New (COMPLETE KIT) "GYMKO" GM Tech 2 Scan Tool


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Understood... I’ll avoid making that Fatal Error and I’m guessing that the version installed in China is as far as any further updating is possible and that works out just fine on my end. And Thanks... For The Timely Warning! ;>)

And if anybody has already suffered from making this mistake in selecting the wrong button and found it was too late to stop the download without corrupting their PCMCIA Card... The very same TIS2000 Software that is listed down below is identical to the one that just arrived; pre-installed on my "GYMKO" Tech-II shown by the Version Number 33.004.

This latest TIS2000 flavor can be obtained from several eBay Vendors in the range of spending $60.00 for the SW Download. Then this update can then be installed from the Laptop over to any previously FUBARed PCMCIA Card and re-written in this manner. I selected this eBay link and Vendor as an exemplar here because of his high number of transactions and a 100% Seller Rating:

And likewise... eBay offers this Centennial 32MB Linear Ram PCMCIA Card for a very reasonable price that is a "Made in the USA" company for anyone Stateside having any concerns about the quality and durability for either Data Storage when recording Data-Logging "EKG Strips" on Engine Performance...or for the Duplication/Back-Up of their China Made TIS2000 Pre-Installed PC Card. And One Last, but Very Important Feature that the Centennial Card features is the ability to prevent any Accidental Software Over-Writes via a built-in Security Switch that allows this Linear PC Ram Card to be Locked and/or Unlocked.

So whether being used as an extra, General Purpose Storage Card of Diagnostics to be moved over to the Laptop PC Base TIS2000 as uploads in my case... simply obtained for the purpose of having a Duplicate Image of the GM Tech-II TIS2000 Ver. 33.004 Software onto this extra card serving as a Back-Up System for the "GYMKO" Tech-II Clone... This Quality, Linear PC-Card should do quite nicely... and for not too much money, either:
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I have a question for @Mooseman that concerns the Disk and Dongle that I purchased as a separate item as being necessary now… since the PCMCIA Card came with the TIS2000 software pre-installed. I have not as yet received this second item from China and my question is… do I need this (USB) Dongle in order to connect the “GYMKO” Tech-2 to the Windows Laptop (assuming that I can still install the TIS2000 SW onto a box that has Windows 7 Professional vs. XP Pro SP3). I’ve been sitting on my hands all day wondering about this and thinking that the USPS Driver would arrive with it in the afternoon. No such luck today.

I also wanted to mention a very important (and very expensive) distinction between the standard PCMCIA 1-2 &3 MM RAM Cards that sport the feature called “ATA” meaning “Advanced Technology Attachment” vs. LINEAR Memory on a card like the ones that MUST be used in the Tech-II Clones. The former version (ATA) is a kind of drive technology that has the controller built into(onto) it vs. the LINEAR Technology that requires little to no electricity to function and a reputation for high reliability for read/writes that begin at around 100,000 for the life of the Linear RAM Card and can go as high as 1,000,000 Read/Writes without failure; a theoretical perfect MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) with a much bigger price tag as well. So...if you wind up obtaining a down-loadable flavor of the TIS2000 Software… you cannot install it on an ATA based PCMCIA Card and it might do damage to the Tech-II Clones as well because of the differences in their acceptable Voltages unique to each type of card..

Here are a few more “GYMKO” Tech-II sources of information that may have some duplication via @Mooseman ‘s work in several other existing TECH-II Threads.

How to insert and remove PCMCIA 32 Meg Linear Flash Cards in the GM Tech-II Hand-Held Unit:

Here is an interesting Tech-II WIKI:

Another Historical PDF covering the pending release of the Tech-II SW for the Professional Repair Shop:

If anyone has a Disabled Tech-II Clone… Lower down on this linked page are some Separate Repair Parts available to fix some of what might be damaged or broken… without having to purchase the complete system:

This information describes a Kent-Moore J-42598-20 Dual Adapter Kit as a handy pair of 90 Degree Adapters that were made as an original item via KM SPX for the GM Tech-II Units. These make it easier to for the Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR) Cable to connect to the Seat Modules, etc. They look like rare items worth keeping in mind if they happen to still be around. These would make a nice addition to anyones Tech-II Clone Kit that is having issues with the Seat Modules:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I have a question for @Mooseman that concerns the Disk and Dongle that I purchased as a separate item as being necessary now… since the PCMCIA Card came with the TIS2000 software pre-installed. I have not as yet received this second item from China and my question is… do I need this (USB) Dongle in order to connect the “GYMKO” Tech-2 to the Windows Laptop (assuming that I can still install the TIS2000 SW onto a box that has Windows 7 Professional vs. XP Pro SP3). I’ve been sitting on my hands all day wondering about this and thinking that the USPS Driver would arrive with it in the afternoon. No such luck today.

The dongle is to fake your validation and allow higher level operations like module programming (SPS) and security function access. The software that's on the PCMCIA card is for the basic functions for the Tech2 such as diagnostics and does not require a connection to tis2000 or the computer to operate on its own. You could use the Tech2 forever without ever needing to use tis2000 if you never need to reprogram a module or need security access for something like changing the VIN or relearn keys.

