What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Much rather a busted end link than a bad joint or bushing. Easier and cheaper to deal with.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Put it on a flatbed. :sadcry:

15 minutes into the drive back from Orlando, the tranny started slipping in stop and go traffic. When things opened up, I lost all forward gears. Luckily we had 2 vehicles, instead of just mine.



Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
The brush guard project continues. The mounts are probably about 75% complete. They mount up as expected, so now I just need to make some minor modifications because I don't like the way the hardware attaches from mount to guard (and my measurements were a bit sloppy anyway so this change will help disguise that).
I think I'd like the hardware to line up vertically now, not horizontally as it would with the OEM's mounts. IMO that will make the mounting stronger.
Hopefully I can get this done before the end of the month... Every time I test fit this I think "man this will be cool when it's done".


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Installed a new MAF. Check engine light has been doing this on and off thing for months. Yesterday it created drive-ability problems. New MAF, no light, driving problems gone.


Nov 18, 2011
Found the P0014 code again after 100K miles. Will change oil n see if it stays around
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Replaced the fuel filter while troubleshooting an annoying extended crank that has developed over the last 2 weeks (coinciding with an oil change, which freaked me out at first). It seems pressure is slowly bleeding off. Priming 2x starts almost normally. Starts fine when hot.
I get a fuel smell sometimes, but no noticable fuel leaks anywhere yet. Regulator looks dry as a bone.
I'm hoping the pump isn't going bad but it definitely seems like a leak...


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Jul 22, 2015
Sold it! :woohoo: (the 'old' tan Sierra).
FINALLY, I can move on with plans!

Couple this with the 30% reduction in my taxes when I filed this last weekend, based on what I originally thought I was going to be paying...and I should probably go buy lottery tickets :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Drove it over an hour, home from the stealership. A lot of it is probably paranoia, but every little noise had me checking gauges the whole way home. The truck drives pretty sluggish now, so I'm thinking they flashed over my tune. :mad: Luckily I have the files in my email, so one of these weekends will have to get with JimmyJam to redo that.

The technician came out to the service desk, and wanted to chat about all the mods that I had done, for about 10 minutes. Was pretty cool. He says he has 2 TBs, and wanted to know where I got stuff, and got my ideas. :undecided: "Well, you see there's this community of awesome individuals, that help each other out, and share ideas of cool stuff that they do to their rides...." :biggrin:

Thought I would make it back into town before traffic got too horrible, but there was a motorcycle accident right at one of the choke points where 4 lanes split off into 3 directions, that have people trying to merge at the last minute as it is. Started monitoring temps, and was a little alarmed at how high they got. I also had the AC running, which I usually don't do when I'm riding solo, so I'm betting that had something to do with it. Outside temp sensor was reading 98*.


Usually I run between 195 and 200, with the transmission about 20 degrees cooler. After I got moving again, coolant got down to 206, and after a brief stop at the grocery store, 202. We'll see how it looks on the commute to work tomorrow. After things cool down a bit more, I'm going to take a peek under there, and see if they did anything with the shift linkage bushing, since I put in a metal one, when the plastic one broke.

Would have also been good to have them replace the rear main seal, just as a preventive measure, since the tranny was coming out anyway. Oh well...


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Would have also been good to have them replace the rear main seal, just as a preventive measure, since the tranny was coming out anyway. Oh well...
I should of mentioned this earlier but having them change out the pan for the powder coated Dorman pan I sent you would of been cool too.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
If they were local, and not over an hour's drive away, I would have brought it to them to do just that. Took a peek under there, metal shift linkage bushing is still intact, so that's good. The truck seemed to be quieter, but the true test will be when I fire it up cold first thing in the morning, inside the garage.
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
I'm hoping the pump isn't going bad but it definitely seems like a leak...
Yup, fears confirmed, pump is about to sπ!√ the bed.
Today during the double prime procedure I could hear a horrific grinding from the tank.
No stores within an hour drive have any good ones in stock, so the Advance in town has a Delphi pump arriving tomorrow.

