Drove it over an hour, home from the stealership. A lot of it is probably paranoia, but every little noise had me checking gauges the whole way home. The truck drives pretty sluggish now, so I'm thinking they flashed over my tune.

Luckily I have the files in my email, so one of these weekends will have to get with JimmyJam to redo that.
The technician came out to the service desk, and wanted to chat about all the mods that I had done, for about 10 minutes. Was pretty cool. He says he has 2 TBs, and wanted to know where I got stuff, and got my ideas.

"Well, you see there's this community of awesome individuals, that help each other out, and share ideas of cool stuff that they do to their rides...."
Thought I would make it back into town before traffic got too horrible, but there was a motorcycle accident right at one of the choke points where 4 lanes split off into 3 directions, that have people trying to merge at the last minute as it is. Started monitoring temps, and was a little alarmed at how high they got. I also had the AC running, which I usually don't do when I'm riding solo, so I'm betting that had something to do with it. Outside temp sensor was reading 98*.
Usually I run between 195 and 200, with the transmission about 20 degrees cooler. After I got moving again, coolant got down to 206, and after a brief stop at the grocery store, 202. We'll see how it looks on the commute to work tomorrow. After things cool down a bit more, I'm going to take a peek under there, and see if they did anything with the shift linkage bushing, since I put in a metal one, when the plastic one broke.
Would have also been good to have them replace the rear main seal, just as a preventive measure, since the tranny was coming out anyway. Oh well...