In lieu of the dongle, there is a crack which modifies tis2000 to think that there is a dongle connected. Check my thread for it. Some have success with it, some not.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Well… I figured out why the Bosch Vetronix Factory TIS2000 Software will not install on the Windows 7 Professional: If the MSIE Browser is older on the existing later version of the Windows OS than the 4.1 Version included on the Install CD… it stops the installation dead in its tracks. As per your suggestion, I downloaded and extracted the files for the Dongle-Krack and will attend to it's use if the USB Dongle misbehaves for any reason... (Thanks @Mooseman!)

The solution I've decided upon is to do these things first:

(1) Ordered (and received already...) a Brand New Dell Factory DVD-+RW 2.1 Dell LBL P/N C3284-A00 for $25.00 Free S&H from Amazon for the Dell M65 Precision Work Station Laptop (The older drive was doing 'The HuckleBuck' and I don't want to risk having any install interruptions... Period.)

(2) Ordered an IBM TravelStar 2.5” SATA III Hard Drive that was available at a damned good price for a 7,200 RPM, 1 TB Hard Drive with excellent quality as well… via Amazon again, for the same reasons and the need to have a dedicated HD for the TIS2000 SW and Data:

(3) I found I had obtained Three Pack of Dell OEM Windows XP SP3 some time ago laying in a drawer and there was still (1) Virgin Disk left and ready for this New Installation.

I'll just pull the working Windows 7 Professional Edition HD out of the Laptop and drop in the other one and after a Clean Install… I'll try to install the Bosch Vetronix TIS2000 on board.

I DID go back to AliExpress and looked around for their (3) CD Set of the TIS2000 SW Bundle with the USB Dongle and also ordered it for around $14.00 w/ Free S&H to arrive in 7-20 days. And in the mean time... if the other one I got originally bought on 12/04/2017 en route for $12.00 should show up first… I'll have lash at trying to install it once the box is put together to do all of these new things.

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Oct 22, 2015
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The Good News on this project continued this afternoon (Monday, 12/18/2017 @ 16:30 Hrs) with my report that the “Infamous Dongle and TIS2000 Dual CD Set” have arrived two weeks to the day after my original order was placed on 12/04/2017 with AliExpress. And so the only thing I’m waiting on now is the arrival via Amazon of the IBM HQ 'TravelStar' 7,200 RPM 1TB laptop Hard Drive … so it can be put into my Dell Precision M65 Work Station and formatted with a virgin install using the OEM Dell Windows XP SP3 Installation Disk I managed to locate the other day..

This Black “Dongle” is a damned tiny, almost non-existent thing…(images can be seen at the link below) but it is built more sturdy and robust than I imagined it to be; encased in a Durable Crystal Clear Acrylic or Plastic Body, with a Molded Tassel Hole on one end; ostensibly for connection to a Key-Chain-Fob or perhaps a Lanyard to prevent its Easy Loss ...and it has a Protective Cap on the opposing USB business end that can plug into any available USB Port. Once I’ve managed to knit all of these components together… I’ll do as @Capote originally hinted at and videotape the install procedures of the TIS2000 Software onto this Dedicated HD-Box and then we’ll all get to see how it works ...Step By Step... via the use of a Windows XP Operating System. So Far, Gentlemen… So Good.

I Like It! :>)

Okay… I was also very curious about whether or not the Windows XP OS would be able to Read and Write ...Specifically in the Linear PCMCIA Data Format using the Standard ATA Dual PCMCIA Card Readers usually installed in Laptops. This site provided information about a USB to PCMCIA Card Drive that supports All (3) Formats: Linear, ATA and SRAM:

But.. If you want to experience REAL “Sticker Shock”…. Have a look at THIS:

Man… Technology… Huh? (Whew)…. So I’m guessing the R/Ws being done to and from the PC to the PCMCIA card inside of the “GYMKO” Tech-II Clone are just as capable at doing this job… but at a very slow (non-USB) BAUD rate of somewhere between 300, 1,200, 2,400 or possibly 19,200 rates; depending up the handshake between the RJ-45 Four Pair Twisted Cabling. My God… That is a LOT of bread for such an Old Piece of Tech. Either its made from Solid Gold or the damned thing is actually The Last of Voldemort’s Hidden “Horcruxes”. LOL

Fortunately… For TIS2000 Duplication or reading Data Logs of a large order… this WIKI holds out some hope for being able to perform R/Ws to and from16 and 32 Bit Linear Media using the standard PCMCIA hardware built into most laptops and some PCs with a dedicated PCI Card Slot for the MOBO and an open 3.5” Drive Bay. Then it would just be a matter of finding the correct application to perform these “Linear” Tasks. :>)

...and finally... here is an excellent Technical White Paper explaining the (FTL) Flash Translation Layer at work inside of these Linear Flash PC Cards. So if you want to understand WHY it is so difficult to Read and Write Updated or Custom Software to your ECMs & PCMS... This information will explain the idea of "Erase B4 Write" principles at work inside of Solid State Memory and the problems it presents when used as the core storage of whatever it is that makes our unique vehicles do what they do:
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Oct 22, 2015
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All of the Magical Pieces of The Puzzle finally came together late this evening with me putting together The Old Dell Precision M65 Work Station Laptop … using that Virgin Dell OEM Windows XP SP3 OS Disk... and dropping it onto the box after the timely arrival of the IBM TravelStar 1TB 7,200 RPM Laptop HD. Then I installed the TIS2000 System Software onto this Dedicated Box...and that was accomplished after inserting the required USB Dongle at just the right moment.