I guess I shouldn't try and take the TB in to work tomorrow...
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Jan 3, 2013
Sprague, WA
After 3 day of 100.5°(F) I was down to 99.2° so I decided to install the front & rear swaybar bushing I'd purchased for my 9-7x. The front was a little bit of a pain but not too bad... after the fronts were done I decided to take off the front winter & summer tires.. and in between install the Trailblazer LT mudflaps while the front tires were still off. (I wasn't going to pay the exorbitant prices they wanted for Saab 9-7x ones on ebay even if you can find them at about $130. So 39.89 for after market Trailblazer LT ones.. I made them work. When I got ready to do the rear swaybar bushings, I looked at the original swaybar end links and decided to soak them in some penetrating oil and order new links and do both the bushing & the links at the same time. Thus, I did the rear flap and summer wheels and tires, stored the winter's and took it for a test drive.. MUCH flatter turning already.
It's bug season now so I guess tomorrow I drain out most of the winter washer fluid after I help the neighbor replace a front wheel stud on his 08 Prius.


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Dec 12, 2011
Started the exhaust manifold swap. There was two broken bolts before I started, I was lucky with one of the broken bolts with enough room for vise grips.


The rear bolt is recessed but somewhat flat, so getting a left-hand bit started should hopefully go well.

Looks like #1 & #6 had a leak, going by the larger amount of soot around the port.




Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
So fuel pump replacement, 2/10 Not Very Fun.

Symptoms in the order they appeared:
-Loss of power above 2500 RPM
-Extended crank / hard start
-Fluctuating fuel gauge and poor mileage
-Very bad noise from pump


I was joking all day yesterday "I heard this is supposed to be a 4 hour job, but knowing me it'll take 6 hours". The first clip came off around 5:30pm last night and the last clip (after the super glue dried) went on around 11:30pm. Six hours almost exact.

The man, the myth, the legend @MAY03LT 's video on this was a great help for locating the stubborn hidden line on top and exactly what all else had to disconnect and where.

Of course, most of the stupid plastic clips on the lines broke. I think I'm down to just one that I have never had to super glue back together.

The worst part was that my filler neck was stuck together, so I took the whole thing out with the tank, then proceeded to route it back in wrong once the tank and lines were already re-connected.
That probably took an extra half hour just to find the easiest spot to pry the brittle shrinky-dink rubber hose from the rusted-to-hell metal tube so I could re-route it without dropping the tank AGAIN.

I got screwed by not being able to order online, so this job cost me $324 for the Delphi pump.
I wish I would have taken more pictures, but all I have is proof the tank came out. Pics or it didn't happen?

The TrailBlazer starts on the first try now and power doesn't drop off after 2500 RPM anymore. Mission successful.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After a nice lady let me know one of my brake lights was out, I replaced said burnt bulb. I wanted to take the opportunity to install the LED tails I had from my old '02 but I couldn't find them in my huge pile of crap. Next time.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
With FedEx confirming my paint order was finally (!) arriving tomorrow, I ran down to Home Despot to get some primer & clear for the new tailgate, along with some Rustoleum 'bedliner' spray (also to go on the inside of the new tailgate).

Broke out the tailgate from its packaging...and it had a small 1/4" dent. From the Taiwan factory, not from the distributor (they did a great job of packing, not to mention getting it to me quickly). Thankfully, the dent is on the top; it'll be hidden by the plastic lip protector. The primer / coating they applied wasn't scratched or otherwise compromised.

Ran an ultrafine 3M pad across the tailgate, and sprayed it with my primer.
Boy, I envy the people who can make a rattle can job look like a part just came out of a paint booth. Sadly, I ain't that guy. Can't wait to see how the color coats come out, once that paint gets here tomorrow.
Will try and take 'before' / 'after' pics of the installed tailgate, so I can get some critiques on how I did.

On the engine side, a set of rebuilt 317s popped up on my local CL -- with a valve job already done on them -- for under $400. I just may jump on that, given what I know it would probably cost to have mine rebuilt / machined to the same condition.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Jeeze, all these fancy projects. I just started the thing and drove it around the yard to get some heat in the oil and juice back in the battery. Hopefully have my tax return back in less than 2 weeks and the thing will finally get its new moccasins.

My wife and I really miss driving that thing. I love my 3500 but it cant compare to the DD abilities of that GMT360!


Dec 12, 2011
My first full tank top-off today since I replaced my exhaust manifold. I finished the manifold Monday AM, then filled the tank Tuesday.

I didn't think I had much of a leak, if any....but that tiny leak could have been contributing greatly to my reduced MPG.

In the last couple years, I would sometimes manage 270 miles per tank at the light if all conditions were perfect...and that was rare. I've been averaging about 14-15 MPG combined since the start of winter.

I drive about 30 miles each way to work, probably hit 10 red lights, add in some short trips to the school and soccer fields.

