2" label on the front the right way round, but that's as far as I got.

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