Everything worked seamlessly during this easy installation. This had a Happy Ending of course with the splendid performance of the "GYMKO" (GM Knock Off) Tech-II Scanner connecting successfully; running Glass Smooth and Glitch Free (….after I removed and re-plugged the two RJ-45 Flat Ribbon connectors for the RS-232 Communications two or three times).

WOW ... I Like It! :>) ...and you’ve got to love it when a plan comes together!

I’d like to change the Thread Title to “The BEST “GYMKO” Tech-II Experience… EVER!” if that makes any sense. Here are the (65) images that will serve as a perfect walk through from the very start of the Windows XP Installation on the Laptop… through all of the TIS2000 Install Screens (including sub-screens to read along the way for a single, but necessary .DLL copy-replace event) ...and ending with the Dell laptop Communicating with the “GYMKO” Tech-II Hand Held Device using some side by side imagery to prove …that for around $300.00 and Change… You OWE it to yourself to get this Damned Thing as a Gift on Christmas Morning! THIS was a lot of fun and Cool as Hell!

Gentleman… When everything goes “According to Hoyle” The Step-By-Steps you should experience will look EXACTLY like these do in this linked photo-play.

And Now…. I’m All Done with THIS One:

( @Mooseman = Santa Claus ) :>) ........ (Ho Ho Ho);=XXXXXXXX
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Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Props for including pictures installation step-by-step :tiphat:
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Oct 22, 2015
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Glad to do this @Capote... Here is a short follow up on the PCMCIA 32 Meg Card that just came in. It has a 'thin' enough profile that the TIS2000 System Software Card AND this 32 Meg Card can share the space within the "GYMKO" Tech-II PCMCIA Dual Slots... with this second card being used as a repository for any and all "Data Logging" encountered in the future... without the need to perform any Read-Writes to the System Software Card and with the ability to record very long logging sequences during live drive testing and not be concerned about "Running Out of SS RAM".

After things settle down for the rest of the Holiday Season... I'll work through the OEM Tech-II Instructions on How to Set This Card Up to perform this new job. The last (8) Images on Page Two of this link to my Photobucket Album shows what this Stainless Steel, Solid State Memory, Write Protect-able device looks like... and shows the necessary written precautions on how to prevent it from being inadvertently damaged:
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
We'll see if @Mooseman has a similar experience with his order ... but (24) Days after ordering the MORNSUN DC-to-DC Power Converter from “AliExpress”… it arrived in Good Order and with the Bonus Feature that included the design of this item as being the Updated Revision ...versus the original one I had asked for by mistake.

The issue with such things is that before these discreet components are sold, enough orders from their customer base must arrive and be met to justify their manufacture in bulk. So if you need one of these or imagine that you soon will... it will take the better part of a month to arrive. Your patience with that reality will keep you from becoming unnecessarily angry with "AliExpress" over something that will be completely out of their control.

Once again, here are the Improved Electronic MORNSUN Specs:

MORNSUN DC2DC Power Converter
Model # VRB1205LD-15WR2 (I’m assuming that means “15 Watts-Revision 2”
Input DC Power Variance = 9 to 18 Volts DC
Stable Output = 5 Volts DC @ 3,000 Milli-Amps

I made this sub- $20.00 Free S&H purchase because based upon @Mooseman 's empirical evidence, it seems to be a central point of failure across the board with the "GYMKO" Units. So I would rather have one available and tucked away inside of the Vetronix Tech-II carry Case... than not have it if the in-dwelling DC2DC Power Converter goes sideways. If that event prevails... I can easily disassemble the unit and do the R&R (un-solder the Old 5 Pin item and solder in the New 6 pin one) replacing the Old and Busted version for this New Hotness flavor and once again, be up and running.

It is important to realize that it is the "Washed, Dried and Folded" 5 VDC that keeps this hand-held device operational...and the MORNSUN DC2DC Power Converter is the answer to keeping it that way. I took some close up images and posted them in the first of the Album-Sub-Albums on my Photobucket that begin at the bottom of Page #2 and end on Page #3
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
For regular shipping from China, a month is average. I also ordered it and will likely replace it as soon as it arrives because it's annoying as hell when it reboots like that.