Today, I was quite surprised at this...


Total fuel was 16.5 gal so the actual was about 18.5 MPG
....not bad with mixed city/hwy....esp with the 4:10 ratio.

This was up from about 250 miles at the light the last maybe 10 tanks

Since I replaced my stepper motors last...my fuel gauge is maybe 1 needle width more to the left than it should be, but pretty close. Usually the light kicks on just before the needle touches the empty mark.


Nov 18, 2011
Patched the exhaust leak where the plates bolt together after the cat. The one flange is worn so i been patching it here and there. Should just weld it one of these days.

The oil change did eliminate the p0014 code as I hoped as well. not seen it since, but I do need to do something about the dead ABS wire or hub wreaking havoc on me lately. Hubs dont feel bad, but may just toss in a new pair since i dont remember when i did them last and I know i need a CV shaft as well.


Nov 18, 2011
Ordered up a new grill and front rotors and pads.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Used my new TPMS tool to see if the sensors that are on now (new Chinese clones) are working, nothing. Won't even respond to get ID. Check the old ones I have and they responded even while not installed. Checked a set I bought a while ago, one is dead but because it's been a few months, I can't return them. ☹


Jan 3, 2013
Sprague, WA
Changed the fog light assemblies because the old glass was in terrible shape; mostly because of 132K miles in the rust belt and 67K in this area. I had previously installed some Phillips LED 6200K bulbs and it was just.. not what I had expected. After looking at the lights.. I ordered 2 new assemblies from Rock Auto. Needless to say it was a pain getting the old assemblies out. I used washers to hold open the 2 small clips at the top and had one *)*)&&^%% of a time getting them out. Basically after take the bulb/lens assembly out the 3 bottom ones were NOT fun.. again it made me wish I had a lift so I could standup instead of being on the cement floor. And yes I use some cheap Harbor Freight foam pads under my ramps to keep them from sliding on the smooth slick garage floor. Before the new assemblies the bulbs didn't even light up the sides of the bezel.
When it gets dark enough here.. I go out and adjust them.
Fog Lights now aimed .. pictures below. Took it for a test drive.. first time I've been able to tell when they're on.. well on the road not just on the DIC.


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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Romped on it. Would probably get better gas mileage if it still had a muffler so that it wasn't funner to drive the further the pedal was pushed. Loud exhaust has almost replaced my horn. Can't wait till I have the budget and downtime to performance mod everything at once. :popo: Texas Speed will receive hundreds for Murcia.


Jul 6, 2014
Drove the TB around the block... it was sad, the tires had flat spots and that was the first time it didn't feel like mine anymore. On the flip side, the a/c blew so cold it was literally snowing in the truck. :laugh: I've never had or probably ever will have again, a vehicle that will blow 30 degree air when it is above 90 outside...


Nov 18, 2011
Went ahead and ordered rear rotors and pads as well. Figure while I have it on the lift I should maximize the rebuild. Got a lot of parts to throw at the ole rig.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Put it on the lift at my brothers garage.20190503_101813.jpg

Got the driver side ball joint swapped out.

I also put the new front struts together and put them in. New shock's new springs new mounts I should be good for awhile.

I also swapped out the djm upper control arms so I can get them coated to match.

And finally what It all looks like all put together.

I'll get the final stance pic's tomorrow or give it another day or 2 to settle in. Looks Great right now but it's dark out and the truck is all dirty. Lol
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
If I had ceiling clearance in my garage, I'd love to have a scissor lift like that


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Jul 22, 2015
Put basecoat on the new tailgate. After 2 full cans (aerosol) on top of a can of wet sanded primer, here's what it looked like. No bueno.
Or, if you prefer...crisse de tabernacle, ça va faire là, je calisse mon camp

More on this in another thread...at $20 / can (plus shipping), I'm not too happy.20190503_191321.jpg


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well the new tires are on, pics to follow. They look good and were even cheaper than quoted. The shop, Sperlie's Tire, which is a family owned business is absolute aces in my book. I have not been to any shop that comes close to them in customer service, timeliness and price. There is a reason I have not shopped elsewhere in nearly a decade. I had called around other places for prices, book in times just to check and never looked back.

My wife gassed it up, insured it for a year and looks like she will be taking it on a 1000km round trip to Regina this weekend. Finally get some miles on the struts, swaybar bushings and end links.

I got the mileage and will do some hand calculations after to see how the fuel economy is doing.
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