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Oct 22, 2015
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@Mooseman … FWIW… I’ve been ruminating about the problem of why this “GYMKO Shuts off when the Engine is Re-Started” issue, but from another angle once I realized that what I was looking at was a Flat, ‘CR’ Style Battery situated on the upper side of the Green Logic Board. But in order to get a more clear and distinct view of it… it took me a while during a review of the linked “MORSUN R&R” Video below to isolate just the right spot where the VOP’s Fingers and Hand obscured enough excess ambient light to provide a perfect glimpse at what is written on its top:

That thing is definitely a CR-2032 3-VDC Lithium Oxide Battery sitting on this Green Logic Board… powering GOKW (God Only Knows What) when the Power Button is turned off. This made me think that if this very circuitry is supposed to be kept alive when the unit is turned off… like a CMOS battery is supposed to function on a computer MOBO, then if very same battery is DEAD on your Tech-II Clone Green Board… this might also be part of the electrical problem of it having to be re-booted once the Engine is turned off and the Tech-II shuts down.

Check out the video again at 10:40 to confirm this idea. Replacing your CR-2032 Battery might help as well while performing the MORSUN DC2DC Power Converter R&R:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I doubt a 3V battery would have enough juice to keep a device like that running so it's more likely the DC-DC converter. Makes sense it's during a voltage drop that it goes wacky.


Jan 6, 2013
Price looks fine for one of these GYMKO's. Very tempting. So this thing came 'ready to run' right out of the box? That PC install looks like a minefield to get through.


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Oct 22, 2015
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This "GYMKO" Unit comes with the TIS2000 Software Pre-Installed onto the in-dwelling PCMCIA Card as THE Latest Flavor (Ver. 33.004) So Yes... It does come "Ready to Run" right out of the Case. The PCMCIA Software Card will have been installed into the Upper Slot of the "GYMKO" Unit via OBDFox Technicians... so there is no immediate need for any software uploads or formatting of the PC Card once it arrives.

However... if you want to take advantage of many of its features (BUT NOT OVER-WRITING THE PCMCIA CARD WITH THE TIS2000 SW UPDATE FEATURE)... then using a Legacy Windows OS Laptop and installing the TIS 2000 SW and USB Dongle will be necessary if you want to do "PASSTHRU" writes to the PCM or download the Data Logging "Strips" recorded on the "GYMKO" PC card, etc.

Even with possessing Basic Computer Knowledge... Formatting a separate 2.5" Hard Drive, Installing a Fresh Windows XP Pro SP3 OS and then installing the TIS2000... is really an Easy... Breezy... Walk In The Park. (If a person can read and follow discreet instructions and then perform simple Choice and Mouse Clicks... then it is just that simple).

So if you follow the exact link to OBDFox Offer shown here (with a possible small price variation, since I purchased mine during a Christmas Holiday Special with an additional 5% Off)... then you should receive everything shown as a Complete Kit... including the Legacy TIS2000 SW.

But will STILL need to make a separate purchase of the USB Dongle/TIS2000 software offer at around $12 to $15 that includes either a 2 or 3 Disk Set... because without that Dongle being installed as instructed during the initial TIS2000 Software Installation onto the Laptop Computer with a Windows XP Pro or < Version OS... the TIS2000 SW will NOT properly install. Period.

My experience with this purchase to date has been nothing less than sterling. And so I seriously doubt that you will find a better deal for the money anywhere or a smoother means of doing so when buying this Complete GM Knock Off Tech-II Hand Held Scanner from OBDFox via "AliExpress": Just remember to specify your "Color" as GM. One last thing worth mentioning here is this: When I ordered my "GYMKO" on December 4th, 2017... only (6) had been sold... But since Posting this information... that sales number has jumped up to 20. While I can't swear that there is a correlation between these two circumstances... if you are seriously considering buying one of these... Don't sit on the fence too long. :>)
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Jan 16, 2013
Kansas City
I doubt a 3V battery would have enough juice to keep a device like that running so it's more likely the DC-DC converter. Makes sense it's during a voltage drop that it goes wacky.
How long is it powered off for? What about putting a decent sized capacitor on it to keep it running for a second or two during restart?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
From what I read that @MRRSM posted, it's the DC-DC voltage regulator that needs replacing due to a cheap one installed in China.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
About the Thread Title Change I just made... Sorry... But after what has happened in the last (48) Hours... I just may have to delete any and all expressions containing the word "bones" ...permanently from my personal Lexicon. As a distraction though... this post has some pretty interesting information:

Okay… On January 2nd, 2018… The Second Set of (3) Cds and (1) USB Dongle) arrived holding the TIS2000 “GYMKO” Software. I took a few images posted at the link below at the very bottom of Page (3) in my Photobucket Sub-Album for the sake of distinguishing THIS “Knock Off of a Knock Off” Three Disk set and THIS Blue USB Dongle from the OEM Quality Bosch Vetronix Two Disk Set and Black and Clear Plastic Dongle that I used so successfully during the installation of the TIS2000 Rev. 13 (Damn I hate THAT Number) Software via the Dell M65 Laptop covered in earlier posts.

Other than the obvious differences between the Factory OEM Quality Bosch CDs and the HQ Black Dongle versus these Three Mis-Matched CDs and a Blue Plastic Dongle that appeared to be very cheaply made and showed what looked like “Pocket Wear” that would rival that from the personal Key Chain of either Car Park at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas ...or an out and out Car Thief… I cannot swear that the DATA these disks contain is in any other way an actual UPDATE, per se that is better than the Two Disks that went so smoothly into the Dell Box during the primary installation of the OEM TIS2000 Software. HOWEVER… The Revision Number listed at the very top of this document shows it to be (12)… and therefore…THIS (3) DISK SET CANNOT BE RECOMMENDED OVER THE OEM BOSCH VETRONIX (2) DISK SET THAT COMES WITH THE BLACK DONGLE.

What follows is Very Important to Know:

While making comparisons between the (2) Disk Set versus the (3) Disk Set… I found a sub-folder on the BOSCH VETRONIX OEM Documentation Disk containing (59) distinct PDF Files that involve what amounts to being “The Library of Congress for OBD1 and OBD2 Diagnostics”. It is quite an incredible read because beyond our GM Target Specific “Need To Know” versions… there are so many other PDFs that not only cover the “GYMKO” Tech-II information…. But also the Tech-1 and the later technology for scanners made for GM and many other Domestic and Foreign Manufacturers called the MTS Series with all of their Models and Sub-Models. But the Information Tsunami does not stop there...

These PDFs also contain mountains of Diagnostic and Factory Assembly Information on GMs, Fords, Chryslers, Hondas, Toyotas, Kias, etc… over many years and covering many models ...and on and on… with complete instructions and unique and hard to find information about these vehicles that cover the majority of each manufacturers Car-Line Series for decades! So if you own any of these other types of vehicles… even if you never purchase a “GYMKO” , Tech-1, or MTS Series of Scanners… the sheer size of the information database is staggering and will be well worth the $10-$15 you would invest in getting the BOSCH Vetronix TIS2000 Software… and the Black Dongle that can go on your Key Chain as a reminder that one day… you WILL be able to get one. I left a Screen Print Image of the (59) PDFs as the last entry as of 01/03/2018. Zoom in on that image and you can see what is there to read and use.

Here is the Link to the BOSCH VETRONIX (2) DISK SET/DONGLE I purchased. Even though the Disk/Dongle Images are as you see at this link… I received the actual OEM BOSCH VETRONIX of this stuff… and watch towards the bottom of this link to view the Installation Video for the “How To” get this SW onto your Windows Laptop:

...and if you have a damaged Main Logic Board in your “GYMKO” Clone and want to replace it… AliExpress has these now for under $100.00 that you can use to swap out the DC2DC Power supply on with a MORSUN version of the converter, install the MLB and then be back in business:
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I’ve been thinking about the low percentage of people who actually wind up owning and using the “GYMKO” Tech II Hand Held Scanners… and after while… I realized that this piece of very intimidating equipment can actually quicken the pace of a person's (Man or Woman) heartbeat ...once he or she holds this damned marvelous thing in their hands for the first time. It follows that in fact … this device is so spectacularly designed and equipped with having such broad spectrum of analytical capabilities that indeed… it does demand a bit of “Going Back To School” in order to become familiar enough to know how to properly use it ...and feel confident when doing so.

To that end... Back in 1996, when the Tech2 first came out… GM Produced a Transitional Tech-1 to Tech2 Training Video that introduced this New Computer Device to their ASE Mechanics and provided information on how to take advantage of it’s own, Built-In Training Sessions that all the Technicians could Practice with! So if the only reluctance you might have to owning one is (besides the Three Bills and Change it costs to purchase one of these units) the trepidation of inadvertently screwing something up when using it… then this Video might assuage some of those concerns. By Downloading, Observing and Re-Playing as needed all of this Video Information… even experienced “GYMKO” Tech II Owners can learn more about how to better use this device.

At one section of this Video, an additional, very interesting piece of data is revealed by GM about their first iteration of this device. They explain that the OEM GM Tech2s could handle from 8VDC up to 20VDC passing through the units during varying electrical re-charging via the normal operational running of GM engines and Alternators (BUT… NEVER WITH A BATTERY CHARGER ATTACHED!)… whereas even the New MORSUN DC2DC Power Converter to MLB R&R... is limited to handling from a low of 9VDC to a maximum of 18VDC.

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Dec 6, 2011
Quite frankly, it's not the tool that frightens me; it's the bullshit Windows installation crap. (I'm a Mac guy.)

If I could be guaranteed of getting one with the tis stuff already installed and the dingly dangly dongly thing I need already in the box, I would buy one tomorrow. It sounds like you lucked out by getting one with all the tis stuff installed already, but how do I know I will get the same?

Yes, I use Windows all the time - but I don't LIKE it; I TOLERATE it. Damned if I am going to buy a Windows computer and Windows 75 or whatever it is you need to install this tis shit, just to do a couple of things more than my scan tools.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Please don't feel that my last post was meant to patronize anyone... I apologize to all if I left anybody with that impression. I cannot guarantee that what you will receive from "AliExpress" will be EXACTLY the same one that I just purchased... But having a lot of successful experiences now with OBDFox involving my own "GYMKO" purchase; plus 10 additional items... some directly related to the "GYMKO" Gear and having received each in Good Order ...OBDFox would be MY personal FAVORITE Vendor over KINGBOLEN for the purchase of any variant of the GM Clones they sell.

When I "Pulled The Pin" ...I simply wanted the Whole Ball of Wax and it was actually less expensive and more comprehensive to purchase the Kit than having the various sub-items packaged up and sent willi-nilly. The Fact is... Since the Kit version comes with the Latest TIS2000 Software (Ver. 33.004) Pre-Installed on the System PCMCIA Card...and Ready to Rock...You really do NOT have to install the TIS2000 Software in a Windows OS Environment on a Legacy Laptop ...unless you desire the Full Boat of being able to Download your Data Logs... or perform actual PCM 'PASSTHRU' Over-Writes or perform Updates of individual Modules. I may never actually have to do any of those things... but my Philosophy and Motto from my Old USCG Helicopter Aviation Machinist's Mate days has always been: ..."Semper Paratus"... (Always Ready).

But... if you likewise choose to do this and must remain pure within your MAC System... and this also works for Linux Users... You can purchase proper, OEM Licensed Early Versions Windows OS via eBay that should be anywhere from Windows 95 all the way up to the Windows XP Pro SP3 Flavor like the one I just installed on a Legacy Dell M65 for this express purpose. However... in your case you can either install the WOS onto a USB Drive with 32< Gigs of secondary storage as a Boot-able Operating System and then Install the TIS2000 Software... or You can Download and install "VirtualBox" and after putting that onto your MAC Hard Drive... then install the WOS into a Virtual OS Environment.

The only Tricky Parts with that though would be the need to properly set up your COM1, COM2, etc... Serial Ports in such a way that the "GYMKO" Tech II Device can effectively communicate through the designated COM Port -=B4=- you actually install the TIS2000 SW... ensuring that the VirtualBox Serial Ports are actually working in and out of that designated Serial Port for RS-232 Bi-Directional Communication. (You can test it out with an Old Serial Port (DB9) Mouse...). This problem would also apply with having to comfirm which USB Port needs designation in the Virtual set up so "The Dongle" can be properly recognized as well... or the TIS2000 SW will NOT install correctly. As for deciding that your MAC OS is superior over the WOS... you won't get any argument out me... I'm ordinarily strictly a Linux Man myself. But in this "GYMKO" Tech-II World... it is 'Muhammad that must go to The Mountain' in this case ...if you want these other important features to work just as well. :>)


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yep, what he said. You only really need a Win computer if you want to update modules (and that's only up to MY 2008 or 2009). And if need be, just find yourself an old boat anchor laptop with a serial port able to run XP. It doesn't need to be connected to the Internet or even updated except for proper drivers.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Look... Guys... While I previously mentioned that my preference would have been to get The Complete "GYMKO" Kit from OBDFox via AliExpress... THEY ARE ALL GONE NOW! So some folks out there must have finally realized that these things really were worth getting for the money ...and they cleaned off the shelves over at OBDFox! I was hoping that everyone here at GMTN wanting one would find their's over at OBDFox versus KINGBOLEN or other Vendors. But now ...only KINGBOLEN and very few other Vendors are still carrying the Full Kits... But NOT with the convenient (but actually not necessary) Black Plastic Carry Case which I have come to love about this package.

Here is the latest link to the 'NICE OBD' "GYMKO" Hardware being offered at Sub-$300.00 pricing because of it not coming with the Blow Molded Black Plastic Case. Again... These may also not be available much longer if you delay in deciding whether or not to "Pull The Pin". Just Remember... Select the "COLOR" as GM ...and if you decide to have a Laptop SW Installation for additional features like "PASSTHRU" PCM and Module Updating and for Downloading Data Logs... then you can order the TIS2000 2 Disk SW Set and Dongle separately and sort that issue out ...later:

"He Who Hesitates... Is Lost" ...from 'Cato' (1713) by English essayist and poet Joseph Addison
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Ever since posting that very last link to a “GYMKO” vendor shown above that comes back today reading, “No Longer Available...” I’ve been scouring the ‘nets trying to find more offers out there. There are two on Amazon that do have Larger Price Tags listed as complete systems for GM vehicles:

Unfortunately, this one comes closer to having a $400 Price Tag… So I’m surmising this one has “Re-Seller” stamped all over it rather than a direct sale coming from China that I was able to secure for myself:

My only concerns about THIS particular site… is that considering I was not able to find a single offer on any of the previous sites I visited from December 3rd, 2017 and forward… these numbers seemed disproportionately 'unreal ' in terms of their sales activity and responses from their customers… AND their HTML site entry is NOT secure via a Verisign style HTTPS set up…So Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) as without that consideration for security.. .I’m a little leery of suggesting that anybody indulge a purchase from this place… I was simply trying to be as comprehensive with my seeks-and-finds as possible and not leave any stones unturned:
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I found another "Direct From China" Seller that lists this “GYMKO” Kit for around $290.00 that might be worth looking over very carefully as well. If nothing else that makes these folks appear to be very “legit”… They went through a great deal of trouble creating Three Unique GM Tech2 Manuals available as Downloads further down on this sales page that you can obtain right now for free:

This is a link leads to the GM OEM SPX Version of the GM Tech2 Tool (Manufactured by OTC) Manual that covers the Instructions for performing SPS Programming Updates of Module Components. This document comes from a Corvette Forum ...but may have enough Generic Information to make it worth adding to your “GYMKO” PDF and Instructional Libraries:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I didn't understand why you had trouble finding them since there used to be tons of sellers on AliExpress with these. I could barely find 3 or 4 sellers and only one with a case. This one is $220US without a case.

And this one for $370US with the case:

You think maybe the clone is also out of production? They might shifting over to its replacement, the GM MDI. Lots of those available.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I'm guessing that in the last 24 hours,,, enough people have done 'seeks and searches' for this product that they finally put some out there for sale again. I swear to God... when I saw that these places had not had them as recent as the last few days... I just assumed there was a run on them and they suddenly got scarce, I also noticed that the Amazon offers went up about $10.00 due to their search Algorithm triggering that to happen...(and this occurs on almost everything that gets looked at over there). The truth is that I was beginning to feel guilty about suggesting that people use "ALiExpress" and then NOT being able to locate any of them for OUR folks was freaking me out.

I also think that as soon as you cleared the air over the matter of not actually needing to install the TIS2000 Software onto Legacy Windows Laptops in order to just use the "GYMKO" units "right out of the box" ...that your explanation to @Chickenhawk may have "Sparked The Stampede" to get these ASAP. And which based upon the direction you sent me and my very happy results... it turned out to be one of the Best Things I have EVER gotten my hands on as a Tool Kit in my entire LIFE! As for the MDIs ... One of the sites selling those over at "AliExpress" has devoted an entire section explaining that the New MDIs are primarily being used as PASSTHROUGH DEVICES via laptops and that they are NOT retroactively capable of servicing all of the vehicles that the GM Tech2 Clones can handle. Further... they stressed that the Tech2 Clones will be around and viable for this doing this job..."for a long time to come...". So No...I don't think that these "GYMKO" Hand Held Scanners are going to be pulled from production, since their customers seem to be predominantly European based upon observing who they are and where they come from when providing their feedback. My personal feeling is that this is an absolutely Indispensable Tool for all of Our Folks and the sooner they can get their hands on them...the better! Incidentally... Just an FYI...That $220.00 Sales Offer you mentioned is for the Clone Hand Held Unit Only... Not the Full Clone Kit.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Apr 29, 2016
One of the sites selling those over at "AliExpress" has devoted an entire section explaining that the New MDIs are primarily being used as PASSTHROUGH DEVICES via laptops and that they are NOT retroactively capable of servicing all of the vehicles that the GM Tech2 Clones can handle.

Here's how the MDI's work. All of GM's diagnostics and re-flashing are done through a passthru device. GDS2 is what replaced the Tech2. I'm not 100% sure of how the dealerships do it but I'm pretty sure that they don't have a lot of the handheld Tech2's anymore. When a Tech2 is needed, they use Tech2Win on a laptop which is just the Tech2 in software form. The MDI is used to plug into the vehicle and then into the laptop.

I use a Drewtech Cardaq Plus 2 as the MDI/passthru. Many other car manufacturers do their diagnostics in a similar fashion and this device covers a lot of them.

If there is interest, I can start a new thread that shows more about GDS2 and Tech2Win along with some screenshots.


Jan 6, 2013
If there is interest, I can start a new thread that shows more about GDS2 and Tech2Win along with some screenshots.

Yes...absolutely. Interesting to find out that a newer device covers legacy vehicles. Hopefully the GDS2 can be knocked off in a similar fasion as the Tech 2 has.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Installed the Morsun DC DC and it was a FAIL. The unit still works but still reboots when the vehicle is started. So don't bother doing this.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Sorry this was the outcome, Brother... But this might still be the only way out for those who have "GYMKO's with Failed DC-to-DC Converters and have no other recourse for the DC2DC replacement. Did you also replace the On-Board CR-2032 Main Logic Board Battery at the same time?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yep. No dice. I ordered an OBD2 connector extension and I will add a switch to cut off the OBD power and use an external power supply. I'll write it up in my thread.
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Dec 7, 2017
S. Alberta
I've got a "small ish" DC to DC buck/boost converter I was thinking of trying.
Then, even if the power drops down too low, it can still bring it back up (within limits). Anyone else try that already before I go to the trouble?


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Any "trouble" that comes from such an effort (device) will manifest itself ...if the OUTPUT Voltage and Amperage is NOT precisely 5VDC @ 3,000 Milli-Amps... Good Luck... but if something goes sideways and the Main Logic Board suffers... "AliExpress" carries Replacement MLBs for around $90 to $120...

This is a rare, long GM Official Training Video on "How to perform a ‘Snap Shot” using the Tech2" and transferring the Data Logs over to the TIS2000 Laptop for further Analysis. AND this Video includes an Additional Training Segment that covers Delphi OEM Oxygen Sensors as presented like a Perfect O2 Diagnostic Clinic by the another GM Trainer:

That “GYMKO” Specific GM Training Video came from this Youtube Library:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I took a shot and it didn't work. Since this one is 9 to 18V input, if it drops to or below that during cranking, it's hooped. At least this one looks more robust.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Just a follow up on how "AliExpress" conducts there on-line business regarding having access to and shipping support products for the "GYMKO" Units... I ordered a replacement "Bubble Skin" Keypad for my unit... Just to pick one up for around $10.00 and have it on hand in case I drop or puncture the one on mine that came as new with the Scanner. The images don't lie that THIS Keyboard appears to be OEM...and I am basing that on the fact that is has the adhesive side sealed with a "3M" (Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing) Logo ...which makes me think these are Legit right along with all of the other stuff I have received to date. Judge for yourselves.

If your Key Pad is in need of replacement ... In order to protect the Electronic Base... I would urge that you first unfasten and separate the Two Halves of the "GYMKO" Case ...and then slide the two flat ribbon cables free from the Main Logic Board interface, allowing you to work just on the Upper Half of the Case. Then judiciously use a Heat Gun to soften up the Strong Adhesive and use a Thin Blade to lift and allow for the Old Key Pad to slip free. Then clean the underside attachment cover plate surface of any glue reside. When it comes time to "Do the Deed"... Slip the Dual Ribbon Cables through the slot in the Upper Case... But before completely peeling off the Protective 3M Cover Paper ...Just peel it back about an inch or so ...and carefully align the New Pad Glue Surface with the Upper Case Cover from the position closest to where the Dual Ribbon Cables feed through the narrow opening.

Then use a gentle "Pull, Peel and Press" technique in such a manner as to avoid getting any Air Bubbles in between the two surfaces or incur any misalignment as you slowly press the New Key Pad completely down onto the Upper Case Cover. After carefully re-assembling the Upper and Lower halves of the "GYMKO".... be sure to follow the TIS2000 and GM Tech2 PDF Instructions on How To Power Up the "GYMKO" Scanner and Test The Unit" With the AC/DC Power Supply... insert the RS232 Loop Back Device into the RS-232 Port and install the OBD2 Cable and OBD2 Adapter. Then run through the COMPLETE GM Tech2 System Diagnostics that INCLUDES the ENTIRE Key Pad Testing Procedures BEFORE using the "GYMKO" for ANY Vehicle Diagnostics or PASSTHRU activities with the Laptop "Base" TIS2000 Computer:



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Oct 22, 2015
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Jan 6, 2013
Got my GYMKO yesterday! Came quickly from Hongkong via DHL. It was one of the 220 dollar Kingbolen bare bone kits with Candi,cables and a single 32mb GM card (no case). It has the CD's but no dongle. I'll likely get a dongle key ordered up in the next couple of days along with an additional 32mb card. Overall I have to say it doesn't look like a knock off as I would have expected. The cable adapters are the biggest tip off as I feel the quality fit isn't quite right....but hey, they still go together fine. I also noticed there were no stickers on the unit and were included in the CD bag to be stuck on by the end user. Reminded me of building model aircraft as a kid and placing the decals on before hanging it from the ceiling. Cool.

So I spent a half hour idling in the driveway tonight to get some data. I pulled a P0449 that I already knew about. I repaired it once myself in the loom, but it's broken again. Next is one I didn't know about. A P0894 Transmission component slipping. The count is 43 fails with 6 passes since my last SES code delete. I feel it is a result of the other code I have which is a P2764 TCC pressure control low voltage. I believe that is what the garage goofed on during the harness repair. I don't have a print out of PCM C1,C2 or C3 plugs to go further into the harness for my 2007. I would need that from the Helm's set in order to check the continuity of that pin assignment. For now I'm thinking the new harness should yield good results unless it's the TCC PC solenoid or the internal harness itself. Anything's possible.

How do you get 'pending' codes or 'monitor status' from the Tech 2? Here in Ontario, you can only have a maximum of 1 monitor not ready aside from no SES light on to get a pass. My Innova OBD2 handheld does a decent job of that and I figure the Tech 2 must be better.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Congratulations on finally "Penetrating The Veil" and getting your hands on one of these! The one thing that is good about having to install all of the Decals from the first day of the purchase is that it strongly indicates that what you purchased as "New"...really is "New"...and likewise... I too had to aplly the Decals with care just as you did. If you have a dedicated laptop and spring for an inexpensive 2.5" Hard Drive and can perform a Fresh Install of whichever "Friendly Flavor": of Windows you have...and you do NOT allow the machine any access to The Internet since it will not be necessary... Your installation of the TIS2000 and the Timely Insert of "The Dongle" will give you a Dedicated Box from thence forward will go smoothly...with no worries about infecting the TIS2000 Software. And and most importantly... your Pre-Formatted...Pre-Installed TIS2000 OS on your "GYMKO" will NOT get infected with anything. So avoid connecting either by Hardline RJ-45 or by allowing The "Base" Machine to have access via Wireless. If you do so... then you run into the problem of having Microsoft hound your for Licensing Data via a COA Sticker or via a Brand New Un-Installed version of Windows...or risking the corruption of your "GYMKO" Handheld...and all that this entails.

As for the PCM Pin-Out Assignments for All Three PCM Connectors... I posted them here at GMT Nation a while back:

Regarding the recurrent P0449 Code ...Beyond the Wire Loom Repair you mentioned ...Did you actually perform this R&R as well?

as well
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